"Your choice is correct. A gentleman does not stand under a dangerous wall. It is commendable that you can stay awake in the face of huge wealth." Mo Wenxin said with some emotion, and at the same time he also asked himself in his heart , if he is facing so much gold, whether he can stay awake like Zhang Xiao, he can't give the answer.

After all, wealth and wealth are in danger, Mo Wenxin was very daring when he was young, otherwise he would not have grown into Master Xin in the antique industry in more than ten years, this is not only because of his good appreciation skills, but also Because he dared to gamble and dare to fight.

"Master, I didn't think about it that much at the time, but now that I think about it, I still feel a little scared." Zhang Xiao smiled wryly and shook his head, and said helplessly.

Mo Wenxin nodded, knowing that Zhang Xiao was telling the truth.

But then Mo Wenxin changed the topic, because this kind of thing is over when it is over, there is no need to delve into it.

Mo Wenxin opened his mouth and asked Zhang Xiao: "How is your exploration of the emerald mine this time? Is it necessary to continue mining?"

"In the emerald mine, I think we can continue to dig deeper. After all, although the bottom of the excavated mine is full of rocks, these rocks are all pyroxene rocks, which are only found in emerald veins. In my opinion, pyroxene The thicker and more rocks, the greater the possibility of emerald veins appearing." After Zhang Xiao explained his thoughts, he continued, "In addition, I plan to pay 2000 million US dollars to buy 20.00% of the emeralds from the hands of Minister Weixing. For the shares, Minister Weixing agreed before, but I don’t know whether Minister Weixing is willing to sell the shares to me after discovering this batch of gold.”

"Since you have confidence, the mine will naturally continue to be mined, and it is timely for you to buy shares, and I think that even if Weixing got this batch of gold, he would not invest it in the mine. There should be no problem." Mo Wenxin said with a smile.

"Then I don't worry, I will contact Minister Weixing after I have prepared the funds in two days to see his plan." Zhang Xiao said with a smile.

After finishing the business, Zhang Xiao began to listen to Mo Wenxin chatting about the antique industry. After all, this is Mo Wenxin's main business, and although Zhang Xiao has not participated in it for the time being, as Mo Wenxin's closed disciple, Things in the antique industry have to be paid attention to, and Zhang Xiao now has a new understanding of Yuan Neng, and is no longer the young man who knew nothing about Yuan Neng.

In Zhang Xiao's view, Yuan Neng may be a special kind of energy, but as time goes by, Yuan Neng gradually becomes scarce, and many inheritances are gradually lost in the changing world, which makes people's understanding of Yuan Neng almost impossible. No more, but Zhang Xiao feels that there is still a way to absorb Yuan energy in this world.

While they were chatting, Mo Fangfei came in from the yard, holding a wooden box in his hand, put it on the table, and said to Zhang Xiao: "This is the stone found in the ancient tomb, I I feel that these stones have some similarities with the stones discovered before, please help me find out, what is this stone? I don’t think this is an ordinary stone.”

Zhang Xiao opened the wooden box while taking it to her side, and said with a smile: "No wonder you have become so dark and thin. I think you will go to archaeology again as soon as the Chinese New Year comes."

"I went to the ancient tomb in XJ with my tutor, and found these stones in the burial pit of a tomb. The tutor said that these are just ordinary stones, which were used by the ancients for sacrifices, but I don't think it looks like it." Mo Fangfei He looked at Zhang Xiao with piercing eyes, hoping to get Zhang Xiao's answer.

Zhang Xiao looked at the black stones in the wooden box. From the appearance, they were no different from ordinary stones, but when Zhang Xiao's fingers touched the stones, the prompt from the tree of life made him Understand, this is definitely not an ordinary stone, because it contains a lot of energy, and it is countless times more abundant than the stone that Mo Fangfei brought back last time. A stone that is only the size of a palm contains nearly 10 yuan Yes, this shocked Zhang Xiao deeply, but Zhang Xiao didn't show it.

"Are there many such stones found in the tomb?" Zhang Xiao asked.

"Not much, these few pieces in this box are all there, did you find something?" Mo Fangfei looked at Zhang Xiao with some joy, hoping to get Zhang Xiao's answer.

Zhang Xiao smiled wryly and shook his head. He didn't talk about the strangeness of the stone. After all, he didn't know how to explain it. Instead, he asked Mo Fangfei, "Do you know whose tomb this tomb belongs to?"

"There are no specific items to confirm his identity, but his identity should not be low, because the level of the tomb is comparable to that of a prince, not only has a large number of funerary objects, but also a lot of people who were buried, and it can be roughly determined based on other items that were unearthed , This should be a tomb around 1000 BC." Mo Fangfei said helplessly.

Zhang Xiao was taken aback for a moment, he didn't expect that this tomb existed for such a long time, which made Zhang Xiao a little surprised, and the discovery of stones rich in energy in these ancient tombs one after another made Zhang Xiao have to guess, maybe in these ancient tombs In ancient times, there was a method of using Yuan energy, even now it is impossible not to have it, but he has not come into contact with it.

"Do you still keep the stones you found in the last tomb?" Zhang Xiao asked.

"Keep it, I brought a piece this time, I'll get it for you." After Mo Fangfei finished speaking, she ran towards her room.

Although Mo Wenxin's courtyard house does not have Mo Boqi's room, Xing Yulan has reserved a large room for Mo Fangfei, and it can be seen that Xing Yulan likes Mo Fangfei.

Not long after, Mo Fangfei ran over with a stone, handed it to Zhang Xiao and said, "Zhang Xiao, don't tell me, I found out that these stones are similar, but the color is slightly different, but So similar stones appearing in different tombs is a problem in itself."

Zhang Xiao nodded, and began to observe these stones, but found that the energy contained in these stones did not escape outwards, which is different from fine jadeite and jade, which shows that the energy contained in these stones It can be better preserved, but the energy in high-quality jadeite and jade is different. The energy contained in them is constantly dissipating. Although the speed is not very fast, the energy is dissipating all the time. .

As time goes by, the energy in the jade will eventually dissipate. However, there are advantages and disadvantages. After all, the energy that dissipates has a chance to be absorbed by the human body. Wearing jade for a long time can indeed Improving people's physique can make people live longer and healthier. This is why jadeite is sought after by people, not just because it is rare.

But now for Zhang Xiao, the most important thing is to find a way to actively absorb Yuan Energy. After all, he now has a large amount of Yuan Energy reserves. If he can find a way to absorb Yuan Energy, it will greatly improve Zhang Xiao's physique, and even surpass The existence of all ordinary people.

Instead of being like now, you have a treasure mountain and don't know how to use it. You can only rely on the feedback from the tree of life to strengthen yourself after it grows.

But the method of absorbing energy is so precious, at least Zhang Xiao has not found anyone who has this method of absorbing energy so far, and even if they have it, they may not be willing to teach him.

But today Zhang Xiao saw the stone that Mo Fangfei took out, and couldn't help being a little excited. After all, if this kind of stone is used as a funeral object, then there must be a way to absorb energy, otherwise no one would put some in his mausoleum. A stone of the slightest use.

As for the method of absorbing Yuan Energy, Zhang Xiao thinks that it should be placed together with these stones that contain Yuan Energy, or the method of absorbing Yuan Energy is word of mouth instead of putting it on paper, but this does not prevent Zhang Xiao To find a way to absorb elemental energy.

"Can you take me to see the other items that were excavated?" Zhang Xiao asked Mo Fangfei.

"Of course it's impossible. Even I don't have the opportunity to see the other excavated items. I can only look at the ones I unearthed. If you want to see them, I can take you to see the items I unearthed. "Mo Fangfei shook her head and said helplessly.

"That's fine, take me to have a look tomorrow morning. I think that if you want to know what these stones are, you still need to look for clues from related items, and the items that were discovered at the same time are the most important. " Zhang Xiao said eagerly, if it wasn't so late today, Zhang Xiao still wanted to go now.

"Okay, then let's go together tomorrow. Fortunately, I brought the key, otherwise I would have to find my mentor." Mo Fangfei said with a smile, tucking her long hair behind her ears.

Zhang Xiao couldn't help being slightly stunned, because it was the first time he had seen Mo Fangfei's feminine movements, but then Zhang Xiao turned his attention to the tomb, and said to Mo Fangfei: "It should be around 1000 BC. At the end of the Shang Dynasty and the beginning of the Zhou Dynasty, the ancients of this era were at the peak of the slave society, and maybe the owner of the tomb had some relationship with the Shang Dynasty."

"My mentor said the same thing, how did you judge?" Mo Fangfei couldn't help leaning towards Zhang Xiao again, and asked Ruolan exhaling.

"I'm guessing. After all, you said it was around 1000 BC. Apart from the Shang Dynasty, which was destroyed by Zhou, I can't think of anyone else who would have such a big show, and the princes of the Zhou Dynasty even more so. I wouldn't bury my tomb in such a remote place." Zhang Xiao picked up a pen to write and draw on the paper, which made Mo Fangfei's understanding of the tomb clearer.

As the conversation between the two deepened, Zhang Xiao and Mo Fangfei got closer and closer, almost sticking to each other, but neither of them noticed that they were completely attracted by the identity of the owner of the tomb.

Mo Wenxin couldn't help coughing lightly, because Zhang Xiao and Mo Fangfei were too close, and the two chatted more and more speculatively, so they dumped him once, which made him unable to bear it. Some taste.

"What's the matter, Master? Have you caught a cold?" Zhang Xiao looked at Mo Wenxin with some puzzlement, not knowing why Mo Wenxin was coughing.

"I'm fine, you guys continue." Although Mo Wenxin was depressed at the moment, he waved his hand and said.

Mo Fangfei's pretty face turned red at the moment, but fortunately her face was dark enough that no one could see it, but even so, Mo Fangfei still consciously distanced herself from Zhang Xiao.

Zhang Xiao also noticed something wrong when Mo Fangfei distanced himself, but he felt that Mo Fangfei was too sensitive, but he had no feelings for Mo Fangfei at all, after all, his seniority was twice as high as Mo Fangfei.

Afterwards, the two didn't continue their conversation. One reason was that Zhang Xiao had never been to the tomb after all, and he had never seen the items unearthed from the tomb. Many of them were based on his own imagination. Secondly, Mo Fangfei also had some problems. Because she joined the excavation work of this tomb by relying on the relationship of her mentor halfway, but the work she is doing so far is all basic. This is because the stone was collected by her because no one looked at it. And the items with these stones were all tattered, and she brought them back together.

"It's time to eat." Xing Yulan and Lu Huaping had already put the food on the table, and shouted to Zhang Xiao and the others.

As soon as Lu Huaping saw that the banquet was about to start, he was about to leave, but was stopped by Zhang Xiao.

"Go to the door and call Guo Feng in. After all, everyone hasn't eaten, and such a large table of food will be wasted if they can't finish it." Zhang Xiao said to Lu Huaping.

"That's right, Xiao Lu, how can you leave now, you have to eat anyway." Xing Yulan also said with a smile.

Lu Huaping didn't hesitate at the moment, and after agreeing to get off, he went to the car to call Guo Feng.

When Lu Huaping went to call Guo Feng, Zhang Xiao took the opportunity to go to the wine cellar of his master Mo Wenxin to get a bottle of unbranded old wine. Looking at the state of the wine bottle, Zhang Xiao found that the wine liquid had been hung on the wall of the bottle. Look it's been a long time.

"You boy, put it back for me now. This wine has been discontinued, not to mention, it has a history of decades." Mo Wenxin said with some distress.

"Master, what you said is too outlandish. Isn't wine just for drinking? Besides, you can take this opportunity to try something new. Otherwise, my wife won't let you drink." Zhang Xiao said with a slight smile, without drinking the wine at all. The meaning of putting down the bottle.

Not only that, Zhang Xiao opened the wine bottle with three strokes.

Immediately, the aroma of the wine overflowed, making everyone smell it, and couldn't help but look at the wine bottle in Zhang Xiao's hand.

Zhang Xiao was also taken aback, no wonder the master was reluctant to part with it, the bottles of wine were worth 20 to [-] yuan each, but Zhang Xiao didn't hesitate, first poured a small bowl for the master Mo Wenxin, and then He poured a glass for his wife, Lu Huaping also got a small bowl, and Zhang Xiao also poured himself a bowl before putting the wine on the table.

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