Rebirth 1996 starts from unforgettable

Chapter 252 Safety Chapter 1

After leaving the hospital, Zhang Xiao felt a little heavy. He realized the seriousness of the matter, and the safety issue had become an urgent matter, so he should not be careless.

The next morning, the first thing Zhang Xiao did when he came to the company was to ask Hou Shuyan to issue a safety inspection notice, giving each company a week to conduct self-safety inspections. After a week, the company's safety inspection team will conduct inspections and acceptance Those who fail will be punished heavily.

As soon as the announcement came out, all the companies took action immediately, whether it was safety training or the purchase of safety equipment, which made Zhang Xiao feel a little relieved, but he knew that safety is no small matter, only daily inspections and It is only through supervision that it is possible to kill safety accidents in the bud.

Zhang Xiao's attention is not without reason. How many production companies have problems in production because of safety problems. The current safety inspection can attract people's attention to a large extent, thus guiding people from the ideological point of view to put safety aside. in the first place.

Safety first, prevention first, comprehensive management.

This is by no means empty words, but a real lesson of blood and tears.

For safety, many people don't take it seriously, thinking that safety accidents are accidental, but they don't know that the occurrence of safety accidents is the main reason for people's paralysis.

Because of this, Zhang Xiao puts safety training first, because he knows that only by making people realize the importance of safety can they change their daily behavior and avoid safety accidents.

In the afternoon of that day, Zhang Xiao came to Xingsheng Glass Factory early, took the leaders of the factory and sat on the podium in the conference room, waiting for the arrival of the employees.

Before two o'clock, the conference room was full of people, and all the employees had arrived.

Yang Lei is not in the factory now, and Sun Guosheng presided over the meeting.

"Yesterday, a safety accident happened in our factory. Li Shanlin and Luo Yong were injured, and they are still receiving treatment in the hospital. I hope everyone can learn from it and raise their awareness of safety..." After Sun Guosheng briefly introduced the safety accident, I reiterate the importance of safety to everyone.

Afterwards, Sun Guosheng said again: "I would like to invite Mr. Zhang to speak to everyone, everyone is welcome!"

Applause burst out immediately, most of the employees knew Zhang Xiao, after all, Zhang Xiao had held a meeting for them before.

After the applause stopped, Zhang Xiao patted the microphone and said, "Hello everyone, many of you know me. Although I haven't been here many times in the past year or so, I have always cared about our Xingsheng Glass Factory." Since the resumption of production, the efficiency of our factory has been getting better and better, and the wages you get are getting higher and higher. I am very pleased and happy."

"Because this is the result of everyone's hard work, but after hearing that there was a safety accident in the factory yesterday, I rushed over immediately and went to the hospital to visit Li Shanlin and Luo Yong. I feel very sad because I know that this is not an accident, it is caused by their weak safety awareness and never taking safety at heart."

"Last night I stayed up all night, because when I closed my eyes, they looked like they were crying and screaming, so I decided to conduct safety education and training for all personnel during the next stoppage of production, and after the training, I will take an exam and pass the exam. If you do not pass the exam, you will need to continue the exam until you pass the exam!"

"Not only that, every month from now on, all employees in our factory will take safety exams, and those who pass the exam will receive a monthly safety award of [-] yuan! Those who fail the exam will need to undergo safety training, and they will not be able to work until they pass the exam. "

Zhang Xiao slowly explained his thoughts and focused the attention of all the employees. After all, this involved their own vital interests. They all listened carefully, and many of them even took notes.

After the meeting, Zhang Xiao called Sun Guosheng to the small conference room, handed him a safety manual, and said, "This is a safety education manual. It doesn't contain much content, but accidents often occur and you need to pay attention to them." place, so I hope that in the next time you can get all employees to memorize it and develop good safety habits."

While flipping through the safety manual, Sun Guosheng said, "Don't worry boss, I will do well."

"Old Sun, you must not falsify your safety training. I know that many people will save trouble and be too lazy to learn, but what I want to tell you is that when you give them the green light, you are not responsible for their safety. Responsibility, you are not helping them, but harming them." Zhang Xiao said with a serious expression.

Sun Guosheng was slightly taken aback, knowing that Zhang Xiao had seen through his little thoughts, he couldn't help but smiled wryly and said, "I know, I must be strict with them."

Zhang Xiao nodded and said: "You have to be strict with yourself. You have to take the exam in three days. If you fail the exam, you can go home and study by yourself. Come back when you have finished studying."

Sun Guosheng's face was immediately filled with bitterness. He didn't expect that he would have to take the exam, which made him very depressed.

"Don't think I'm embarrassing you. If the leaders don't pay attention to it, how can the employees pay attention to it? We have to be role models." Zhang Xiao said seriously.

Sun Guosheng immediately understood Zhang Xiao's intention, nodded and said, "Don't worry, I will, but you have to give me my 100 yuan safety bonus."

"The whole company is the same from top to bottom, and there will be rewards for full marks in the exam. I will invigilate the exam myself when the time comes." Zhang Xiao smiled slightly.

Sun Guosheng was in pain for a while, knowing that he couldn't escape this time, it seemed that he really had to study this safety manual carefully, so as not to fail the exam and make a fool of himself.

Xingsheng Glass Factory’s employee safety training uses working hours. Although many employees are not willing to learn, but for the 100 yuan safety award, everyone persisted.

Three days passed quickly, and soon it was time for the exam.

Zhang Xiao has been supervising the training at Xingsheng Glass Factory for the past three days, and has also participated in the training of leaders above the middle level.

Due to Zhang Xiao's extraordinary attention, the leaders above the middle level couldn't steal and play tricks, and could only complain secretly, but this also made them start to take safety at heart.

The employees' exams are conducted in batches. The first batch of exams are the leaders above the middle level and some employees. Zhang Xiao personally invigilates the exams to prevent them from cheating. He knows that this is formalism, but sometimes the form is greater than the content. As long as they can improve their security awareness.

The exam papers are not too difficult, and they are all multiple-choice and true-false questions. There are no questions and answers. This is Zhang Xiao's first exam. It doesn't have to be too difficult. It is mainly to improve employees' safety awareness.

After the exam, Zhang Xiao immediately arranged for people to start marking the papers, and another group of employees also started the exam.

With the passage of time, the test scores of the employees have come out. Looking at the printed transcripts, Zhang Xiao was inexplicably pleased. The pass rate reached 80.00%, which was much better than Zhang Xiao expected. The most important thing is All leaders have passed.

After Zhang Xiao put down the report card, he said to Sun Guosheng: "Secretary Liu will bring someone over for a security inspection tomorrow. I will come over then, and I still have to check it again today to avoid any omissions."

"Boss, don't worry, everything is ready, and there will be no problems in the safety inspection." Sun Guosheng said with a smile. After these two days of study, he also has a general understanding of safety knowledge and is full of confidence.

Zhang Xiao nodded, and continued to speak: "Employees who pass the exam can resume production after the inspection tomorrow, but those who fail the exam must be trained again, and they can only return to work after passing the exam."

"Okay, I will make arrangements for it." Sun Guosheng said with a serious expression. He hated those who failed the exam. After all, he took the exam and the questions were not difficult, although the passing score was [-]% , but it is not difficult to pass the level.

But even so, there were still 20.00% of the people who passed the test, which made Sun Guosheng a little annoyed, but now that Zhang Xiao was in the factory, he was too embarrassed to target anyone, so he could only keep these people in his heart silently.

Not long after that, Zhang Xiao left Xingsheng Glass Factory and returned to the courtyard.

Deng Jie, who was watching TV in the living room, saw Zhang Xiao coming back, couldn't help but smiled and said: "You go out early and come back late these few days, what happened?"

"There was a safety accident at the Xingsheng Glass Factory, and I have been dealing with it for the past few days." Zhang Xiao shook his head helplessly and said.

"Are there any casualties?" Deng Jie asked worriedly.

"Two people were injured, but there shouldn't be any serious problems now." Zhang Xiao put the briefcase on the sofa, lay lazily on the sofa, and said a little tiredly.

"That's good. By the way, Secretary Liu Ming Liu is my uncle. If you need help, you can find him." Deng Jie nodded and said with a smile.

"Secretary Liu turned out to be your uncle, I really don't know." Zhang Xiao said in surprise.

"The family relationship is very complicated, you will know it later." Deng Jie shook her head, obviously she didn't want to talk about it, if Liu Ming and Deng Zhimin hadn't inquired about Zhang Xiao's affairs this time, Deng Jie wouldn't let Zhang Xiao know too much.

Zhang Xiao nodded thoughtfully, it seems that Liu Ming still has something to ask for help.

Having nothing to say all night, after breakfast the next morning, Zhang Xiao drove directly to Xingsheng Glass Factory.

When Zhang Xiao arrived, Hou Shuyan had already arrived. Seeing Zhang Xiao, she said, "Secretary Liu will arrive in about 10 minutes."

Zhang Xiao frowned slightly and nodded, he didn't expect Liu Ming to come back so early.

Zhang Xiao didn't enter the factory again at this time, but waited with everyone at the gate of the factory.

Today, the north wind howled, and the icy wind made people feel cold all over. Even with Zhang Xiao's strong physique, he still felt the cold.

"This damn weather is really cold." Sun Guosheng tightened his clothes and muttered.

"Yeah, it looks like the cold air is coming again, it's going to snow." Yang Lei said.

"There will be snow in the next few days, don't you usually check the weather forecast?" Zhang Xiao said.

"The weather forecast is not accurate at all, and it doesn't make much sense to see it or not." Sun Guosheng shook his head and said.

Zhang Xiao was speechless immediately, but the weather forecast at this time was indeed not as accurate as that of later generations. In addition, the number of forecasts was small, and people generally only looked at it for reference when it was important.

Not long after, Liu Ming rushed over with his staff.

Zhang Xiao took a step forward, held Liu Ming's hand, and said with a smile, "Secretary Liu, you have worked hard."

"It's my duty to say what Mr. Zhang said." After shaking hands with Zhang Xiao, Liu Ming said with a smile.

"Let's go in, it's too cold today." Zhang Xiao said with a smile.

Zhang Xiao and Liu Ming walked in front, followed by the staff behind.

After entering the office building, Liu Ming arranged for the staff to go to the workshop to check the safety facilities, while he and Zhang Xiao headed for the living room upstairs.

After the two sat down in the living room, Hou Shuyan immediately started making tea, while Zhang Xiao and Liu Ming started chatting.

"Mr. Zhang, I heard that you established a real estate company?" Liu Ming asked.

"Yes, I bought one a while ago, and now my company's building was built before." Zhang Xiao nodded and said with a smile.

After pondering for a while, Liu Ming said, "Real estate development has been difficult in the past two years, and several real estate companies in our district have closed down. I wonder if you have thought about accepting the projects in their hands?"

"Unfinished building?" Zhang Xiao asked a little speechlessly.

"All of them. If you are interested, I can introduce you. After all, many people have already paid part of the house payment, but the house can't be bought now. They are all petitioning. The impact is very bad." Liu Ming pointed nodded and said.

"Secretary Liu, we need to evaluate this matter. If you have any information, you can give me a copy first. I will ask the staff to evaluate it before I can give you an answer." After pondering for a while, Zhang Xiao said.

Zhang Xiao was originally not interested in these unfinished projects, but now that Liu Ming has found him, it is still possible for him to solve some real estate projects with clear property rights. After all, in the long run, real estate projects are stable. No loss, unless his capital chain is broken.

And Zhang Xiao has another plan, which is to take advantage of the current downturn in the real estate industry to buy a lot of real estate projects. Whether it is land reserve or careful real estate development, it is profitable.

"Mr. Zhang is really quick to talk. I'll have my secretary send it to you in a while." Seeing that Zhang Xiao agreed, Liu Ming was overjoyed, but he also knew that Zhang Xiao only helped him because of his relationship with the Deng family. of.

But what Liu Ming didn't know was that Zhang Xiao was very optimistic about the future of the real estate industry, so he was willing to help.

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