After Zhang Xiao's performance was over, she was about to step off the stage, but was stopped by Tian Xiaodan. Zhang Xiao stood helplessly on the stage, watching the employees booing.

"Do you think the boss's performance is good?" Tian Xiaodan asked with a smile.

"it is good."


All the employees in the audience booed for a while, and there was a mess of laughter and shouts.

"Do you want to see the boss perform another one!" Tian Xiaodan asked with a coquettish smile.

"miss you!"

"another one!"

The employees below immediately shouted happily, it was not a big deal to watch the excitement, plus this happy moment, they also knew that Zhang Xiao would not care.

"Boss, you see everyone is so enthusiastic, why don't you have another one." Tian Xiaodan laughed out loud, pulled Zhang Xiao's arm and said.

Zhang Xiao smiled helplessly. When he met Tian Xiaodan, who didn't play cards according to common sense, he could only pick up the microphone and say: "Since everyone requested, of course I will perform one, but let's agree first, this is the last one." .”


The people below suddenly shouted and cheered.

Zhang Xiao reluctantly took out a guitar from the backstage, sat on the high stool and plucked the strings twice, then smiled into the microphone and said, "I'm giving you a song that changes the world, I hope you like it."

There was a burst of applause from the audience, and many employees started whispering.

"I used to think I could change the world,

as time goes by,

I just found,

It turned out that the world changed me,

Dreams of the past have become clouds of the past.

I long to change the world,

I would give up everything for this,

Until now,

But it turned out that everything was in vain..."

With the accompaniment of the guitar, Zhang Xiao's voice was a little low and full of magnetism, which attracted everyone's attention. They found that they had never heard the song Zhang Xiao sang, and they couldn't help being a little surprised.

After the song was sung, Zhang Xiao put the guitar on the edge of the stage and slowly walked back to his seat.

It wasn't until this time that the applause broke out.

"Boss, why haven't I heard this song before? Are you the original singer?" Tian Xiaodan said excitedly.

"No, I forgot where I heard it." Zhang Xiao quickly denied it, because he didn't want to be given other titles.

Tian Xiaodan was skeptical, but as the next program started, people's attention was immediately diverted.

Only then did Zhang Xiao heave a sigh of relief, because the song just now was just his feeling.

The show didn't end until [-]:[-] pm, but everyone still had something to say, and many people still wanted to watch the show.

Zhang Xiao couldn't help but said to Tian Xiaodan: "You go and announce it. Those who want to perform on stage can do it directly, so that everyone in the backstage can work harder."

Tian Xiaodan immediately understood what Zhang Xiao meant. This is the rhythm of carnival, but the dinner will be next, so everyone can come on stage to vent.

Tian Xiaodan grinned and said, "Boss, you can't refuse someone who asks you to dance later."

After Tian Xiaodan finished speaking, regardless of Zhang Xiao's glaring, he walked to the stage in three steps and two steps, and said with a microphone: "Dear colleagues, anyone who wants to perform on stage can come on stage. Tonight is our Hongyuan group carnival!"

"There is wine, meat and beauties, let's have a carnival to our heart's content." Tian Xiaodan shouted loudly, mobilizing everyone's emotions.

Zhang Xiao shook her head involuntarily, and said to Hou Shuyan: "Serve the food, everyone should watch the performance while eating and drinking."

It didn't take long for the food and wine to be delivered continuously by the staff of the logistics department. After a while, the whole auditorium was filled with the aroma of the food and wine, which made people unable to resist the taste buds.

At this time, on the stage, there are still employees performing to their heart's content, and the quality is actually better than the previous rehearsal.

Zhang Xiao suddenly became happy. It seemed that there was a hidden dragon and a crouching tiger in the company.

However, after the food and drinks were served, Zhang Xiao had to lead the company's senior executives to toast everyone. This is also a necessary process of the annual meeting. One is to let everyone know the company's senior management, and the other is to let Zhang Xiao remember these outstanding employees .

With more than 120 tables, Zhang Xiao drank more than a catty of wine even if he took a sip at each table. These wines did not matter to him, but most of the company executives who followed him drank too much. Both eyes are blurred.

Zhang Xiao, who returned to her seat, watched them climb onto the stage one by one to perform, and couldn't help clapping happily.

But at this time, the atmosphere in the auditorium was lively, and there were all kinds of situations, people punching and drinking, and some people kept performing on stage, which made everyone excited.

The annual meeting didn't end until after eleven o'clock in the evening. Even with Zhang Xiao's drinking capacity, he was almost drunk.

Back in the courtyard, Zhang Xiao saw that Deng Jie had fallen asleep, took a shower carefully, and then fell asleep next to Deng Jie.

Early the next morning, Zhang Xiao was ready to go home, and Deng Jie also packed her things to go home for the New Year.

"Aren't you planning to go back with me to celebrate the New Year this year?" Zhang Xiao asked.

"No, it will take another two years." Deng Jie shook her head and refused.

Zhang Xiao nodded, and she also knew that Deng Jie was losing face, and the Spring Festival was a special festival, and if she was not married, she would usually celebrate the New Year at her home.

After breakfast, Zhang Xiao first sent Deng Jie home, and by the way, wished Deng Zhimin and the others an early new year.

After leaving Deng Jie's house, Zhang Xiao drove back to his hometown directly.

After arriving in Xinglin County, Zhang Xiao suddenly felt a little uncomfortable. This year passed, and Xinglin County didn't seem to have changed at all. Whether it was the county seat or the town, everything seemed to be the same.

It's still the same, I didn't feel this way when I stayed at home all day.

But now I am used to the same life in the capital every day, and now I feel quite awkward when I come back suddenly.

But Zhang Xiao didn't say much. After all, in his impression, even after a few years, the development of Xinglin County was still so slow. It was not until the construction of the new countryside started that everything picked up.

When Zhang Xiao returned home, it was already the afternoon of the 26th of the twelfth lunar month, and the atmosphere of the new year was already strong. There were lights and festoons everywhere, and the sound of firecrackers sounded from time to time, making it seem very lively.

Zhang Xiao came to her grandparents' house after eating, and was very happy to see all her uncles came back.

In the evening, everyone in the family got together to have a meal. Since the Spring Festival is coming soon, even at night, people from the family will come to pay New Year's greetings, mainly to visit Zhang Weilin.

Zhang Hongjun also got up to entertain them one by one, but they didn't stay long, they sat down, drank two glasses of wine, ate a few mouthfuls of food, and then left.

After dinner, the family sits together and chats.

The third uncle Zhang Guoqiang said to Zhang Xiao: "Xiaoxiao, I'm going to resign, how about I go to your company?"

After Zhang Xiao was taken aback for a moment, Zhang Guoqiang is currently working as a production supervisor in a foreign-funded enterprise. Although he is not a high-ranking person, his income is not low, but Zhang Xiao still smiled and said: "Of course, you want to go to that company Woolen cloth?"

"Microelectronics Technology Company, I heard that you are building an electronics factory in our county, and the scale is not small?" Zhang Guoqiang said.

Zhang Xiao immediately understood what Zhang Guoqiang meant. He obviously wanted to manage the newly built electronics factory, but Zhang Xiao didn't have any opinion about it, so he said with a smile: "At present, the electronics factory in our county has just been approved. I have come down to the land and are doing basic work. If you want to go somewhere, I can arrange for you to go there directly, but there is already a vice president in charge there, you can only be his deputy first, and we will discuss it after the electronics factory is completed. Your duty."

"I'm fine." Zhang Guoqiang breathed a sigh of relief. He was really afraid that Zhang Xiao would let him start from the grassroots level, which would not be in line with his original intention.

Zhang Xiao smiled slightly and said, "Let's celebrate the new year first. After the new year, we will go to the capital to handle the entry procedures for you. You will come after the induction training."

Zhang Guoqiang nodded, and immediately smiled with satisfaction. Although he was the production supervisor in the foreign capital before, he has already reached the top. It will be more difficult to go further, so he is no longer ready to continue working.

After the matter was settled, everyone ate and drank again. After all, this was a reunion dinner, and it was actually inconvenient to explain many things too clearly, as long as they were clear in their hearts.

At ten o'clock in the evening, the meal was over. Zhang Xiao's family left their grandparents' house and headed towards their own home.

"Xiaoxiao, your third uncle's temper is not very good. If something happens in the company, if it doesn't violate the principle, you still have to take it easy." Zhang Hongjun said on the road.

"I know, besides, the company is really short of people now, so I can rest assured that my third uncle can come over." Zhang Xiao said without hesitation.

"It's good for you to understand yourself, but as your company grows bigger and bigger, there are some things that you should pay attention to. You must not let others be crony, and many talents will lose hope at that time." Zhang Hongjun warned.

"Dad, don't worry, I'll take care of it. Besides, Uncle San used to work in a foreign company and was a production supervisor, so it's reasonable to raise the level of our company when he comes." Zhang Xiao nodded Open your mouth and say.

Zhang Hongjun nodded, knowing what Zhang Xiao said was reasonable, so he smiled and said, "You can figure it out."

After returning home, Zhang Xiao called her parents into the house, took out two boxes from the suitcase, and said, "These are two emerald plaques. Wearing them on your body is good for your health."

These two jade tablets contain a lot of energy, which Zhang Xiao found specially for his parents. Although the quality doesn't look very good, the energy contained in them is indeed rich.

"Really?" Yang Lan said with some surprise.

"Yeah, I let my master read it, it's okay." Zhang Xiao said with a smile, knowing that he was soft-spoken in front of his parents, so he had to use the name of his master Mo Wenxin.

"Okay, then don't worry, we will always wear it." Yang Lan opened the box and looked at the jade plaque inside and said with a smile.

Zhang Xiao took out four more boxes, and said, "The ones here are for grandparents and grandparents, and the quality is similar. After the New Year's Day, you can send them over for them to wear."

Yang Lan nodded, and asked in silence for a while, "Is this thing expensive?"

Zhang Xiao nodded and said, "It's really not cheap, but it's nothing to me. I'll give you a better one when I have a chance in the future."

Zhang Hongjun said angrily: "These jadeites are so miraculous that they are not just for hype. Don't waste so much money in the future."

Zhang Xiao shook her head and said with a smile: "If you make money, you just spend it and enjoy it. Otherwise, what are you doing with the money? We're not misers."

Zhang Hongjun stopped talking immediately, and Yang Lan also smiled. Since Zhang Xiao became rich, the living standard of the family has indeed improved by more than one level. Food, clothing, housing and transportation have all undergone earth-shaking changes. They are still willing to spend on daily life. .

From the next day, Zhang Xiao started to visit relatives and friends, and delivered gifts from the capital door to door, but Zhang Xiao didn't stay for dinner, and came and went in a hurry.

Waking up in the morning on the 28th of the twelfth lunar month, Zhang Xiao saw Li Chunlai at home.

"Uncle Li, why are you here? I also said that I would go to your house today to celebrate the early years." Zhang Xiao said with a smile.

"Xiaoxiao, why are you being polite to me? Speaking of which, I still need to thank you. If it weren't for the introduction of the electronics factory this year, I would really be unable to complete my task!" Li Chunlai said with a chuckle.

Zhang Xiao smiled slightly and said, "Uncle Li, we should also go back to our hometown to build a factory. After all, our county's industrial foundation is relatively weak. If we want to develop, we still need an industrial foundation."

Li Chunlai nodded and said, "You're right, you can't get rich without work, but given the conditions in our county, it's still relatively difficult to develop."

"There is nothing difficult in the world if there is a heart, as long as we have the heart to do it, we will always find a way." Zhang Xiao said with a smile.

Li Chunlai nodded, but didn't say much.

After breakfast, Li Chunlai took his leave and left. After all, they had more work to do at the end of the year.

However, there are more and more people in Zhang Xiao's family. Not only neighbors come to visit, but also village cadres and town leaders.

Zhang Xiao also had to stay at home to socialize, because he knew that these people were all looking for him.

Those in the village must come here for alms. After all, a part of the activity funds in the village are donated by rich people in the village every year, including gifts for the elderly in the village on various festivals. These seem to cost little, but when there are more people, the cost is still not high. Less.

However, the leaders of the town came here for the purpose of attracting investment and going out to work. For this, Zhang Xiao can only express that he will do his best to help the town complete the job introduction for helping migrant workers. As for attracting investment, Zhang Xiao can only Said that there is an opportunity to cooperate in the future.

However, Zhang Xiao is indeed thinking about the development of the town. After all, this is his hometown. Contributing to his hometown can not only earn fame, but also accumulate prestige.

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