At noon, Zhang Xiao entertained all the people who came to the house for a meal, and they all dispersed.

During the Spring Festival, there were not many trivial matters. Fortunately, Zhang Kai and Zhang Ping are both grown up now, so they helped the family share a lot of things.

Zhang Xiao is even more happy to hear this. After all, the current family is not what it used to be, and many things will change. It is a kind of exercise for the younger brother and younger sister to adapt to various social activities as soon as possible.

Not only that, with the expansion of the company's business scope, more and more fields are involved, and sooner or later it will become a real wealthy family, and the overall quality of the family members will need to be improved by then.

For this reason, although Zhang Xiao didn't know what to do, the parents and younger siblings finally had a start when they started to receive people they had never had contact with before.

This is also something that a family must experience in growing up.

In the following time, more and more things happened to Zhang Xiao. Not only other leaders from the county came to look for them, but even leaders from the city came over. This caught Zhang Xiao a little off guard, but Zhang Xiao knew that facing these leaders They, he can't lose his principles, otherwise he will face investment traps one after another.

Fortunately, after the Spring Festival, Zhang Xiao went to visit his relatives for the festival without their disturbance.

On the fourth day of the first lunar month, Zhang Xiao went to her grandma's house to pay her respects. The trunk was full of things, all of which were gifts from her mother, Yang Lan.

Zhang Xiao didn't have any objection to this, but instead put some supplements brought from the capital into it, most of which were for their blood and qi.

After paying New Year's greetings to grandma and grandpa, Zhang Xiao was a little disappointed that Tong Yao's family also went to celebrate the festival today, but there was less chance to meet each other.

"Xiaoxiao, come home, isn't it cold outside?" Uncle Yang Lei said to Zhang Xiao.

Zhang Xiao nodded and said with a smile, "I'll just go in. Didn't you go to worship today?"

"The second day of junior high school has passed, and I am waiting for you to come over today." Yang Lei said with a smile.

Zhang Xiao walked into the room with his uncle Yang Lei, talking about the company.

"There are two branches of Xingsheng Glass Factory to be built this year. The pressure is still great. You just need to grasp the direction. You don't need to do everything yourself, otherwise it will be too tiring." Zhang Xiao said to Yang Lei with a smile .

"I know, I'm a little bit powerless at the moment. After all, my education level is a little low, and I can't understand many reports at all." Yang Lei shook his head and said with a wry smile.

"Then take the time to attend a training class, or go to an evening school, otherwise with the development of the company, it will be difficult for you to keep up. It will be a pity if you can't keep up due to cultural reasons." Zhang Xiao persuaded .

Yang Lei nodded, and said with a chuckle, "I'd better go to night school, and it would be good to take the opportunity to get a diploma."

Zhang Xiao nodded, sighed, and said, "In the future society, knowledge will be more and more important, so learning is necessary. If it doesn't work, you can hire a tutor."

Yang Lei nodded and understood Zhang Xiao's meaning. After all, he is not short of money now. For more than a year, not to mention the salary, the bonus alone is more than enough to buy a house in the capital, let alone Xingsheng Glass Factory 5.00 % of equity dividends.

Yang Lei knows that the most important thing for him now is to keep up with the company's development, so he needs to learn a lot of knowledge. Although he has also learned a lot of management knowledge over the past year, there are still many things he doesn't understand. Much, so anxious.

"I know, I will arrange this matter when I go back." Yang Lei took a deep breath and said with a smile.

Zhang Xiao nodded, but didn't say much. After all, it is really difficult for Yang Lei to study now, but learning is inevitable if he wants to keep up with the company's development.

In fact, not only Yang Lei needs to study, everyone in the company is studying in their spare time, even Zhang Xiao himself has to learn business management knowledge every day, and even finance, law and other knowledge he needs to study hard, if it is not for his memory It's amazing, just learning this knowledge will take most of his energy.

After returning to the house, Zhang Xiao sat on the sofa and chatted with his grandparents. Zhang Xiao always answered their questions seriously. After all, for the elderly, what they care about is not how much you have achieved, but about I hope to get more attention.

Maybe sometimes the questions they ask are relatively naive, and they are already asking the highest questions within their cognitive range. As juniors, we should not only make their lives happy, but also satisfy their spiritual needs.

Zhang Xiao's serious answer made grandpa and grandma very happy. After all, they also hope that Zhang Xiao can develop better and better, so as to drive Yang Lei and the others to make a fortune. After all, Yang Lei has made a lot of money in the past year. in the eyes.

That night, when Zhang Xiao returned home from his grandma's house, it was already nine o'clock in the evening.

Seeing the snowflakes all over the sky, Zhang Xiao couldn't help but shook her head, it seemed that she would have to go through a lot of trouble to return to the capital.

There was nothing to say all night, and the next morning, Zhang Xiao looked at the snow that was already ten centimeters deep, and couldn't help but feel a little depressed. With such a deep snow, it is not easy to go back to the capital.

"Boss, are you leaving today?" Guo Feng asked.

"Call to inquire about the situation and see if there is snow on the road to the capital. If there is snow, we will go back by train or plane." Zhang Xiao said.

Guo Feng nodded and went to make a phone call.

"Xiaoxiao, are you leaving today?" Yang Lan asked.

"Yes, I have to go back early, the company still has a lot of things to do." Zhang Xiao nodded and said.

Yang Lan's eyes were slightly red, and she warned, "Be more careful outside, you can't make enough money, and eat on time, don't act recklessly just because you are in good health."

Zhang Xiao listened to his mother's rambling, not only did he not dislike the rambling, but was full of emotion, his eyes moistened slightly.

Not long after, Guo Feng called back, shook his head and said: "The road to the capital is covered with snow, and the expressway has been closed. Not only that, the flights from the provincial capital to the capital have all been suspended."

After pondering for a while, Zhang Xiao said, "Then let's go back by train, but I don't know if there are any tickets now."

Guo Feng smiled slightly and said, "You can get a sleeper ticket for the train ticket. If I'm sure I want to leave today, I'll call and ask my comrade-in-arms to save the ticket for me."

Zhang Xiao couldn't help laughing, thinking that Guo Feng has quite a few comrades in arms, from all walks of life, and said with a smile: "Okay, then you can contact us, there are four of us in total, three tickets are enough, and one person must be reserved." Drive back."

Guo Feng nodded and said, "Let Lao Lu go back with us, and Xiao Sun will drive back to the city by himself."

"That's the only way." Zhang Xiao nodded and said.

After breakfast, Zhang Xiao didn't stay at home, but said goodbye to her parents and family and headed towards the city.

Although the snowflakes were still falling and the snow on the road was thick, the car was stable after the snow chains were installed, but the speed could not be increased.

It was already twelve o'clock at noon when Zhang Xiao arrived at the city railway station, and it took more than three hours to travel from the original two hours.

Zhang Xiao told Sun Haoyang: "Drive slowly on the road, if you can't do it, just rest on the road overnight."

After Sun Haoyang nodded in agreement, he drove away slowly.

After Zhang Xiao, Guo Feng, and Lu Huaping got their train tickets, they had lunch and got on the train to the capital without any delay.

Even if it was an express train, it was already past nine o'clock in the evening when it arrived in the capital.

After getting in the car driven by Yuan Min, Zhang Xiao looked at the snowflakes outside the window and couldn't help but said, "This snow is really heavy."

"Boss, the weather forecast says there will be heavy snowfall in the next two days." Yuan Min said after starting the car.

Zhang Xiao nodded, thinking about those employees whose families are out of town, couldn't help but said helplessly: "This weather will be a big test for the employees returning this year."

Yuan Min nodded and said: "This is a troublesome matter, and the escort work of our security company has a lot of influence."

"Be sure to pay attention to safety. After all, it is cold and easy to freeze. All escort vehicles must take anti-skid measures."

"Don't worry, boss, we will take care of it." Yuan Min said with a smile.

After returning to the courtyard, Zhang Xiao ate a bowl of mutton soup and went to bed. He still felt tired after a day's driving.

Waking up early the next morning, Zhang Xiao saw that the snow had thickened a lot, and couldn't help shaking her head, but he still wanted to go to Deng Zhimin's house to pay New Year's greetings today.

After breakfast, Zhang Xiao drove to Deng Zhimin's house with the gift she had prepared.

Along the way, Zhang Xiao saw many car accidents caused by slippery roads, so he asked Guo Feng to drive slowly.

It took more than an hour to arrive at the original 10-minute journey.

When Zhang Xiao walked in with her things, she saw Deng Zhihao sitting in the living room talking with Deng Zhimin.

"Uncle, uncle." Zhang Xiao shouted with a smile after putting the things aside.

"Xiaoxiao is here, we were talking about you just now." Deng Zhihao said with a smile.

"Really, what did you say about me?" Zhang Xiao sat down at the coffee table, poured a cup of tea and asked with a smile.

Deng Zhihao chuckled and said, "I heard that you integrated several real estate companies a few years ago and merged them into Hongyuan Real Estate Company. It seems that you have great confidence in the real estate industry."

Zhang Xiao nodded, smiled and said, "Of course, I have already explained the reason before. I think the real estate industry still has a lot to do."

"I also want to invest in Hongyuan Real Estate Company, what do you think?" Deng Zhihao said with a smile.

"I agree, but now there are five shareholders of Hongyuan Real Estate Company. Although I am the largest shareholder, I can't make the final decision alone. How about this? I will discuss it with them in two days to see if they agree. " Zhang Xiao said after pondering for a while.

"Okay, then I'll wait for your news." Deng Zhihao smiled and nodded.

Zhang Xiao nodded, and asked with a smile, "How much does my uncle plan to own? Is it capital injection or acquisition of shares?"

"The shareholding should be more than 15.00%. As for capital injection or acquisition, I don't care." Deng Zhihao said with a smile.

"Well, you have been waiting for my news for two days." Zhang Xiao said.

Zhang Xiao is well aware of Deng Zhihao's plan, it seems that Deng Zhihao is still not very optimistic about the future prospects of the real estate industry, otherwise he will establish his own company instead of investing in his own real estate company.

However, this is good news for Hongyuan Real Estate Company. After all, Deng Zhihao has a deep network of contacts, which can save the approval time to the greatest extent, which is extremely important for real estate companies.

After Deng Zhihao took a few sips of tea, he smiled and said, "I have investigated the computer room, and I can do it. I have already contacted many friends and plan to establish a chain of computer rooms in first-tier cities across the country."

"How much do you plan to invest?" Zhang Xiao asked.

"I plan to invest about 8000 million yuan. I invested 500 million yuan myself, and my friends and the others contributed [-] million yuan. Do you want to invest?" Deng Zhihao said with a smile.

After Zhang Xiao thought about it for a while, he smiled and said, "I will provide you with a computer at the wholesale market price, which is regarded as a shareholding. The specific amount is calculated according to the price of the computer. What do you think?"

Deng Zhihao immediately pointed to Zhang Xiao and said with a smile: "You are really pervasive. I heard from my friends that your Shenhua computer is currently using your own operating system, and many games on the market are not yet supported by your Shenhua computer. It's hard for me to run on your own operating system."

Zhang Xiao nodded with a smile, and then said confidently: "There is indeed such a situation at present, but with the promotion of our Shenhua computer operating system, all game manufacturers have begun to develop games suitable for the Shenhua computer operating system." Yes, I don’t think there is any problem with using our Shenhua computer.”

"And now most of the people who go to the computer room are playing stand-alone games, but our Shenhua computer operating system has a battle platform developed by ourselves, with our own game ecology, which allows many people to play online games, which is absolutely ahead of other computer system."

Deng Zhihao's eyes suddenly brightened, because according to the survey results, except for the temporary office staff, most of the people who came to the computer room to play were for the games above.

However, the current stand-alone games have limited appeal after all. If there are games that can be played online, it will definitely greatly promote the development of the computer room.

"You kid really has you, and I don't know how your head is shaped." Deng Zhihao said with a big laugh.

"Uncle, the business development of the computer room must be fast. We are not the only ones who are eyeing this area. I thought you would start construction a few years ago. Who knows that it's the Chinese New Year, and you are still stuck in planning. " Zhang Xiao said helplessly.

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