Rebirth 1996 starts from unforgettable

Chapter 284 Stock Investment

Ye Shijiang couldn't help frowning slightly after hearing Zhang Xiao's words, because he could hear from Zhang Xiao's words that Zhang Xiao obviously planned to take it slowly, which was obviously different from Ye Shijiang's own opinion.

Ye Shijiang clearly knows the importance of labor discipline to an enterprise, so he is not prepared to compromise, because this is his character, and he will not change his attention because of who the other party is, so Ye Shijiang said to Zhang Xiao with a serious expression: "Boss, the company's employees are free and loose during work, and violations of discipline emerge in endlessly. If it is not restrained, the company's labor discipline will become a dead letter in the long run, and I think we should strengthen the assessment of the employee's labor system. Only in this way can the company We must change the general atmosphere. We must know that stubborn diseases require strong medicine, and now our Majesty is determined to treat them, otherwise, once the time is prolonged, the effect may not be so good."

Zhang Xiao was also thinking about Ye Shijiang's words. He knew very well that the free and undisciplined atmosphere of the company was not formed in a day or two, but had serious problems since the establishment of the company. At the same time, Zhang Xiao also understood the importance of labor discipline, so he After pondering for a while, he said to Ye Shijiang: "How about this, you make an implementation plan on rectifying the labor discipline of the company's employees, and then we will discuss it and try to reverse the company's atmosphere in a short time."

"Okay, I will make a plan as soon as possible." Ye Shijiang nodded in agreement, and he also understood Zhang Xiao's meaning at this moment. Many things should not be rushed, and haste makes waste.

If Ye Shijiang follows his own way to regulate the company's employees, it is likely that the employees will be dissatisfied with Ye Shijiang because of punishment and other issues, and Zhang Xiao asked Ye Shijiang to come up with a plan to discuss in order to reduce the pressure on Ye Shijiang, and if some implementation plans are passed, then all The top management of the company will become a united front, which is a good thing for Ye Shijiang.

Seeing that Ye Shijiang compromised, Zhang Xiao couldn't help but feel a little helpless. In fact, he had wanted to clean up the company's chaos for a long time, but now he had to proceed step by step, because he knew that such stubborn diseases had a long history Yes, if you want to eradicate it completely, you must have the courage and perseverance to scrape the bone to heal the wound, otherwise it will be difficult to eradicate it completely.

"Mr. Ye, do you know anything about the domestic stock market?" Zhang Xiao asked.

Ye Shijiang nodded, and said with a helpless wry smile, "Of course I understand, but the domestic stock market is really too bad. To be honest, I myself lost a lot of money in it."

Ye Shijiang himself felt ashamed. After all, as a high-achieving student majoring in finance, he used to work in foreign investment banks, but when he returned to China, he immediately wanted to enter the stock market to make money. Unfortunately, his wealth was lost in a short period of time. I lost half of it in one year, which makes me have to admit that the knowledge and experience I learned abroad are completely unacceptable in China.

Zhang Xiao agrees with Ye Shijiang's statement on the stock market, but in his memory, there will be a wave of bull market this year, which will last until two years later. For this reason, he will not hesitate to transfer [-] million funds to the investment account. Under his guidance, Long Zhiyun still couldn't seize this opportunity, so investing in one would be considered officially useless. After all, the next bull market is still eight years away, and it's impossible for Zhang Xiao to support them and give them time to go. Take advantage, and by that time, it's not a matter of money, but a matter of the company's people's hearts.

"In my opinion, the stock market is in its infancy, and it is inevitable that there will be short bulls and short bears, but we must believe in the future of the country. As long as the country's future economic development is better and better, the stock market will always have good changes. " Zhang Xiao said.

Ye Shijiang is noncommittal about this, because it is difficult for him to have too much expectation for the policy-oriented stock market, and the domestic stock market still has a long way to go if it wants to reach the same level as the international one.

"I think it is still a bit difficult. I even think that investing in one should go out independently and establish a new company in Hong Kong Island. It will mainly invest in Hong Kong and US stocks. It can even enter the global futures market. However, the domestic stock market is subject to policies. The impact is too great, I am not optimistic about it." Ye Shijiang shook his head and said.

Zhang Xiao actually has the same idea, but he still has expectations for this year's stock market. He thinks this is the last test for Long Zhiyun. If Zhang Xiao can't get satisfactory returns in this bull market, Then Long Zhiyun will inevitably face marginalization, and may even be dismissed.

"I will talk to Director Long. After all, I feel that he must be given a chance. You must know that Director Long has been studying in the company for more than two years to prove that he has been studying in the company." Zhang Xiao said in a deep tone.

Ye Shijiang also nodded, understanding Zhang Xiao's meaning, Long Zhiyun has worked hard even if he has no credit, and as an investment company, he must enter the stock and futures market, so the existence of an investment department is necessary.

At this moment, Hou Shuyan knocked on the door, walked in, and said, "Boss, Mr. Ye, Director Long is here. It seems that there is something urgent. Do you want to let him in?"

Zhang Xiao and Ye Shijiang looked at each other, and couldn't help laughing out loud, this really meant Cao Cao Cao Cao arrived.

"Let him in, I also want to know what's urgent for him." Zhang Xiao said with a smile.

Hou Shuyan couldn't help laughing, after all, everyone in the company now knows that the investment is still a place for the elderly, and they look like they are doing nothing all day from top to bottom, and they do a good job of keeping secrets. Will tell others about their work, which makes everyone wonder what they do all day in the company.

Not long after, Long Zhiyun came to Zhang Xiao's office under the guidance of Hou Shuyan, holding the laptop in his hand, which made Zhang Xiao a little curious.

"Boss, take a look. After the market opened this afternoon, many stocks traded abnormally. This is the trading image simulated by the company based on the trading volume and transaction amount." Long Zhiyun walked in front of Zhang Xiao in three steps. Put the laptop on the coffee table, plug it in, point to the data on the computer and speak to Zhang Xiao.

Looking at the statistical data, Zhang Xiao couldn't help but raise his eyebrows, because the trading volume has increased significantly, and the transaction value has also increased greatly, but the strange thing is that neither the market nor individual stocks have seen much increase. Obviously, this is the start of some institutions to accumulate money, and this is not far from the days when the stock market was booming in Zhang Xiao's memory.

Zhang Xiao smiled slightly, nodded towards Long Zhiyun, and said, "It seems that someone has started to enter the market for these stocks. How are you handling the funds I gave you earlier?"

"All of them have entered the arena. Because it was the Spring Festival, it didn't cause too many disturbances. Now there is a little surplus." Long Zhiyun glanced at Ye Shijiang, and saw that Zhang Xiao didn't mean to hide Ye Shijiang, but he was still a little cryptic Said.

"[-] million funds entered the market, even if you entered the market in batches, you did so quietly, you did a good job." Zhang Xiao was very satisfied with Long Zhiyun's ability to perfectly enter the market with [-] million funds, and couldn't help but praise .

Long Zhiyun was not complacent, but asked: "What shall we do next, should we snipe them while they are absorbing chips?"

After Zhang Xiao thought for a while, he shook his head and said: "The bridal sedan chair is carried by everyone. We can't raise the stock price by ourselves. Since someone is willing to carry the sedan chair, we can just wait quietly. But you guys recently You can't be idle, I will give you another [-] million in funds, and if you find such a stock in addition to the few stocks we have deployed before, you can follow the trend and eat meat, but remember to be careful."

Long Zhiyun agreed without hesitation. After all, the stocks that Zhang Xiao had decided on were now trending well, and there was no problem at all in terms of form, which made him believe in Zhang Xiao's judgment even more.

And Ye Shijiang is also surprised by Zhang Xiao's big money at this moment. After all, Zhang Xiao has invested [-] million yuan in the domestic stock market, and will continue to invest [-] million yuan now. This makes Ye Shijiang feel more and more Zhang Xiao's wealth. Companies may not be so advanced, but Zhang Xiao has invested [-] million in the stock market. Ye Shijiang is now more optimistic about the future of Hongyuan Investment Company, and he is convinced that the future is bright.

Afterwards, Long Zhiyun left Zhang Xiao's office in a hurry. After all, it was still the opening time, and he was going to invest in a stock market with his subordinates to watch the market.

Long Zhiyun is under a lot of pressure at the moment, because from the time he joined the company to the present, the investment department he led not only failed to make profits for the company, but also lost several million. Now that the opportunity finally came, he certainly did not dare to relax or slack off in the slightest. , After all, success or failure depends on it.

After Long Zhiyun left, Ye Shijiang said to Zhang Xiao with some admiration: "Boss, you really opened my eyes. You actually invested so much in the domestic stock market. Are you not afraid of losing money?"

"Investment inherently has a lot of uncertainty. If we lose, we have to face the reality and earn back after learning the lesson. If we make money, it means that our judgment is correct and we may be able to replicate successful strategies." Zhang Xiao said with a smile.

Ye Shijiang couldn't help being surprised by Zhang Xiao's peaceful state of mind, because Zhang Xiao didn't worry about gains and losses, and this is also a taboo in investment. Only with a peaceful state of mind can he not be happy or regretted for temporary gains and losses.

The biggest reason why Zhang Xiao can achieve peace of mind is not because he is not interested in money, but because he knows the future trend of the stock market, so he dares to invest so much.

Ye Shijiang then chatted with Zhang Xiao about recent developments in the investment market, and briefly reported some interested companies.

After Zhang Xiao heard Ye Shijiang's report, he couldn't help but be surprised by Ye Shijiang's sense of smell, because some of the companies he mentioned are well-known even in later generations, especially, which Ye Shijiang is very interested in.

However, has already received 2500 million US dollars of overseas venture capital including Goldman Sachs in February this year. This is currently the largest investment received by a domestic Internet company, and Hongyuan Investment Company has not discovered this before. company, and now it is too late even if you want to invest.

But Zhang Xiao is not in a hurry. After all, it is only when Internet companies have just been established. Although investment is very cost-effective at this time, too deliberate will sometimes backfire.

After Ye Shijiang left, Zhang Xiao began to think about the development process of the domestic Internet in the memory of his previous life. In his impression, from around this year to next year, as the stock market praised Internet companies, a large number of Internet companies began to be established one after another.

Some domestic Internet companies that are famous in the world are also born during this period, but Zhang Xiao knows that the rapid development of the Internet will not be achieved until after the Internet bubble at home and abroad is blown. Zhang Xiao is interested, and it's not too late to invest then.

After get off work in the afternoon, Zhang Xiao went to the home of his master Mo Wenxin. He wanted to report his trip to the mine in Myanmar to his master Mo Wenxin.

When Zhang Xiao came to Mo Wenxin's house, she found that his mistress Xing Yulan was sitting in the yard talking with Mo Fangfei.

I haven't seen you for a while, but you, Xing Yulan, haven't changed much, but Mo Fangfei has become dark and thin. If it wasn't for her ponytail, Zhang Xiao really wouldn't be able to recognize it as Mo Fangfei.

"Zhang Xiao, why are you here today?" Mo Fangfei asked in surprise.

"Uncle Master, no big or small!" Zhang Xiao joked with Mo Fangfei seriously.

"Hmph, go dreaming." Mo Fangfei snorted coldly and reprimanded unceremoniously.

Xing Yulan, on the other hand, looked at Zhang Xiao and Mo Fangfei bickering with a smile on the sidelines, and was not at all surprised that it was common for them to bicker as soon as they met.

"My eldest brother is your father, shouldn't you call me uncle?" Zhang Xiao said with a smile.

"I won't call you uncle, so you should die." Mo Fangfei saw that Zhang Xiao started to break up with her again, said something angrily, and pulled Xing Yulan towards the kitchen.

And Lu Huaping who was following Zhang Xiao hurriedly followed up to help, which was why Zhang Xiao brought Lu Huaping here.

After Zhang Xiao entered, he saw Mo Wenxin drinking tea in the living room.

"Master." Zhang Xiao saluted very respectfully and shouted.

"Are you back? Is everything going well?" Mo Wenxin took off the reading glasses on the bridge of his nose and asked with a smile.

"It's going well, but something happened in Myanmar." Zhang Xiao sat down next to Mo Wenxin, first refilled Mo Wenxin's teacup, and then made himself a cup of tea.

Then Zhang Xiao told Mo Wenxin about what happened in Myanmar in detail, which made Mo Wenxin sweat for Zhang Xiao, but he was still pleased with Zhang Xiao's choice.

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