At this time, Zhang Xiao had already come to the company and held a meeting of the investment company. After all, the plan for the year was in the spring, and he had to unify the thinking of these employees.

"Last year, no matter whether you invested in the first or the second investment, there was no performance. The lack of performance in the investment in the first investment can be said to be the impact of the market environment. After all, the current stock market is in a downturn, but the investment in the second investment. There are not many of them, and two of the three projects that you have invested in have closed down so far, you have to give full play to your own initiative, and you can’t sit in the office and wait foolishly.” Zhang Xiao’s words were more serious, because he really couldn’t bear it.

There was silence in the conference room. Many people didn't expect Zhang Xiao to start training people as soon as the meeting started. This didn't match their impression of Zhang Xiao, and the year was not over yet.

"It's been more than two years since the company was established, and it's been a year and a half since I officially took over the company. What have you guys done in the past one and a half years? Not to mention whether you can afford the salary the company pays you, you have to ask Are you worthy of your time?"

"We are all adults. If you are going to dawdle, please leave the company. The company will compensate you in accordance with the corresponding regulations. If you want to achieve a career, then from now on, you should work hard .”

"I'm giving your investment department half a year. If it hasn't improved, I don't think there is any need for the investment department to exist."

Zhang Xiao directly criticized everyone, because he found that the employees of the investment company are the most leisurely. They go to work on time every day, and after work they just mess around. If they can stay in the office all day without taking a step, Zhang Xiao is also drunk.

After Zhang Xiao finished speaking, she left the meeting room directly, leaving a group of people looking at each other in blank dismay.

"It seems that the boss is really angry." Zhao Hongjie said with a helpless sigh.

Long Zhiyun is also a little helpless. The stock market has been in a downturn for the past two years. It is not easy to make money, and losses are inevitable. However, he also knows that Zhang Xiao is not aimed at investing in the first investment, but is dissatisfied with the investment in the second investment. It was nothing more than a disaster for Chi Yu, but even so, he still felt a lot of pressure.

After all, it's fine if you don't make any money, and you have lost several million. Although the money is nothing to the company, Long Zhiyun is still uneasy, and if you want to recover the loss, you can only wait for the market to improve .

After Zhang Xiao returned to his office, his expression had returned to normal. The reason why he was furious at the meeting today was just an excuse, because he found that the people in the investment department are just muddling along, not at all enterprising, and they are absent-minded even in the meeting , let alone work time.

In the afternoon, Li Qing received a call from the company's front desk.

"Boss, a man named Li Qing brought someone over. He said he has an appointment with you." The front desk asked.

"You bring them directly to my office, they have an appointment with me." Zhang Xiao said and hung up the phone.

Not long after, Li Qing and the others came to the office led by the front desk.

"Mr. Zhang, it's really hard to see you." Li Qing said with a smile.

After Zhang Xiao waved the front desk to leave, he asked Li Qing and the others to sit down on the sofa, and said with a smile: "The company's regulations are like this, and besides, you don't know how to make a phone call before you come."

Li Qing shook his head and said helplessly: "Those who wanted to call before coming here will forget about it when they are busy."

Zhang Xiao nodded, then changed the subject, and asked with a smile: "Yesterday you said you wanted to cooperate with me, what is your plan?"

Li Qing and the other three looked at each other, then nodded and said: "The four of us have just received a sum of start-up funds from our families, but we don't know what to do, so we want to invest in your project, whether it is a new project It can still be the original project.”

"Yo, you trust me so much?" Zhang Xiao said in surprise.

"To be honest, the four of us have just come out of the system and have no experience. In addition, we were recommended by Deng Yi, so we chose to cooperate with you." Li Qing said helplessly.

Zhang Xiao immediately understood, but now he has two projects. After pondering for a while, Zhang Xiao took out two proposals from his desk, handed them to Li Qing, and said with a smile: "I have two projects now. , One is to establish sub-storage centers in various regions of the country, and the other is to establish an express delivery company, discuss it yourself and see which project you want to participate in."

Li Qing and the others were not polite, and directly opened the project proposal and read it.

Zhang Xiao didn't urge them either, and waited quietly for their discussion.

After the four of Li Qing discussed for a while, they smiled and said, "Mr. Zhang, let's take a stake in the express company, and forget about the distribution center."

Zhang Xiao nodded, and understood their scruples. After all, the sub-storage center is just a warehouse. It takes a long time to make a profit after a large investment.

"How much do you plan to invest?" Zhang Xiao asked.

"8000 million, 2000 million per person." Li Qing put the plan on the table and said with a smile.

"According to the express company's plan, with an investment of [-] million yuan, each of you can own [-]% of the shares, no problem?" Zhang Xiao said.

Originally, Zhang Xiao was planning to invest all of it by himself. Since Li Qing and the others wanted to invest in the shares, Zhang Xiao would not refuse. After all, after the establishment of the express company, they will be able to have income soon, which is in line with their desire for quick success.

"We're fine." Li Qing said straightforwardly.

Since they want to cooperate with Zhang Xiao, they have also investigated clearly and know that Zhang Xiao will not cheat them, and they are not afraid that Zhang Xiao will cheat him. As the second generation, they still have such confidence.

Soon, Tian Xiaodan drew up the contract, Zhang Xiao and Li Qing signed the contract, and after stamping the official seal, the contract was completed.

Li Qing and the others didn't stay long either. After discussing the company registration with Zhang Xiao, they left.

Then Zhang Xiao called Sun Ting from the finance department to the office, handed her the express company's plan and the contract just signed, and said, "Tomorrow, you will contact Li Qing and the others to register the express company. The signed documents are ready today."

"Okay, boss, I'm going to prepare now." After Sun Ting said, she went back to prepare.

Not long after, Sun Ting walked in with the documents, and said to Zhang Xiao: "Boss, these things require your signature on the documents, and those that need Li Qing's signature will meet tomorrow."

Zhang Xiao took the document, flipped through it, and signed his name on the signature section.

After signing the documents, Zhang Xiao said to Sun Ting again: "The name of the express company is Hongyuan Express, and the registered address is in our building. In addition, the matter of the distribution center must be hurry up. I hope to start it as soon as possible." .”

"Don't worry, boss, I'll take care of it." Sun Ting took the documents and left after finishing speaking.

After handling the company's affairs, Zhang Xiao left the company and headed towards the courtyard.

After returning to the courtyard, Deng Jie hadn't come back yet, so Zhang Xiao couldn't help calling her.

"Xiaojie, when are you coming back?" Zhang Xiao asked with a smile.

"Before school starts, I need help at home these few days." Deng Jie said on the phone.

"Alright then." Zhang Xiao said helplessly.

After hanging up the phone, Zhang Xiao was a little bored and couldn't help calling Fenglin Villa.

"Boss, what do you need?" Aunt Zhang said on the phone.

"Is Miss Huang gone?" Zhang Xiao asked.

"No, do you need to let her answer the phone?"

"No, cook for me, I'll be there in a while."

"Okay, boss."

After hanging up the phone, Zhang Xiao drove towards Fenglin Villa.

Guo Feng looked tangled and helpless, but he didn't say much. After all, he didn't care what Zhang Xiao wanted to do, not to mention that he couldn't persuade him about such things.

After arriving at Fenglin Villa, Zhang Xiao saw Huang Jinglei doing yoga in the upstairs living room, showing off her figure perfectly, and Zhang Xiao couldn't help being moved.

But Zhang Xiao didn't bother her, but stood quietly by the door, admiring Huang Jinglei's beautiful figure.

After a long time, Huang Jinglei finished yoga, lying on the mat, looked at Zhang Xiao with a smile on her face, and said playfully, "Why are you here again today?"

"Come and see you." Zhang Xiao said with a smile.

Huang Jinglei blushed slightly, and said angrily, "You're really welcome, I didn't know when I fell asleep yesterday."

Zhang Xiao took a few steps forward, pulled it up from the ground, and said with a smile: "Aunt Zhang has already cooked, let's go down and eat."

"I usually don't eat at night." Huang Jinglei shook her head and refused.

"If you don't have enough to eat, you won't have the strength to work." Zhang Xiao pulled her downstairs.

Huang Jinglei didn't refuse, she put on a coat and walked downstairs.

After dinner, Zhang Xiao and Huang Jinglei went upstairs.

Lying on the bed, lighting an afterthought cigarette, Zhang Xiao wandered dishonestly with both hands, and said, "Are you going to keep acting? Have you ever thought of doing something else?"

Huang Jinglei said weakly: "I don't know anything except filming, and besides, I don't know what to do."

"Let's talk about it later." Zhang Xiao originally wanted to give her a small business, but when she saw that she didn't want anything, she let go of her thoughts.

The next morning, Zhang Xiao didn't eat at the villa after getting up, but went to the train station, because the third uncle Zhang Guoqiang arrived today.

After arriving at the train station, the train was delayed. Zhang Xiao waited until nine o'clock in the morning to pick up his third uncle, Zhang Guoqiang.

"Are you okay on the road?" Zhang Xiao asked.

"It's okay, but there are so many people, it's crowded." Zhang Guoqiang said a little tiredly after getting into the car.

"Let's go home for dinner first, take a rest after dinner, and go to the company to go through the formalities tomorrow, what do you think?" Zhang Xiao said.

At this time, the heavy snow has just stopped, and it will take some time for the electronics factory to start. Zhang Xiao is going to let Zhang Guoqiang familiarize himself with the company's environment and the construction plan of the electronics factory.

"Okay, I'll listen to you." Zhang Guoqiang did not refuse Zhang Xiao's arrangement.

Zhang Xiao took Zhang Guoqiang back to the courtyard, at this time Lu Huaping had already prepared the food.

After having breakfast with Zhang Guoqiang, Zhang Guoqiang went to the guest room to rest, while Zhang Xiao rushed back to the company.

As soon as he entered the office, Tian Xiaodan walked in and said to Zhang Xiao: "Boss, Mr. Li from the chip factory is waiting for you in the living room, and said he has something to report."

"Let him come over, why don't you make a call?" Zhang Xiao said while taking off his coat and hanging it on the wall.

"Boss Li has just arrived, so he hasn't had time to call yet." Tian Xiaodan said with a smile.

Not long after, Li Fu walked in and sat opposite Zhang Xiao.

After making tea for the two, Hou Shuyan turned around and left, closing the office door by the way.

After Li Fu took a sip of tea, he smiled and said, "Boss, the yield rate of the chip factory has gone up, and it's around 90.00% now."

Zhang Xiao suddenly said excitedly: "Okay, very good."

Zhang Xiao knows what a good product rate of 90.00% means, which means that the production capacity of the chip factory has been fully restored. As long as there are no major accidents, the chip factory will become a new profit growth point.

Although the current chip factories can only produce mid-to-low-end chips, they cannot stand up to the strong domestic demand. Even mid-to-low-end chips are in short supply. This is really great news for Zhang Xiao.

Li Fu said with a smile on his face: "I have asked the chip factory to produce at full capacity, and the orders are also coming in a steady stream. I think the cost will be recovered soon."

Zhang Xiao nodded, then took out a document from the desk drawer and handed it to Li Fu, then said with a smile: "This is all thanks to you, and the latest version of the lithography machine has reached an agreement, I think It’s time to launch the second production line, here’s the information, take a look.”

Li Fu took the information with a face full of excitement and looked at it. Soon he raised his head and said excitedly: "Very good, this way we can produce the most advanced chips, and I heard that Microelectronics Technology Company's memory Technology has broken through, isn't it true?"

"It's true. The company will give you an order for memory production right away. While ensuring the production tasks, you will have to urge a number of technicians to put memory production on the agenda." Zhang Xiao nodded, but did not respond to Li's request. Fu hides something.

"Boss, don't worry, I know the seriousness." Li Fu said with a smile, "But now I can build a second production line according to the data, and I'm excited just thinking about it."

Zhang Xiao nodded and said: "Now that the domestic economy is developing faster and faster, I believe that in the near future, the domestic demand for chips will increase. By then, our chip factory will be the manufacturing base for high-end chips."

"Yes, in this way, as long as we can obtain the authorization of the central processing unit, we can start production immediately, which will save a lot of cost for the company." Li Fu imagined excitedly.

Zhang Xiao is also very happy. For this latest lithography machine, Zhang Xiao has won a lot of favors. At present, only transportation is left. As long as the latest lithography machine is shipped back to China, then this will have epoch-making significance.

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