Rebirth 1996 starts from unforgettable

Chapter 254 Joint Research and Development

The reason why Zhang Xiao agreed was not only because he was a student of Huaqing University, but more because of the reputation of the Institute of Microelectronics and its many achievements. Once it was transformed into productivity, more products would appear.

What microelectronics technology companies currently have to do is to manufacture scientific research results into products and do a good job of transformation. Only in this way can technology become productive.

After Zhang Xiao left Feng He's office, he directly dialed Academician Ni's cell phone.

"Academician Ni, Director Feng of our department came to me today, saying that he wanted the Institute of Microelectronics to cooperate with our Microelectronics Technology Company for joint research and development. How do you think about this matter?" Zhang Xiao said straight to the point.

"Boss, there's no problem. This matter has actually been discussed before, but they need too much research funding, and I didn't agree for a while. How about it, I'll ask Old Tang to contact them later." Academician Ni Open your mouth and say.

"Okay, then I'll leave this matter to you." Zhang Xiao smiled slightly, and understood why Feng He sought her out. It seems that Academician Ni really doesn't give face to anyone, and treats everyone equally.

Seeing that Zhang Xiao handed over the matter in a few words, Li Yanyu couldn't help but sneered and said, "You really know how to be lazy, and the reason why Director Feng is looking for you is because you can't get along with Academician Ni, you just pushed me away. Three two five."

Zhang Xiao smiled slightly and said, "There are specialties in the field of surgery, and it's not easy for me to interfere with Academician Ni's actions. After all, he is the person in charge of the microelectronics technology company."

"Aren't you the boss, can you not listen to Academician Ni?" Li Yanyu obviously didn't believe what Zhang Xiao said, and said a little impatiently.

"Ms. Li, you take it for granted. A company and a school are different. Although they both do research, the school focuses on academics, while the company does focus on products. Although they all lead to the same goal in the end, the research direction It's still different. Besides, I can't solve many things with just one sentence, but need comprehensive consideration." Zhang Xiao said with a wry smile and shook his head.

Li Yanyu is also a smart person, she understood Zhang Xiao's meaning as soon as she heard it, but she still curled her lips and said, "After all, you are still unwilling to give up your interests."

"Ms. Li, you are right. Everyone in the world is for profit, and everyone in the world is for profit. This is true." Zhang Xiao nodded and said with a smile.

Li Yanyu couldn't help but gave Zhang Xiao a blank look, and said very speechlessly: "You are really impolite, you put your interests on your lips, and it is all interests when you open or close your mouth."

Zhang Xiao chuckled, and didn't care what Li Yanyu said, because he understood that 80.00% of the communication between people in this world is for profit, except for parents who treat you sincerely, most of the others are for profit .

Seeing that Zhang Xiao didn't speak, Li Yanyu got a little impatient and turned to leave.

Zhang Xiao looked at the back of Li Yanyu leaving, and shook his head, he knew that Li Yanyu was high-minded, and he didn't like people like himself who talked about his interests, but Zhang Xiao didn't care, After all, he doesn't care much about other people's opinions at this time.

That afternoon, after arriving at the company, Zhang Xiao first discussed with Sun Ting, the director of the finance department, about the merger of several real estate projects into Hongyuan Real Estate Company, and then asked her to make a new plan.

In Zhang Xiao's vision, he should hold more than half of the shares in Hongyuan Investment Company, but in this case, he needs to inject another 8000 million yuan to take up enough shares, which makes him a little embarrassed.

It's not that there is not enough funds, but because the plan put forward by the chip factory recently made him a little embarrassed. In the chip factory's plan, the follow-up equipment investment will need at least 6000 million US dollars. If other losses in the middle are added, it will only be more. After all, purchasing the most advanced lithography machines requires special channels, which require a lot of money.

However, Zhang Xiao also attaches great importance to the real estate industry, because it may be one of the sources of funds for the development of the chip factory in the future, and he cannot dilute the shares of Hongyuan Real Estate Company now.

That's why Sun Ting was asked to redo a plan to increase the proportion of Hongyuan Investment Company in Hongyuan Real Estate Company to 50.00%. The reason for the 5.00% increase is also to introduce other important shareholders for future development.

After two o'clock in the afternoon, Zhao Mingyuan brought Mr. Wang and three others and a group of staff to Hongyuan Building. Zhang Xiao didn't show up in person, and Wang Changjun, the current general manager of Hongyuan Real Estate Company, led them up.

Zhao Mingyuan and the others were not dissatisfied with this. After all, such a status could be regarded as equal. If Zhang Xiao really came over, they would feel uncomfortable, and they would not be able to raise many demands, which would not be conducive to negotiation.

Zhang Xiao only met with Zhao Mingyuan and the others when they arrived in the meeting room, and after setting a general framework, he left and handed over the rest of the negotiations to Wang Changjun and Sun Ting from the Finance Department. His status is no longer suitable to sit at the negotiating table.

If Zhang Xiao sits at the negotiating table, he will rely on the strong to bully the weak, and he will not win by force. In addition, if Zhang Xiao speaks out, he will definitely need to speak out, otherwise how can he be convincing.

Zhang Xiao understands this truth, so leaving the negotiation to Wang Changjun and others can be regarded as helping Wang Changjun, so that he can secure the position of general manager.

Although Zhang Xiao didn't show up, he kept abreast of the trend of the negotiation. Zhang Xiao knew exactly what the four of Zhao Mingxuan were thinking. Ting and the two proceeded according to the prior arrangement, but they complemented each other and kept the bottom line.

Three days later, perhaps because Zhang Xiao's conditions were really generous, the four of Zhao Mingyuan finally compromised and merged into Hongyuan Real Estate Company according to the previous agreement.

The project of the original Hongyuan Real Estate Company was discounted at 5000 million yuan, plus 8000 million yuan in working capital, which accounted for 50.00% of the shares, and Zhao Mingyuan and the others accounted for the remaining 40.00% of the shares.

Among them, Zhao Mingyuan holds 15.00% of the shares, Wang Lixin holds 12.00%, Ma Haoyu holds [-]% of the shares, and Liu Shengquan holds [-]%.

Zhang Xiao attended the final signing ceremony and signed and sealed with the four of them.

After the signing ceremony was completed, Zhang Xiao and Zhao Mingyuan came to the meeting room. Wang Changjun, the general manager of Hongyuan Real Estate Company, also attended the meeting.

After everyone was seated, Zhang Xiao said, "Since everyone has signed the contract, we are now a family. I hope you will cooperate wholeheartedly and put the company's business on the right track as soon as possible."

"Mr. Zhang, we are willing to take your opinion as the standard for the development of the company, but should we discuss how to arrange the company's positions?" Zhao Mingyuan said first.

Zhang Xiao nodded, and knew that this matter needs to be settled as soon as possible, otherwise, if there is chaos within the company, it will be a disaster, but now this matter cannot be rushed, so he said with a smile: "We are all from the company." Shareholders, plus we are about to set up a board of directors, I think it is better to wait for your company's personnel to be merged into the company before making a decision on the position arrangement of the company's personnel, and it is better to keep the original one for now."

Zhao Mingyuan nodded and said: "I have no objection. After all, there are not enough people now. It would be good to discuss after all the people join in at that time."

Zhao Mingyuan said something, but Wang Lixin and the other three had no objection. In their view, reporting to the group to keep warm was something that should be done.

But Zhang Xiao saw it in his eyes, and couldn't help but sigh in his heart. He could see that although he had a lot of shares, once the people from their company merged, it was very likely for Zhang Xiao to lose control of the company. Quan, this made him feel tense.

But Zhang Xiao also knew that at this moment, he could only keep calm and try his best to arrange the company's affairs before they merged into the company.

This meeting is not long, mainly to discuss the specific issues of the next real estate project development, but at present each has its own plan, but did not discuss a reason.

After the meeting, the four of Zhao Mingyuan left one after another and began to prepare for the merger of the company's personnel into Hongyuan Real Estate Company.

But Zhang Xiao called Wang Changjun to the office, and said with a smile: "Old Wang, you have a heavy burden next, not only to grasp the development of the real estate project, but also to handle the relationship with the people Zhao Mingyuan brought. relationship between."

"Boss, don't worry, I will adjust the company's positions in these two days, so that even if their personnel come over, it will be difficult for them to occupy important positions in a short time." Wang Changjun said with a serious expression.

Zhang Xiao shook his head and said: "This has limited effect. After all, they are all shareholders of the company. After the establishment of the board of directors, they will all be directors. Once things get serious, they will inevitably be troubled by them on the board of directors. So the company's affairs We still have to think of another way!"

Wang Changjun couldn't help but fell silent, he knew what Zhang Xiao was telling the truth, but if he couldn't control the real estate company well, it would be difficult for him to explain to Zhang Xiao.

"You don't need to be too anxious. After all, the matter has just begun. Everyone will act with restraint, and they don't want to make too much trouble." Zhang Xiao said comfortingly.

Wang Changjun nodded and said: "For now, we still have the upper hand. After all, we can arrange the positions in the company as we like now, and even if they come over, we can't blatantly cause conflicts. Besides, they are four people after all, and the hearts of the people must be inconsistent. , and this is our opportunity.”

Zhang Xiao smiled slightly and said, "Old Wang, you still missed one point, that is, we are the major shareholders of the company, and the people from their company can still be used by us."

Wang Changjun nodded and said with a smile, "Take your time, we just need to control the finance department."

Zhang Xiao nodded and said with a smile: "The financial system is implemented in accordance with the investment company's system. Not only that, the company's supervision department will also arrange personnel to enter at that time. I believe everything will be under our control."

Wang Changjun couldn't help raising his brows, he understood Zhang Xiao's plan, and couldn't help sighing secretly at Zhang Xiao's wisdom. The establishment of the Supervision Department is a stroke of genius. It can not only monitor the situation of the company's internal personnel, but also monitor the company's operating conditions. , but the power is very small, only the power of supervision but not the power of law enforcement, which is a bit strange.

After Zhang Xiao handed over the matter of Hongyuan Real Estate Company to Wang Changjun, he stopped paying more attention. He hoped that Wang Changjun could handle this well, otherwise, even if he secured the position of general manager with his help, it would be difficult to make a difference. .

At this moment, Zhang Xiao's work focus is on the Microelectronics Technology Company again. The most important reason is that the Microelectronics Research Institute of Huaqing University has finally reached an agreement with the Microelectronics Technology Company. Not only will the scientific research results be authorized to the Microelectronics Technology Company Technology companies use it, and even carry out joint research and development on some key projects. In this way, the research and development capabilities of microelectronic technology companies have been greatly promoted, and even the progress has been accelerated a lot.

Perhaps it is because the actions of Huaqing University have stimulated research institutes of other universities. In addition to some research institutes that have cooperated with enterprises, there are also several research institutes that have contacted microelectronic technology companies.

Of course, Zhang Xiao was happy to see the results of these university research institutes, and couldn't help but started running around with Academician Ni. After all, he also wanted to see some of the research and development capabilities of these research institutes.

With the contact with the research institutes, Zhang Xiao found that the research results of these research institutes are really quite a lot, and many of the research results are leading in the world, which makes Zhang Xiao very happy. The research of these people has developed more products, occupied the market faster, thereby earning more profits, and can provide more research and development funds for these research institutes.

This is a virtuous circle, and Zhang Xiao is full of longing for it, because he has discovered a brighter path, which will not only allow microelectronics technology companies to grow and develop, but also improve the country's R&D strength and level.

With the joining of research institutes, Academician Ni was even happier, because he found that his wish was finally coming true.

Academician Ni recalled that the original intention of Lianxiang Group when it was founded was to transform R&D results into products, but later with the development and growth of Lianxiang Group, they gradually deviated from this original intention and became a business-oriented enterprise and a It was the sad place of Academician Ni.

Now, with the development of the microelectronics technology company, he found that Zhang Xiao paid more attention to the company's scientific research force than he did. Not only that, but Zhang Xiao seemed to have a keen sense of smell for the conversion of scientific research results, and he could convert some seemingly useless The transformation of scientific research results into products provides ideas, and even some Zhang Xiao can draw sketches.

This shocked Academician Ni, and at the same time thanked Zhang Xiao for his trust, because Zhang Xiao still rarely interferes with the work of microelectronics technology companies so far, so that he can realize his ideals more. Academicians are very impressed.

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