While Zhang Xiao was busy, 1998 had quietly passed away, and the Spring Festival was not far away. At this time, Zhang Xiao had already completed the school exams and was only waiting to return to his hometown after the company's annual meeting.

This is the first annual meeting of Hongyuan Investment Company, and it is held in Hongyuan Building, for which Hongyuan Building has already begun to decorate.

In addition to the high-level executives of each company, the participants will have excellent employees as representatives to participate. The reason why not all members participate is also because of the number of people.

At present, Hongyuan Investment Company and its subsidiaries have more than 1000 employees. If all employees participate, it will not only affect the company's operation, but also cause unnecessary troubles. Zhang Xiao has limited the number of employees to [-]. , just the company's auditorium can be completely put down.

The reason for holding the annual meeting is that Zhang Xiao also wants to strengthen the cohesion among the companies. After all, although they usually work together, they do not communicate much. Holding the annual meeting this time can let them know that everyone under Hongyuan is one family. It is convenient for dispatching in the future.

In addition, Zhang Xiao has another plan, that is, with the development of the company, the management of each company may have to be exchanged, otherwise corruption will easily breed. The reason for this is also a comprehensive consideration of the future development of the company.

Whether it is a company or a dynasty, before the collapse, it must start with internal corruption, and in order for the company to develop sustainably and healthily, corruption must be eliminated, and in order to do this, precautions must be taken from the very beginning.

For this reason, Zhang Xiao set up a special supervision department to monitor the situation of the company's internal staff and form a high-pressure situation on the company's personnel to prevent people from going astray.

Of course, Zhang Xiao is also very clear that this is just a way to make up for it. If you want the company's people to work with peace of mind, high salaries are an inevitable result. However, in this way, the company's operating costs will inevitably increase, and how to balance the two? The relationship between them is the problem that Zhang Xiao has to deal with next.

As the Spring Festival approached, the company's affairs became more and more numerous. Zhang Xiao had to stay in the company from morning to night every day to deal with the company's affairs. His main job was to summarize the work of the past year.

Although Zhang Xiao is not required to sort out the data, Zhang Xiao needs to find out the current problems of each company from the operating conditions, and this is even more difficult. In his eyes, it is more like a group of reports, from which he can find out the difficulties encountered by the company.

Take Xingsheng Glass Factory as an example. Last year, the operating income of Xingsheng Glass Factory exceeded 2000 million yuan, and the profit reached more than [-] million yuan. Logically speaking, this is a very brilliant achievement, but in Zhang Xiao, it is based on the data. The problem of the Xingsheng Glass Factory can be seen in it.

The transportation cost of Xingsheng Glass Factory during the year was very high, almost catching up with the company's operating costs. It has to be said that it is a remarkable thing that Xingsheng Glass Factory can still make money under such a high cost.

However, there is no way to do this. The shipping cost of glass is already high, and the farther the transportation distance is, the higher the cost is, which caused this situation.

However, with the opening of the branch of Xingsheng Glass Factory, the transportation cost can be further reduced, thereby saving a lot of transportation costs, making up for the lack of cost, and gaining market recognition at a lower cost.

This is also what Xingsheng Glass Factory will do in the next year, that is, to select locations across the country to establish branch factories, so as to better meet market demand.

Another example is Microelectronics Technology Company, which currently sells a single product, one is Shenhua Computer, and the other is a USB flash drive. The profit margin of Shenhua Computer is low, only less than [-]%. Although the operating income is high, the profit is indeed not much. , it is not as profitable as the USB flash drive, which makes Zhang Xiao a little helpless, after all, most of Shenhua Computer's profits are still given to manufacturers of core components such as processors and memory.

Since the USB flash drive can produce its own packaging, its profit margin is extremely high, and it provides a steady stream of financial support for the microelectronics technology company, which makes Zhang Xiao feel happy.

At present, the biggest problem of microelectronics technology companies is the single product. How to transform scientific research results into products requires more attempts and efforts. However, Zhang Xiao also has his own ideas on this, that is, microelectronics technology companies can establish their own Scientific research achievements database, and then find scientific research achievements suitable for transformation into products for transformation.

One after another, Zhang Xiao had to spend a lot of time doing these things. After all, he knew the development process of the industry in the future, but he would not hesitate to take detours.

Time passed day by day, and in a blink of an eye, it was the day of the annual meeting, the 25th of the twelfth lunar month.

At this time, people from various branches had already arrived in the capital and stayed in the hotel that the company had arranged for them.

In the afternoon of the same day, buses took them all to Hongyuan Building, and they followed the guidance of the staff to the auditorium in an orderly manner.

At this time, the auditorium has completely changed its appearance. The previous tables and chairs have been removed, and it has become a round table for eight people. The employees' units and names are written on the tables, which seems to be in order.

All the employees who entered the auditorium were seated one by one, and everything seemed orderly. From this, it can be seen that the quality of Hongyuan's employees has been trained.

As the employees took their seats, the auditorium suddenly became lively.

They all talked about the changes and progress of work in the past year, especially the content and performances of this annual meeting.

At three o'clock in the afternoon, Zhang Xiao walked into the auditorium, and many people greeted Zhang Xiao.

"Boss, are you ready to start?" Tian Xiaodan asked with a smile as the person in charge of the conference.

Zhang Xiao nodded, smiled and said, "Let's start, I think everyone is here."

Tian Xiaodan immediately gave the order, and immediately on the stage set up in front of the auditorium, colorful lights were lit.

When the lights were shining, sonorous and powerful music sounded immediately, and a man and a woman followed the music and walked onto the stage with a microphone.

The male is tall and handsome, and the female is enchanting and beautiful. This is Hongyuan Investment Company's own employee.

It has to be said that with the increase in the number of employees in the company, more and more talents have emerged. Just like this annual meeting, no stars were invited, and all the programs were rehearsed by the company's personnel. Those stars performed well, but they also had a unique flavor.

"Farewell to the old and welcome the new, spring returns to the earth, spring is everywhere, and the spring breeze is proud..."

The two hosts said one sentence, which seemed particularly appropriate for the occasion.

"Respected leaders, dear colleagues, good afternoon! Spring brings vitality, and spring contains hope. We sow seeds of hope in spring, and draw a beautiful blueprint in spring..."

When the host said this, Zhang Xiao couldn't help but turned to look at Tian Xiaodan and said, "This opening remark makes me feel like I'm watching a party. It has nothing to do with our company's annual meeting. They prepared this speech themselves?"

"Hmm." Tian Xiaodan nodded embarrassedly. She thought it was just an opening statement. As the host of this annual meeting, there should be no problem, but she didn't expect them to come directly according to the rhythm of the party.

Zhang Xiao was speechless for a moment, but this was not an important matter.

"Next, we invite our boss, Mr. Zhang Xiao, to give a speech."

Hearing this, Zhang Xiao stood up from her seat and walked towards the speaking platform on the stage.

"boss Zhang."

"Boss." The 1000 people burst into appalling cheers, and Zhang Xiao couldn't help but laugh when they gathered together.

Zhang Xiao pressed his hands down, and said with a smile: "It can be seen that everyone is very happy, yes, today is indeed a day that can only be happy, because today is the day when all our Hongyuan employees gather together, and it is our summary. The days of harvest in the past year are also the days of harvest for everyone.”

As soon as Zhang Xiao's reply fell, the auditorium immediately gave warm applause. After all, they were also very excited, and being able to participate in the company's annual meeting was their recognition.

After the applause fell, Zhang Xiao continued to speak: "I won't read the year-end summary report, it's too bad, because many of you are not interested in it, so I will simply summarize a few words."

"The first is the Xingsheng Glass Factory. Last year, it achieved gratifying results. It not only created huge profits, but also expanded its customer base to all parts of the country. It deserves praise and encouragement..."

Zhang Xiao began to talk about the achievements of various companies in the past year, and everyone's eyes widened and their ears were pricked up to hear the company's achievements.

In the past year, let’s not talk about the performance of Hongyuan Investment Company. After all, he relied on investment dividends. However, both Xingsheng Glass Factory and Microelectronics Technology Company have greatly increased their profits. Zhang Xiao’s blood transfusion is no longer needed. People's Supermarket, which Zhang Xiao cares about, surprised Zhang Xiao even more.

By the end of the year, Minmin Supermarket had a total of 280 stores, with an annual profit of 25 billion, which greatly exceeded Zhang Xiao's expectations. This made Zhang Xiao's next plan to establish a distribution center and logistics can also be put on the agenda.

Even Hongyuan Security Company, which was established last, has made a profit of more than 3000 million this year. Not only that, Hongyuan Security Company has now expanded to nine cities and established branches, which makes Zhang Xiao very satisfied with Yuan Min's management talent.

After Zhang Xiao briefly introduced the achievements of the past year, she stepped off the stage and handed the stage to the host.

Next came the award ceremony, and the host began to arrange for people from various companies to come to the stage to receive the awards, mainly outstanding employees and representatives of outstanding contributions of each company.

Before the award ceremony, a row of personnel belonging to Hongyuan Security Company wore black suits, and everyone carried a black suitcase in their hands. They came to the stage, opened the suitcase, and began to pile up money.

20, 50, 100, 200 million, 500 million, 1000 million, [-] million...

In the end, a total of 5000 million bonuses were neatly stacked in the middle of the stage, and everyone cheered for it, because they knew that the money must be distributed to the people present.

Zhang Xiao also gave these people a lot of bonuses this year, at least five thousand to tens of thousands per person, which made the auditorium burst into joy. After all, these bonuses are extra and not included in the year-end bonus.

At the end, Zhang Xiao personally distributed rewards to the outstanding teams, and no one's reward of 5 yuan pushed the atmosphere of the annual meeting to a climax.

Looking at the joyful appearance of everyone in the audience, Zhang Xiao couldn't help laughing, this is what he hoped for.

As long as you work hard and make contributions to the company, your achievements are destined to be remembered. At the end of the year, there will be not only year-end awards, but also rewards for outstanding employees.

In this way, not only can the enthusiasm of the employees be stimulated, but it can also give them a sense of belonging to the company.

After the commendation is over, the performance of the annual meeting officially begins.

Zhang Xiao leisurely ate melon seeds and drank tea, watching the employees perform on stage.

The performances of the employees are rich and colorful, not only with sketches, but also with cross talks, dances, songs and other programs.

Just when the performance was halfway through, Tian Xiaodan stepped onto the stage instead of the host, and said with a smile: "Everyone has worked hard for a year, do you want to see the boss perform for everyone?"

"Think!" Everyone shouted loudly.

Zhang Xiao was stunned for a moment, he didn't expect this link, and couldn't help but look at Tian Xiaodan with some depression.

Tian Xiaodan looked at him with a smile on the other hand and said, "Our boss is here to give us a show, everyone is welcome!"

In an instant, thunderous applause forced Zhang Xiao to walk towards the stage.

When passing by Tian Xiaodan, she gave her a hard look, but Tian Xiaodan smiled sweetly, not caring about Zhang Xiao's depression. After all, this matter was not her own idea, but the result of discussions among many company executives.

Zhang Xiao was walking on the stage while thinking about what to perform, feeling a little annoyed in his heart. After all, Tian Xiaodan gave him a surprise attack. If he couldn't perform a good show, he might be treated as a joke by many employees.

After Zhang Xiao came to the stage, she smiled and said, "Director Tian gave me a surprise attack. I was unprepared, but I made a fool of myself and dedicated my future is not a dream to everyone."

Immediately whistles and cheers resounded from the audience, and everyone shouted loudly.

As the accompaniment music sounded, Zhang Xiao also gradually entered the state. After all, it was not difficult for him to perform this familiar song, it was just a matter of whether it was good or bad.

"Aren't you like me bowing my head in the sun

Working hard and sweating silently

Are you like me even if you suffer indifference

Don't give up the life you want

Are you like me busy chasing all day

Pursue an unexpected tenderness

Are you as dazed as I used to be..."

Zhang Xiao's voice is naturally fine, but he can't sing with the charm of the original song, it can only be said that it is quite satisfactory and he can listen to it.

But the aura of the boss made his performance more attractive, and many people couldn't help cheering, which made the annual meeting more interesting.

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