Rebirth 1996 starts from unforgettable

Chapter 247 Real Estate Industry

Looking at the back of Deng Zhihao leaving in a hurry, Zhang Xiao couldn't help shaking her head.

Since this period of time, many technology companies and companies have negotiated with Zhang Xiao, wanting to take a stake in the chip factory, but when they learned that the chip factory may not be able to make profits for a long time, they all backed down, which made Zhang Xiao Also very helpless.

After all, at this stage, making quick money has become the first choice of many companies and investors. Whether it is the real estate in the South Island or the stock market in China, it is the same. Few investors are willing to calm down Coming to do business, Zhang Xiao was speechless.

However, Zhang Xiao also understands the thinking of these people. In this materialistic era, with the rapid development of society, there are really many opportunities to make money. The idea of ​​these investors wanting to make quick money is not wrong.

However, industrial investment is slow to produce results, so naturally they will not be satisfied.

This is also the inferiority of capital.

At noon, Zhang Xiao invited all the participants of the Minmin Supermarket to dinner, which was considered a reward for them. After all, the rapid expansion of the Minmin Supermarket was inseparable from their efforts. Although they had shortcomings of one kind or another, but Zhang Xiao still expressed his gratitude to them.

However, Zhang Xiao just toasted a few glasses of wine and left. After all, with him around, these people couldn't let go.

In the afternoon, Zhang Xiao received a call from Deng Zhimin, inviting him to have dinner at home.

Zhang Xiao agreed without hesitation. Although he knew that the reason why Deng Zhimin called him to eat at home must be related to Deng Zhihao, but he had to agree because Deng Jie was involved after all.

After get off work in the afternoon, Zhang Xiao picked up Deng Jie and headed towards Deng Jie's house together.

When Zhang Xiao came to Deng Jie's house, it was already 06:30 in the evening, and it was completely dark at this time.

"Xiaoxiao is here, wait a moment, the food will be ready soon." Seeing Zhang Xiao coming, Xue Mei said with a smile.

"Okay, auntie." Zhang Xiao put down the gift in her hand and responded with a smile.

"Mom, I'll cook with you." Seeing that her father Deng Zhimin and her younger uncle Deng Zhihao were there, Deng Jie understood that they wanted to talk to Zhang Xiao, so naturally she didn't want to interfere.

Although Xue Mei knew that Deng Jie would be a disservice in the kitchen, she did not refuse.

"Sit down, I heard from your uncle that the chip factory can't make a profit in a short time, I want to hear your plan." Deng Zhimin poured Zhang Xiao a cup of tea and said with a smile.

"Thank you uncle." Zhang Xiao took the teacup from Deng Zhimin with both hands, and said with a smile.

Zhang Xiao felt helpless at the moment, but he had no other choice but to repeat what he said at the company in the morning.

Deng Zhimin nodded, and he also understood that Zhang Xiao's words were not excuses, but a real fact, and there was no need for Zhang Xiao to lie to him about this matter.

"Then what industry do you think is better to invest in now?" Deng Zhihao said at the moment.

"I am currently optimistic about two industries, one is the real estate industry and the other is the Internet industry." Zhang Xiao said with a smile.

Deng Zhihao raised his brows, and said in surprise, "Real estate has collapsed in South Island before, are you still optimistic about it?"

"Yes, I am still optimistic about the real estate industry. The reason why the South Island will collapse is because its development is too fast, far exceeding people's consumption capacity. After all, when people's purchasing power cannot keep up, the collapse will also happen. It's inevitable." Zhang Xiao nodded and said very seriously.

"However, with the rapid development of the country's economy, people's wages are also increasing rapidly, and people's purchasing power will increase significantly. Food, clothing, housing and transportation are the most basic needs of people. At present, food and clothing have basically been solved. Then housing The problem will become the main problem in the next stage to solve!"

"The most important thing is that the country has already canceled the welfare housing allocation, and the housing problem has been pushed to the market. In addition, after the devastation of the financial crisis, the export growth rate is now declining, the domestic commodity inventory has increased sharply, and consumption is too cold. And to solve this problem, the only way is to expand domestic demand!" Zhang Xiao analyzed.

Deng Zhimin and Deng Zhihao looked at each other. They knew very well that what Zhang Xiao said was likely to become true, because as the core members of the Deng family, they naturally had their channels to get news, and the wind of expanding domestic demand was blowing more and more. compact.

But they didn't believe that Zhang Xiao could know the policy in advance, and the only possibility was that Zhang Xiao had guessed all of this, which would be more terrifying.

"The savings of our country's residents have reached [-] trillion yuan! If people want to take out their money willingly, there is only one thing that can be done! That is the house!"

"So I think the country may have to accelerate the development of the real estate industry. Only houses can make residents willing to take out their deposits, and then the money can be circulated and entered the market, allowing the economy to recover and develop rapidly."

After Zhang Xiao finished speaking, his mouth suddenly felt dry, and he drank the tea in the teacup in one gulp.

After listening to Zhang Xiao's words, Deng Zhihao couldn't help clapping his hands and applauding: "Well said, if I didn't know that you are studying electronic science and technology, I would have thought you were studying economics."

"This is just my inference. It can't be taken seriously. Everything has to wait for the country's policies to be implemented." Zhang Xiao said with a smile and shook his head.

Deng Zhihao smiled and said: "If you count all the industries in the country according to what you said, apart from the real estate industry, which industry can undertake the [-] trillion yuan plate, and no industry has such strength, only the real estate industry .”

Zhang Xiao nodded, but Zhang Xiao was a little worried. In fact, this kind of thing is a good idea, but sometimes a good idea can't be done well.

But this matter is not something that Zhang Xiao can solve. This plate is too big, so big that the country can only regulate macro-control in the end, and can only issue some regulations and restrictions, and it is impossible to completely restrict it.

This is also a scourge, once it is released, it cannot be shut down, but it involves national policies, not something that Zhang Xiao can interfere with now.

"Then why is the Internet industry the second industry you are optimistic about?" Deng Zhimin ignored Deng Zhihao's excitement, but asked with some doubts.

"Uncle, you know that I have a company that makes computers, so I have a very clear understanding of the development of computers at home and abroad. With the rapid development of personal computers, communication through computers has become a more convenient way of communication. "

"Although the development of the domestic Internet is still in the basic stage, I believe that with the rapid development of the social economy, the Internet will become the main way for people to communicate." Zhang Xiao said with a smile.

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