"Yeah, I've heard a lot, but I haven't asked my master. I think there should be no fakes, but some exaggerations are inevitable." Zhang Xiao said as he walked into the room along the corridor.

"Not to mention, there are many legends about you now, the new generation of jade king, sprint king, and investment king!" Academician Ni couldn't help but joked with a smile.

Zhang Xiao said helplessly: "People nowadays are too exaggerated, and they will be called kings if they make a little achievement. This feudal society has been wiped out for more than 100 years, and these people are still like this."

"People are like this. The more they lack something, the more they like to brag about it. After all, there are no princes now, so they like to let some domain kings appear in this world to satisfy their fantasies." Academician Ni smiled suddenly and stretched out his hand He grabbed a handful of snowflakes from a tree by the corridor and said while kneading them.

Zhang Xiao smiled and nodded, but didn't say anything more.

After coming to the living room, Zhang Xiao handed a newspaper to Academician Ni and said, "Academician Ni, this is the article you published in the daily newspaper. I saw it. It is very well written and worthy of thought-provoking."

After Academician Ni took it over and looked at it, he couldn't help laughing and said, "I didn't expect my article to be published in a daily newspaper. It was just a trial."

"Being able to publish it in the daily newspaper has already explained the problem. This shows that we are right to take the road of independent research and development, and it is affirmed." Zhang Xiao said confidently.

Academician Ni said helplessly: "It's too difficult to change this kind of borrowingism. After all, they are just second-hand dealers. They can make profits when they take it in and sell it, so they don't want to research and develop it at all. Not only that, they have also formed their own interest groups, and it is really too difficult to break their alliance."

Zhang Xiao nodded, thinking of the Taishan Club headed by Director Liu of Lianxiang Group, sighed and said: "There is no way to do this. Capital is for profit. Even if I want to develop a business, I need a lot The support of capital, but in order not to allow capital to erode the future development of microelectronics technology companies and chip factories, I am now very cautious even in financing, because I know that once capital is swayed, then the enterprise will lose its autonomy and will only rely on profits For the sole purpose, it's not what I hope for."

Academician Ni is also aware of Zhang Xiao's pressure, because so far, many ministerial meetings have only invited him, without Zhang Xiao's name, which shows from another aspect that Zhang Xiao was targeted.

However, Zhang Xiao didn't care about it, and he was happy to be quiet. Moreover, Academician Ni was in charge of the overall situation of the microelectronics technology company. I care about it, but I am full of passion for promoting the development of the computer industry, and I am on the front line every day.

Academician Ni sighed and said, "Boss, I believe the future will get better and better. After all, we are a socialist country."

Zhang Xiao nodded, but didn't say anything more. After all, it's useless to talk too much. He can only do it and cherish it. Moreover, he believes that with the development of time, the control over capital will change.

At this moment, Lu Huaping came in and said with a smile: "Boss, Mr. Ni, the roasted whole lamb is ready. Shall we eat it in the yard or in the house?"

"Academician Ni, what do you think?" Zhang Xiao asked Academician Ni for his opinion.

"Isn't there a gazebo in the yard? Let's eat in the gazebo, it's not easy to clean up in the house." Academician Ni said.

"Okay, then go eat in the gazebo." Zhang Xiao said with a smile.

When we came to the gazebo in the yard, the roasted whole lamb was also put on the stone table, served with Moutai wine, and everyone started eating and drinking.

Academician Ni cut a piece of lamb chops, held the lamb chops in one hand and held the wine glass in the other, admiring the snowflakes outside the gazebo, couldn't help sighing: "Boss, you still enjoy it. It's really a kind of roasted whole lamb in this weather." A rare treat."

Zhang Xiao smiled and said, "Academician Ni, you are welcome to come here often in the future. I don't have any other hobbies, except that I am picky about eating and drinking."

Academician Ni drank a glass of wine, shook his head and said with a wry smile: "I'm old, I can't compare to you young people. I think I could eat half a whole roasted lamb by myself."

"Mr. Ni, you can't say you are old. Our domestic computer industry still needs you to lead." Lu Huaping said with a smile after bringing a few small dishes to the table.

"Old Lu is right. Come on, let's have a toast for the future of the computer industry!" Zhang Xiao suggested with a smile.

"Come on, cheers." Academician Ni also smiled at this moment, and raised his glass without hesitation.


Everyone, including Lu Huaping, raised their glasses. Only Guo Feng used tea instead of wine. He basically doesn't drink now, mainly to keep himself sober in case someone threatens Zhang Xiao's safety.

It took more than two hours for the meal to be over. Zhang Xiao asked Guo Feng to drive Academician Ni, who had drunk a lot, back home.

After Guo Feng came back, Zhang Xiao asked, "Is Academician Ni alright?"

"It's okay, to be honest, Academician Ni didn't drink much today." Guo Feng said with a smile.

"That's good. Academician Ni is old after all. It seems that he needs a life secretary." Zhang Xiao said after a little thought.

"I'll find him one from the security company, after all, safety is more important." Guo Feng said.

"Okay, I'll talk to Academician Ni first tomorrow." Zhang Xiao agreed without hesitation.

After Guo Feng returned to the room in the backyard, Zhang Xiao returned to the room, took a shower and went to bed.

Early the next morning, Zhang Xiao got up and started exercising in the yard, while Lu Huaping and the others who got up at the same time started to clean the snow.

Half an hour later, Zhang Xiao broke out in sweat and felt much better. She went back to the house to take a shower and changed clothes before going to the restaurant for dinner.

After eating, Zhang Xiao said to Guo Feng: "The current business of the security company has been enriched a lot, and the next thing to do is to promote it nationwide. What do you think about it?"

Guo Feng scratched his head, shook his head with a wry smile, and said, "Yuan Min is currently in charge of the company's business, and I'm thinking whether to let him be the general manager, so I won't be suspended."

After Zhang Xiao thought for a while, he smiled and said, "This is a discussion between you and Yuan Min. Anyway, you also own the shares. Whether you are the general manager or not will not affect you much."

Guo Feng nodded, and said with some embarrassment: "The company's shares are a bit hot for me to hold, so I think I'd better give them up."

The reason why Guo Feng said that was largely because Yuan Min was in charge of the security company's business, and his main job was to be in charge of Zhang Xiao's security, so his contribution to the company was definitely not as good as Yuan Min's.

"Eat salty radish, don't worry, Yuan Min also has shares, so don't worry." Zhang Xiao said angrily.

Guo Feng couldn't help laughing. He was really lucky to meet a boss like Zhang Xiao. In less than two years, he not only owned 5.00% of the shares of Hongyuan Security Company, but also had a monthly salary of nearly [-]. , There are still hundreds of thousands of year-end bonuses, which makes him a little embarrassed.

But precisely because of this, all of Guo Feng's work now focuses on Zhang Xiao's safety, but he handed over all the company's business to Yuan Min.

After coming to the company in the morning, Zhang Xiao went to Academician Ni's office to discuss about the company's research and development projects.

Zhang Xiao and Academician Ni sat on the sofa and compared the items on the item list to discuss item by item, what should be kept, what should be reduced, and what should be added.

It took a whole day for the two of them to finalize all the research and development projects. Not only that, they also divided the current research and development part into three departments.

As for the heads of various departments, Zhang Xiao handed over the full power to Academician Ni to appoint them. He didn't want to show his presence. Will shine, no matter what position he is in.

Zhang Xiao and Academician Ni set the focus of the R&D department in three directions and split the R&D department for this purpose.

The first is the chip research and development department based on chip architecture, which mainly develops related chips such as central processing units. This is also a department that has to be established.

The second direction is the software research and development department based on the Shenhua computer operating system. Technical support and service.

The third direction is the research and development of the mobile network. Zhang Xiao planned it as a mobile research and development department, mainly researching and developing network services for laptops and mobile phones. This includes not only communication services, but also wireless communication and other project teams.

After these things are settled, Zhang Xiao can finally feel at ease. After all, as long as they don’t deviate from the direction, they can always achieve results. What’s more, Zhang Xiao also provided direction for their research and development. If they can’t catch up with foreign technology, Zhang Xiao couldn't say anything, he could only say that the timing was wrong.

After dealing with all this, Zhang Xiao looked at the time and it was already past five in the afternoon, but he returned to his office anyway. After all, he also wanted to see the development plans submitted by other companies.

However, what made Zhang Xiao feel speechless was that the development plans of other companies hadn't been completed yet, but Microelectronics Technology Company was one step ahead.

Zhang Xiao asked Tian Xiaodan to call and urge them to hand over all of them within a week.

After finishing these, Zhang Xiao went directly back to the courtyard.

After returning home, Zhang Xiao was lying on the sofa very tired, with her eyes slightly closed, thinking about some trifles about the New Year.

This year's Chinese New Year, Zhang Xiao couldn't help donating some money to the village, and promised his third uncle to let him be in charge of the production of the electronics factory in the future, and also some other trivial matters. Zhang Xiao had to spend energy on these things, after all, these promised things It must be done, otherwise it will still have a great impact on his reputation.

After dinner, Zhang Xiao still felt bored because Deng Jie was not at home.

At this moment, Zhang Xiao's phone rang.

After Zhang Xiao answered the phone, he heard Deng Yi shouting on the phone: "Zhang Xiao, do you have time now?"

"Yes, what's the matter?" Zhang Xiao asked with some doubts.

"Come out to play, how many people want to know you." Deng Yi said with a smile.

Zhang Xiao didn't know what Deng Yi meant, but thinking that this was the first time Deng Yi invited him out to play, Zhang Xiao asked with a smile, "Where is it?"

"I'll pick you up, or you really can't find a place." Deng Yi said.

"Okay, I'll wait for you at home." Zhang Xiao hung up the phone after finishing speaking.

Then Zhang Xiao called Guo Feng and asked him to come to the living room and accompany her there later.

Half an hour later, Deng Yi walked in, smiled and said to Zhang Xiao: "You drive yourself and I will take you there directly?"

"I'll let Guo Feng drive with you, so that you don't come to see me off after the party." Zhang Xiao said.

"Okay, then you guys go with my car." Deng Yi didn't stop, and after saying a word, he pulled Zhang Xiao and walked outside.

Deng Yi drove an off-road vehicle with snow chains on all four tires.

After Zhang Xiao sat in the co-pilot, Deng Yi drove off directly, while Guo Feng drove behind.

"It's past eight o'clock, isn't it too late?" Zhang Xiao asked.

"It's not too late. Such gatherings usually don't start until nine or ten o'clock. After all, during the Chinese New Year, everyone needs to socialize at home." Deng Yi said indifferently.

Zhang Xiao nodded, and knew that what Deng Yi said was the truth, but what he was curious about was where Deng Yi took him.

Following Deng Yi's driving, Zhang Xiao suddenly felt that the road was familiar, and suddenly remembered that the place he accompanied his master Mo Wenxin to the last exchange meeting was also the same road, so it couldn't be the same place.

After walking for a while, Zhang Xiao finally confirmed that it really is a place.

The rules were exactly the same, but what Deng Yi presented was a black card, which was different from the invitation letter from last time. There was no need to check at all, and the two cars drove in.

After stopping at a small building, Deng Yi said with a smile as he walked: "This is a private club. If there is no introduction from someone, you can't get in under normal circumstances."

Zhang Xiao said helplessly, "I came here last time, and I came to participate in the exchange meeting with my master."

"I despise you. If I knew you were here, why would I pick you up?" Deng Yi stared at Zhang Xiao speechlessly and said.

But this time they went to Building No. [-]. Although it was exactly the same as Building No. [-], the layout inside was very different. As soon as they entered, they saw the T-shaped stage in the center, surrounded by one after another facing the stage. There is a long table and a round table behind it.

A lot of people had already come in the hall now, but unfortunately Zhang Xiao didn't know anyone except Deng Yi, so he suddenly felt bored.

"How about it? It's not bad here. There will be a catwalk in a while, so you'll be lucky." Deng Yi said with a smile.

"Little Dengzi, I'm your prospective brother-in-law now, so you brought me to this kind of place? Are you afraid that your sister will peel your skin if she finds out?" Zhang Xiao joked with a smile.

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