Hu Wenjing's face turned pale when she heard the doctor's words. Although she had such mental preparations, she still felt a little unacceptable when she heard the doctor's words. Tears streamed down her face for a while, and she said in a choked voice: "Doctor, please think about it." Find a way, my dad is only 50 years old, he hasn't enjoyed a day of happiness yet, no matter how much it costs, we will pay."

Dr. Li said helplessly: "Ms. Hu, Mr. Hu's situation is a bit special. He has been poisoned by gas for too long, and we have taken all the measures that the hospital can take, but so far, we have not seen any effect. , but please rest assured, we will do our best to rescue, and we will immediately call all departments for consultation, hoping to find a better way."

Zhang Xiao couldn't help but said at this time: "Doctor Li, please, as long as there is a glimmer of hope, we can't give up. After all, human life is at stake. I hope you can understand our feelings as family members."

After glancing at his watch, Dr. Li said in a solemn tone, "Don't worry, I know what to do. I'm going to have a consultation now, so excuse me."

After speaking, Dr. Li left the doctor's office first.

At this moment, Hu Wenjing seemed to have been pulled out of the bones, slumped on the chair, not saying a word, just crying silently, which made Zhang Xiao very worried about Hu Wenjing's body, but he also knew that Hu Wenjing would There are many benefits to Hu Wenjingzhi to vent his emotions.

After all, when people encounter sad things, it is much better to vent their emotions than to hold them in their hearts all the time. Only by holding them in their hearts can something big happen.

After a long time, after Hu Wenjing's mood stabilized a bit, Zhang Xiao took Hu Wenjing out of the doctor's office and returned to wait outside Hu Xuemin's emergency ward.

As time passed by, Dr. Li took several doctors in and out of the ward from time to time, obviously doing his best to do the rescue work.

Although there was no effect, Hu Wenjing was full of expectations and hoped that a miracle would happen.

For this, Zhang Xiao couldn't help at all, and could only stay by Hu Wenjing's side as a comfort, so that Hu Wenjing could recover as soon as possible. He was really afraid that Hu Wenjing would do something wrong.

Until the evening, Hu Xuemin still couldn't wake up, and his body had stopped absorbing the medicine given, which made Hu Wenjing more emotional, but it didn't help Hu Xuemin's condition.

Zhang Xiao also knew that Hu Xuemin's life had come to an end, and Zhang Xiao had no hope of waking up.

But for Hu Wenjing, Zhang Xiao had to look forward to it with her, because at this moment, any unfavorable news he said was a blow to Hu Wenjing.

Zhang Xiao said to Hu Wenjing: "Drink some porridge. You haven't eaten for a day. How can you stand it? Uncle is sick. You can't do anything. Otherwise, when uncle wakes up and you fall ill again, then who Come and take care of him."

Hu Wenjing nodded, and then drank a bowl of porridge with preserved egg and lean meat to supplement her nutrition, but after drinking a bowl of porridge, she couldn't eat anymore.

Zhang Xiao was a little helpless, but he was still by her side, looking forward to Hu Xuemin waking up, although the chances were very low, but at this time, in order not to stimulate Hu Wenjing any more, Zhang Xiao could only make up some plausible reasoning, Let Hu Wenjing be more angry and less troubled.

This was the time when Hu Wenjing was most vulnerable. Zhang Xiao and Guo Feng took over all the affairs of the hospital, busy with Hu Xuemin's affairs, so that Hu Wenjing had more time to rest. Its body has great benefits.

At ten o'clock in the evening, Hu Xuemin still hadn't been rescued, and his heart stopped beating. After the doctor's first aid, the doctor still said he could do nothing, and then the doctor in the hospital issued a death certificate to Hu Xuemin.

When Hu Wenjing saw the death certificate, her emotions collapsed all of a sudden, and she lay on Hu Xuemin's body, crying so much that Zhang Xiao couldn't help crying.

Hu Xuemin is only in his early fifties this year. Logically speaking, if there are no accidents, he should still live for another 30 to [-] years without any problem, but now, his life has come to an abrupt end.

But in the end, Zhang Xiao persuaded Hu Wenjing. After all, Hu Wenjing had to handle the funeral by herself. Even if Zhang Xiao could help, she couldn't replace her in many things.

Hu Xuemin and Hu Wenjing depended on each other, but they had no other relatives, not even helpers. However, Guo Feng was no stranger to handling these matters. With his help, Hu Wenjing put on the shroud for Hu Xuemin, He carried it into the ambulance of the hospital and headed towards the villa in the suburbs.

After returning to the villa, a mourning hall needs to be built in the lobby of the villa, and all items such as frozen coffins and coffins need to be purchased, and Hu Wenjing has no time to deal with it, so Zhang Xiao is responsible for it.

Zhang Xiao and Guo Feng had no choice but to find a company in the provincial capital that specialized in funeral affairs, entrusting them to purchase items and decorate the mourning hall, and even went to the cemetery to excavate and repair the tomb.

The next morning, things became even more complicated. Fortunately, Hu Wenjing also regained her composure at this moment, woke up from her grief, and began to organize her father's funeral. Some relatives and friends have notified her.

Coupled with the help of Hu Xuemin's work unit and colleagues, although things were much more complicated, they became orderly, which was much better than Zhang Xiao and Guo Feng's random operations.

According to the customs of the provincial capital, Hu Xuemin was to be buried together with his wife. The grave of his wife was not too far from the provincial capital. It was considered to be on the outskirts of the provincial capital, so the mourning hall was directly set up in the hall of the villa.

Everything is carried out according to the local customs, but Hu Xuemin has only one daughter, Hu Wenjing, and Hu Wenjing has not remarried, so many things have become much simpler. After all, Hu Wenjing is the only filial son, and everything is subject to Hu Wenjing's opinion. Coupled with the help of a Feng Shui master, many details have been adjusted.

And it was inconvenient for Zhang Xiao to stay in the villa all the time, and went to the cemetery with the funeral company, and began to excavate and repair the tomb. After all, Hu Wenjing's mother had passed away for many years, and the tomb was very old. ,

However, Guo Feng stayed in the villa and helped Hu Wenjing arrange everything at home, including the arrival and departure. It was not until the next night, when Lu Huaping and others rushed over from the capital, that Guo Feng returned to Zhang Xiao's side. To ensure Zhang Xiao's safety, although nothing would happen in China, Guo Feng was still cautious. With the lessons learned from his last trip to Myanmar, Guo Feng dare not be careless now.

"Boss, everything has been arranged properly. According to the custom here, you have to rest for five days, so you should also pay attention to rest." Guo Feng said to Zhang Xiao with some worry.

Zhang Xiao nodded, looking at the dug grave, couldn't help but said, "Life is so fragile, it seems that we have to cherish every day in the future."

"Yeah, sometimes I wonder, is it worth it for us to be so busy making money? After all, money is something outside of our body, and we don't bring it with us when we die." Guo Feng looked at the distant fields leisurely, and said with a lonely expression .

"People live a lifetime, and the grass and trees fall every autumn. We must always leave our own mark on this world, otherwise we will go through this world in vain." Zhang Xiao said with a serious expression.

"That's true. People leave their names, and geese leave their voices. This is what we need to work hard to pursue." Guo Feng said with a half-smile, as if recalling the glorious years in the army.

In the next two days, Zhang Xiao and Hu Wenjing began to receive the guests who came to worship, and among them was the teacher from the Provincial Experimental Middle School. Zhang Xiao was recognized by everyone, which caused everyone to be surprised, but it was not Some people doubted the relationship between Zhang Xiao and Hu Wenjing, and purely regarded him as a student who came to help.

But for Zhang Xiao, these teachers and friends who came here are not stingy to praise. After all, Zhang Xiao is no longer the former student. He has a lot of titles hanging on his head like a rainbow, dazzling people's eyes.

Whether it is the top scorer in the college entrance examination, the sports champion, or the boss of a billion-dollar company, these teachers will now talk about these things, making Zhang Xiao feel a little ashamed, because he knows that everything now is just a coincidence. With such strength and status, it is already a bit powerless to control so much wealth.

Zhang Xiao could only smile at the flattery these teachers gave her. Fortunately, it was already during the funeral, and no one stayed in the villa for a long time. Only a few teachers and friends who had a good relationship with Hu Wenjing stayed to help Hu Wenjing Handle complicated affairs.

Soon it was time to encoffin, Hu Wenjing was crying to death, Zhang Xiao was also helpless, but still ordered the encoffining master to proceed as soon as possible, because the early encoffining ended, Hu Wenjing could also let go of her worries earlier.

The embalming master was used to this matter, and quickly arranged the items in the coffin, carried Hu Xuemin into the coffin, and nailed the coffin nails.

It was only at this time that Hu Wenjing's mood eased, but she was still crying, which made Zhang Xiao helpless, but Zhang Xiao also knew very well that such a crying spirit must be done, otherwise it would be easy to be called unfilial.

At eleven o'clock in the morning, after an early lunch, everyone carried the coffin onto a large truck, and Hu Wenjing, wearing a big filial piety, led the mourning friends who came to the bus and headed for the fief. There was a band along the way. While eating funeral music, some people scattered paper money along the way.

After arriving at the cemetery, it was busy again. Under the command of the Feng Shui master, Hu Xuemin was buried, and the funeral was almost completed.

After the mourning friends bowed and saluted, they burned the paper money and paper bundles with Hu Wenjing, and then drove back together.

After returning to the villa, it is natural to have a big banquet to thank the craftsmen and Fengshui masters who came to help, and Hu Wenjing's friends also stayed to accompany Hu Wenjing.

It wasn't until it was getting late that the friends and craftsmen were sent back by Zhang Xiao's car. After all, there must be a beginning and an end in doing things, not to mention that such a funeral is actually quite good, so that everyone can't fault it.

That night, after Zhang Xiao put Hu Wenjing to sleep, she finally relaxed, and Zhang Xiao fell asleep herself.

Early the next morning, Zhang Xiao got up quietly and went to the yard of the villa to start exercising. This was Zhang Xiao's habit of keeping in good health, so naturally Zhang Xiao would not break it.

After Hu Wenjing woke up, Zhang Xiao had already finished exercising. Seeing Hu Wenjing wake up, she said, "I got up, do you feel better?"

"It's much better. I'm mainly tired these days, but my body is fine." Hu Wenjing moved her body and said.

"That's good, what's your plan next?" Zhang Xiao asked.

"What do you plan to do? I still have to go back to school to teach. After all, this year I'm taking the graduating class of senior high school. It's less than five months before the college entrance examination. I can't affect the students' study because of my own affairs." Hu Wenjing shook her head. With a wry smile.

Zhang Xiao nodded, knowing what Hu Wenjing meant, and didn't mean to go to the capital with him.

Zhang Xiao couldn't help sighing, but at the same time, Zhang Xiao felt a little relieved, after all, he already had a girlfriend now.

"Hurry up and go back, Huaqing University has already started, don't worry about me, I can take care of myself." Hu Wenjing said to Zhang Xiao again.

Zhang Xiao nodded, and said after a long time: "You should also pay attention to your body. After all, life has to go on, and uncle doesn't want you to have anything?"

Hu Wenjing wiped the tears off her face, nodded and said, "I will. After this class of students graduate, maybe I will think about how to go in the future."

"Okay, no matter what decision you make at that time, you must tell me so that I won't worry about you." Zhang Xiao agreed without hesitation, but still put forward her own request.

"Don't worry, I will. Just don't dislike me when the time comes." Hu Wenjing said with a pale face.

"How is it possible, no matter what decision you make, I will support you." Zhang Xiao promised with a serious expression, because he knew that this was a bad fate caused by him, so he would naturally be responsible to the end.

After breakfast, Zhang Xiao didn't stop, and went directly to the capital by car.

In the past week, the weather has cleared up and the snow on the ground has long since melted. After the expressway opened to traffic, Zhang Xiao still prefers to take a car instead of a plane or a train.

At four o'clock in the afternoon that day, Zhang Xiao returned to the capital. At this time, Huaqing University had already started school for two days, but it hadn't officially started classes yet.

Entering the second semester of the sophomore year, the courses suddenly become more intensive, and the daily courses are very full. Except for Friday afternoon, there are classes at other times, which makes Zhang Xiao's time suddenly tense. .

Even though Zhang Xiao applied for early graduation, after all, there are still several professional courses that need to be tested. In addition, the credits are not enough, so he still can't be special. He needs to attend classes on time every day, so as not to be criticized by these old professors.

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