Zhang Xiao ignored his threats and walked directly outside the door. Zhang Xiao didn't bother to pay attention to those guys who didn't know who they were after drinking. As for the identity of this young man, Zhang Xiao didn't care, after all Now his identity is not what it used to be, and it is no longer something that some people can easily shake.

When Zhang Xiao walked to the lobby on the first floor, he suddenly saw the young man who was slapped against the wall by him just now, pulling Lin Junxian and running over, crying while running, "Brother, he was the one who hit me, you To call the shots for me."

"Mr. Zhang, you beat my brother for no reason, should you give me an explanation?" Lin Junxian pointed to the young man's red and swollen face, and said angrily.

The young man who was beaten by Zhang Xiao was none other than Lin Junxian's younger brother Lin Junjie, which made Lin Junxian feel a little uncomfortable. After all, there were some company bosses and company bosses in the hall talking at the teahouse, which made him a little angry.

"Mr. Lin, you can speak after you have investigated the matter clearly. Don't be deceived and still help count the money." Zhang Xiao scolded coldly. Zhang Xiao was very helpless for Lin Junxian's indiscriminate behavior. It is human nature to be unreasonable, but Zhang Xiao does not love him, after all, he is brave in some respects.

Lin Junxian glanced at Lin Junjie, Lin Junjie's eyes flickered, because he was really wronged, which made him dare not face Lin Junxian's gaze.

Lin Junxian immediately understood that Lin Junjie must have done something that annoyed Zhang Xiao before he hit him, but this was not important to Lin Junxian, the important thing was that Lin Junjie was beaten, and Zhang Xiao had to give him an account After all, he now represents the face of the Lin family and cannot be bullied.

"Mr. Zhang, even if my younger brother did something wrong, you don't need to teach me a lesson. If you apologize to my younger brother, this matter will be over." Lin Junxian looked into Zhang Xiao's eyes and said seriously.

Zhang Xiao shook her head, pointed at Huang Jinglei who came over, and said with a serious expression: "Boss Lin, you are really protecting your weaknesses, but it's not me who wants to apologize, but your brother owes my friend an apology."

At this time, Huang Jinglei walked to Zhang Xiao's side and put on a coat to cover the torn dress, but the makeup on her face that was stained by tears could not be covered up.

Lin Junxian doesn't know what happened at the moment, it seems that Lin Junjie has made a move on Huang Jinglei, otherwise Zhang Xiao would not be so angry that he would hit someone himself, but at this moment, under the eyes of everyone, he can no longer protect his shortcomings Go down, because if he insists on going his own way, then people in the circle will know what happened tonight, which is not a good thing for the Lin family.

"Junjie, apologize to these ladies." Lin Junxian's eyes were full of anger, because Lin Junjie's behavior completely made his high-profile return to declare bankruptcy, and he was very angry at Lin Junjie's actions.

Lin Junjie was afraid from the bottom of his heart about Lin Junxian, the elder brother. Hearing Lin Junxian's words, he hurried to Huang Jinglei, bowed and said: "I'm sorry, Miss Huang."

Huang Jinglei glared at him, but said nothing.

Zhang Xiao said helplessly, "Boss Lin, there will be a date later."

After speaking, Zhang Xiao took Tian Xiaodan and Huang Jinglei and left the hotel under the protection of a group of guards.

After getting in the car, Zhang Xiao learned what happened from Huang Jinglei.

When Lin Junjie, who had drunk, went to the bathroom, he ran into Huang Jinglei who was about to remove his makeup, and immediately fell in love with him, and directly asked the two younger brothers who came with him to drag Huang Jinglei towards their private room.

If Zhang Xiao hadn't happened to come back to find her, Huang Jinglei wouldn't have known what would happen next.

While talking, Huang Jinglei couldn't help crying, which made Zhang Xiao feel a little embarrassed. After all, if it wasn't for Zhang Xiao, then Huang Jinglei would definitely be ruined, and it would be difficult to find a reason afterwards After all, the Lin family's strength is extremely strong, and Huang Jinglei, a young actor who has just stepped into the front line, cannot resist at all.

"Don't think about it, don't think too much about unhappy things." Zhang Xiao hugged Huang Jinglei into her arms and said comfortingly, "And Lin Junjie will pay the price for what happened today!"

Huang Jinglei nodded, leaning against Zhang Xiao's arms, she felt safe.

After sending Tian Xiaodan to her residence, Zhang Xiao asked Guo Feng to go to Fenglin Villa, while the others returned to the courtyard.

On the way to Fenglin Villa, Zhang Xiao had ordered Yuan Min to investigate all the information about the Lin family. As for Lin Junjie, Zhang Xiao felt that an arrogant and domineering person like Lin Junjie must have many things that he could use. In the future, Xiao will face not only Lin Junjie or Lin Junxian, but the entire Lin family, so he cannot be careless.

After all, although the Lin family is now a lot lonely politically, it is still a giant in terms of capital, even better than before. Zhang Xiao is very afraid of the Lin family.

Knowing oneself, knowing one's enemy, and victorious in all battles, Zhang Xiao takes this very seriously, so Zhang Xiao didn't mean to tear up face with Lin Junxian today, but just asked Lin Junjie to apologize.

After returning to Fenglin Villa, Zhang Xiao asked Huang Jinglei to go upstairs to wash up first, while he was sitting in the study of the villa with Guo Feng, discussing about the upcoming Burmese jadeite fair, how to go, and what preparations to make. Need to arrange well in advance.

After all, it is less than half a month away from the Burmese jadeite public sale, and the time is not too much. Now he not only has to decide who will travel, but also has security measures, and security is the most important thing. There is still contempt for safety, so after last year's attack and killing incident, the number of Zhang Xiao's security team has increased significantly. In addition to Guo Feng and a team stationed in the courtyard, there are three teams responsible for Zhang Xiao's travel. There are not many opportunities to arrive, but the security team is always ready.

"Boss, let Yuan Min and the others bring a few more teams over there this time. After all, what happened last time cannot guarantee that it won't happen this time, and the current situation in Myanmar is honestly not stable. This is a challenge for us. " Guo Feng said in a deep tone.

"In this way, the personnel of the other three teams will disperse into Burma, and Yuan Min will go with them, coordinating in the middle, and we can go there the day before we go to the public market." Zhang Xiao said after thinking for a while.

"Okay, I'll arrange it tomorrow." Guo Feng was overjoyed. After all, the more people there were, the less pressure he would have. In fact, last year's attack and killing had already sounded the alarm for him, which made him more vigilant.

But when Zhang Xiao and Guo Feng were discussing, Lin Junxian took Lin Junjie back to the family. As an old family, the Lin family has unfathomable heritage. Its old house is a three-entry courtyard house located in an old alley Here, except for some insiders, no one knew that the famous Lin family's old house was actually here.

In the living room of the main house, a woman in her 50s was sitting on the grand master's chair. It was Sun Ning, the mother of Lin Junxian and Lin Junjie.

Sun Ning was wearing a blue cheongsam, with a warm overcoat on his shoulders, wrapping his body in it, but his body exuded a palpitating majesty.

Sun Ning stared at Lin Junjie with piercing eyes, making his back sweat profusely, but he didn't dare to move.

If facing Lin Junxian, Lin Junjie is only afraid, then facing his mother, Lin Junjie is more afraid, because since childhood, every time he made a mistake, he was greeted with stormy punishment, which made him From the bottom of my heart, I was afraid of seeing my mother.

"Junjie, I heard you got into trouble again?" Sun Ning said calmly.

Lin Junjie secretly thought that something was wrong, because the calmer Sun Ning was, the harder it would be to confuse things. This made him dare not answer, and hurriedly dismissed Lin Junxian, only to find that Lin Junxian didn't look at him at all, and turned a blind eye to his plea for help. .

"It's just a small matter, please worry about it, mother." Lin Junjie said with a forced smile.

"Is it a small matter? Don't you want to know the strength of the person who dares to slap you to the ground? Don't you want to know his origin?" Sun Ning's tone became more and more severe. You dare to send someone to take revenge, you really let me down."

Lin Junjie suddenly burst into cold sweat, because it wasn't long before he sent someone to take revenge, and he didn't expect his mother, Sun Ning, to know about it. This made him understand that his every move was being watched by his mother, Sun Ning, and he couldn't help but sigh .

Sun Ning sighed, and said to Lin Junjie with some helplessness: "Junjie, you are not young anymore, and you will graduate from college soon. Haven't you thought about doing something? Are you planning to spend your whole life?"

Lin Junjie was speechless, for his mother Sun Ning, he was too afraid.

Sun Ning was also a little speechless about Lin Junjie's attitude at the moment, but thinking that she was also responsible for this, she let out a sigh of relief, and said to Lin Junjie in a deep tone: "Junjie, don't mess around anymore, this family will be handed over sooner or later." In your hands, your elder brother can't be in politics due to his status, so he can only choose to do business, but you are different. You are going to enter the officialdom. If you can't get rid of those problems in your body, how can you support the Lin family? .”

"I know you've been disguising yourself and being afraid of being targeted, but don't think about it. The Lin family's property is so big, and there are only you two males in this generation of long houses. If you can't support the sky, all these properties will be destroyed. Divided up by others, is this what you want to see?"

Lin Junjie looked at Sun Ning in shock at this moment. He never thought that his mother would see his actions and be given such high hopes. This moved him and put him under heavy pressure.

"Mom, don't worry, I know what to do." Lin Junjie solemnly promised.

"Don't trouble Zhang Xiao right now. After all, our Lin family is not as good as it was before, and Zhang Xiao's energy is beyond your imagination. This is his information. Take a good look when you go back." Sun Ning was silent for a while. , after handing a portfolio to JJ Lin, let him leave.

JJ Lin took the portfolio, saluted his mother Sun Ning, and left the living room.

After Lin Junjie left, Sun Ning said to Lin Junxian: "After you come back this time, don't go to school anymore, get familiar with the family business as soon as possible, and I will help you control the Lin family's property."

"Mom, what happened?" Lin Junxian asked in surprise.

Lin Junxian was surprised by his mother's decision. After all, he has only completed his Ph.D. for half a year, and there are at least two more years before graduation. Giving up his Ph.D. now makes him feel unwilling.

"You have been abroad for many years, so you may not know much about the domestic situation. Our Lin family's business has been shrinking in the past few years, especially with the passing of the older generation, the pressure on the family is also increasing. The fundamental reason why I let you go back to China. The Lin family needs someone to be the leader, and this is also your unshirkable responsibility." Regarding Lin Junxian, Sun Ning was much more direct in speaking, after all, Lin Junxian was trained as a successor since childhood.

"I see, I will take control of the family property as soon as possible." Lin Junxian nodded and agreed, because from his mother's tone, he knew that the Lin family was facing many difficulties now, and he had to bear it all on the shoulders.

Sun Ning nodded, and said with some relief: "I am quite relieved about your talent, but although Junjie is smart, he has too little experience. You have to help him a lot. Over the years, although he Nonsense, but the foundation is relatively solid, which is a good start for his future development."

Lin Junxian nodded, knowing that what Sun Ning said was the truth, besides, brothers are of one heart, and their benefits cut through gold.

"Mom, I know what to do." Lin Junxian took a deep breath and said in a heavy tone.

"Don't be too anxious. You must know that haste makes waste. For some veterans of the company, we still have to give them full respect." Sun Ning set the tone for the future of Lin's industry. He was afraid that Lin Junxian would be impatient and make Some things are not in line with the interests of the Lin family's industry.

And Lin Junjie, who returned to his room, opened the file bag, looked at Zhang Xiao's information inside, and couldn't help being a little shocked, because he didn't expect Zhang Xiao's business to be so big now, and the overall size of his company had exceeded Ten billion is equivalent to the Lin family's property on the surface, and this is Zhang Xiao's exposed wealth, which is enough to shock him.

You know, it took decades of development and accumulation for the Lin family's industry to develop to this point. Unexpectedly, it took Zhang Xiao only three years to develop to this point. This is a bit unbelievable, but Lin Junjie knows, These materials are just statistics of Zhang Xiao's superficial company situation. How much is hidden in the dark, but there is nothing in the data.

But Lin Junjie made a guess and knew that Zhang Xiao's wealth would never be less, only more.

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