"Master Xin, you are here too." Lin Junxian walked up to Mo Wenxin, bowed slightly, and greeted Mo Wenxin respectfully.

"Why, can't I come? Who are you? You have a lot to take care of." Mo Wenxin glanced at him, and gave a light snort angrily.

Lin Junxian blushed immediately after hearing Mo Wenxin's words, and said with an embarrassed smile: "Of course you can come, I..."

"I don't know you, I'm too lazy to talk to you, please be quiet, don't you see that I'm communicating with people? It's something uneducated." Mo Wenxin interrupted Lin Junxian unceremoniously before Lin Junxian finished speaking.

Lin Junxian's face suddenly turned from red to purple and finally to black, his face was ashen. He felt his face was thrown on the ground and stepped on. At this moment, his heart was full of anger, but he didn't dare to offend Mo Wenxin, he could only Silently retreated to his seat.

Deng Jie saw this process in her eyes and couldn't help sighing. She knew why Mo Wenxin treated Lin Junxian like this, but it was because of herself that she gave Zhang Xiao a sigh of relief.

"Brother Lin, don't be as knowledgeable as he is. No matter how you say it, he is an elder. If you make trouble, it will not be good for your development in China." Deng Jie comforted Lin Junxian softly.

"I'm fine, don't worry, I know what to do." Although Lin Junxian said so, in his heart, he hated Mo Wenxin to the extreme. As the eldest son of the Lin family and the first heir, when did he experience such a thing? Humiliation, I didn't expect to be ignored so much today, it's really deceiving.

Seeing Lin Junxian's distraught look, Zhang Xiao shook her head and said to Mo Wenxin: "Master, there's no need to do this. After all, you are a junior to you, so it's easy to be criticized by others."

"You boy, you really don't know good people. Are you not angry that he robbed your woman?" Mo Wenxin said angrily.

"I was a little angry at first, but after all, I am not married, and Deng Jie has the right to choose her own life. If it is not suitable, she will be separated. Why should I think about so many things? Besides, is it useful to be angry? It is useless at all, instead of being angry , it’s better to strengthen yourself.” Zhang Xiao said with a smile.

Mo Wenxin glanced at Zhang Xiao in surprise, then nodded and said, "It's great that you can think like this. Why don't a man have a wife?"

While Zhang Xiao and Mo Wenxin were chatting, the charity gala officially started. The male and female hosts were both well-known hosts of Beijing TV Station. When they came to the stage, they first introduced the theme of the gala, and then introduced the guests present.

Every guest present was the boss of the company, or the CEO of the company, and Mo Wenxin was also among the guests. Zhang Xiao was a little surprised when the time came. After all, these guests were all people who had donated a lot to charity organizations before.

Zhang Xiao looked at Mo Wenxin in surprise, and asked, "Master, how much did you donate last year?"

"3000 million, alas, they came to the door at that time, so it's impossible not to donate." Mo Wenxin leaned close to Zhang Xiao and said in a low voice.

Zhang Xiao nodded. In fact, he also donated 2000 million last year, but instead of going through charity organizations, people from the People's Supermarket bought the items and sent them to the disaster-stricken areas.

At this time, the president of the organizer, the China Charity Federation, came to the stage to give a speech, and everyone immediately listened to it, even if they acted, they had to act like a little bit. After all, there are still media present to take pictures tonight, so we should pay attention to it .

After the leader's speech, the charity party was announced and the first round of auction officially started.

After the hostess put the auction item on the table, she walked down.

The host lifted the red cloth and introduced with a smile: "This is a porcelain vase from the Qianlong period of the Qing Dynasty. It was provided by Mr. Mo Wenxin. The auction reserve price is 30 yuan. Please auction it."

Zhang Xiao asked his master Mo Wenxin, "Master, how many items did you offer?"

"Four pieces, two pieces of porcelain, and two calligraphy and paintings. After all, it is a charity gala, and they are not very expensive items, but the auction price will be very high. After all, it is for charity, and all the proceeds from the auction will be used for this disaster relief." Mo Wenxin said with a smile.

Zhang Xiao immediately understood Mo Wenxin's intentions. Naturally, he didn't need to participate in the auction if he provided the auction items. Finished.

"Master, I plan to spend a huge sum of 1000 million yuan. Which one do you think is better to auction?" Zhang Xiao said with a smile.

"It's all right. I have seen the items in this auction. They are all very valuable items. Although the current price is not high, they are also very valuable for collection. The most important thing is that every auction item is genuine. This It is especially rare." Mo Wenxin smiled slightly, but did not say what the best auction item was, after all, he also wanted to see Zhang Xiao's eyes.

With the auction of each auction item, the six auction items in the first round have raised more than 2000 million donations, and the price of each auction item is more than three times its original price, which makes Zhang Xiao Smacking his tongue secretly, there are too many rich people.

The program of the charity gala mainly consisted of singing and dancing, which was pleasing to the eye. While enjoying the program on stage, Zhang Xiao chatted with Mo Wenxin about real estate affairs, seeming to be at ease.

The second round of auctions started soon, and Zhang Xiao took a fancy to a volume of landscape paintings. Although the size was not large, it was a painting by Li Cheng in the Song Dynasty.

"Xiaodan, Li Cheng's landscape painting has been auctioned, and the upper limit is 1000 million." Zhang Xiao told Tian Xiaodan.

"Okay, boss." Tian Xiaodan was speechless secretly, because this meant that the company's donation was 1000 million, double the previously agreed 500 million.

It didn't take long for the host to introduce this landscape painting: "This is the work of Li Cheng and Li Xianxi, a famous artist in the Song Dynasty. The reserve price for the auction is 50 yuan, and the price increase for each auction should not be less than [-] yuan. The auction starts now."

With the passage of time, the price of this painting continued to rise, until it climbed to 300 million before slowing down slightly. After all, the real price of this painting is only more than 100 million, which is already a premium at this time.

"340 million!" Tian Xiaodan finally raised his hand and said with a smile.

"Hongyuan Investment offered 340 million yuan, is there any higher price?" The host asked with a smile.

There was silence in the audience, and everyone looked at Tian Xiaodan who was raising the placard and Zhang Xiao beside her. After all, everyone knew that Zhang Xiao was the boss of Hongyuan Investment Company, and his current net worth exceeded tens of billions.

"340 million, the first time..." the host said with a smile.

As a result, before the host finished speaking, Lin Junxian quoted a higher price: "360 million."

Tian Xiaodan glanced at Zhang Xiao, but saw that Zhang Xiao was looking at Lin Junxian, and immediately understood what Zhang Xiao meant.

"400 million!" Tian Xiaodan became more forceful and directly added 40, which made people look sideways, but Tian Xiaodan's face remained unchanged, because at this moment she represented Hongyuan Investment, and no one could be provoked.

"480 million." Lin Junxian added 80 without blinking, and looked at Zhang Xiao provocatively. It seems that he already knows who Zhang Xiao is at this time, and it is also possible that he deliberately wants to embarrass Zhang Xiao and the others. It was on Zhang Xiao. After all, Mo Wenxin ignored him because he was chatting with Zhang Xiao.

"640 million!" Tian Xiaodan didn't look at Zhang Xiao's hand gesture, but directly raised the card again, adding another 160 million.

Zhang Xiao couldn't help but feel a little happy. Tian Xiaodan has fully grown up now and can attend some activities instead of him. However, Ye Shijiang is currently familiarizing himself with the company's work and did not come to the charity party.

"960 million!" Lin Junxian still looked calm. After all, he represented the Lin family to participate in the charity gala to build his reputation in China, and the amount of donations didn't matter.

Tian Xiaodan froze slightly, she didn't expect Lin Junxian to be like this, and the other 960 million and 1000 million were almost the same, she felt that there was no need to quote again.

"The offer is 3000 million. If he follows, we will give it to him. If not, we will treat it as charity." Zhang Xiao said to Tian Xiaodan with a smile at this time.

Although Zhang Xiao said so, there was anger burning in her heart, and she was even more angry towards Lin Junxian.

Tian Xiaodan was slightly taken aback, then nodded, raised the number plate in his hand, and said loudly: "3000 million!"

As soon as this remark came out, everyone in the audience was shocked. After all, the previous round of multiple auctions raised only 3000 million yuan. At this moment, Hongyuan Investment Company directly offered a price of 3000 million yuan, which means that this auction item tops the previous one. large batches.

What makes everyone even more depressed is that if Hongyuan Investment Company donates 3000 million yuan, then they, the invited guests, will all get at least tens of millions of donations. I have a problem with Lin Junxian. If it wasn't for him, Zhang Xiao wouldn't let Tian Xiaodan pay such a high price.

After the host was slightly taken aback, he smiled and said, "Hongyuan Investment Company bid 3000 million. Is there a higher bid? If not, this auction item will belong to Hongyuan Investment Company."

Lin Junxian is also a bit stuck at the moment. After all, he is the one who pushed up the price. If this auction item is not auctioned at this time, then he will become a joke of the audience. Although he is famous, he is notorious.

"Thirty-six million!" Lin Junxian gritted his teeth and shouted.

Zhang Xiao smiled slightly, shook his head at Tian Xiaodan, gave up this fight, and waited quietly for the auction of this auction item to end.

Since Zhang Xiao no longer bids, this landscape painting will naturally belong to Lin Junxian, but the Charity Federation is not worried that someone will renege on the debt. become the object of resistance.

After Lin Junxian took this landscape painting into his pocket, he gave Zhang Xiao a provocative look, which made Zhang Xiao laugh dumbly. He was amused by Lin Junxian's actions, but he also felt pressured by Lin Junxian's actions.

But Zhang Xiao also knew that this was just the beginning of the confrontation between the two. With the power of the Lin family, it was impossible not to know the relationship between Deng Jie and him before.

The subsequent auction seemed much more normal. Zhang Xiao asked Tian Xiaodan to bid for three auction items, which cost exactly 1000 million, which was in line with Zhang Xiao's original intention.

Soon, the charity gala came to an end. Huang Jinglei finally came on stage and performed a solo dance. The graceful dance immediately conquered the audience, and everyone gave applause.

After the charity party, Zhang Xiao and Tian Xiaodan walked to the lobby on the first floor, waiting for Huang Jinglei to come out, and said goodbye to some company bosses by the way.

"Mr. Zhang, you are very generous. It's 3000 million in one shot. It's amazing." Qiu Jun said to Zhang Xiao with a smile.

"I'm not making fun of me, and I didn't take a picture of it." Zhang Xiao said with a smile.

"Are you still leaving? Waiting for someone?" Qiu Jun asked.

"Wait for a friend, he should be coming out soon."

"Okay, then I'll go first, we'll meet again some other day." After Qiu Jun finished speaking, he waved goodbye and left.

Zhang Xiao waited for a while, and found that Huang Jinglei hadn't come out yet. She couldn't help being worried, and took Tian Xiaodan and Guo Feng towards the third floor.

As soon as he reached the third floor, Zhang Xiao heard Huang Jinglei's voice, and couldn't help being a little anxious.

"Let go of me, you rascal!" Huang Jinglei's voice came from a room.

Guo Feng kicked the door, and the door opened wide. Huang Jinglei was dragged towards the dining table by two men. Huang Jinglei struggled desperately, even throwing off her high heels, but unfortunately she still couldn't break free.

All the people sitting at the dinner table had froze smiles and looked at Zhang Xiao and the other three who came in.

Zhang Xiao winked at Guo Feng, and Guo Feng immediately took two steps forward, knocked them down with two punches, and pulled Huang Jinglei up from the ground.

Huang Jinglei hurried to Zhang Xiao's side, crying incoherently: "Xiaoxiao, they bullied me, and they even said they wanted to rape me."

"Call the police or deal with it?" Zhang Xiao asked Huang Jinglei.

"Don't call the police, or I'll be finished." Huang Jinglei immediately refused to call the police, because she knew that once she called the police, it would be a devastating blow to her fledgling acting career.

Zhang Xiao nodded, asked Tian Xiaodan to help Huang Jinglei leave, and called the security personnel downstairs by the way.

"Who are you kid? You're not looking for death. You dare to take care of Brother Lin's affairs. Are you tired of doing your job?" A young man with yellow hair stood up from the dining table and cursed defiantly.

"You don't need to know who I am. Since you didn't do anything, I don't bother to talk to you. I hope you will restrain yourself in the future and don't make trouble for nothing!" Zhang Xiao scolded coldly, and was about to leave.

At this moment, a young man in a black shirt came in from the door, looked at Zhang Xiao with a smile and said, "Hey, isn't this Mr. Zhang, Boss Zhang? Why does he want to run away after beating someone? Let me tell you, It’s not that easy, how did you hit someone, let’s hit back, and the matter is over.”

Zhang Xiao slapped him against the wall, slapped him on the face and said, "There are idiots every year, especially this year, Lin Hao, don't let me see you in the future, otherwise I will hit you every time I see you."

"Just wait for me, Zhang Xiao, don't think that you are great just because you have a few filthy money, let me tell you, today's business is not over." The young man in black still insisted.

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