Deng Zhimin shook his head and said: "I don't think so. First of all, if the Internet wants to develop, it must first solve the problem of equipment, and the current price of personal computers is too high. Many people can't make a living without eating or drinking. computer."

"Secondly, there are network problems. The current Internet access is still dial-up Internet access, and the Internet access fee is extremely high. Apart from some companies now sending emails online, I can't think of any other communication methods."

"Third, the security issue of the Internet. The domestic Internet is just a small branch, and its basic agreement is still in the hands of foreign countries. If the security problem cannot be resolved, then the development of the Internet is unlikely."

Zhang Xiao had to admit that what Deng Zhimin said was true. There are only hundreds of thousands of personal computers in China, and most of them are in enterprises and government agencies. In addition, the speed of dial-up Internet access is slow, and the price is also very expensive. .

But people nowadays can't imagine that with the advancement of technology and the rapid development of the economy, in just a few years, the Internet will sweep the country and become the main communication method for people, especially young people. This is undoubtedly a huge opportunity.

Zhang Xiao smiled slightly and said: "Uncle, I admit that what you said is indeed restricting the development of the Internet, but I believe that with the development of society and the advancement of technology, the number of personal computers in the future will increase significantly, and the number of Internet users will be greatly increased. It will also be cheaper and more convenient.”

"Now in some big cities, computer rooms have appeared. Although the high computer fee is a few dollars an hour, they are still overcrowded. This shows that people are very receptive to new things!"

Deng Zhimin nodded and said: "Maybe you are right, but I still have doubts about the security of the Internet!"

Zhang Xiao couldn't help being surprised by Deng Zhimin's accurate thinking, because the security problem of the Internet has always been a pain point in many people's hearts, and he didn't solve it until he was reborn.

"Uncle, maybe you are right." Zhang Xiao said with a smile.

Deng Zhihao asked at this moment: "Xiaoxiao, what do you mean by the computer room? Is it making money?"

"The so-called computer room is to install a lot of computers in a large room, and then rent them out to people, and charge by the hour. You can also provide them with dial-up Internet service, and there is an additional charge." Zhang Xiao smiled and described the future Internet cafe The business model has been said again.

Deng Zhihao was immediately interested in the business of the computer room, because he knew that only a business that caters to the public is a good business.

In fact, compared with the chip factory, Deng Zhihao is more interested in Zhang Xiao's Minmin Supermarket, but after investigation during this period, he found that the Minmin Supermarket is not only developing rapidly, but also a real cash cow. It is impossible for Zhang Xiao to sell his shares at present. .

Although real estate is likely to make money, and it is a lot of money, but the investment is too large, and the policy risk is high, he is not very willing to invest too much money.

But the computer room is different. Although the investment is a lot, the effect is quick, and he can fully expand rapidly with the advantage of funds, just like a supermarket, to carry out a national chain.

The more Deng Zhihao thought about it, the more excited he became, and he couldn't help but said to Zhang Xiao: "I want to set up a company to specialize in the operation of the computer room. Are you interested in cooperating with me?"

Zhang Xiao was taken aback for a moment. He didn't expect Deng Zhihao to be really interested in the computer room at this moment. However, Zhang Xiao couldn't help but nodded and said, "I can contribute capital, but the specific management I want you to come."

Deng Zhihao suddenly smiled and said: "Okay, I will have someone investigate tomorrow, and I will contact you when my plan is finalized."

"Okay, then I can ask the people in the company to give you technical support." Zhang Xiao said with a smile.

Deng Zhihao was a little excited at the moment, and pulled Zhang Xiao to start discussing the operation method and profit model of the computer room, which made Zhang Xiao a little bit dumbfounded, but also felt Deng Zhihao's extremely high EQ.

In Deng Zhihao's plan, he will bring in a large number of children from big families with the same status as him in the computer room, so as to establish a chain of computer rooms across the country. transcendent status everywhere.

Zhang Xiao had to lament that it is very difficult for a person like Deng Zhihao to fail, but he lacks a lot in this aspect. He is too independent in doing things and unwilling to share profits, which has caused his current predicament. Zhang Xiao can't help but Lost in thought.

Zhang Xiao thought secretly in his heart: "Maybe I should introduce investors, otherwise it will be difficult to go further by myself, not only the problem of funds, but also the problem of contacts, and it is the easiest way to live alone like this." Being envied by others, I may be able to survive now, but in the future.”

"Uncle, it's time to eat." Deng Jie stretched out her head from the dining room and shouted.

"Here we come." After Deng Zhihao answered, he dragged Zhang Xiao towards the dining table.

The dinner was very rich, not only chicken, duck and fish, but also seafood that is relatively rare in the capital. Zhang Xiao also kept his thoughts in his heart, and accompanied Deng Jie to the dining table.

It was very rare for Deng Zhimin to open a jar of wine, and judging from its age, it should be grain wine that had been cellared a long time ago.

"This is sorghum wine, and it was brewed 40 years ago." Deng Zhimin said while pouring the wine, "It was brewed with hard work by the older generation. It's a pity that the old man left early."

"Yes, it would be great if grandpa was still there!" Deng Zhihao shook his head and said.

Zhang Xiao couldn't help being speechless, but it was inappropriate for him to say anything at this time, so he could only silently listen to Deng Zhimin and Deng Zhihao talking about the great achievements of the older generation.

This altar of sorghum wine is crystal clear and has a tangy fragrance. Once it enters the mouth, it is mellow and refreshing, and the fragrance lingers on the teeth and cheeks for a long time.

Zhang Xiao drank more without knowing it, which made Deng Zhimin and Deng Zhihao smack their tongues, because Zhang Xiao's drinking capacity was too good, and Zhang Xiao was fine after drinking two catties of more than 50% wine .

"Drink less, I don't care about you when you're drunk." Deng Jie pinched Zhang Xiao angrily.

Zhang Xiao grinned in pain, had no choice but to put down his wine glass and start eating, Deng Zhimin couldn't help laughing.

It's a pity that Deng Zhimin was a little too happy. He just drank two glasses, but Xue Mei snatched them from him, but he could only eat with Zhang Xiao.

Deng Zhihao's drinking capacity is not bad, but he only drank three glasses before putting down his glass, showing his good self-control ability.

Zhang Xiao couldn't help sighing secretly in his heart, this is the quality of the children of big families, they can control their desires well, and they know how to share, and they know how to be willing.

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