The discussion of several people became the future development plan of the express company, so that the time could not be controlled. When the development plan of the express company was finalized, it was already nine o'clock in the evening.

Zhang Xiao glanced at his watch, and said helplessly, "Oh, it's already nine o'clock, we should go drink."

"It's only nine o'clock, which is still very early." Li Qing said with a chuckle, "Why don't we go to your house, let's find a place to celebrate."

"Fine, I can do whatever I want." Zhang Xiao agreed with a smile. After all, Deng Jie is not in the courtyard now, and she will stay alone in the vacant room when she goes back, so it's better to go out with Li Qing and the others to play.

"Brother Li, you have to find a good place, otherwise this matter will not be over." Sun Chang said with a smile.

"What three good places?" Zhang Xiao asked with some doubts.

Sun Chang's eyes, which were originally small, narrowed into slits, and said with a smile: "The food is good, the wine is good, the girl is good, and it is called Sanhao for short."

"You're so vulgar, so vulgar, but I like it." After hearing Sun Chang's explanation, Li Qing couldn't help applauding.

Zhang Xiao couldn't help laughing, and Li Qing spoke out the feelings of everyone.

Everyone didn't stay in the company any more, and walked downstairs while talking and laughing.

After going downstairs, Li Qing drove the lead, Wang Nianfeng and others also drove behind his car, Zhang Xiao also asked Guo Feng to follow behind, and headed towards the meeting place.

This time the vehicle did not go to the suburbs, but to the urban area, which surprised Zhang Xiao. After all, the urban area is considered a half-forbidden zone for these people, because in the process of playing, accidentally It will be reported by others, and it will easily become a cheating thing at that time, so they usually place their activities in the suburbs.

Half an hour later, Li Qing's car drove directly into a hotel, not a private club, but a well-known hotel.

After parking the car, Zhang Xiao said in surprise, "Why are you here? Is there anything interesting here?"

Li Qing smiled and said: "You have been in the capital for a year and a half, you don't know that the service here is very special, as long as you have money, there are everything you need, domestic, European and American, You can choose from all kinds of beauties."

Zhang Xiao smiled wryly and shook his head, looking at the huge signboard upstairs, how could Zhang Xiao not know where it was as someone who had been there, he was just pretending to be stupid.

After entering the clubhouse on the side building, Li Qing led everyone into a luxurious private room in a familiar manner. After a while, a group of beauties in sexy but not revealing clothes walked into the private room in a row.

Sure enough, as Li Qing said, there are not only domestic beauties, but also some foreign fair-skinned beauties, but they have one common characteristic, that is, they are beautiful, and their characteristics are different.

Zhang Xiao couldn't help but feel a little bit emotional, this is really a place where riches and money are obsessed, money is omnipotent here, as for your identity, it is difficult to play a role, not only that, but it may also become a tool for others to use.

Zhang Xiao ordered a fair-skinned beauty to accompany her, and everyone else also chose a beautiful woman to accompany her wine. Even Guo Feng didn't refuse. Although he doesn't drink, it doesn't prevent him from admiring beautiful women.

After a while, the food and drinks came out. Zhang Xiao was absent-mindedly chatting with the beautiful woman who could barely speak Mandarin, but he started to fill his stomach with chopsticks, because he was really hungry at the moment.

The others were no exception, they didn't speak, they all filled their stomachs, because everyone knew that they would drink a lot in a while, and if they didn't eat something, they would get drunk easily.

Not only that, if you can't spit it out after being drunk, you will feel even more uncomfortable. Eating some vegetables can make you feel less drunk next time.

Their behavior made the beauties who accompanied them a little surprised. While looking at each other, they couldn't help complaining in their hearts, a group of starving ghosts reincarnated.

In less than 10 minutes, Zhang Xiao ate almost everything. I have to say that this dish is still very good, with good color, fragrance and taste.

Just as Zhang Xiao put down his chopsticks, Li Qing also stopped at this moment, grabbed the Moutai on the table and said to Zhang Xiao: "Let's drink baijiu, which makes baijiu comfortable to drink, and foreign red wine is boring."

"Okay, I also think that drinking white wine is good, and drinking red wine is good for pretending." Zhang Xiao laughed and said admiringly.

"Yes, white wine is our national quintessence, and red wine is the dessert after drinking." Wang Nianfeng also said with a smile.

In fact, for Zhang Xiao, any wine is the same, almost like a drink, but Zhang Xiao naturally won't say it out, so although he pretends to be coercive, it's useless.

After serving a glass of wine together, everyone started to play various games, and even the beauties who accompanied the wine became active, no longer cautious and cautious at the beginning.

After a few glasses of wine, the atmosphere suddenly changed. Li Qing and the others had already hugged the beautiful woman in their arms, and leaned on the sofa to raise and lower their hands. After all, they came here just to relax, and the idiots just hold it back.

At this time, the lights in the room were dimmed by the beauties, and the music started to play. Wang Nianfeng, who thought he had some talent for singing, grabbed the microphone, put the beauties in his arms in his arms, came to the front of the box, and began to sing.

Zhang Xiao couldn't help laughing, because Wang Nianfeng sang really well, with some strength, he deserved to be the first one who dared to sing.

With Wang Nianfeng at the beginning, everyone was not reserved, and played wantonly through drinking, even Zhang Xiao was not reserved, but played wantonly, which was in line with his current age.

It wasn't until one o'clock in the morning that everyone dispersed. Zhang Xiao didn't stay here, let alone take away the fair-skinned beauty, but drove directly to the courtyard.

On the way back, Zhang Xiao thought about Sun Chang's performance and couldn't help but nodded. He is not a deep-minded person and can be the person in charge of the express company, but Zhang Xiao is not in a hurry, after all, the registration of the express company is also It will take time, and it will be a week after the actual start of business. Zhang Xiao wants to ask Yuan Min to investigate Sun Chang again. After all, this matter cannot be sloppy.

After returning to the courtyard, Zhang Xiao took a shower and uploaded it to sleep.

After a night without dreams, Zhang Xiao unexpectedly received a call from Hu Wenjing after waking up the next morning.

"Xiaoxiao, are you up yet?" Hu Wenjing said in a hoarse voice.

"Get up, sister, what's the matter? What happened?" Zhang Xiao asked with some doubts.

"Something happened to my dad!" Hu Wenjing sobbed.

"What happened? Are you okay?" Zhang Xiao was shocked because he knew that Hu Wenjing's mother had passed away for many years, and his father was his only relative in this world.

"It's being rescued in the hospital. There was a gas leak in their factory yesterday. My father was at work at the time, and he is still unconscious." Hu Wenjing wiped the tears from her face and told what happened.

Zhang Xiao couldn't help being a little worried for Hu Wenjing, because the damage caused by the gas leak was difficult to determine, and she might be unconscious. If Hu Xuemin was unconscious for a long time like this, it was usually more serious.

Generally, the longer the coma, the more serious the prognosis, often leaving sequelae such as dementia, memory and comprehension loss, and limb paralysis.

"I rushed over today, let's listen to what the doctor said." Zhang Xiao said after thinking for a while, at this time he should go back and accompany Hu Wenjing through this difficult time, because Hu Wenjing is easily in trouble at this time.

"Thank you, Zhang Xiao, for causing you trouble." Hu Wenjing couldn't help thanking her.

Zhang Xiao was taken aback for a moment, but she also understood Hu Wenjing's concerns, because they hadn't seen each other for more than a year. Do you want to talk about this? Well, I’m going to set off now and rush over there as soon as possible.”

After hanging up the phone, Zhang Xiao asked Guo Feng to drive directly, and after he simply collected his things, he drove towards the airport, and the plane ticket can only be determined after arriving at the airport. It has become the fastest way to reach the provincial capital.

After arriving at the airport, Zhang Xiao went straight to the ticket window, but was told that the plane ticket to the provincial capital would only be available three days later.

"Boss, what should we do? Take the train?" Guo Feng asked.

"Ask to see if you can book a ticket." Zhang Xiao said.

Guo Feng nodded, picked up his mobile phone and dialed his comrade-in-arms, hung up the phone without saying a few words, and said to Zhang Xiao with a smile: "There is no ticket, but he is in the capital now, and he has to go back to the provincial capital , we can take the dining car on the train there."

Zhang Xiao nodded and breathed a sigh of relief, because he knew that this was already pretty good. After all, it was during the Spring Festival travel season, and hundreds of millions of people were migrating, so it was not bad to be able to get on the train.

Afterwards, the two drove straight to the train station. At the train station, Zhang Xiao saw Guo Feng's comrade-in-arms, a tall and straight young man, wearing a gray woolen work coat and a uniform inside, he looked extraordinarily energetic.

"This is my boss Zhang Xiao, and this is my comrade-in-arms Wang Zhanmin." Guo Feng introduced each other to the two.

"Hello, Mr. Zhang, I have admired your name for a long time." Wang Zhanmin held Zhang Xiao's hand with both hands very politely, and said excitedly.

"Hello, Mr. Wang, you have helped me a lot." Zhang Xiao also greeted politely.

"There are no sleeper tickets, so I can only wrong you to take the dining car, but if there are no other delays on the road, I will arrive in the provincial capital in the afternoon." Wang Zhanmin said with a smile.

"I still want to thank you. If it wasn't for you, we would have to drive there. The road is blocked by heavy snow, and we don't know when we will arrive in the provincial capital." Zhang Xiao also smiled and said politely.

"Let's get on the train, the train is about to leave." Wang Zhanmin said with a smile.

"Okay." Zhang Xiao wished to fly to the provincial capital, and was extremely anxious. Now that he heard that the train was about to leave, his pace was three minutes faster.

After getting on the train, Wang Zhanmin, as the leading policeman on the train, still needed to go on patrol. After arranging Zhang Xiao and the others to the dining car, he left in a hurry.

In fact, the dining car on the train is not much different from the hard seats, but the seats can be moved. Zhang Xiao and Guo Feng sat in the dining car, but no one bothered, after all, they were brought by Wang Zhanmin.

"Old Guo, what level is Wang Zhanmin now?" Zhang Xiao asked.

"A department-level cadre is equivalent to the director of a local police station." Guo Feng said with a smile.

Zhang Xiao nodded, it was similar to what he expected, but he was still a little curious about what level Guo Feng could reach if he changed jobs normally, but Zhang Xiao didn't ask this because he knew Guo Feng and Yuan Min and the others He was expelled. Although it was said that he was changing jobs, in fact, he didn't even deal with the resettlement of changing jobs. It wasn't expulsion.

It didn't take long for the train to start. Since it was an express train, it basically didn't stop a few stops along the way, and arrived at the provincial capital at two o'clock in the afternoon.

During the period, Wang Zhanmin came over twice, and even had lunch with Zhang Xiao and the others. He was also very busy, and he patrolled the carriages along the way. After all, it was during the Spring Festival travel season, and it was easy to be caught by a small incident. It's up to him not to worry about going online.

When getting off the train, Zhang Xiao said goodbye to Wang Zhanmin and left, because Wang Zhanmin obviously still had a lot of work to do, so he was too busy to touch the ground.

When Zhang Xiao arrived at the hospital, it was already 03:30 in the afternoon. Looking at Hu Wenjing's haggard face, Zhang Xiao couldn't help feeling distressed.

"How is uncle?" Zhang Xiao asked softly, holding Hu Wenjing's cold little hand.

"Still in a coma, the doctor said that there is little hope of waking up." Hu Wenjing couldn't help crying. Hu Xuemin was her only relative. When Hu Xuemin was injured, she felt that the sky suddenly fell down.

"Don't worry, maybe uncle is lucky. As long as gas poisoning is not directly dead, most of them can be rescued." Zhang Xiao comforted.

"But the doctor said that even if you come here, you may be in a vegetable state. What's the point of living like this." Hu Wenjing shook her head, tears welling up uncontrollably.

"Of course it makes sense. Many vegetative people can wake up in the end, and with the rapid development of technology, people may find opportunities to wake up vegetative people in the future. And this is just the worst plan." Zhang Xiao comforted, Because he knew that Hu Wenjing must not be discouraged at this time. Sometimes, once a person's energy and spirit dissipate, it is easy to be invaded by wind evils and cause illness.

Afterwards, accompanied by Hu Wenjing, Zhang Xiao glanced at Hu Xuemin on the bed in the emergency room from a distance, feeling a little helpless, because Zhang Xiao knew that the situation of Hu Xuemin was not optimistic, and he was lucky not to die on the spot .

But Zhang Xiao went to see Dr. Li, Hu Xuemin's attending doctor.

"Doctor, how is my father's condition? You tell me the truth, I can hold on." Hu Wenjing asked Dr. Li expectantly.

"The situation is not very good. Since you haven't woken up yet, the hope of waking up is not very great. You must have such ideological awareness." Dr. Li, who is in his 40s, pushed his eyes on the bridge of his nose and said in a heavy tone. Said.

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