Waking up the next morning, Zhang Xiao covered Huang Jingwen with a quilt, put on her clothes and came to the courtyard of the villa, and began to exercise.

The weather in early spring is still very cold in the morning, but compared to the cold winter, Zhang Xiao feels very comfortable.

After turning off his physical activities, Zhang Xiao began to practice military boxing as usual. It has to be said that Zhang Xiao's super strong physique combined with Shangjun boxing has already allowed him to fight against Guo Feng without losing the slightest advantage, which surprised Guo Feng. One must know that Guo Feng is one in a million soldiers.

Guo Feng watched Zhang Xiao punching, and couldn't help sighing, because he found that Zhang Xiao was getting stronger and stronger, and he would no longer be Zhang Xiao's opponent in a short time.

Zhang Xiao punched the military boxing three times in a row before standing up and taking the towel handed over by Guo Feng to wipe off his sweat.

"Boss, your physical fitness is really good. How much strength do you have now?" Guo Feng asked with a smile.

"I haven't tested it, I will test it another day." Zhang Xiao was slightly taken aback, shaking his head and said.

Guo Feng nodded, but he didn't say much, because he knew that Zhang Xiao was not very keen on sports. After all, the national team asked Zhang Xiao to go to the training camp a few days ago, but Zhang Xiao refused.

After breakfast, Zhang Xiao drove directly to school for class. After all, today is Monday. Zhang Xiao has strict requirements on herself for the course, and never arrives late or leaves early for no reason. , which made many teachers have a good impression of Zhang Xiao.

After all, as the boss of an enterprise, Zhang Xiao can still persist in class, which is not easy.

However, Zhang Xiao now spends more time studying by himself in class, and at the same time, he also puts more energy on his graduation thesis. After all, his credits can be completed in this semester, and he can graduate early this year. To be prepared.

After the day's class was over, Zhang Xiao didn't go home, but took a car to the home of the master Mo Wenxin, because at yesterday's charity party, Zhang Xiao and Mo Wenxin had made an appointment to have dinner at home today.

When Zhang Xiao came to Mo Wenxin's house, Mo Boqi and Du Debiao were already there. Seeing Zhang Xiao's arrival, Xing Yulan couldn't help smiling and said, "Zhang Xiao, you haven't been at home for a while."

"Ms., it's my fault. I've been too busy during this time. Not only are the courses in the school full, but there are also more and more things in the company." Zhang Xiao apologized with a smile.

"I'm not blaming you, I know you're all busy, but your master and I are at home, it's really too quiet." Xing Yulan couldn't help saying.

Zhang Xiao immediately understood that this was also the wish of the old people. For them, they would be satisfied if their children could go home and visit them often.

"Don't worry, Master, I will come over when I have time." Zhang Xiao said with a smile.

"Okay, let's eat, our son and apprentices are busy with their careers, we have to be considerate of them." Mo Wenxin knocked on the table and said angrily.

Xing Yulan snorted coldly and walked towards the kitchen, while Zhang Xiao and Du Debiao hurriedly followed, serving the dishes and looking for wine.

When the food was served, Zhang Xiao took two altars of Xinghuacun from the wine cellar of master Mo Wenxin and placed them on the table.

Mo Wenxin said with a helpless wry smile: "As soon as you come here, my wine is much less. This is all I managed to save."

"Master, you can leave it alone. It's better for everyone to drink to their heart's content. Besides, there will be no shortage of such things. I will send you a cart some other day." Zhang Xiao opened the mud seal while talking. I poured a bowl for the master before pouring it for others.

"You boy, I really can't do anything about you." Mo Wenxin said helplessly.

Drinking and eating, everyone enjoyed themselves. After all, it had been a long time since they got together. Xing Yulan didn't stop Mo Wenxin from drinking, but she only let him drink a bowl, and didn't let him drink anymore. This made Mo Wenxin He could only stare, blow his beard and stare.

After eating, Xing Yulan went to the kitchen to clean up, while Mo Wenxin brought the three of them to the study and sat down. Du Debiao consciously made tea for everyone.

"Debiao, you will report to your junior brother's company in a few days. After all, he is short of manpower. After you go, listen to Zhang Xiao's arrangement. Do you have any opinions?" Mo Wenxin said to Du Debiao.

"I have no objection, I will do my best." Du Debiao immediately agreed, because his position in Mo Wenxin's company is also a bit awkward. There are a lot of people of the same age as Mo Wenxin on top, and there are a lot of people with high education below him. People with strong abilities are chasing after him, but Mo Wenxin has no idea of ​​letting him go.

"Senior Brother Du, after you arrive at the company, I will not treat you badly. You start as the chief financial officer of the real estate company. After the real estate company is on the right track, we will discuss your next position." Zhang Xiao immediately promised road.

"Thank you, little brother." Du Debiao immediately became happy. Zhang Xiao made him take a big step forward. After all, being able to become the chief financial officer of a real estate company will be of great benefit to his future development.

After this matter was settled, Zhang Xiao began to discuss with Mo Wenxin about the jadeite public offering. After all, this year's jadeite public offering is said to have concentrated three-fifths of last year's share. This is a grand event. Bosses and jewelers and jade merchants will attend.

"Zhang Xiao, we must not let go of the jadeite public offering this time. This may be a turning point in the jadeite industry, because as far as I know, many veins in the current jadeite mines have come to an end, and new veins will come next. The risk of mining will become greater and greater, after all, a lot of previous experience is not very useful in new veins." Mo Wenxin couldn't help but exhort.

"I understand, master, I've already made up my mind. I must participate in the jade fair. I have already contacted Minister Weixing two days ago. He said that your emerald mine has come to an end. You can only You can't get new mining rights until new veins appear. Have you paid back your capital in the past two years?" Zhang Xiao said.

"It's been paid back a long time ago. You don't know how profitable the emerald mine is. As long as it comes out of the mine, someone will buy it. Now many people rely on this to make money." Mo Wenxin said a little excitedly .

Zhang Xiao nodded, thinking of the chaos in the jadeite market some time ago, many stone cutters lost their money in a muddle. Those that come out are sold as rough stones.

"Master, this kind of business cannot last for a long time. After all, these stone gamblers have suffered a loss once, and they will learn their lesson." Zhang Xiao said calmly.

"I know, so I hope you can go to the mine this time to see if there is any value in digging deep." Mo Wenxin admired Zhang Xiao's ability to cut stones and debate jade, and the veins are actually almost the same as gambling on stones If valuable underground veins can be found in the mine, it will be a great joy for Mo Wenxin and Minister Weixing.

"Okay, master, I will go there after the public offer is over, but the place is chaotic, and I need you to say hello, master." Zhang Xiao immediately agreed. He had wanted to go to the mine for a long time, but unfortunately He has always come and gone in a hurry, so he has no time to visit the mine.

"Don't worry, I will make arrangements, but this time the security personnel should bring more, and let Minister Weixing prepare weapons for you to prevent some emergencies." Mo Wenxin nodded, and then urged.

The matter of the Burmese jadeite public offering is certain, and there is nothing wrong with it. Du Debiao and Mo Boqi left one after another, but Zhang Xiao stayed because he wanted to know more about the Lin family. After all, the Lin family and his It is difficult to cooperate further.

After hearing what Zhang Xiao said, Mo Wenxin couldn't help but shook his head and sighed: "Zhang Xiao, the Lin family is no different than other families. The Lin family has a very long heritage. It is rumored that the Lin family has been passed down from the Song Dynasty to the present, so one can imagine its deep heritage. But I will try my best to find news about the Lin family for you, but you have to be mentally prepared for a fiasco."

Zhang Xiao nodded. He also knew his disadvantages. Compared with these long-standing families, he was just a nouveau riche, and he couldn't compare with them at all.

After leaving Mo Wenxin's house, Zhang Xiao went back to the courtyard to rest.

Lying on the bed, Zhang Xiao tossed and turned, unable to fall asleep, because as more and more information about the Lin family was collected, Zhang Xiao found that the current surface power of the Lin family was just the tip of the iceberg, and the power hidden under the water made him even more astonished. .

But Zhang Xiao also has his own advantages. First of all, the Lin family doesn't know that he is his opponent. He is in the dark, so it is convenient for him to act.

Secondly, the Lin family is not without enemies, and they have many enemies. At present, they are a little overwhelmed, which gives Zhang Xiao a chance.

In addition, there is the most important point, that is, Lin Junxian's father and grandfather have passed away long ago, the main family is weak and the branches are strong, which puts the Lin family at risk of falling apart, and according to the news, this possibility Not too low.

And the person Zhang Xiao has to deal with is only Lin Junxian, it's not that he has no chance.

In the next few days, apart from attending classes and arranging Du Debiao into the real estate company, Zhang Xiao spent more time arranging the trip to Myanmar. After all, he was going to the mine, so safety needs to be considered What's more, even with Minister Weixing's guarantee, Zhang Xiao is still a little worried. He wants to hold his own destiny in his own hands.

Therefore, Zhang Xiao asked Yuan Min to take three teams of the security team to go to Myanmar to scout sites first. Whether it was a public market or a mine, Zhang Xiao asked Yuan Min to familiarize himself with the environment as much as possible.

And Zhang Xiao also began to follow Guo Feng to practice the use of various guns in a gun club. After all, Zhang Xiao also wanted to master these skills as soon as possible.

With the guidance of an expert like Guo Feng, Zhang Xiao learned quickly. As for how much he can play in actual combat, Guo Feng didn't have too many thoughts about it.

Besides, it's just in case, when it's time for Zhang Xiao to make a move by himself, maybe the result is already doomed.

Time passed quickly, and it was time to set off for Myanmar in a blink of an eye. After Zhang Xiao asked for leave, he flew to Myanmar with the security team headed by Guo Feng, and Mo Boqi went with the Jade Association this time. Myanmar.

After all, Moboqi's status has greatly increased in the past two years. With the rapid development of his Xinyu Jewelry Company, new stores have been opened in many cities across the country, which has made Moboqi's status soar and he has become a member of the Jade Association. Although it cannot be compared with some established jewelers, it is not to be underestimated.

When Zhang Xiao arrived in Myanmar by plane, Yuan Min had already brought people to wait at the airport gate.

This time, Zhang Xiao did not stay in a hotel, but lived in a manor provided by Minister Weixing. Not only the security force provided by Minister Weixing, but the four security teams that belonged to Zhang Xiao have also obtained With the guarantee of Minister Weixing, the gun license was quickly processed.

On the second day after arriving in Myanmar, Zhang Xiao met Minister Weixing in the manor.

"Mr. Zhang, long time no see." Minister Weixing hugged Zhang Xiao exaggeratedly, and said with a smile.

"Yeah, the last time we met was last year." Zhang Xiao also smiled. After all, there were too many things last year, and the two didn't communicate much.

"Master Xin, let me tell you that our mines have been exhausted. In fact, not only our mines, but also many old mines have reached the final stage. This is a huge challenge for the jadeite industry." Minister Wei Xing said with a heavy tone.

"Yeah, I thought it would take a few years to face this situation, but I didn't expect it to show up this year." Zhang Xiao nodded and said solemnly.

After all, for Zhang Xiao, the raw jadeite provides him with energy, and the jade public market is the place where he can get the most energy quickly and most. Once the veins of the mine are mined, then for Zhang Xiao, it will cost more Time to find energy for the tree of life, this is the fundamental reason why Zhang Xiao agreed to go to the mine.

"There is no way. After all, it is no longer the era of artificial jade mining. With the entry of large-scale machinery, the speed of mining has become more and more pleasant. It is only natural that the mining of the mine will be completed." Minister Wei Xing responded to this. He didn't worry too much. After all, new veins were being discovered all the time, and it was not difficult for him to obtain the mining rights of new veins.

"Does the mine still need to be visited?" Zhang Xiao asked with some doubts, because he found that Minister Weixing didn't seem to have much thought about the mine, which made him puzzled.

"Of course we have to visit. After all, the old mines are the most profitable. The new mines cannot compare with the old mines in terms of the quality and quantity of jadeite rough. Once we can find new mining sites in the old mines , that is a steady stream of money." Minister Weixing said excitedly.

"Okay, let's go and have a look after the public offering is over. In fact, I'm also very curious about the mine." Zhang Xiao said with a smile.

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