Zhang Xiao asked again: "You came to me this time not just to tell me about the good product rate?"

Li Fu nodded, suppressed the smile on his face, and said with a serious expression: "Although the chip factory has been put into production, it still lacks a lot of technical personnel. Passed, but if we add a new production line, we will face difficulties in process technology."

Zhang Xiao nodded, knowing that what Li Fu said was not groundless worry, and it might become a reality, he sighed and said: "I have also considered this issue, and I am going to hire some experts in manufacturing technology abroad to participate in the The installation and commissioning of the new lithography machine, but so far, no suitable one has been found."

Li Fu nodded, and said to Zhang Xiao: "Boss, many experts in manufacturing technology have signed non-compete agreements. It may be longer, but they will also be more loyal to the business."

Zhang Xiao nodded and said: "We walk on two legs, I will continue to recruit, and you can also start training and prepare with both hands, so that it will be safer. In addition, the training of technical personnel should be accelerated. We can recruit staff on campus, after all, the new graduates are about to start internships."

Li Fu nodded and said, "I will arrange it, but there is one more thing that needs your consent."

"What is it, please tell me?" Zhang Xiao said with a smile.

"The chip R&D personnel of the microelectronics technology company should be able to observe the chip factory on site, which will be of great help to them in chip design." Li Fu suggested with a smile.

"Well, Academician Ni also mentioned this matter to me. It seems that the hero has the same opinion. I agree. I will let Academician Ni send an announcement." Zhang Xiao nodded and smiled slightly.

After Li Fu and Zhang Xiao reported on the current production and operation of the chip factory, he left.

Although Li Fu has left, Zhang Xiao has more things to deal with at this time. After all, the equipment for the second production line needs to be ordered, and this is not a trivial matter. It involves hundreds of millions of dollars. How to raise money The money fell on Zhang Xiao's shoulders again.

Zhang Xiao couldn't help sighing. He realized that he was still too optimistic. Although the company made a lot of money last year, it was still far from hundreds of millions of dollars. Zhang Xiao shook his head helplessly.

However, Zhang Xiao also knows that with the formal operation of the chip factory, there will be huge profits, and it should not be too far away from achieving financial balance, but it will take time, and the payment for the goods is not waiting for anyone. If you pay for the goods, you will not be able to ship the equipment.

Zhang Xiao called Sun Ting and asked her to come to her office.

"Boss, are you looking for me?" Sun Ting asked after knocking on the door and entering.

"Yes, I want to know how much money is still on the company's books?" Zhang Xiao asked.

"More than 11 billion, most of which are last year's profits turned in by the people's supermarket." Sun Ting said without checking.

Zhang Xiao nodded, and said helplessly, "The purchase of the second production line of the chip factory requires more than 6 million US dollars in payment. Which channel do you think we should use for financing?"

Sun Ting was slightly taken aback, and then said: "Boss, more than 6 million U.S. dollars is too much. I don't think it is possible to solve it, whether it is to introduce investors or bank loans, and it involves a lot of foreign exchange, which is even more difficult." Some."

Zhang Xiao is very helpless. The introduction of equipment is already on the verge of imminent development and has to be launched. However, funding is a problem. If the payment for the equipment cannot be settled as soon as possible, once the village passes through, it will be necessary to pay more for the introduction of equipment. cost.

Regardless of whether it is financing or bank loans, it is obviously difficult to gather enough funds, and it seems that we can only do both.

"In this way, you help the chip factory go to the bank to apply for a loan and see how much money can be loaned out. I will figure out what is not enough." Zhang Xiao said after a little thought.

"Okay, boss." Sun Ting agreed and left, but Sun Ting was still a little puzzled about Zhang Xiao's insistence on introducing a second production line for the chip factory now, but since Zhang Xiao made a decision, she could only do her best. Do your best.

Zhang Xiao looked at the financial statements of various companies in the past year, and found that except for chip factories and investment companies, other companies made a lot of profits last year, but not many of them could use them.

Among them, the profit of Xingsheng Glass Factory is 2000 million, but to establish a branch factory, obviously this money cannot be used.

The profit of Microelectronics Technology Company last year was more than 5000 million, but this year's establishment of an electronics factory in Xinglin County may not be enough.

The profit of the People's Supermarket is 25 billion. Excluding the construction of the distribution center and the express company, there is not much money that can be used.

In this way, in addition to the 11 billion funds on the book, what he can use is the more than 1 million US dollars in cash left over from the auction of fine jadeites last year. If the sum is added up, there is still a shortfall of more than 3 million US dollars in funds. This makes Zhang Xiao Some headaches.

After get off work in the afternoon, Zhang Xiao returned to the courtyard. At this time, Zhang Guoqiang had already woken up and was reading a book in the room. When he saw Zhang Xiao coming back, he greeted him and said with a smile, "It's quite early."

"I'll be back after the company's business is done." Zhang Xiao hung the briefcase in his hand on the shelf in the living room, and said with a smile, "How are you resting?"

"I have already rested, that is, I didn't sleep last night, and I rested after sleeping." Zhang Guoqiang nodded.

"Third Uncle, what do you want to eat tonight?" Zhang Xiao asked with a smile.

"I can do whatever I want." Zhang Guoqiang said indifferently.

Next, Zhang Xiao introduced to Zhang Guoqiang the situation of the microelectronics technology company and the electronics factory to be built. These were originally understood after joining the company, but Zhang Xiao not only gave him the information, but also told him some Cases not in the data.

There are some situations that only the top management of the company know about. However, after Zhang Guoqiang joined the company, he can be regarded as the top management of the company, so it is nothing to know in advance.

In the evening, Zhang Xiao invited Zhang Guoqiang to have a sumptuous dinner and drank a pot of treasured Zhuangyuanhong.

The next morning, after breakfast, Zhang Xiao took Zhang Guoqiang to the company by car. After taking him to the personnel department, Zhang Xiao left, leaving Zhang Guoqiang to go through the entry procedures and training.

Zhang Xiao did not intervene in this matter, after all, that was all he could do. As for whether he could gain a firm foothold in the company, Zhang Xiao was not worried.

Don't look at the face of the monk and look at the face of the Buddha. He is the boss of the company, and he just arranges someone. No one objected. Moreover, although the electronics factory in Xinglin County is large in scale, it is only a foundry, and the core technology is still in the capital. For the R&D team, if Zhang Guoqiang went to manage the electronics factory, there should be no objection without eyesight.

After Zhang Xiao returned to the office, he began to deal with the documents piled up on his desk, which had become his daily routine.

In the afternoon, Sun Ting walked in and said to Zhang Xiao: "I contacted the head of the Beijing branch of CCB, and he agreed to the loan, but he said he wanted to talk to the boss in person."

Zhang Xiao frowned slightly, and then said, "Make an appointment with him. We will go there with the people from the chip factory tomorrow morning to see how much quota we can approve."

"Okay, I'll contact you right away." Sun Ting left after speaking.

Zhang Xiao thought about Sun Ting's words thoughtfully, and guessed the purpose of the bank president's meeting with him. He felt that the matter would not be simple, otherwise the president would not need to see him.

But then Zhang Xiao put it behind him. After all, the company still has a lot of things to deal with.

The next morning, Zhang Xiao came to the Beijing branch of CCB, and led by the front desk to the president's office.

The president, Sun Zhixiang, is 45 years old this year, and he is in the prime of life.

Sun Zhixiang looks like he is only in his 30s, without a big belly. He is very energetic in a light blue suit and has a pair of gold-rimmed glasses on the bridge of his nose. He looks extraordinarily elegant.

"President Sun, hello." Zhang Xiao stretched out his hand and shook hands with Sun Zhixiang.

"Mr. Zhang, I've heard the name for a long time." Sun Zhixiang said to Zhang Xiao with a smile.

"It's all a false name." Zhang Xiao smiled and said very reservedly.

"Let's sit down and talk." Sun Zhixiang led Zhang Xiao to the reception area of ​​the office and said with a smile.

After the two sat down, Sun Ting also sat down beside them. Sun Zhixiang's secretary made tea for the three of them, turned and left.

"Mr. Zhang, is your company still short of money?" Sun Zhixiang asked a little puzzled, because he knew that Zhang Xiao had more than one billion in his account, and they were all lying on the account.

"It's lacking, and there's still a lot of shortages. The chip factory needs to import a batch of equipment, and the fund gap is relatively large, so I want to get a loan from your bank." Zhang Xiao said with a smile.

Sun Zhixiang pondered for a while and then said, "How much money do you need?"

"Around [-] million, this is our loan application form." Zhang Xiao took out a document from Sun Ting, handed it to Sun Zhixiang and said.

"Six hundred million is not much..." Sun Zhixiang flipped through the documents in order to speak, but he fell silent just after he finished speaking, because he saw that the documents showed that Zhang Xiao applied for US$[-] million. Let him be unexpected.

"Mr. Zhang, you need too much. [-] million U.S. dollars. You must know that the annual foreign exchange usage of our branch is only about [-] billion U.S. dollars. You need [-] million U.S. dollars in one mouth, which makes me very embarrassed." Sun Zhixiang tapped the table with his right hand and said with a heavy expression.

Zhang Xiao understood Sun Zhixiang's meaning, embarrassment does not mean that it cannot be done, this is also the art of the leader's speaking, as to whether it can be done, it depends on the conditions set by Zhang Xiao.

"President Sun, I know this is embarrassing for you, but there are no absolutes, and the chip factory is a key enterprise in the city, and we have many industries as guarantees, so it is absolutely in line with the rules." Sun Ting said with a smile Said.

Sun Zhixiang nodded. He admitted that what Sun Ting said was reasonable, but he would not take the risk without sufficient benefits. After all, it involved 50 million US dollars, more than [-] billion national currency, which is not a small sum.

Zhang Xiao sighed slightly, this matter made him feel helpless, obviously Sun Zhixiang would not let go of the benefits of such a large amount of money easily, but this was something he was unwilling to touch.

Although this is the default rule in the industry, it is illegal, and Zhang Xiao is very embarrassed.

After Zhang Xiao waved his hand to signal Sun Ting to leave, he said with a smile, "President Sun, I think the benefits involved in such a large amount of loan, but in many cases such loans are easy to be targeted, so I am very embarrassed." .”

Sun Zhixiang waved his hand and said with a smile, "I think you have misunderstood. I don't mean to collect benefits. I won't do illegal things."

"Then what do you mean?" Zhang Xiao asked with some doubts.

"I heard that your company is now setting up an express company. Li Qing from the Li family has already bought a share, so I want my boy to also buy a share. As for the amount of capital to buy a share, he has some Savings." Sun Zhixiang said with a smile after taking a sip of tea.

"No problem, I'll give him [-]% of my shares, what do you think?" Zhang Xiao asked tentatively.

"Okay, then it's settled. I'll let my kid contact you some other day." Sun Zhixiang smiled slightly.

Zhang Xiao nodded and said with a smile: "I will ask Sun Ting to submit the procedures as soon as possible, and the approval procedures will be handled by you."

"I will do my best. After all, such a large amount of money still needs the approval of the superior bank, but I don't think there should be any major problems." Sun Zhixiang readily agreed. After all, for him, the bank's money is loaned to anyone What's more, Zhang Xiao's chip factory is the most advanced chip manufacturer in China, which belongs to the industry supported by the state.

"Then I'll wait for your good news." Zhang Xiao said with a slight smile.

Then Zhang Xiao said goodbye and left, leaving Sun Ting to handle the loan matters.

On the way back to the company, Zhang Xiao was not only a little helpless, although Sun Zhixiang let his son become a shareholder of the express company, it was not a kind of exchange of benefits, but this gave Zhang Xiao a step up and cleared the relationship.

But Zhang Xiao also knows that such a thing cannot withstand investigation. Fortunately, with Li Qing and the others investing in the shares first, the problem is not a big deal, and Sun Zhixiang's son can be made a legal person of the company, which can fundamentally eliminate hidden dangers .

However, Zhang Xiao still needs to communicate with Li Qing and the others about the shareholding. After all, he does not own the express company alone, and Li Qing and the others also have the right to know.

After transferring 50.00% of the shares to Sun Zhixiang's son Sun Chang, Zhang Xiao only had [-]% of the shares in his hands. Although he still controlled the controlling stake, Zhang Xiao felt a sense of crisis.

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