Rebirth 1996 starts from unforgettable

Chapter 275 Biochemical Experiment Base

"I didn't save you, it was Aunt Liu who saved you." Zhang Xiao pointed to Liu Yu and said with a smile.

"Thank you, Auntie." The little girl said to Liu Yu very well-behaved.

At this moment, Zhang Xiao looked at Ma Zhiyong and said, "We are leaving soon, you can recover from your injuries here before leaving."

"Are you going to leave now?" Ma Zhiyong suddenly panicked, because he knew that those who chased and killed him would never let him go. Although he is safe now, he will always be found.

"Yes, I'm leaving after breakfast." Zhang Xiao said directly.

"Can you take us with you? I'm afraid there will be people chasing us!" Ma Zhiyong began to beg Zhang Xiao at this moment, because he knew that Zhang Xiao's heart was relatively soft.

Zhang Xiao glanced at Ma Zhiyong as if, he knew that Ma Zhiyong hadn't told him the truth last night, but he didn't care, after all, everyone has their own ambitions, and everyone has their own secrets.

"No, this little girl can't move yet, you have to stay here to take care of her." Zhang Xiao shook her head and said firmly.

"But, I'm afraid they will find this place in a short time, and they will die faster if they stay here." Ma Zhiyong's eyes were full of fear and hatred, but he still begged bitterly.

"We are going on a journey today, and it is still a mountain road. The bumps along the way are severe. The little girl has just finished the operation, so she can't stand such bumps at all." Zhang Xiao still shook her head and refused, because the little girl might Died on the way.

"Uncle, please save us. We have been hunted down for a long time. They even killed my parents." Although the little girl's eyes were filled with tears, none of them fell. She raised her head, and Zhang Xiao looked at each other with a very strong expression.

Zhang Xiao sighed, because he was also in a dilemma at the moment. If it was his own business, it would be okay to save the little girl's life by delaying for a while, but Minister Weixing, as a powerful figure in Myanmar, must not leave for too long, That's why I was in such a hurry.

"You can recuperate here. I'll come to see you in a few days." Zhang Xiao pondered for a moment, then refused. He couldn't make fun of the little girl's life.

"Then uncle, pay attention to your safety on the road." The little girl was very sensible, and didn't ask for anything, and even stopped her grandfather Ma Zhiyong from speaking.

Zhang Xiao glanced at the little girl, smiled at her, turned and left the room, and Liu Yu followed.

"Boss, let me stay and take care of them. They are my patients after all." Liu Yu trotted all the way following Zhang Xiao's pace, but said so in her mouth.

"No, you don't know how much trouble there is. I dare say that the old man Ma Zhiyong must have something big to hide from us! If you stay, something will definitely happen. On the contrary, if we all leave, Ma Zhiyong and the others There is still a glimmer of hope." Zhang Xiao said without stopping, walking towards the restaurant.

"Boss, do you mean that Ma Zhiyong has his own way to escape?" Liu Yu asked thoughtfully.

"Of course, if he didn't have his own way to escape, how could he have escaped for so long, and I guess he has escaped for at least a few years." Zhang Xiao said with certainty.

"That's right, the little girl said they have been hunted down for a long time." Liu Yu said after a little thought.

After breakfast, Zhang Xiao didn't go to see Ma Zhiyong and the little girl again, and gathered everyone in the hall. At this time, Minister Weixing also came in from the outside with someone.

"Mr. Zhang, we should go." Minister Wei Xing said to Zhang Xiao with a smile.

"Okay, let's start early." Zhang Xiao immediately agreed, after all, Zhang Xiao is also very interested in the end of the mine vein.

At this moment, two gunshots sounded suddenly, so that everyone was taken aback and took cover to hide. The two soldiers who had been guarding the door also hid at the entrance of the hall at this moment, shouting: " Someone is coming with a gun, do you want to fight back?"

Minister Wei Xing stood behind a pillar and asked the soldiers, "Did they shoot at you?"

"That's not true, they are open to the sky." A soldier said.

"Don't fight back, wait until they come in and see what they are going to do!" Minister Weixing said very calmly.

But Zhang Xiao and Guo Feng took all the security personnel up to the second floor, all weapons in their hands.

Not long after, a middle-aged man in a light blue camouflage uniform walked in with a submachine gun and led a group of armed men. After entering, he didn't change his expression when facing the many guns, and said directly: "Who is in charge, come out and speak. "

Minister Wei Xing came out from behind the pillar at this time, laughed and said, "I thought who it was, it turned out to be Brother Hu, it's been a long time."

"Minister Weixing, why are you here?" Hu Ming was a little surprised, but said with a smile.

"I came to the mine. I took a rest here last night." Minister Wei Xing waved his hand to his subordinates, and put down all the guns that had been pointed at Hu Ming.

The atmosphere suddenly eased, Minister Weixing waved to Zhang Xiao who was upstairs, and called Zhang Xiao to come down.

Without any hesitation, Zhang Xiao took Guo Feng down the stairs, walked up to Minister Wei Xing and asked, "What's going on?"

"I don't know either. This is Hu Ming, the current head of the Hu family. This is Zhang Xiao, the new generation of emerald king." Minister Wei Xing shook his head, and then introduced the two sides.

"Mr. Zhang, I have admired your name for a long time, but I didn't expect to meet you here." After hearing Zhang Xiao's name, Hu Ming's eyes lit up immediately, and he stared closely at Zhang Xiao and said.

"Mr. Hu, it's just a false name. I just don't know why Mr. Hu came here now?" Zhang Xiao asked with a slight smile.

"The matter is very simple. Did you take in an old man and a little girl last night? They are the people my Hu family must have. As for the reason, it is inconvenient to explain to you." Hu Ming frowned and stretched it again He opened it and said to Zhang Xiao.

"It's true. Both of them were shot, but they have undergone surgery and are currently in stable condition." Zhang Xiao said realistically.

"Then tell that old man to come down and have a good chat, maybe the matter will be resolved." Minister Wei Xing said with a smile after glancing at Hu Ming.

But Zhang Xiao looked at Hu Ming, he was afraid that after calling the old man down, Hu Ming would shoot him directly.

Hu Ming nodded to Zhang Xiao and said, "Tell him to come down, I promise I won't make a move."

Only then did Zhang Xiao say to Guo Feng: "Ask Ma Zhiyong to come down, after all, things have to be resolved."

Guo Feng nodded and went upstairs to call Ma Zhiyong.

And Zhang Xiao and the three began to sit at the reception desk in the lobby and drank tea.

Not long after, Ma Zhiyong came down from the downstairs. He was startled when he saw Hu Ming, but finally came over and stood beside Zhang Xiao, without saying a word, just staring at Hu Ming fiercely .

"Company Commander Ma, hand over the map, and I will guarantee that you will be fine!" Hu Ming said suddenly.

"You surnamed Hu, you should give up your mind. I will never hand over the map. I told you where is a biochemical experiment base. Once it is leaked, it will be a disaster that will affect the entire human race." A catastrophe." Ma Zhiyong said with a very firm tone.

"Company Commander Ma, you are not the only one who is conscious. If it is really a biochemical experiment base, I will seal it up completely without your telling me." Hu Ming assured with a serious expression.

Minister Wei Xing also said with a serious expression at the moment: "Commander Ma, if it is really the biochemical experiment base left over from the war, we will definitely destroy it. After all, it is related to the survival of human beings, and we will not mess around. of."

Ma Zhiyong was silent for a long time before he opened his mouth and said: "Actually, there is no so-called map at all. I should be the only one who knows that place now. Well, I will go with you. When the time comes, we will destroy it. The property inside is yours." Yes, I don't want a cent."

After Minister Weixing and Hu Ming looked at each other, Minister Weixing nodded and said, "In that case, let's go. Let's go to the mine first, and then go to the place you mentioned."

"Okay, but if my granddaughter wants to stay here to recuperate, you must arrange good people." Ma Zhiyong said with a somewhat uneasy expression.

"I asked Dr. Liu to stay here to take care of Ma Lin. Don't worry, she will recover soon." Zhang Xiao said at this time.

Next, Zhang Xiao left Liu Yu and two security personnel here to take care of the little girl named Ma Lin.

After these things were arranged properly, a group of more than a dozen vehicles set off again and headed towards the mine.

The Myanmar government has always been very taboo about emerald mines. Foreigners are strictly prohibited from entering and leaving, including the Myitkyina northern Myanmar area. They are all listed as military restricted areas and have never been opened to the outside world. The reason why Minister Weixing made a guarantee for Zhang Xiao, otherwise, it would be difficult for foreigners to enter the mine.

After leaving Gedu, we entered the mountainous area and drove on unhardened dirt roads all the way. Fortunately, it is not the rainy season, otherwise it would be difficult to move. Although it is said to be dusty, it is better to walk.

Zhang Xiao originally wanted to see the tropical rainforest, but there were tall trees and dense forests in sight, and there was no scenery at all. On the contrary, because the sunlight was blocked by the trees, the temperature suddenly dropped a little, and Zhang Xiao suddenly Feel cool.

But now is also the best time to mine jadeite in Myanmar, because when it enters the rainy season, the roads in the mountains will be very difficult to walk, let alone people, even livestock cannot pass through, so now in the mining area, it is the most busy time.

The mountains in Myanmar are not particularly steep, but they are endless, one mountain after another, densely covered with jungles, Zhuang Rui believes that if he gets off the car here, he probably won’t be able to get out of the car in a year or so Run out of it, because many places here are too similar.

It's like entering a maze, if it wasn't the only way, Zhang Xiao felt that even locals who are familiar with this place would get lost, let alone a foreigner like him.

In fact, Zhang Xiao feels incredible about the social situation in Myanmar. Myanmar itself is close to the seaport, and its geographical location is very important. The inland is rich in gemstones and precious teak, but the Burmese people are so poor. Zhang Xiao does not know the root cause. Know where it came from.

"You miners, why don't you repair the road, how can you transport the rough jadeite out in the rainy season?" Zhang Xiao said to Minister Weixing beside him.

"Mr. Zhang, it's easy for you to say, who cares? Here, everyone sweeps the snow in front of the door, don't care about the frost on the roof of others..." Minister Weixing couldn't help smiling wryly after hearing Zhuang Rui's words Got up, shook his head and said.

Due to the large number of ethnic groups in Myanmar, apart from the government army, basically every place has its own local army. In addition to the defeated KMT soldiers in the Golden Triangle and the veterans of the expeditionary army, Myanmar has always been ruled by warlords, with constant wars. Occupy the top of the mountain as the king.

Although what Zhang Xiao and others see now is singing and dancing, and everyone is happy under the control of the Myanmar government, but in fact, in this emerald mining area of ​​more than 150 kilometers in length and width, various relationships are extremely complicated, and some small-scale incidents often break out. Of course, it is not appropriate to announce these things to the outside world.

Under such circumstances, including Minister Weixing's family, no force is willing to invest in infrastructure construction, because this site is yours today, and if you build it, it may be robbed by others tomorrow. Go, no one wants to do such a thankless thing.

In this area, people with no background do not dare to go deep at all, otherwise they may be tied up by someone. If you are lucky, you may be able to redeem it with money. If you are unlucky, then give the jungle The flowers and trees in the garden are used as fertilizer.

The car was really bumpy, and Zhang Xiao was in no mood to speak. He held onto the handrail above the door tightly, and looked around from the inside of the car, but he found some differences.

On the way to the mine, basically every [-] to [-] kilometers, there will be a checkpoint. Although it is just a vehicle blocking tool made of a few pieces of wood, it is very practical.

Every time at a place far away from the checkpoint, Minister Weixing would poke his head out and say hello in Burmese. These soldiers with live ammunition seemed to know Minister Weixing, and they didn’t even take a look inside the car. Move the wooden frame to let the car pass.

The closer we get to the mine, the more difficult the road becomes. There is no road at all, and the off-road vehicles just follow the roadbed that was pushed out by the big trucks that transported the rough stones, moving forward with difficulty.

On both sides of this overgrown road, there are tall trees that cannot be seen from the top of the tree. These trees are distributed on the mountain range, and they look a bit gloomy. It is a dangerous creature, and every evening and early morning, miasma will be produced. Many people who strayed into the forest rarely survived.

"Minister Weixing, I heard that there are a lot of black bears in Myanmar. We want to go hunting, but there is no chance in our country..." Guo Feng, who was sitting in the co-pilot, had been silent for a while, but suddenly interrupted , with a curious look on his face.

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