Rebirth 1996 starts from unforgettable

Chapter 283 E-Government System

For Zhang Xiao's idea of ​​setting up a group, the senior management of the company is very supportive. After all, it is related to their own interests. When the group is established, they will open up the promotion channel in the future, which is a good thing for everyone present here .

If the previous general manager of the branch company was already the limit, then the position of vice president and even general manager of the group will come from among them in the future, which makes them look forward to it, not to mention the fact that the establishment of the group is very difficult for them, the general manager of the branch company. The benefits that can be said will be even more.

On the other hand, the establishment of the group is also conducive to the development of the company, and the management system will be more perfect with the establishment of the group, which will also greatly improve the company's competitiveness.

After more than half an hour of discussion by everyone, Zhang Xiao set up a preparatory team established by the group according to everyone's suggestions. Zhang Xiao will take charge of it personally, and Ye Shijiang, the deputy team leader, will fully preside over the specific matters of the establishment of the group.

After the establishment of the group was decided, the meeting ended. As for the equity incentive system, Zhang Xiao did not announce it at this meeting, but planned to announce it after the establishment of the group, which can be regarded as a celebration of the establishment of the group. Rewards for company employees.

After the meeting, Zhang Xiao hosted a banquet for all the senior executives of the company in the small banquet hall of the company's cafeteria. After all, this was also to cheer them on for the next year's work. After all, the company still has heavy tasks this year.

People's Supermarket will continue to sink and expand towards second-tier and third-tier cities. After all, with the development of the economy, people's consumption power continues to rise. As the largest retail supermarket in China, People's Supermarket will naturally step up time to seize the market. Continue to build markets across the country.

As for the microelectronics technology company, this year's task is also very important. Not only must continue to increase the localization rate of Shenhua computer, but also the Shenhua computer operating system will continue to be promoted, and the e-government system has been developed. The leading products of electronic technology companies entered the market and participated in the bidding work of the national government affairs system.

And this year's chip factory is going to build a new fab to increase the production capacity of chips. As for the research and development of chips, it has also entered the fast lane. Although it cannot be compared with Intel's latest products, it is still possible. Designing mid-to-low-end chips provides new ideas for the development of the domestic chip industry.

Even the Xingsheng Glass Factory has found three glass manufacturers across the country for mergers and acquisitions. This will greatly increase the production capacity of the Xingsheng Glass Factory, thereby further occupying the market.

At the banquet, Zhang Xiao explained the development ideas of all the companies. As for the person in charge of the company, Zhang Xiao also plans to have a one-on-one conversation in the next time to ensure the smooth implementation of the plans of each branch this year .

After the banquet, Zhang Xiao greeted Academician Ni and took Academician Ni back to his office.

After Hou Shuyan made tea for the two, she left Zhang Xiao's office.

"Academician Ni, I just heard about the quarrel between you and Mr. Ye last night. I heard that you are very dissatisfied with Mr. Ye's punishment?" Zhang Xiao smiled and asked Academician Ni, asking without reprimand.

"Boss, I did a poor job of doing this. Maybe I'm protecting my shortcomings, but it's understandable for those scientific researchers to leave early. After all, they worked overtime until two o'clock in the morning the day before and didn't go home, so the first In fact, I acquiesced to them leaving get off work early the next afternoon." Academician Ni said a little unnaturally.

"Academician Ni, I know what happened, but I don't want to see the quarrel between you and Mr. Ye. After all, the company's development is getting faster and faster, and there are more and more people. If we can't establish a perfect If the enterprise system is implemented, it will not be good for the development of the company. This is why I asked Mr. Ye to implement labor discipline. After all, there is no rule without rules, and we cannot give them the green light just because of some special circumstances. Sometimes it will be more difficult to manage." Zhang Xiao said in a deep tone, after all, this matter is not big or small, but if it is not handled properly, it may cause some bad effects.

"Boss, I did a poor job in this matter. I will implement the company's labor discipline as soon as possible, so that the company's system will not become a dead letter." Academician Ni promised with a serious expression.

"That's good, but what I want to talk to you today is mainly about the e-government system. After all, the e-government system involves the procurement of billions of dollars a year by government departments at all levels in the future. We must actively deal with it. In the future, our company's strategic layout will greatly promote the company's development." Zhang Xiao said with a slight smile, he has strong confidence in the e-government system of Microelectronics Technology Company, after all, Microelectronics Technology Company The e-government system based on Shenhua's computer operating system has a security that other companies do not have, which is also the advantage of Microelectronics Technology.

E-government is a procedure, system, process and interface for government departments and institutions to use modern information technology and network technology to realize efficient, transparent and standardized electronic internal office, collaborative office and external service.

Compared with traditional government public services, e-government not only has the attributes of public goods, such as extensiveness, openness, non-exclusiveness and other essential attributes, but also has the characteristics of directness, convenience, low cost and better equality. .

Because of Zhang Xiao's forward-looking suggestions, Microelectronics Technology Company has listed this system from the beginning. After the successful development of the Shenhua computer operating system, it has developed a suitable system based on the Shenhua computer operating system. E-government system.

The most important aspect of the e-government system is security. For this reason, the microelectronics technology company has designed relative supporting products for the e-government system, mainly including firewalls, intrusion detection systems, security audit systems, vulnerability scanning systems, security isolation and information exchange systems , physical isolation card, etc.

The purpose of using a firewall is to establish a security control point between different networks or between different network segments of the same network, and to realize security control of networks between different networks or different network segments by allowing, denying, or redirecting passing data flows. Communications and access are audited and controlled.

The intrusion detection system is the discovery of intrusion behavior. By collecting information from several key points in the computer network or computer and analyzing it, it is found whether there are behaviors that violate the security policy and signs of being attacked in the network system, and issue a system warning. early warning.

As for the security audit system, it can record user activities in the network in detail, including access time, address, data, programs, equipment, etc., as well as information such as system errors and configuration modifications, so that the use of users can be monitored in a more targeted manner. It is also convenient for hunting and management.

As for the vulnerability scanning system, the function it can realize is to conduct relevant security checks on the network system, discover its loopholes and vulnerabilities, evaluate the security status of the system, analyze risks, and propose solutions and suggestions for the problems found, so as to improve Overall security of the network system.

The e-government system can be said to have consumed countless manpower and material resources of Microelectronics Technology Co., Ltd., and even established a simulated e-government system in Hongyuan Building, with 500 R&D personnel just serving and perfecting it.

Academician Ni nodded, and said with a confident smile: "In January this year, the government's Internet access project has been launched, which has a good political foundation for us to promote the e-government system. The next thing we need to do is to find a pilot project." Only by promoting the e-government system, can we take the lead in the field of e-government and make plans for the full rollout of the e-government system in the future.”

Zhang Xiao is very satisfied with Academician Ni's plan, because Zhang Xiao is very clear that the consistent domestic policy is to try it out first, and then carry out a comprehensive promotion after the trial is successful. Although it takes a long time, it is more secure, and looking for It is particularly important for a city to try out the e-government system.

"Is there a target city?" Zhang Xiao asked.

"Not yet, but whether it is Pengcheng, Shanghai Stock Exchange, or even Beijing, we should contact each other. After all, the first pilot city must be a city with relatively fast development, strong economic strength, and an open mind. Otherwise, it will be easy to fall into the quagmire. This is extremely detrimental to the promotion of our e-government system." Academician Ni said after pondering for a while.

Zhang Xiao nodded and began to say: "We need to get in touch as soon as possible. After all, our e-government system is already very complete. As long as we have pilot cities, we can further seize the opportunity and integrate Lianxiang Group Some computer companies and software companies are suppressing all aspects, and only in this way can we maximize our advantages."

"I understand that I will contact them this afternoon, but I think the e-government system may need you to come forward, after all, you are the boss of the company, and you can make a decision with one word, which is especially important in the initial negotiation. "Academician Ni said with a serious expression.

Zhang Xiao didn't speak. After pondering for a while, he smiled wryly and said, "I will come forward when necessary, but I have to rely on you for the initial contact. To be honest, I'm not very good at dealing with people from the government."

"Boss, I really don't know what to say about you. You must know that the importance of the e-commerce system even exceeds the development of all other software. You can't ignore it this time. Besides, you can graduate now as long as you pass the exam. , why waste time going to school every day." Academician Ni said with some dissatisfaction.

"Actually, it's not a waste of time, and I still need to master a lot of knowledge, and if I want to build a complete electronic technology knowledge system, it's unrealistic not to go to class and listen to lectures. And with you in the company, I'm only responsible Some directional questions are fine." Zhang Xiao is also a little helpless, he feels that time is really not enough, so he can only try not to ask for leave, this is not only a question of learning attitude, but also involves Zhang Xiao's selection of future mentors .

After all, these old professors don’t care what your status is. He has very strict requirements on students. If someone does not go to class without a reason, once they are promoted, their usual points may be deducted. Once this happens, Zhang Xiao will not Speaking of the postgraduate entrance examination, even the plan of graduating early may come to naught, which is the main reason why Zhang Xiao attends classes on time.

Academician Ni also knows that if Zhang Xiao wants to graduate early, it is necessary to attend classes on time. After all, it is the end of March and the end of June is only [-] days away. Once Zhang Xiao graduates early, Zhang Xiao will Having more time to pay attention to the development of the company is of great significance to the company.

Academician Ni smiled slightly: "Boss, since this is the case, you should go to class first. After all, there are only [-] days until the end of June. As long as you can graduate early, I am willing to do it no matter how hard or tired these [-] days are." .”

"Don't worry, as long as there are no accidents, graduating early is not a problem." Zhang Xiao said with a smile.

Academician Ni stayed in Zhang Xiao's office for a while, and then opened the door to leave after reporting on the achievements of the microelectronics technology company in the past half month.

After Zhang Xiao sent Academician Ni to the stairs, he returned to his office. At the same time, he also asked Hou Shuyan to inform Ye Shijiang. After all, the company is currently in a critical stage. The company's daily management, but Zhang Xiao felt that he should have a good chat with Ye Shijiang. After all, the company's development in the future requires everyone's concerted efforts. He didn't want Ye Shijiang to have a grudge against Academician Ni.

Ye Shijiang came to Zhang Xiao's office soon after receiving the notice.

"Boss, what do you need from me?" Ye Shijiang said with a smile.

"You sit down first, I'll finish processing these documents." Zhang Xiao said to Ye Shijiang while processing the documents.

Ye Shijiang was not polite either, sitting on the sofa, drinking the tea made by Hou Shuyan, while thinking about Zhang Xiao looking for him.

A few minutes later, Zhang Xiao finished processing the last document and asked Hou Shuyan to take out the document for distribution before sitting down opposite Ye Shijiang.

"Are you still used to it in the company?" Zhang Xiao asked with a smile.

"It's quite adaptable. After all, I have been in the investment industry for nearly ten years, and I am familiar with the investment business." Ye Shijiang smiled slightly and said with a smile.

"That's good. I just came back from abroad yesterday. I know there is a reason for the dispute between you and Academician Ni, but as a senior executive of the company, you must always put yourself in the company's position to consider the problem, rather than just looking at the implementation of the rules and regulations. I'm not trying to defend anyone, but we should not only consider the future development of the company, but also the situation of the company's employees." Zhang Xiao said after pondering for a while.

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