Rebirth 1996 starts from unforgettable

Chapter 260 The Three Generations

Deng Yi chuckled and said, "Do you dare to let my sister know about this kind of thing?"

Zhang Xiao was speechless immediately, it seemed that Deng Yi was using himself as a shield, otherwise he wouldn't have called him over.

Deng Yi naturally came to a long table and sat down, picked up the melons and fruits on the table and gnawed, not caring about his image at all, he seemed to be a regular customer here.

At this moment, a beautiful lady came over, sat beside Deng Yi, and said with full resentment: "Brother Yi, it's been a while since you came to see me, do you have a new love?"

"Xiaowen, it's not that brother said you, don't pester me as soon as I come here, I'm not a rich second generation, I don't have money to reward you." Deng Yi said helplessly.

"Brother Yi, it's not Xiaowen, it's Xiaoli." Xiaoli said with some dissatisfaction.

Deng Yi was a little stunned for a moment, and he actually recognized the wrong person, the damn dim light, but he still didn't care and said: "Xiao Li, you and Xiao Wen are so similar, if you didn't talk, I would really Can't tell the difference."

Zhang Xiao originally wanted to watch Deng Yi make a fool of himself, but who knew that Deng Yi didn't care about it at all, so he couldn't help shaking his head, these city people really know how to play, it seems that Deng Yi is definitely not as simple as he saw.

Not long after, another group of people came and sat down around the stage in twos and threes.

"Brother Yi, why are you free today." A young man in a black coat came in, saw Deng Yi at a glance, and said with a smile.

"It's boring for me to stay at home, so come and have a look." Deng Yi said casually.

"Me too. It's really uncomfortable to stay at home. After the Lantern Festival, I'm going to go to the Shanghai stock market." The young man said with a smile.

"Hey, your old man doesn't care about your schooling?" Deng Yi said in surprise.

"Whoever said it doesn't matter, I go to Shanghai to go to school, alas, my life is hard, I can't compare with a top student like you." The young man said helplessly.

Deng Yi laughed out loud, and then pulled Zhang Xiao to introduce him: "This is Zhang Xiao, my classmate. This is Wang Jiaming, I'm a kid."

"Hello Brother Xiao." Wang Jiaming said to Zhang Xiao very politely.

"Hi, let's do it together." Zhang Xiao said with a smile.

"No, my seat is over there." Wang Jiaming said with a chuckle.

After Wang Jiaming spoke a few more words with Deng Yi, he went to his seat.

After he left, Deng Yi said to Zhang Xiao: "The seats here are all exclusive, and unless there are special circumstances, generally everyone will not sit randomly."

Zhang Xiao was speechless for a while. It seems that Deng Yi's status is very high, otherwise he wouldn't have such a good seat, so he couldn't help asking: "Could it be that the location here has something to do with the background of the family?"

"That's not true. The seat here is related to your influence in this circle. The greater your influence, the higher your seat will be." Deng Yi said with a smile.

Zhang Xiao shook his head, a little unclear about the rules between them, but it can be seen that the quality of these second generations is still very good, and they don't have that kind of domineering attitude, maybe it has something to do with the environment they are in now.

"What did you call me for?" Zhang Xiao asked.

"Recharge my card, I have no money in my card." Deng Yi said with a smile, licking his face.

"Damn it, I knew it was not a good thing." Zhang Xiao was a little speechless, and after a long time of trouble, she turned out to be the one who paid the bill.

But Zhang Xiao still let Guo Feng take his own card to recharge Deng Yi's black card.

After a while, Guo Feng came back and said to Zhang Xiao in a low voice, "I charged 100 million."

Zhang Xiao nodded and returned the black card to Deng Yi.

Deng Yi didn't ask how much he washed, he was still eating and drinking, but Xiaoli served him without complaint.

Not long after, the show finally started, the surrounding lights dimmed, and only the laser lights above the stage shone on the models on the catwalk.

Although the heating is turned on here, the temperature in the room is only about [-] degrees, but these catwalk models are walking around on the stage wearing all kinds of light clothes.

Zhang Xiao couldn't help sighing, rich people really know how to play, but having said that, these models are so good-looking that Zhang Xiao couldn't take his eyes off them.

"Zhang Xiao, I didn't expect you to like such a woman?" Deng Yi said softly, pointing to the model on the stage whose body was so good that it exploded.

"My fair lady, a gentleman is so sweet. Besides, I'm just looking at it." Zhang Xiao said without blushing.

Deng Yi couldn't help but rolled his eyes, but now he was a little nervous. After all, once Zhang Xiao brought a woman home and his elder sister found out, he would have to kill him.

Zhang Xiao suddenly said to Deng Yi: "Isn't this Huang Jinglei? Why is she here too?"

"How strange. Although she has a good reputation, if she wants to get long-term support, she still has to listen to the boss's arrangement." Deng Yi shook his head and said with a light smile.

Zhang Xiao couldn't help but nodded, understanding Deng Yi's meaning, there are many beauties like Huang Jinglei, but if you want to get the company's support, you have to listen to the company's boss's arrangement, don't talk about catwalks, just let her accompany others To eat and drink, she has to go too.

In front of capital, such female stars have to swallow their anger, only in this way can they get the resources they want, if they are arrogant, as long as they don't have an amazing background, they will generally disappear quickly from the crowd.

"Which one do you like?" Deng Yi asked with a smile.

Zhang Xiao shook her head and said, "I don't think there's anything to like about this, I think it's pretty good."

Deng Yi opened his mouth wide, and it took a long time before he smiled and said, "You have a really big appetite, but you can only choose one to take away."

"Then Huang Jinglei." Zhang Xiao said with a slight smile. Zhang Xiao is no stranger to this kind of drama, but he was too lazy to participate in these gatherings before.

"Okay, but you'd better not take it home." Deng Yi said helplessly.

The show lasted only half an hour. After everyone had chosen their playmates, Deng Yi led Zhang Xiao upstairs, followed by Xiaoli and Huang Jinglei.

Walking to a private room on the second floor, there is a six-seater round table in the private room, and there is singing equipment beside it. The decoration is very luxurious, and the sound insulation is very good. After closing the door, you can't hear the noisy sound outside.

Deng Jie pulled Zhang Xiao to sit at the head of the round table, while Xiaoli and Huang Jinglei moved a chair and sat behind them respectively.

After a while, four young men came in with four female companions, and as soon as they entered the door, the leader smiled and said, "Brother Yi, this is Brother Xiao, right? It's really amazing."

"Li Qing, you want to meet Zhang Xiao. I brought him here, but I don't participate in your business discussions." Deng Yi waved his hand to let them sit down and said with a smile.

"Brother Yi, don't worry, we all know your rules, don't worry." Li Qing said with a smile.

Then Li Qing pointed to the young man sitting beside him and said to Zhang Xiao: "I am Li Qing, and this is Wang Nianfeng. Although his family is rich, he can't compare with you, Brother Xiao, but he wants to do something by himself." .”

Zhang Xiao took a look at Wang Nianfeng, who looked a bit dull in his 20s, and when Li Qing introduced him, he just pushed the black eyes on the bridge of his nose, and smiled reservedly.

"This is Hao Ning, and this is He Dong. Both of them have just graduated from college and want to do something on their own. They have admired you for a long time, Brother Xiao." Li Qing continued to introduce.

"Hello everyone, there are many friends and multiple paths. If you want to cooperate with me, there is no problem. You can come to my company to talk another day. Today we will only talk about love affairs, not about work." Zhang Xiao said with a smile.

As soon as Zhang Xiao said this, no one talked about business anymore, but started to drink, but a few women started to sing and dance nearby.

Under the illumination of colorful lights, their bodies look extraordinarily charming, and their singing voices are also very good. After all, they all want to enter the entertainment circle, and their talents are very complete.

But Zhang Xiao didn't talk much, listening to Deng Yi and these young people talking about the grievances between the families and some major events that happened during the Chinese New Year this year.

Zhang Xiao had to sigh, these second generations were well-informed, and the etiquette in dealing with people was obviously professionally trained, which was many times higher than that of Zhang Xiao.

Even though they talked, Zhang Xiao didn't feel left out, but he couldn't help but look at her with admiration.

"Li Qing, Boss Li heard that he will be released this year, is it settled?" Deng Yi asked.

"It's settled, my brother will go to Xinglin County in Yu Province to be the county magistrate, after all, this is Brother Xiao's hometown." Li Qing said with a smile.

"It's amazing. As soon as it's released, it's a local parent official. Boss Li left really fast." Deng Yi said with some emotion.

"Brother Yi, you are not slow. I heard that you have already served in the Youth League Committee?" Li Qing said to Deng Yi with a smile.

"I just entered, and I don't know if there is a way out, and it will take two years before I graduate." Deng Yi shook his head, but his gestures were a little high-spirited.

"Deng Yi, you have joined the Youth League Committee without saying a word?" Zhang Xiao was a little surprised. After all, although he went to school every day, he had never heard Deng Yi talk about it.

"It was just decided a year ago, and it hasn't been announced yet. Besides, you are not interested in these." Deng Yi said with a proud smile.

Zhang Xiao is not interested in these positions in the school. After all, he has no intention of going into politics now. In addition, there are many things in the company that make him a little busy, so he pays less attention to school affairs.

In the following conversation, Deng Yi and the others talked about a business between the families, which made Zhang Xiao clearly know that the reason why some of these second-generation officials did not enter politics was because they were eliminated, and they would go to manage the family affairs. Business, that's why they want to know Zhang Xiao.

After drinking and eating, everyone dispersed. After Zhang Xiao took Huang Jinglei into the car, he said to Guo Feng, "Go to Fenglin Villa today."

"Okay, boss." After Guo Feng agreed, the car drove out smoothly.

"Miss Huang, I've seen the movie you acted in. Logically speaking, you are already very popular. Why do you still come here for the catwalk?" Zhang Xiao asked with a smile.

"It's just the company's arrangement, and those of us also wanted to find some backers, so we came here." Huang Jinglei said generously.

Zhang Xiao nodded and said with a smile: "It seems that you are not easy."

"It's just superficial beauty." Huang Jinglei shook her head and said with a wry smile.

Zhang Xiao smiled slightly, knowing that these celebrities earn a lot of money compared to ordinary people, but they also spend a lot of money. After all, buying clothes, cosmetics, and daily maintenance requires a lot of money. Shooting, it is easy to sit back and eat, and even owe a huge amount of arrears.

Fenglin Villa was included in the real estate when it was traded with Xu Zhiyuan. It has been renovated for more than half a year, but Zhang Xiao has never lived in it, but hired two nannies to clean and look after the house.

After arriving at Fenglin Villa, Zhang Xiao greeted the two housekeepers and led Huang Jinglei upstairs, while Guo Feng lived in the guest room.

After coming to the bedroom upstairs, Huang Jinglei's pretty face was slightly red, and Zhang Xiao hugged her into her arms and said with a smile: "Take a bath together?"

"I'll go first." Huang Jinglei broke away from Zhang Xiao's arms and ran into the bathroom.

Seeing her embarrassed look, Zhang Xiao couldn't help laughing out loud.

But Zhang Xiao didn't take the opportunity to go in, although Huang Jinglei didn't lock the door.

Half an hour later, Huang Jinglei walked into the bedroom in her pajamas and got into the bed.

Zhang Xiao also got up and went to take a bath. After taking a bath, Zhang Xiao changed into pajamas in the bathroom, walked into the bedroom, and turned into the bed.

An hour and a half later, the clouds cleared up.

Zhang Xiao hugged Huang Jinglei and said with a smile: "Do you usually have a lot of entertainment like this?"

Huang Jinglei's whole body was limp, without a trace of strength. After hearing Zhang Xiao's question, she shook her head and said, "There are a lot of entertainment, but there are no hard requirements. Besides, I'm still popular now, and I don't lack for filming. Don’t care about some unspoken rules.”

"Then why did you accompany me here today?" Zhang Xiao asked with a smile.

"You're handsome, but I didn't expect you to be so powerful. I'm about to die of happiness. Anyone who can marry you is really happy." Huang Jinglei smiled after thinking about the passion just now.

Zhang Xiao couldn't help being a little speechless. As expected of the age of looking at faces, a person's good external conditions can indeed make people take a lot of light.

"Do you have a boyfriend?"

"No, why do you want to keep me?" Huang Jinglei said with a chuckle.

"Can't you?" Zhang Xiao said teasingly.

"Of course, but I'm usually busy, so I can't be on call." Huang Jinglei said with a smile.

"It's easy to get tired of eating too much meat. It's good to get together when you have time. I'll give you a set of keys to the villa tomorrow. You can come here anytime you want." Zhang Xiao said with a smile.

Huang Jinglei suddenly became excited. Perhaps to Zhang Xiao, a villa might not be a big deal, but to Huang Jinglei, it was something worth celebrating, even though she was only allowed to live in it, because she knew the residents of Fenglin Villa District They are all either rich or expensive, and being able to live here, she also has the capital to show off.

After scoring twice, Huang Jinglei didn't know how she fell asleep. When she woke up the next day, Zhang Xiao had already left, leaving her a set of villa keys and a bank card.

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