Rebirth 1996 starts from unforgettable

Chapter 274 Expeditionary Army Veteran

Zhang Xiao never asked about Guo Feng's past, and Guo Feng naturally didn't take the initiative to talk about it, but Zhang Xiao only knew one thing. Before retiring, Guo Feng was the company commander of a reconnaissance company, and Yuan Min was a platoon leader under him.

At this moment, Zhang Xiao looked at the enthusiasm in Guo Feng's eyes, who was touching the weapon, and couldn't help shaking his head. For a veteran who has been in the army for nearly ten years, some things are engraved in his bones, although Guo Feng hasn't touched it for nearly three years. A gun, but when he has a weapon in his hand, he instantly transforms into a seasoned warrior.

The vehicle was still running on the road at the beginning, and the speed was extremely fast. Although it was bumpy, everyone was not an ordinary person. Even Minister Wei Xing was still an active soldier. Although he did not exercise much, the road to the mine, He has walked many times, and he is much more energetic than Zhang Xiao.

The car didn't stop along the way, and everyone settled for lunch in the car. Even so, in the evening, the car was still a long way from the mine.

The vehicle finally stopped in a small town named Gedu. After arriving at a hotel, Minister Weixing said to Zhang Xiao: "Let's rest here today. After all, the next road is winding mountain road, and we have to go through There are many forces, anyway, we are not too anxious."

"Okay, as long as you're not in a hurry, I don't care." Zhang Xiao smiled slightly.

Minister Weixing greeted a person to check in, shook his head with a wry smile, and said, "How can I not be in a hurry? Although I just bought a new mine last year, the shipment volume is very small, and I still have to rely on the old mine. But now the old mine has come to an end, and it won't last long."

Zhang Xiao also nodded, because he knew that the rough jadeite in the new mine is mainly low-end and medium-grade. If there is no new mining site, it will be difficult for Minister Weixing to maintain the new mine.

So this is also the main reason why Minister Weixing personally accompanied Zhang Xiao to the mine. It can be seen that Minister Weixing has great expectations for this.

Zhang Xiao knew this well, but he didn't say much. After all, this old mine also has the shares of his master Mo Wenxin. Zhang Xiao's helping the master is helping himself. Besides, he also wants to know where the energy contained in the rough jadeite comes from. Where, only in this way, can Zhang Xiao find a substitute for the original jadeite stone, so as to provide the tree of life with the energy it needs, and Zhang Xiao always feels that the tree of life has more than these uses. As for other uses, Zhang Xiao Although Xiao didn't know clearly, she was full of expectations.

Since the hotel is not big, Minister Weixing booked the entire hotel for safety reasons, and even the waiters who were working in the hotel were put on leave.

Zhang Xiao felt better after having a hearty dinner, but at the moment Zhang Xiao was still too lazy to move, and went back to the room to rest.

Just when Zhang Xiao was lying on the bed and was about to fall asleep, he suddenly heard a noise downstairs, Zhang Xiao suddenly felt tense, because there was no one else in the hotel except their own people, and there was a noise downstairs at this moment , something must have happened.

Zhang Xiao quickly got dressed, and led Guo Feng downstairs, not even carrying a pistol on his waist, and Guo Feng even carried the wooden box containing the sniper rifle.

After arriving at the hall on the first floor, Minister Wei Xing was reprimanding two soldiers guarding the door with an ugly face at the moment, and an old man and a girl who was only twelve or thirteen years old were lying on the floor of the hall.

"What's going on, Minister Weixing." Zhang Xiao looked at the old man and the little girl on the ground, and asked with some doubts.

"The soldiers at the gate left their posts without authorization, and these two people ran in. They were obviously hunted down, and they were still wounded." Minister Wei Xing said a little depressed.

Since Zhang Xiao spoke Chinese, the old man who had been lying on the ground pretending to be dead got up from the ground, knelt down in front of Zhang Xiao, kowtowed and begged Zhang Xiao loudly: "Brother, you are from China. Come here, please, save my granddaughter, she is injured, if you don't save her, she will die."

Zhang Xiao frowned, because he found that although the old man knelt and kowtowed, he still had a different temperament, and he didn't care about the gunshot wound on his arm, which made Zhang Xiao suddenly have something else thought.

"Guo Feng, ask Liu Yu to come down and save people." Zhang Xiao said without hesitation.

"Good boss." After Guo Feng agreed, he picked up the phone in the hall and called Liu Yu.

"Mr. Zhang, they suffered gunshot wounds. They must have been hunted down by one side. This is a big trouble." Minister Wei Xing was dissatisfied with Zhang Xiao's decision. Originally, he wanted to throw the two of them out. Let it fend for itself.

"I know, but we can't just leave them alone, besides they are Chinese." Zhang Xiao said in a deep voice.

Minister Wei Xing opened his mouth, but he didn't say anything more, because he looked at Zhang Xiao's firm gaze, and knew that nothing he could say would change Zhang Xiao's decision at the moment, so he could only order the soldiers guarding the gate to be energetic, in case The next misfortune.

Not long after Liu Yu received the call, she ran down with the first-aid kit on her back, and was about to rescue her in the hall.

"Take them upstairs for treatment. It's not suitable to stay here for long." Zhang Xiao ordered in a deep voice.

"Okay, boss." After Liu Yu agreed, he asked the members of the security team who came down with him to take the two of them upstairs.

After seeing everyone going upstairs, Zhang Xiao whispered to Minister Wei Xing: "Have someone clean up the hall, I'll go up and have a look, if anyone comes to look for them, find a reason to blow them up."

"I know what to do, but if something cannot be done, we must not force it. After all, we are outsiders here and can be easily targeted." Minister Wei Xing said before Zhang Xiao went upstairs.

"Don't worry, I'm sensible." After Zhang Xiao agreed casually, she walked upstairs quickly.

After arriving at Liu Yu's room, Zhang Xiao saw that Liu Yu was performing an operation on the little girl. The operating table was nothing more than two tables covered with sheets, and there were two other teams helping the old man deal with the gun on his arm. hurt.

The little girl had fallen into a coma at this moment, and she had two gunshot wounds on her body, one shot in the chest and the other in her lower abdomen, both of which were fatal.

However, Liu Yu's level is very high, and she is also very confident. With the items in the first aid kit, she dared to operate on the little girl.

Time passed by, the wound on the old man's arm had been treated and bandaged up, but he stayed by the operating table, watching the operation intently.

Zhang Xiao whispered to Guo Feng: "Does this old man look like a veteran?"

"It's a bit like, he is very likely to be a member of the expeditionary force." Guo Feng nodded and said with a serious expression.

"I think so too, that's why I kept them, otherwise they would have been thrown out of the hotel by Minister Wei Xing." Zhang Xiao couldn't help but sighed, for the expeditionary force back then, Zhang Xiao had nothing but admiration.

Guo Feng nodded. He didn't object to Zhang Xiao's decision, but he didn't praise it either. After all, this was in Myanmar, and their own strength was not considered strong.

Saving people at this moment is easy to be targeted by the hostile forces of the old man and the little girl. Guo Feng can only hope that the hostile forces will not come here.

Two hours later, the little girl's operation was finally completed and the bullet was taken out.

"How is it, Doctor Liu?" Zhang Xiao asked.

The old man also looked at Liu Yu with hope.

"The operation was successful, and the little girl was lucky. Neither of the two bullets reached the fatal point, but we lack a lot of medicine here. Whether she can survive depends on her will." Liu Yu took off the surgical gloves, Said on one side.

Zhang Xiao was also a little helpless, but at this moment she had no choice but to say to Liu Yu: "Thank you for your hard work, but you will be responsible for the next step. After all, we have the highest level of doctors here."

"Don't worry boss, I will do my best." Liu Yu said firmly.

It wasn't until this time that Zhang Xia said to the old man: "Old man, come with me, I need to know your origin."

The old man took a deep look at the little girl, and reluctantly followed Zhang Xiao to Zhang Xiao's room.

After Guo Feng got water for the two, he left the room.

"Old man, what's your name?" Zhang Xiao asked very politely.

"My name is Ma Zhiyong, you can call me Lao Ma." The old man said respectfully, because he could tell that Zhang Xiao was not an ordinary person.

"Old Ma, were you a member of the expeditionary force back then?" Zhang Xiao asked.

"Yeah, I was ordered to be stationed here, but I didn't expect that I couldn't go back now." Ma Zhiyong laughed at himself.

"There will be a day when I go back." Zhang Xiao pondered for a moment after finishing speaking, and continued to ask, "Who hurt you?"

Ma Zhiyong's expression darkened, and he said helplessly: "I make a living by selecting raw jadeite in the mine, but I accidentally found a piece of top-quality jadeite yesterday, so I was chased and killed, and I had to jump off a cliff to survive. Fortunately, I was lucky." , was hanged by a big tree, did not die, but my granddaughter and I were shot and had to come to the city. I wanted to go to the hospital, but I am not familiar with the place here. You can just find a place and break in."

Zhang Xiao was taken aback for a moment, he didn't expect that the mine would be involved again, which he didn't expect.

"It's this top-quality jadeite." Ma Zhiyong took out a small bag from his waist and handed it to Zhang Xiao.

Zhang Xiao didn't pick up the small bag, but shook her head, and said to Ma Zhiyong, "Keep it for yourself, after all, you still have to live in the future."

Ma Zhiyong looked into Zhang Xiao's eyes, and he didn't see any greed in Zhang Xiao's eyes. This moved Ma Zhiyong very much, and he said after a long time: "This piece of top-grade jade is a disaster to me. I plan to find a small place to raise my granddaughter after she recovers from her injury. You should still be my subordinate."

After Zhang Xiao pondered for a while, he found the small bag. When he opened it, he found a glass-type jadeite about one kilogram in size, but it was not big enough to be made into bracelets, and could only be made into pendants. For Ma Zhiyong, paying tens of thousands of national currency is also a windfall. No wonder he took the risk and planned to keep it privately.

The mine protection team at the mine had seen too many people like Ma Zhiyong, so there was a hunt for them. I have to say that Ma Zhiyong and his granddaughter were lucky to escape.

Zhang Xiao took out [-] dollars from his wallet, handed it to Ma Zhiyong, and said, "Assuming I bought it, we will leave tomorrow, and you should take good care of your injuries here, and we will meet again if there is a chance."

Ma Zhiyong was immediately grateful, but he was also curious about Zhang Xiao's identity. After all, [-] US dollars was a huge sum of money for them, and he could buy that piece of top-quality jadeite with a lot left.

"Boss Zhang, there's no need for that. After all, you are our savior, and I'd be too embarrassed to accept your money." Ma Zhiyong said blushingly.

"If I ask you to accept it, you will accept it. Ten thousand dollars is not worth mentioning to me, but to you, it is the guarantee of future life." Zhang Xiao stuffed the money into Ma Zhiyong's arms, He said with a serious expression.

"Then I'll give you a good rest for my granddaughter." Ma Zhiyong thanked the money in his arms at the moment with an excited expression.

"What's the current status of your expeditionary force in Myanmar?" Zhang Xiao asked curiously.

Ma Zhiyong laughed at himself with a gloomy face: "What else can I do? Most of them are like me, living without a fixed place, relying on part-time jobs to earn money to support their families, and some people have gone to the Golden Triangle, where they occupy the mountains and continue to fight. We are all lonely ghosts without a home, and we don't know if we can return to our hometown in our lifetime."

Zhang Xiao also nodded. He was full of sympathy for these veterans of the expeditionary force who were wandering in foreign countries, but he was helpless. It was a long way before these people returned to the motherland, and in the process , I don’t know how many people will die in other places.

But Zhang Xiao knew that in later generations, the Expeditionary Army was finally rectified, and many veterans of the Expeditionary Army returned to the embrace of the motherland one after another. They were already very satisfied to be able to return to their roots.

Then Zhang Xiao asked Ma Zhiyong to go to Liu Yu's room to see her granddaughter, but Liu Yu was having a headache at this time, because the little girl was still unconscious and had a low fever, so he could only give the little girl antibiotics, hoping that the little girl The girl can wake up early.

Afterwards, Zhang Xiao reported the situation to Minister Weixing. After all, those who chased and killed Ma Zhiyong felt that Ma Zhiyong was dead, which can be said to be good news.

Early the next morning, when Zhang Xiao woke up, after washing up, she came to Liu Yu's room immediately.

After entering the room, Zhang Xiao found that the little girl had woken up, and said with a smile, "Little girl, how do you feel?"

"Thank you, big brother. Did you save me? I'm much better now." Although the little girl's face was still pale, her words were very clear.

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