Rebirth 1996 starts from unforgettable

Chapter 286 The Sheepskin Scroll

Mo Wenxin was a little helpless towards Zhang Xiao. Fortunately, Zhang Xiao only took a bottle of wine today. Otherwise, he would have stopped Zhang Xiao anyway. He collected these old wines with great difficulty, and now Zhang Xiao has been hustling Quite a few, which made him extremely distressed.

After everyone sat down around the dining table, Mo Wenxin moved his chopsticks first, took two mouthfuls of Lu Huaping's dish, and couldn't help but praise: "This dish is well fried, with the level of a senior chef."

"Master Xin, you have won the award. I have been thinking about it for the past two years. It just suits your taste, and I think I still have a lot of room for improvement." Lu Huaping couldn't help but listen to Mo Wenxin's praise I feel a little proud in my heart, but I still say it modestly.

"Xiao Lu, you are really humble. The dishes are already very good, at least much better than some restaurant chefs, and you are much better than me." Xing Yulan praised after eating two mouthfuls of dishes. Without stopping, he spoke with a smile on his face.

Lu Huaping smiled and didn't say anything else. He was still very confident in his cooking skills, but now it's not suitable for him to say anything more. After all, this is a family banquet, and he is just the chef brought by Zhang Xiao, so it's not appropriate for him to overwhelm the host.

Zhang Xiao took a sip of the old wine, and immediately felt the fragrance in his mouth. It was very different from the usual wine. It had no spicy taste, and it was more mellow and long-lasting. Zhang Xiao couldn't help drinking more.

But Mo Wenxin sips, because with Xing Yulan around, he can only finish the bowl of wine at most, so he cherishes this bowl of old wine even more.

Although the dinner this time was sumptuous, since there was only one bottle of wine, everyone had just tasted it, so it ended quickly, but the food was almost eaten up.

After eating, Zhang Xiao and Mo Fangfei agreed to go to see the burial objects excavated from the tomb at [-] o'clock tomorrow morning, and then Zhang Xiao, Guo Feng and the others drove away together.

After returning to the courtyard, Zhang Xiao called Guo Feng to the study, and asked, "Old Guo, what kind of kung fu do you usually practice in the army?"

Guo Feng was a little surprised by Zhang Xiao's question. After all, the army does not talk about kung fu, but focuses on striking skills, but he still said: "The training in the army is the type of combat, which consists of throwing, kicking It is a traditional army martial art that is a combination of boxing and boxing, mainly in military boxing, but there are also skills for training Daogong Hard Qigong and capturing Sanda."

"Isn't anyone practicing internal strength?" Zhang Xiao asked in surprise.

"As far as I know, there are no ordinary troops, and it is said that the cultivation of internal strength requires a high level of physical fitness. There are not many people who succeed in cultivation. Most of the people who have kung fu mainly focus on exercising the external strength of muscles, muscles, bones, and muscles. Of course This is also my own guess." Guo Feng said after a little thought.

Zhang Xiao nodded, but felt a little surprised in his heart. In his own mind, the army is a violent institution of the country, and it is inevitable that there will be some people who have achieved success in cultivating internal skills, but Guo Feng doesn't know it. In this way, he thought To find a way to absorb the energy, only those strange stones provided by Mo Fangfei are left, and I hope they can be found among the funeral objects, otherwise, it is not certain when to get a method to absorb the energy.

"Boss, why did you think of practicing internal strength?" Guo Feng said with a smile.

Zhang Xiao smiled slightly. Although he couldn't tell the specific reason, he still had many excuses. He just found an excuse and said: "I heard that internal strength can strengthen the body and strengthen a person's physique, so I think Practice it and try it out, if you can do it well, if you don’t, you’ve experienced it.”

"Boss, there is Zhang Mingshun in the security company who is a lay disciple of Wudang. You can ask him about the situation." Guo Feng suggested.

Zhang Xiao couldn't help laughing immediately, Wudang is a holy place of Taoism, Zhang Xiao has naturally heard of it, and also knows that many novels use Wudang School as the sect of the inner family, which is as famous as Shaolin, and is known as the Taishan Beidou of Wulin.

If it wasn't for the chance to have the tree of life, Zhang Xiao would not take these statements about internal energy and energy seriously, but now Zhang Xiao feels that internal energy must exist, and there are even people who have practiced internal energy, but it is not obvious. That's all for the world.

"Okay, if I have time tomorrow, I will meet him. If I don't have time, let Yuan Min meet him first, and at the same time confirm to him whether the inner strength really exists." Zhang Xiao said after thinking for a while.

"Okay, I understand." Guo Feng agreed.

After Guo Feng left, Zhang Xiao took a shower and lay on the bed thinking about the possibility of absorbing energy.

In Zhang Xiao's view, there are no more than two ways to absorb Yuan Energy, one is to absorb Yuan Energy with a method like inner strength and heart method, and the other is to absorb Yuan Energy by exercising muscles, bones, skin and flesh. The two aspects are just the cultivation methods of internal strength and external strength, but Zhang Xiao doesn't know which method is more applicable and reasonable.

Early the next morning, after breakfast, Zhang Xiao didn't go to the company, but took a car to the courtyard of his master Mo Wenxin.

Mo Fangfei was already up when Zhang Xiao arrived, and when she saw Zhang Xiao coming in, she smiled and said, "You came earlier, I haven't had breakfast yet."

"I'm not in a hurry, I'll wait for you to finish eating." Zhang Xiao said with a smile.

But Zhang Xiao herself wandered around the courtyard, only to find that Mo Fangfei was alone in the courtyard, so she couldn't help but ask, "Where did the master and wife go?"

"My grandpa went to the company, and my grandma went to the vegetable market to buy vegetables." Mo Fangfei muttered with her mouth full of food.

"En." Zhang Xiao responded casually and stopped talking.

Mo Fangfei ate quickly, and after washing up a little, she said to Zhang Xiao, "Let's go, let's go there quickly."

Zhang Xiao looked at Mo Fangfei, who was naked, and couldn't help but said helplessly, "You just go out like this, without makeup?"

"What kind of makeup do you want to wear? This lady is naturally beautiful and hard to give up on. I don't need those chemicals to cover my face." Mo Fangfei said with a bit of smugness.

Zhang Xiao was speechless for a moment, and understood why Mo Fangfei was so dark. She didn't even apply sunscreen.

The key point is that Mo Fangfei is still very stinky, which makes Zhang Xiao unable to complain. Although the clothes on her body are all brand-name products, they are so dirty that people can't bear to look directly at them.

"Let's go, what are you doing stupidly?" Mo Fangfei grabbed Zhang Xiao and walked quickly towards the courtyard.

Zhang Xiao shook his head, and had no choice but to follow quickly, he was a little speechless, how did Mo Fangfei develop such a character.

After getting into Zhang Xiao's Mercedes-Benz car, Mo Fangfei looked at the luxury equipment on the car, and immediately said in amazement: "Zhang Xiao, your car is so luxurious, is it bulletproof?"

"Yes, this is specially imported from abroad, and it is not listed in China yet." Zhang Xiao patted the seat and said with a smile.

"You're really rich, I'm envious." Although Mo Fangfei said she was envious, it could be seen from her expression that she didn't care much about these external things.

This is actually quite normal. After all, Mo Fangfei, as Mo Wenxin's eldest granddaughter and Mo Boqi's daughter, is naturally favored by thousands of people. Naturally, no one will treat her badly in material terms, which also caused her to be careless. A character who doesn't care much.

As the vehicle moved forward, Zhang Xiao suddenly discovered that the place Mo Fangfei was pointing at was not far from Zhang Xiao's courtyard, near the Capital University.

"This is the place you mentioned?" Zhang Xiao said a little speechlessly.

"That's right, didn't I tell you yesterday? I seem to have forgotten." Mo Fangfei showed some little girl appearance at this moment, stuck out her tongue, and said embarrassedly.

"Oh, I made a trip for nothing, this place is not far from my courtyard." Zhang Xiao said helplessly with a gloomy face.

"I really don't understand you. Siheyuan is a place where some elderly people like to live. You like living in a courtyard at a young age." Mo Fangfei immediately questioned Zhang Xiao's taste, and complained.

"Maybe I'm used to it. I've been living here since I came to the capital. Although there are villas in the suburbs and large flats in the urban area, I still think the courtyard house is more comfortable." Zhang Xiao scratched her head and said with a wry smile.

Mo Fangfei didn't bother to break up with Zhang Xiao at this time, because the place where the funeral objects were placed was a three-story building with a single courtyard, and the car drove directly into the courtyard.

After getting off the car, Mo Fangfei led Zhang Xiao to the front, while Guo Feng followed behind.

Mo Fangfei was obviously an acquaintance here, and many people greeted her with smiles along the way.

"Why are you so familiar with the people here?" Zhang Xiao asked a little puzzled.

"Don't you know? I have been admitted to the Department of Archeology of Beijing University as a graduate student, and I have been working with my supervisor for more than half a year." Mo Fangfei rolled her eyes, obviously dissatisfied with Zhang Xiao.

Coming to a small room on the second floor, Zhang Xiao looked at the messy things inside, and there was dust everywhere, only the safe in the innermost place was new.

Mo Fangfei took out the key and opened the safe. When she took out the items again, she took out a piece of clinker paper from her backpack and spread it on the ground skillfully.

Obviously, this is not the first time Mo Fangfei has done such a thing, she is very familiar with it.

"Come help, here are disposable gloves, and the things in the safe are all funeral objects excavated this time." Mo Fangfei instructed Zhang Xiao while carefully taking the things out of the safe.

Zhang Xiao also put on a pair of gloves, and carefully imitated Mo Fangfei to take things out of the safe.

Although there are quite a few things in the funeral objects, most of them are tattered and tattered. It's no wonder that others look down on them. After all, some things are worthless at all.

"Is this also an item in the funeral objects?" Zhang Xiao looked at the items in his hand and asked in surprise.

"Of course, didn't I say that all the things here are funerary goods, all dug out from that tomb." Mo Fangfei said without raising her head.

"Look at this item, I think it might be a sheepskin roll." Zhang Xiao carefully wiped off the floating dust on the sheepskin roll, and said to Mo Fangfei.

"Sheepskin scroll, is what you said true?" Mo Fangfei immediately raised her head, looked at the neatly stacked square object in Zhang Xiao's hand, and asked in surprise.

The reason why Mo Fangfei was so surprised was that around 1000 BC, the writings at this time were mainly oracle bone inscriptions, which were mainly inscribed on tortoise shells and animal bones, and the existence of the parchment made her eyes shine.

"Let's take it apart and have a look together?" Zhang Xiao's eyes are full of hope, because this is the only chance for him to get the method of absorbing energy.

"I'll take it apart, after all, I'm a professional." Mo Fangfei said, and before Zhang Xiao could speak, she carefully took the parchment from Zhang Xiao.

The sheepskin rolls are square, and there are only a few layers up and down. However, due to the long time, even if it is kept in a closed tomb, it is not an easy matter to open it at this moment.

Mo Fangfei said that her own is professional, and Zhang Xiao was really eye-opened, because Mo Fangfei took out a bunch of items from the backpack, including not only rulers, knives, tweezers, etc., but also many girls used them for makeup. Zhang Xiao couldn't help feeling that Mo Fangfei cared more about the archaeological finds than her own appearance.

Following Mo Fangfei's action, Zhang Xiao also raised his heart, because he had expectations in his heart, so he was nervous.

As time passed, and after more than two hours of hard work by Mo Fangfei, the parchment was finally opened.

Zhang Xiao looked at the font carved on it like a blade, and couldn't help feeling a little helpless, because it was oracle bone inscriptions. Although Zhang Xiao thought he was knowledgeable and talented, he had no choice but to surrender to this kind of oracle bone inscriptions.

However, in addition to the words on the sheepskin scroll, there is also a map of the meridians and acupoints of the human body. Zhang Xiao is very familiar with this, because he just read it last night in order to understand the secrets of the human body.

Zhang Xiao wrote down all the contents on the entire sheepskin scroll, and when he was ready to go back, he would search for information about oracle bone inscriptions, combined with the writing on the meridians and acupoints, maybe he could reveal the secrets on this sheepskin scroll.

"This is the meridian and acupoint map of the human body. I didn't expect the ancients to understand it so well. This is really a surprise." Mo Fangfei said excitedly.

Zhang Xiao was also a little excited, because he saw the hope of the method of absorbing energy from this parchment. Although he could not decipher it yet, at least he had hope.

Zhang Xiao took out the camera from his backpack and took a few photos. After all, although he could memorize it completely, it was still not as intuitive as the photos.

"I'm going to tell my mentor what I found, will you go?" Mo Fangfei said to Zhang Xiao after Zhang Xiao took a photo and carefully folded it up again.

"Go, I also want to learn more." Zhang Xiao said without hesitation, because he also wanted to know whether these oracle bone inscriptions had a complete interpretation method.

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