Rebirth 1996 starts from unforgettable

Chapter 251 Security Incident

Seeing Deng Zhihao's appearance, Wang Peixuan couldn't help smiling complacently, her brows and eyes were full of joy, obviously Wang Peixuan was proud of her charm.

Deng Zhihao also woke up after being slightly dazed, and couldn't help shaking his head with a wry smile. He admitted that Wang Peixuan was very beautiful and met his criteria for choosing a mate, but at this moment, he was not a little bit happy, instead he felt like rushing a duck to the shelves. This feeling makes him very uncomfortable.

Wang Peixuan didn't feel this way, because in her opinion, being able to be with Deng Zhihao was an arrangement of fate, and she didn't care whether they got married or not. She was extremely happy to be able to get what she wanted at this moment.

At this time, Zhang Xiao was in an extremely bad mood, because there had just been a safety accident in the Xingsheng Glass Factory, and he was on his way to the scene.

"Boss, according to reports from people in the factory, the cause of the accident was electric welding that caused fuel burning on site. The fire has been extinguished and the two injured employees have been sent to the hospital for treatment." Hou Shuyan whispered to Zhang Xiao.

"Call Mr. Yang and ask him to go to the hospital first, and rescue the injured at all costs." Zhang Xiao said with a gloomy face.

"Okay, boss." Hou Shuyan picked up her cell phone to make a call as soon as she agreed.

And Zhang Xiao's cell phone rang at the moment.

"Hi, hello." Zhang Xiao said without knowing who called.

"Hi, Mr. Zhang, I'm Liu Ming." Liu Ming said on the phone.

"Hello, Secretary Liu."

"I heard that there was a safety accident at Xingsheng Glass Factory? How is the situation now?"

"I'm on my way to the scene, but according to reports from the factory, the fire started with some waste fuel, which has been extinguished, and the two injured employees have been sent to the hospital for treatment." Zhang Xiao said in a deep voice, he did not expect Liu Ming actually got the news at this moment.

"Then let's meet at the gate of the factory." Liu Ming said.

"Okay, Secretary Liu." Zhang Xiao immediately agreed.

When Zhang Xiao came to Xingsheng Glass Factory, Liu Ming happened to arrive with government staff.

After Zhang Xiao and Liu Ming shook hands, he led Liu Ming to the scene and said, "Secretary Liu, I've caused you trouble."

Liu Ming shook his head and said, "It's not a trouble, but we still have to pay more attention to safety. After all, every safety accident doesn't happen for no reason, it's all caused by usual carelessness."

"Secretary Liu, what you said is that I have always emphasized safety issues, but it is a pity that things still happen, and I am very sad about it." Zhang Xiao understands that he can only bear his own responsibilities now.

Sun Guosheng, the vice president in charge of production, also greeted him at this moment, and while leading Zhang Xiao, Liu Ming and others to the scene of the accident, he introduced what happened: "Secretary Liu, boss, the place where the accident happened this time is in the workshop. In addition, the cause of the accident was that an electric welder did not notice the waste fuel at the scene when welding the steel frame. The welding slag fell into the waste fuel and caused combustion. Two workers at the scene were burned by the sprayed fuel while fighting the fire. At present, the two have been sent to the hospital for treatment."

"Old Sun, how is the condition of the injured worker?" Zhang Xiao asked.

"It's nothing serious, it's just a skin trauma, and it shouldn't take long for it to heal completely." Sun Guosheng said after his eyes flickered.

"That's good." Liu Ming couldn't help heaving a sigh of relief, as long as no one died, it would be good news for him.

But Zhang Xiao didn't think so, because he knew that Sun Guosheng was not telling the truth, but at this time Liu Ming was present, so he was too embarrassed to say anything.

The scene of the accident was in an open space outside the workshop. The scene was a mess, and people were still cleaning it up.

Hearing that the workshop was still in normal production, Zhang Xiao couldn't help but heaved a sigh of relief. It seemed that the accident shouldn't be a big deal, otherwise the factory wouldn't be so peaceful.

After Liu Ming took a look at the scene, he and Zhang Xiao came to a small conference room in the office building.

"Mr. Zhang, since the accident has happened, we must properly handle the aftermath. I only have two requests." Liu Ming stretched out two fingers and said.

"Secretary Liu, please tell me, we will definitely do it." Zhang Xiao said.

"First, stop production to check the safety status of the factory, and resume production only after passing the inspection by the safety department. Second, do our best to treat injured employees, and no one will die!" Liu Ming said with a serious expression.

"Don't worry, Secretary Liu, I will make arrangements." Zhang Xiao agreed without hesitation. Even though he knew it was the peak season, he must have the attitude he should have. Even if Liu Ming didn't tell him about the shutdown inspection, he would arrange it.

"Then I'll leave first. I have a meeting later. If there is any new situation in the future, you must report to me as soon as possible." Liu Ming nodded, and was about to leave.

Zhang Xiao hurriedly got up and sent Liu Ming to the gate, opened the car door for you and said, "Secretary Liu, I'll treat you to dinner some other day, so you must honor me!"

"Okay, we'll contact you after the matter is over." Liu Ming promised to leave by car.

After watching Liu Ming leave, Zhang Xiao said to Sun Guosheng: "Old Sun, come with me."

After Zhang Xiao brought Sun Guosheng to the conference room just now, he asked, "How about the injuries of the employees? Tell me the truth."

"Boss, one of the two injured employees was slightly injured, and the other broke his leg when he fell from the iron frame. In addition, his leg was inserted into the waste fuel, which caused his left leg to be seriously injured. Not only Broken bones and burns." Sun Guosheng said with a helpless wry smile.

"Can you keep your legs?" Zhang Xiao asked.

"I don't know about that. I haven't received any news yet." Sun Guosheng shook his head and said.

"Have the employees' families been comforted?" Zhang Xiao frowned and said.

"It's been dealt with, and they haven't had any drastic reactions so far."

"That's good, and how long can we stop the furnace?"

"It's about twelve o'clock in the evening."

"When the time comes, the production will be stopped directly, and then personnel will be arranged to organize the elimination of potential safety hazards overnight. It must be foolproof! I don't want similar things to happen again." Zhang Xiao said with a serious expression at the moment.

"I understand, I will arrange it." Sun Guosheng also felt the pressure at this moment, because he knew that if the safety inspection failed, the shutdown time would be extended, which he could not accept.

"In addition, all employees will be organized to conduct safety training in batches tomorrow. Only after passing the examination can they continue to work." Zhang Xiao said after a little thought.

"Boss, this will take a lot of time, and some of the employees are low-educated, so it may be difficult to pass the exam." Sun Guosheng said anxiously at this moment.

"If one day doesn't work, it's two days. If two days don't work, it's three days. If I can't do it, they won't pass the exam! I'm not afraid that it will take too much time, but I'm afraid that they don't take safety into consideration. This is the biggest problem." Zhang Xiao said solemnly. Said.

"But we have received a lot of production orders now, and the production schedule is very tight. In addition, it is the peak season now, and it will be a huge loss if there is no delay!" Sun Guosheng said helplessly.

"Old Sun, it's just the two of us today, and I'll tell you the truth. Do you think our factory has no competitors? Yes, and there are quite a few. Why did Secretary Liu get the news at the first time? Wasn't someone tipped off Yes. Even if you can pass this time, what about the next time, can you guarantee that there will be no safety accidents in the future?"

"And once a safety liability accident occurs, how will we deal with the employees' wives, children and children? Safety first must not be an empty talk!" Zhang Xiao said with a serious expression.

Sun Guosheng couldn't help being slightly taken aback, then nodded and said: "Boss, I understand, I will do well."

"Tomorrow at two o'clock in the afternoon, we will organize a general staff meeting, and I will come over and give a report on safety in person." Zhang Xiao then said again.

"Okay, I'll send out the notice in a while." Sun Guosheng also understood Zhang Xiao's determination to carry out safety training at this time, and he could only express his support for it.

Afterwards, Zhang Xiao left the conference room and rushed to the hospital by car.

When Zhang Xiao came to the hospital, the employee with a serious leg injury was still in the operating room, and the employee with a light injury had already returned to the ward after being bandaged.

Zhang Xiao came to the ward, saw that the worker who was only injured on his arm was still covered in black dust, and quickly said to Hou Shuyan, "Secretary Hou, let the nurse help him clean his body. It's not good to be seen like this."

"I'll make arrangements right away." Hou Shuyan agreed and went to find a nurse.

"How do you feel now?" Zhang Xiao asked with a smile.

"Boss, I'm fine, but Lao Li was seriously injured." The slightly injured employee said sadly.

"Take good care of your injuries. You don't have to worry about Lao Li's affairs. Now that the medical conditions are so good, the burns can be completely cured, and all your treatment expenses will be borne by the factory, so you don't need to spend a penny." Zhang Xiao is very happy He spoke kindly.

"Thank you boss. Alas, we two were working at that time, and neither of us thought that there would be waste fuel. If we had just observed it first, it would have never happened." The injured employee said regretfully.

"Safety is no small matter, and the responsibility is greater than the sky. So starting tomorrow, the factory will organize all employees to participate in safety training." Zhang Xiao said.

"Boss, it can't be done. Our production task has not been completed yet, and it will be the end of the month soon. If we can't finish it, the bonus will be much less." The employee was anxious and struggled to sit up.

"Don't worry, listen to me, money is more important than life. This time you suffered a minor injury, and it will be completely healed in a few days, but what about Lao Li? It will not take half a year for him to fully recover. There is no need to think about it for a long time, who will take care of his wife and children at home. Therefore, safety training is imperative, and whoever passes the exam will be employed, no one is an exception." Zhang Xiao explained this with a smile.

"I understand the boss, I will pass the exam as soon as possible." The employee assured Zhang Xiao.

"Okay, you have a good rest first, I'll go outside the operating room to check the situation." Zhang Xiao greeted Yang Lei after seeing him, and left the ward after quickly talking to the staff.

After leaving the ward, Zhang Xiao asked Yang Lei, "How is the situation?"

"It's out of the operating room, but due to the severe burns, it may take a long time to recover." Yang Lei said to Zhang Xiao.

"Then let's go and have a look." Zhang Xiao said.

"Okay." Yang Lei agreed after hesitating for a while.

It was only when Zhang Xiao came to the ward that she realized what was wrong with Yang Lei, because the staff had already woken up, and even though they were given painkillers, they were still screaming heart-piercingly, obviously in unbearable pain.

Zhang Xiao immediately stopped and stopped moving forward, because Lao Li was in such a miserable state at the moment, his entire left leg was completely wrapped up, and his right leg was also covered with sporadic burns.

And Lao Li's daughter-in-law was crying silently at the side at the moment, while wiping the black ash on Lao Li's body with a wet towel in her hand.

"I won't go in, you settle Lao Li well, and in addition to the medical expenses, give Lao Li's wife some money to maintain her living expenses." Zhang Xiao shook his head, facing such a tragedy, he had nothing to do but Give Lao Li's family some financial compensation.

"Don't worry, I've taken care of everything, and I've invited the best doctor to treat him, so don't worry about it." Yang Lei said calmly.

"Okay, you can spend more time in the hospital, and you don't have to worry about the company with me." Zhang Xiao warned.

"Boss, I'll take care of things in the factory. Don't worry, I'll make sure nothing goes wrong." Yang Lei had already heard Sun Guosheng's report on the suspension of production for safety training. At this moment, he didn't want Zhang Xiao to do this. Stop talking.

"You'd better take care of Lao Li's affairs, you don't have to worry about things in the factory." Zhang Xiao said.

"Boss, the production in the factory cannot be stopped. You must know that the suspension of production will affect the follow-up orders, and now every day of suspension, the company will lose at least hundreds of thousands." Yang Lei couldn't help it anymore, and his voice suddenly became much louder.

"Uncle, is money more important than life? If there is a major safety accident, you and I will be held accountable! Although the safety accident this time was caused by the carelessness of the employees, it is more because of everyone's thinking. The problem is that we didn’t take safety into consideration, that’s why safety accidents occurred!” Zhang Xiao said with a serious tone, “If it is a serious accident, we may all go to jail.”

Yang Lei was slightly taken aback, and said after a long time: "Okay, but the safety training must be done as soon as possible, the factory really can't afford to delay, otherwise our order volume next year will be greatly reduced."

"I have a sense of proportion. The safety training is mainly for the usual supervision and inspection. It can only be done after engraving safety in the hearts of employees and letting them develop habits. This safety training is mainly to sound the alarm for him, and the safety training There will be an exam, and those who pass it will be employed." Zhang Xiao nodded and said seriously.

"That's good, I hope the time will not exceed three days." Yang Lei took the opportunity to say.

"Uncle, you are really in a hurry! But three days should be about the same." Zhang Xiao said helplessly.

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