The next morning, after Zhang Xiao had dinner in the manor, under the escort of the security team, she arrived at the jade trading center where the Burmese jade fair was held.

Looking at the flow of people at the gate of the Jade Trading Center, Zhang Xiao couldn't help sighing: "The Spring River plumbing duck is a prophet, these jewelry and jade merchants are really foresight, and many of them who didn't come before have come this year."

"Of course, otherwise, how do you think they make money." Mo Boqi came to stand beside Zhang Xiao at this moment, and said with a smile.

"Brother, you are here too. I thought you were going to be with them." Zhang Xiao turned her head to look at Mo Boqi, pointed at the people from the Jade Stone Association in the distance, and said with a smile.

"I just came here to say hello to you, and I'll go back to be with them later, after all, I came with them." Moboqi pouted and said helplessly.

Zhang Xiao nodded, and understood what the Jade Stone Association meant. For the association, safety comes first, so they have to go in and out of the venue every day.

As for the open and hidden bids on the jadeite public market, the Jade Association doesn't care what you do. They just give all members who join the Jade Association a qualification to enter the market. Even so, many domestic jewelry and jade merchants are also After all, the political situation in Myanmar is unstable, which is why many jewelry and jade merchants are reluctant to come here in person.

After Mo Boqi chatted with Zhang Xiao for a while, he returned to the team, and after Mo Boqi left, Zhang Xiao took Guo Feng into the jade trading center with the VIP card. It has to be said that the VIP card is on the jade market It is the most convenient and fast, but the quantity is not much.

After entering the jade trading center, Zhang Xiao, like the previous two sessions, began to browse the rough jadeite from the hidden mark area. Although Zhang Xiao was just looking at the flowers, he had already recorded the rough jadeite which contained rich energy. Rough jadeite rich in energy will be Zhang Xiao's goal.

However, Zhang Xiao is famous now. Along the way, he met many jewelry and jade merchants who met him once, and they all greeted Zhang Xiao one after another. After a while, someone will go to observe this rough stone.

Zhang Xiao couldn't laugh or cry, because most of the time, Zhang Xiao stayed unconsciously. Although the quality of the rough stones there was good, they were not what he wanted to buy.

But Zhang Xiao also understands these people, the people who follow behind him are not targeting him, they just want to follow behind him to find mistakes, after all, the chance of success is higher this way.

Then Zhang Xiao had no choice but to quicken his pace and hurried past, which made these people happy in vain.

In the next three days, Zhang Xiao finally looked at all the rough jadeites and bid for the target targets. Of course, Zhang Xiao was more targeted and avoided some popular rough jadeites. In this way he can maximize the use of funds.

That night, Zhang Xiao set all the targets and returned them, and numbered some of the rough emerald stones to Mo Boqi. This is what Zhang Xiao and Mo Boqi agreed. After all, Mo Boqi now He is no longer an ordinary jade merchant who only brought 1000 million US dollars two years ago.

Moboqi participated in the Jade Fair this time, mobilized most of the company's funds, and mortgaged some properties, drawing 8000 million US dollars, obviously planning to make a big deal.

Zhang Xiao knew what Mo Boqi meant. After all, the rough jadeites that Zhang Xiao took were sold after dissolving them. Even if Mo Boqi got a few pieces from Zhang Xiao, the profit would not be very high. Qi plans to auction off the rough jadeite himself.

Zhang Xiao did not object to this, but rather supported it. After all, it is impossible for him to come to participate in the jade fair every time in the future, and it is impossible to take care of Mo Boqi all the time. Mo Boqi himself needs to grow up. Only in this way, Xinyu Jewelry The company can continue to grow and develop.

And as Zhang Xiao, who owns half of the bonus shares of Xinyu Jewelry Company, he can naturally get a lot of dividends.

With the passage of time, Zhang Xiao discovered in the open auction that the auction price of rough jadeite this year was [-] to [-] percent higher than last year's, which forced Zhang Xiao to increase the auction price of the hidden bid.

This year's jadeite public sale is a few days shorter than last year's, only held for [-] days, and the number of rough jadeites has increased a lot, which makes it impossible for many people to view all of them, and can only choose some good ones. rough stones for auction competition.

Time passed quickly, and Zhang Xiao had a clear goal. On the last day of the jadeite public offering, after the opening of the last batch of hidden bids, Zhang Xiao couldn't help laughing. This time, he has gained a lot from the jadeite public offering. Man, at least half of his fancy targets fell into his hands, which made Zhang Xiao very excited.

This afternoon, Zhang Xiao directly completed the payment and other procedures with the VIP card. After returning to China, these rough jadeite stones will be consigned to the courtyard, which is worry-free.

However, after paying the money, Zhang Xiao still found that he spent too much money on the Jadeite public offering. Not only did he wipe out the remaining 3000 million US dollars, but he also borrowed 3000 million US dollars from Mo Boqi. , That is to say, this time the jade public offering has spent a total of 6000 million, more than 13 billion national currency.

However, Zhang Xiao also knows that this is only temporary. After he disintegrates these raw jadeite stones, a large amount of funds will gather, and the income will never be small. Therefore, Zhang Xiao not only does not feel distressed about this, but also looks forward to it even more. .

After paying the money, Zhang Xiao bid farewell to Mo Boqi. Mo Boqi would take a chartered flight back with the members of the Jade Association, but Zhang Xiao still stayed in Myanmar to continue working.

And Zhang Xiao also knew that the most difficult task of his trip was about to begin, which was a brand new experience and a great challenge for Zhang Xiao.

That night, Zhang Xiao had a sumptuous dinner with Minister Wei Xing in the manor. In the words of Minister Wei Xing, after departure, it is a luxury to have such a quiet meal, and a sumptuous dinner is even more difficult. more difficult.

"Minister Weixing, see you tomorrow." Zhang Xiao said with a smile after sending Minister Weixing to the door.

"See you tomorrow." Minister Wei Xing bid farewell to Zhang Xiao, got in the car and left.

The next morning, Minister Weixing rushed over and said to Zhang Xiao: "Today we will fly to Mandalay as planned, and then go to the mine by car, which can save a lot of time."

"Okay, as you arrange." Zhang Xiao said with a smile.

After breakfast, Zhang Xiao and Minister Wei Xing went to the airport together. Guo Feng took a small team with Zhang Xiao, but Yuan Min had already brought three small teams to Mandalay two days earlier. After all, there were too many people. Yes, there are not so many air tickets.

Minister Weixing's staff is not as many as Zhang Xiao's entourage. He only brought a translator and a bodyguard, but Zhang Xiao knew that Minister Weixing must have other protection forces, but he didn't know that.

After getting on the plane, Zhang Xiao found out that it was a passenger plane flying from Yangon to China, and it was just a stopover in Mandalay.

The stewardesses and flight attendants on the plane, as well as the vast majority of passengers, are all Chinese, which surprised Zhang Xiao, because many of them Zhang Xiao knew, because these people had crossed paths with Zhang Xiao , although it is only a nodding acquaintance on one or two sides, but I have to admit the magic of fate.

Mandalay is the capital of Mandalay Province in Myanmar, the famous old capital, and the second largest city in Myanmar with a population of about 80. It is the political, economic and cultural center of Myanmar, and was once the seat of the Royal Palace of Myanmar.

Because Awa, the famous ancient capital in Myanmar's history, is in its suburbs, overseas Chinese in Myanmar call it "Wacheng".

During World War II, Mandalay was the main battlefield of the Chinese Expeditionary Force and the Japanese Army, so a large number of Chinese remained here. Now Mandalay’s economy is mainly dominated by Chinese descendants. Due to its superior geographical location, it has always been emerald wool, Finished products, a place where all kinds of gemstones are traded.

The major mines in Myanmar also have a station in Mandalay, and many legendary stone gambling stories in history also happened here. It can be said that Mandalay is a place with a long history and tradition.

It didn't take long to fly from Yangon to Mandalay, but after more than an hour, the plane arrived over Mandalay Airport.

"Boss, don't look at Myanmar as a military government. It is still us Chinese who control the lifeline of Myanmar. Have you seen that those houses belong to our Chinese..."

When the plane swooped down, Zhang Xiao could see from the window that on the edge of the city full of pagodas, there were many luxury villas lined up one by one. Guo Feng, who was sitting next to Zhang Xiao, introduced him, but The words were then drowned out by the roar of the plane landing.

Compared with the Chinese living in Indonesia and other places, the life of the Chinese in Myanmar is much easier. Although they are rich, they rarely participate in politics. In addition, the local forces in Myanmar do not exclude Chinese, so in Mandalay, where the Chinese live, Guo Feng It is not wrong to say that its economic lifeline is basically controlled by the Chinese...

After getting off the plane, Zhang Xiao and Minister Wei Xing went to meet Yuan Min and the others at the agreed place.

Sure enough, as Zhang Xiao expected, Minister Wei Xing was really prepared. After they arrived at the place agreed with Yuan Min, Zhang Xiao suddenly discovered that besides the three teams led by Yuan Min, there were more than 20 other teams. Two soldiers with live ammunition were waiting for the arrival of Minister Weixing.

"Brother, you are still the best, and the army is escorting you." Zhang Xiao said enviously. As the relationship with Minister Weixing became more and more familiar, Zhang Xiao also called Minister Weixing his brother and brother.

"Brother, don't think that I am making a fuss out of molehills. When you arrive at the mine, you will find that only with big fists can you be reasonable and listen to what you say. Otherwise, no matter who you are, you will be a dragon when you get here." Wei Xing The minister said with a serious expression.

Zhang Xiao nodded immediately, and understood that what Minister Weixing said was true, because Zhang Xiao knew very well that the poorer the place, the less sound the law. In a country ruled by a military-controlled government like Myanmar, the only people with big fists and strong strength You have the capital to speak, otherwise you can only be exploited by others, and there is no room for bargaining.

"Brother, let's go to the mine by car right away. It's a long journey. If we don't hurry up, we may run into trouble if we can't reach the mine at night." Minister Weixing said with a serious expression.

"I understand, then let's go now." Zhang Xiao became nervous when he heard this. After all, he went to the mine here, and he didn't know how many large and small forces he had to pass by. During the day, he could still negotiate, but at night, no one would Not sure what to expect.

Everyone got into the car, a dozen cars formed a huge convoy, and rushed towards the mine. The speed was very fast, and the road was not very smooth, making Zhang Xiao's face ugly up.

Guo Feng did not drive, but sat beside Zhang Xiao. After the convoy got rid of downtown Mandalay, Guo Feng handed a pistol to Zhang Xiao and said, "Boss, take it and be prepared. After all, the closer you are to the mining area, The more chaotic it is, although Minister Wei Xing has a big face, it is inevitable that he will not meet some desperadoes who don't have good eyesight."

Zhang Xiao nodded, took the pistol over, and began to observe carefully.

This is a May [-]th pistol. Zhang Xiao had practiced it at the shooting range in the capital, but he only knew how to use it. As for the hit rate is not high, as Guo Feng said, he was prepared.

Men always have a special preference for guns. No matter how cowardly a person is, after holding a gun, he will burst out with unusual courage. Although Zhang Xiao doesn't like to use violence to solve problems, but playing with this gun , There is also a feeling of being unable to put it down.

Seeing Zhang Xiao playing with the pistol, Guo Feng couldn't help laughing, and began to explain the performance and characteristics of the May Fourth pistol to Zhang Xiao.

The May 25th pistol has been used as a standard weapon in China for more than half a century. This gun can shoot through 3 mm thick steel plates, 10 cm thick wood boards, and 6 cm thick brick walls at a distance of 50 meters. It can adapt to the needs of self-defense weapons in combat at a distance of [-] mm, and belongs to the powerful military pistol.

Due to the ban on guns in China, Zhang Xiao had only seen it on TV except at the shooting range. Holding a pistol in his hand, Zhang Xiao felt his desire for strength.

But Zhang Xiao also knew that this was just his illusion. With his shooting level, a one-tenth hit rate within 25 meters would be a high score.

At this moment, Guo Feng picked up a long box from under his feet. After opening it, Zhang Xiao was a little surprised to find that in addition to the pistol, there was also a sniper rifle inside, and the pistol was equipped with a hundred bullets. I bought some, and there are more than 30 pieces.

"Guo Feng, can we use these weapons?" Zhang Xiao felt the cold coming from his body, and couldn't help shivering.

"It's all about being prepared. After all, we can't rely on others for our safety. Besides, it's really chaotic here. We might use these at any time." Guo Feng seemed to be a completely different person at this moment, with a hint of coldness in his eyes. Not as loyal and honest as usual.

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