Early the next morning, Zhang Xiao took everyone to leave in a car, and Ma Zhiyong would naturally accompany him, but no one stopped him.

Minister Weixing also got up very early today. After breakfast, he not only sent Zhang Xiao to the car, but also sent two locals as guides. Armed, thus causing unnecessary trouble.

After setting off from the mine, Guo Feng smiled at Zhang Xiao and asked, "Boss, you are willing to give up so much gold. I wouldn't give it up easily."

"If you give up, you will gain. After all, gold is the source of disaster. I don't know how many things have happened through the ages. I don't want to be the next one. Besides, I am not short of money. Although more than 2 million US dollars is not Not much, but it is only the price of a few top-quality emeralds. Why should I block my wider road in the future because of these golds, let alone in a foreign country, bringing you all back safely is my biggest priority I wish, I don't want to see any of you get injured or even die." Zhang Xiao said in a deep tone.

As soon as Zhang Xiao said this, all the security personnel were moved, because in their view, Zhang Xiao gave up the gold for their safety. Xiao was full of gratitude.

Ma Zhiyong also looked at Zhang Xiao with great vigor. After all, there are not many people who can afford to let go like Zhang Xiao, let alone let it go under the premise of having the power to monopolize gold. What kind of courage is this.

"Boss, I thank you on behalf of my brothers." Guo Feng said his thanks with a serious expression, not only for himself, but also for those brothers who lived and died with him.

"Don't be polite to me, this is what I should consider for you." Zhang Xiao didn't care too much about it, after all, in his opinion, wanting to get rich is nothing to him, after all, he has too much Ideas and opportunities don't need to be desperate to compete for this gold.

According to Zhang Xiao's original plan, the group would return to Mandalay first, and then take a plane to return directly to China, but now there are more Ma Zhiyong and Ma Lin. Considering their physical conditions and identities, Zhang Xiao can only take them to Mandalay. After Dele, two people were left to help them go through the procedures for returning to China, and he will return to China according to the original plan.

When the convoy arrived in Gedu, it was already evening, and Ma Lin's body had recovered a little, but it would take a long time to recover. After all, she was shot twice in the body, and she lost a lot of blood. It was a miracle that she survived. up.

"Boss, I'll stay and help them go through the formalities for returning to China. After all, the little girl Ma Lin still needs to change her medicine." Liu Yu and Zhang Xiao discussed.

"Okay, let's go back to the three of you. Let's go back to Mandalay first. After finding a place to settle you, I will go back to the country directly. After you have completed the formalities, don't stay too long. Go back as soon as possible." Zhang Xiao agreed after a little pondering After all, Ma Zhiyong and Ma Lin are both sick, and Ma Zhiyong still has many hidden dangers, which is also the main reason why Zhang Xiao is worried.

After a night's rest in Gedu's hotel, Zhang Xiao drove back to Mandalay early the next morning, and Ma Lin, who had not yet recovered, boarded a vehicle converted from a van so that she could recuperate from her injuries.

Because the van joined the convoy, the speed of the convoy was reduced, and it was not until after ten o'clock in the evening that they returned to Mandalay. In a hotel in Mandalay, after Zhang Xiao settled Liu Yu and others, he let Accompanied by the entourage sent by Minister Weixing, Yuan Min went to buy a plane ticket to fly back to China.

Since the air ticket was at ten o'clock in the morning the next day, Zhang Xiao and others had to rest in Mandalay for one night.

The next morning, Zhang Xiao and the others finally got on the plane to the capital. After getting on the plane, Zhang Xiao was relieved.

During this trip to Myanmar, the most critical time was when gold was found in Savage Mountain. If Zhang Xiao hadn’t given up the gold immediately, it would have been difficult to avoid casualties. This can be seen from the casualties of Minister Wei Xing, Hu Ming and others It turned out that even if Guo Feng and the others were first-rate players, Zhang Xiao didn't dare to take risks.

After a brief landing in Spring City, the plane flew straight to the capital. Even so, it was already evening when it landed in the capital.

At the gate of the airport, Hou Shuyan brought the company's driver to pick him up in a bus. After all, he returned to China, and everything was much more convenient.

Yuan Min got on the bus and headed towards the company with the security team, while Zhang Xiao got on his own car, accompanied by Guo Feng and Hou Shuyan.

"Is everything normal in the company?" Zhang Xiao asked Hou Shuyan, the co-pilot, while sitting in the back seat. After all, he was on the road these days, and the mobile phone had no signal most of the time. Do not really understand.

"Everything else is normal, except that Mr. Ye and Mr. Ni had a quarrel..." Hou Shuyan said hesitantly.

Zhang Xiao frowned slightly, feeling a little annoyed in his heart. After all, he had only been out for less than half a month, and such a thing happened in the company. Logically speaking, Ye Shijiang just came to the company, so there shouldn't be any conflicts. , and although the Microelectronics Technology Company is controlled by Hongyuan Investment Company, Academician Ni is responsible for its operation and development, so the possibility of conflicts is unlikely.

"Why?" Zhang Xiao asked coldly.

"As far as I know, the quarrel was caused by Mr. Ye's rectification of the company's labor discipline and the punishment of several employees of the microelectronics technology company." Hou Shuyan replied in a low voice.

Zhang Xiao nodded. He agreed to the rectification of the company's labor discipline. After all, Zhang Xiao saw the company's situation and felt pain in his heart. Zhang Xiao couldn't do it himself because of his face, so he entrusted Ye Shijiang To rectify the company, presumably it was because of this that Ye Shijiang had a quarrel with Academician Ni.

"I see. Inform the senior management of the company and the heads of each branch company that there will be a meeting at [-] o'clock tomorrow morning. Everyone must be present, and no non-essential leave is allowed." Zhang Xiao said after pondering for a while.

"Okay, boss, I'll start dealing with it when I return to the company." Hou Shuyan obeyed Zhang Xiao's order naturally, and said without hesitation.

In Zhang Xiao's view, the main reason for the company's current situation is that the company's current powers and responsibilities are unclear, and in order to clarify the company's powers and responsibilities, it is imperative to establish a group to improve the company's rules and regulations.

As for the establishment of a group, Zhang Xiao has been thinking about it for a long time. Zhang Xiao had shelved it for various reasons before, but now the establishment of a group is a matter of course, and Zhang Xiao does not intend to postpone it any further.

On the second day after returning to the capital, Zhang Xiao came to the company after having breakfast to check the operating conditions of each company in the recent period. After all, only by being familiar with these can he be targeted.

And Zhang Xiao has already started preparing for the establishment of a holding group, integrating all the company's businesses, so as to establish a more complete management system, which not only facilitates his management, but also facilitates him to formulate more suitable plans for the company's development.

However, Zhang Xiao did not tell anyone the news for the time being, but was thinking about what he should do. Originally, according to Zhang Xiao's idea, he set up an investment company for the purpose of investment. principal.

But all of this was disrupted by Zong Rui. Now except for Xinyu Jewelry Company and Jinshan Software, Zhang Xiao has almost all the shares in the other companies. In this way, Zhang Xiao has to participate During the operation of the company.

With more and more enterprises and companies being invested, Zhang Xiao is now somewhat powerless and can only involve more people in the management.

In Zhang Xiao's vision, the group's shares will not be dispersed, but the shares of each branch company can be used to establish an equity incentive system, tie all the company's talents to the company's chariot, and make the company's development more stable .

Equity incentive system is a long-term incentive mechanism implemented by enterprises in order to motivate, retain and attract core talents.

The enterprise conditionally grants part or all of the shareholders' rights and interests to the incentive objects, so that the employees and the enterprise form a community of interests, so as to realize the long-term development goals of the enterprise.

At ten o'clock in the morning, in the meeting room of Hongyuan Building, not only the company's top management, but also the general managers and vice presidents of each branch company were all present, and no one asked for leave.

After all, this was Zhang Xiao's first meeting after returning from Myanmar. Coupled with the rumors of the quarrel between Academician Ni and Ye Shijiang two days ago, everyone came to this meeting cautiously. Ask for leave.

Zhang Xiao sat on the main seat, Tian Xiaodan and Ye Shijiang stood on both sides of him, and further down were Academician Ni and others.

Zhang Xiao knocked on the microphone, and said with a serious expression: "Before today's meeting, there is a decision to be announced, and Assistant Tian will read it out."

Tian Xiaodan picked up the resolution decision made early in the morning and read: "In view of Ye Shijiang and Academician Ni's quarrel in the company's public places, which caused a bad impact, the company decided to deduct all their bonuses for the month to serve as an example."

Although the decision to deal with it was simple, it was a warning to everyone in the company's top management. After all, Zhang Xiao didn't want the company's top management to quarrel in the future.

"Mr. Ye and Mr. Ni, are you dissatisfied with this decision?" Zhang Xiao asked Ye Shijiang and Academician Ni after Tian Xiaodan finished reading.


Ye Shijiang and Academician Ni spoke almost at the same time, which made Zhang Xiao a little helpless.

"It's fine if you don't have an opinion. I hope you can learn from it. I'm really disappointed that you, as the company's top executives, are arguing about some trivial matters." Zhang Xiao shook his head and said dissatisfied.

"Everyone must abide by the company's labor discipline. We must severely punish those who do not abide by the labor discipline. This matter is supervised and managed by the personnel department and the administration department. If you have any opinions or dissatisfaction with the company's system, you can directly contact I reacted, if I am not in the company, I can also find Assistant Tian, ​​can arguing solve the problem?"

Li Xuejiao, head of the personnel department, and Tian Xiaodan, who is temporarily in charge of the administration department, both agreed, after all, this was their duty.

After Zhang Xiao emphasized labor discipline, he asked each branch company to implement the company's labor discipline. Inspections and assessments will be carried out at the end of each month. Units and individuals that fail the assessment will be dealt with severely.

From Zhang Xiao's words, everyone knew Zhang Xiao's determination, but no one said anything more. After all, labor discipline is the fundamental system of an enterprise, and its purpose is to regulate the behavior of the company's employees. The implementation of all systems, You will encounter various problems, but it must be implemented

After the matter of labor discipline was settled, Zhang Xiao started the next topic, which was about the company's establishment of a group company.

As soon as this remark came out, everyone was in an uproar. After all, Zhang Xiao had never disclosed any information on this before, which made everyone feel surprised, but at the same time felt it should be taken for granted.

"The establishment of a group company is conducive to the development of the company. After all, the businesses of many branches now overlap, and some projects have redundant construction. Therefore, we need to integrate resources for these businesses, so as to reduce unnecessary internal friction." Zhang Xiao He said with a smile. "If you have any opinions, you can put them forward now, and we can discuss them now."

After Zhang Xiao finished speaking, no one spoke, they were all thinking about the pros and cons of setting up a group company.

The group company has many advantages that cannot be compared with the simple sum of single companies.

The first is the scale effect. The scale effect of the group enterprise uses various methods such as chain, globalization, industrial combination, platform construction, industrial chain chain owner, and control standards to pursue the scale effect, so as to reduce costs and maximize profits.

Second, reduce taxes and fees through tax planning.Each subsidiary may engage in different businesses in different regions, and can transfer the profits of various businesses within the group to subsidiaries with lower tax rates to achieve the purpose of paying the lowest tax.

Third, increase the bank credit line.The consolidated statements of the various businesses within the group are bigger and can win the attention of the bank, which will inevitably improve the ability to negotiate with the bank, obtain the support of the bank, and improve the credit rating.

Fourth, the speed effect.The group can speed up the subsidiary's turnover, development speed, and time to overcome bottlenecks through capital flow control and the group's own capabilities, resources and goodwill through focused infusion and high-level integration, and assist the subsidiary with the best efforts of the group Solve the problem with fragments.


Although there are many advantages to establishing a group company, it also has its disadvantages.

Enterprise groups have many branches, complex organizational levels, and long management chains.

Although the fully decentralized financial management mechanism is conducive to the flexible operation of the branch company, the financial resources are scattered. If there is no effective management and supervision, it is easy to cause asset loss and distortion of accounting information.

The fully centralized financial management mechanism means that the headquarters manages the personnel, budget accounting, supervision and evaluation of the financial institutions of each branch and subsidiary in a straight line. Although it is beneficial to prevent asset loss and accounting information distortion, it is more suitable for single operation, integration of production and sales, and scale. Smaller group companies.

When an enterprise group has a large scale and complicated operation methods, it will struggle to cope with the selection, training, appointment and rotation of a large number of accounting personnel, which is not conducive to the originality and enthusiasm of the financial management of each branch and subsidiary.Therefore, we should learn from each other's strengths and establish an effective decentralized and centralized financial management mechanism.

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