Rebirth 1996 starts from unforgettable

Chapter 253 Resource Integration

The safety inspection went smoothly. After all, the Xingsheng Glass Factory was well prepared, and the safety and fire protection facilities had been rectified, so no one could fault it.

At noon, everyone ate in the cafeteria, but it was different from the meals of the employees. Zhang Xiao took the small stove that Liu Ming and other government workers ate, and cooked a few tables of meals, making everyone satisfied.

After Liu Ming was sent away, Xingsheng Glass Factory resumed production and work, and all employees who passed the safety test returned to their posts.

Zhang Xiao didn't stay at Xingsheng Glass Factory for a long time, and after explaining to Sun Guosheng, he left by car.

In the next few days, Zhang Xiao asked the company's investment department and finance department to jointly investigate several real estate projects. Zhang Xiao injects funds, and these real estate projects can resume work.

This morning, Zhang Xiao and Liu Ming talked on the phone, communicated about these real estate projects, and agreed on a place to meet in the evening.

That night, Zhang Xiao and Liu Ming came to a hotel together. Apart from the two of them, the rest were the owners of several real estate projects, and there was no one else.

After three rounds of wine and five flavors of food, Liu Ming shut up after seeing everyone's introduction, and left the project to them to communicate by themselves.

As a government official, Liu Ming obviously wouldn't allow himself to get mixed up in these interests. After seeing that Zhang Xiao got acquainted with the bosses of several real estate projects, he withdrew and left.

After sending Liu Ming away, Zhang Xiao and several real estate project bosses returned to the room, asked the service staff to remove the food and drinks, served a few plates of snacks and tea, and then began to discuss the real estate project.

"Mr. Zhao, Mr. Liu, Mr. Wang, Mr. Ma, the four of you are old people in the real estate industry, and you know the current situation of the real estate industry. It is extremely difficult to raise funds, but since Secretary Liu introduced you to me, I am naturally willing to help you, this is the valuation I gave you for each project, please take a look." After Zhang Xiao finished speaking, he took out four documents from his briefcase and handed them to them one by one.

After the four of them found Zhang Xiao's documents, they looked at Zhang Xiao in disbelief after looking at the valuation. It was not because the valuation of the real estate project was low, but because the valuation was beyond their expectations and the valuation was very high. According to the valuation, it is already [-]% of their previous investment. Although it is not enough for them to recover the cost, it is also rich enough.

After the four people looked at each other, Mr. Zhao, as the leader, said naturally: "Boss Zhang Renyi, we have no objection to your valuation of the project."

"It's fine if you don't have an opinion. Let's discuss how to cooperate." Zhang Xiao smiled slightly, because he knew that although the valuation he gave was a bit high, compared with the future development of the real estate industry, he still had an important position. Got a great deal.

"Mr. Zhang, please tell us about the plan. As long as it is based on the valuation, no matter how we cooperate." Mr. Zhao is very knowledgeable. After the valuation is cheap, it is inevitable to make concessions in other places. things.

Zhang Xiao nodded and said, "As you all know, I just entered the real estate industry. I bought a real estate company before and established it. I haven't done any projects, so I want to sell your project according to the valuation." They are all merged into Hongyuan Real Estate Company, and you hold shares according to the valuation, what do you think?"

The four of Mr. Zhao all looked at each other. They obviously didn't expect Zhang Xiao to do this. After all, although several of their projects have stopped now, their valuations are not low, which is more than 5 million. Once all their projects are merged into In Zhang Xiao's Hongyuan Real Estate Company, they will definitely hold a lot of shares, at least their own value can be regarded as preserved.

Not only that, once the real estate project is launched, they can even distribute dividends according to the shares. It is obvious that they have taken advantage of Zhang Xiao's doing so.

But they also knew that there would be no pies in the sky, and Zhang Xiao must have some requirements for doing so. They didn't believe that Zhang Xiao would be so kind.

Mr. Zhao smiled and said, "Mr. Zhang, let's talk about what else you want. After all, we have to consider it comprehensively."

"I know I can't hide it from you. Although I have entered the real estate industry, I don't know a lot of connections in it, so if you agree to the plan of becoming a shareholder, you need to call all your staff to the company to help. There will be more and more, I can't control it." Zhang Xiao said with a smile.

When Mr. Zhao and the four heard it, they immediately understood Zhang Xiao's plan. Obviously Zhang Xiao was planning to recruit them, but this made them a little helpless. To be honest, it's hard for them to be willing to go again when they are used to the boss who promises everything. Working for others, but they own the shares of the company, and they will be regarded as the boss of the company at that time, which really puts them in a dilemma.

If they accept Zhang Xiao's proposal, they will surely advance and retreat with Zhang Xiao, which makes them hesitate, but if they do not accept it, what should they do with the projects that have been stopped.

"Mr. Zhang, we need time to think about it. After all, this involves our future development." Mr. Zhao said helplessly.

"This is what it should be, and I hope everyone will think it over carefully, lest everyone regret it in the future and make it look bad." Zhang Xiao didn't say much about it. After all, he has already opened the conditions, so it depends on their own choice.

The reason why Zhang Xiao is willing to give such a valuation and plan is also because time is tight and talents are rare. If the real estate company of the four of them can be merged into Hongyuan Real Estate Company, then Hongyuan Real Estate Company will become a leader in the real estate industry. Even if it is Xinyu Real Estate Company, which is not as good as the master Mo Wenxin, it is almost the same.

In this way, it saves a lot of time to slowly develop the real estate company, and Zhang Xiao can also take advantage of the current downturn in the real estate industry to complete the industrial layout, which is much better than spending a lot of effort to compete for the market later.

After Zhang Xiao drank a cup of tea with Mr. Zhao, he said goodbye and left, leaving the four of them in the room.

After Zhang Xiao left, Mr. Zhao took the lead and said, "Let's talk about it, everyone. What's your opinion on Mr. Zhang's plan?"

"Old Zhao, I know a general idea about Hongyuan Real Estate Company. They currently only have one project with a valuation of about [-] million yuan. However, they have sufficient liquidity and are currently working hard to develop it. It is estimated that the development will be completed within two years. However, if our projects are merged, it is still unknown whether Hongyuan Real Estate Company’s funds can support it.” Mr. Wang said after pondering for a while.

"Old Wang, you are worrying unfoundedly. As far as I know, Zhang Xiao currently has a lot of industries. Not to mention other industries, the industry of Minmin Supermarket is enough to support the development of real estate companies. You must know that Minmin Supermarket is currently in all parts of the country. The staking has become a giant, and the cash flow is even more abundant, which is why I am optimistic about Zhang Xiao." Mr. Zhao said, "What I worry about is that once we are annexed by Hongyuan Real Estate Company, After getting on this ship, it will not be so easy to get off the ship."

"Old Zhao, you take yourself too seriously. To Hongyuan Investment Company, we are just small fish and shrimp. Since Zhang Xiao is willing to absorb us into Hongyuan Real Estate Company, why not for us?" An opportunity, you know how many real estate companies want to be merged now, we just took the first opportunity." Mr. Liu shook his head and said with deep self-knowledge.

Mr. Ma also nodded at this moment, and said with a smile: "Everyone, don't forget that if we don't agree to the merger, it will be even more difficult for our project to come back to life. If we can't do it, we may lose everything." Anyway, I think agreeing to Zhang Xiao's plan is actually the best way out."

As soon as Mr. Ma's words came out, they couldn't help but nodded. They knew that what Mr. Ma said was the truth, and they had no choice at the moment. Even if Zhang Xiao's conditions were harsher, they could only squeeze Hold your nose and admit it.

"Since everyone is willing, I will contact Mr. Zhang tomorrow, and we will not be tortured by debts if we merge sooner." Mr. Zhao nodded, agreeing with everyone's opinions.

After the decision was made at this time, the four of them did not stay in the hotel for long, and left by car one after another.

The next morning, Zhang Xiao, who was in class at school, received a call from Mr. Zhao, and reluctantly slipped out of the classroom with his mobile phone.

"Mr. Zhang, we agreed to your proposal yesterday. When do you think we can discuss the merger?" Zhao Mingyuan, Mr. Zhao said on the phone.

"This afternoon, I'll be waiting for you at Hongyuan Building." Zhang Xiao was overjoyed and said with a smile.

"Okay, then I'll see you in the afternoon." Zhao Mingyuan didn't say anything more, and hung up the phone.

Afterwards, Zhang Xiao returned to the classroom for class, and Zhang Xiao was used to the same stares from his classmates.

Although Zhang Xiao usually keeps a low profile as much as possible, but after all, he is a famous person, and many things can't be hidden from others. All teachers and classmates know about Zhang Xiao. There are both envious and jealous people about it. Fortunately, everyone is the pride of heaven, and they can treat Zhang Xiao with a normal heart.

Even so, Zhang Xiao felt helpless in the face of the courtship of many women, but he already had Deng Jie as his girlfriend, so he didn't bother to perfunctory, and he simply refused, but gradually no one thought of him.

After the second get out of class was over, Zhang Xiao, who was about to leave the classroom, was called over by the counselor Li Yanyu.

"Ms. Li, are you looking for me?" Zhang Xiao asked a little puzzled.

"Come with me, there is something I want to talk to you about." Li Yanyu said solemnly.

Zhang Xiao was not used to Li Yanyu's seriousness, but he still handed the book to Deng Yi, asking him to help him take the book back to the dormitory, and then followed Li Yanyu out.

"Zhang Xiao, I heard that you plan to graduate early, is there such a thing?" Li Yanyu asked as she walked.

"That's right. I've finished my undergraduate courses by myself. I don't think I've gained much from staying in school, so I want to graduate first." Zhang Xiao nodded and said.

"That's true, but you can't guarantee the postgraduate entrance examination if you graduate early. You have to think carefully about it. Of course, it's not difficult to take the postgraduate entrance examination with your grades." Li Yanyu said a little bit and didn't say any more. She has nothing to persuade this student with monstrous qualifications.

Zhang Xiao nodded, and then asked, "Mr. Li, what are you looking for today?"

"Actually, it's not me looking for you, but the leaders in the department looking for you. I'm just a guide." Li Yanyu couldn't help laughing, her swollen chest trembled, and she was very attractive.

Zhang Xiao swallowed a mouthful of saliva, resisting the trembling in her heart, and kept her face to see that Li Yanyu was half a step behind, to cover up the strangeness of her body.

Li Yanyu was also a little helpless, she really didn't mean it, but she was already used to Zhang Xiao's abnormal reaction, so she could only pretend not to notice it.

Arriving at the office on the third floor of the department building, Zhang Xiao met the head of the department, Professor Feng He.

"Hello, Director Feng." Zhang Xiao saluted respectfully. He admired these scholars very much.

"Zhang Xiao is here, sit down as you like, Xiao Li, you can sit too." Seeing Zhang Xiao and Li Yanyu coming in, Feng He said with a smile.

Zhang Xiao was not polite either, and sat down on the sofa beside her, while Li Yanyu started making tea for the two of them.

"Zhang Xiao, this is the first time we have met alone. I wanted to find you a long time ago, but I was delayed by some trivial matters." Feng He looked at Zhang Xiao and said with a smile.

"Director Feng, you're too polite. Just give me orders if you have something to do. As long as I can do it, I will definitely not refuse." Zhang Xiao said with a smile.

"The thing is like this, the microelectronics technology company now not only has a hardware laboratory, but also a software research institute, and the chip factory is also under your banner, so I hope that the company can cooperate with the school's microelectronics research institute, whether it is academic It is also possible to communicate with each other in terms of research, so as to develop each other." Feng He said with a smile.

Zhang Xiao nodded and understood why Feng He was looking for him, but he still couldn't fully agree to this matter, so he pondered for a while and then smiled and said: "Director Feng, I agree to this matter in principle, but because of the slight Academician Ni is responsible for the research and development of electronic technology companies, and I can’t promise you right away, but don’t worry, I will contact Academician Ni after I go back and ask him to send someone to contact our Institute of Microelectronics. As for other Conditions, we can discuss."

"Okay, I'm relieved with your words." Feng He suddenly laughed. The reason why he asked Zhang Xiao to talk about it was mainly because Academician Ni was not good at bargaining. Wouldn't it be better to have more.

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