Rebirth 1996 starts from unforgettable

Chapter 246 Unexpected Visit

Seeing the expressions of these people, Zhang Xiao couldn't help but think to himself: "Introducing the competition mechanism has already achieved the effect. As long as we continue to implement it, the effect will get better and better."

But Zhang Xiao was not satisfied with this, but continued to say: "Although the first batch of responsible persons have been appointed, it does not mean that you can sit back and relax on the credit book, and the others do not mean that you have no chance. As long as they have outstanding performance in the future work, everyone here will have the same opportunity."

"As long as you make contributions, your position can be promoted. If you don't think about making progress in your position, you will be replaced at any time. So I hope you can continue to work hard and work hard in the next time!"

Afterwards, Zhang Xiao took the people from Hongyuan Investment Company and left the conference room, and asked Li Mingxuan to continue the meeting and arrange the next work of the People's Supermarket.

After Zhang Xiao returned to the office, Tian Xiaodan walked in and said to Zhang Xiao, "Boss, a Mr. Deng came to you and said he had an appointment with you."

Zhang Xiao was slightly taken aback, no one had contacted him in private recently, but the surname was Deng, so it couldn't be Deng Zhihao, Deng Jie's uncle, right?

"Where is the other person?" Zhang Xiao asked.

"In the small living room." Tian Xiaodan pointed in the direction of the living room and said.

"I see. I'll be there in a while." Zhang Xiao nodded and said after pondering for a while.

Tian Xiaodan didn't stay in Zhang Xiao's office either. She has more and more things to do now. After all, the whole company has moved here, so he, the office director, needs to do more things.

Zhang Xiao thought for a while in the office before heading towards the living room.

When I came to the living room, I saw a middle-aged man in his 30s wearing a suit sitting on the sofa drinking tea, and behind him stood a young man who looked like a bodyguard, holding a black woolen coat in his hand.

"Mr. Deng, who are you?" Zhang Xiao said with a smile after walking in.

"I'm Deng Jie's uncle, Deng Zhihao." Deng Zhihao stood up and looked at Zhang Xiao with a smile.

"Hello, Uncle Deng, I didn't expect you to come today." Zhang Xiao quickly took two steps forward and said with a smile.

"I've been running around outside some time ago to close the previous business, so I came a little late." Deng Zhihao took the cigarettes handed over by Zhang Xiao and said with a smile.

After Zhang Xiao took out the lighter and lit a cigarette for Deng Zhihao, she also lit a cigarette and sat opposite to Deng Zhihao.

"I heard that uncle, you want to invest in a chip factory?" Zhang Xiao asked.

"Yes, I've done some research. At present, your chip factory in China is the most advanced. Although it is still a generation behind the foreign manufacturing process, the prospect is still very bright." Deng Zhihao said with a smile without the slightest hesitation.

Zhang Xiao nodded. He admitted that what Deng Zhihao said was true, but it was not enough for him to sell his shares or accept capital injection, so he asked with a smile: "Does Uncle Deng invest in the chip factory to make money, or to invest in the chip factory?" The level of domestic chip manufacturing will be improved."

Deng Zhihao was taken aback for a moment, then shook his head and laughed, "I don't have such big ideals as you, I just want to make money."

"Then I advise Uncle Deng to get involved in the muddy water of the chip factory. After all, if the chip factory wants to make money, its technological level must be the most advanced in order to obtain greater benefits. But now facing foreign technology blockades, we want to build The most advanced chip manufacturing plant in the world is basically impossible, unless we can develop a new generation of lithography machines ourselves, but it is not easy to successfully develop a lithography machine." Zhang Xiao said solemnly, this It's not that he deliberately shied away, after all, the facts are right in front of his eyes. He has already broken his heart for the manufacturing process of the chip factory, but unfortunately it has no effect.

Deng Zhihao was taken aback for a moment, he didn't expect Zhang Xiao to refuse, and made it clear that the establishment of the chip factory was not for profit, but to realize the chip dream in his heart, which surprised him very much.

At this moment, Zhang Xiao looked out the window leisurely, and continued with a helpless wry smile: "The current chip factory is still being debugged, but I know that even if it goes into production smoothly, the chips it can produce are only low-to-medium level. Even if there are some chips, the profit will not be too much."

Deng Zhihao nodded. He spent a lot of time investigating the future development of the chip industry in the past six months. Although he knew it was the future development direction, he also knew the current plight of domestic chips. Even Zhang Xiao's chip factory, its manufacturing process The technology is also a generation or two slower than foreign ones, let alone other chip factories.

But Deng Zhihao is still very unwilling to let him give up like this at this moment. He wants to make money, but he knows that now is no longer the era when he could travel all over the world by relying on approval documents. The era of making money from poor information has passed, so he made up his mind to end his previous business and wanted to enter the high-tech industry, and his goal was the chip industry.

Zhang Xiao could see Deng Zhihao's reluctance, so he couldn't help but shook his head and said, "Uncle Deng, if you really want to invest in a chip factory, it's not impossible, but you have to be mentally prepared that the chip factory won't be able to make a profit for a long time." .”

Deng Zhihao was silent for a moment. After all, the reason why he came to Zhang Xiao was to take the express train of Zhang Xiao's chip factory, so as to obtain long-term benefits. But if the chip factory cannot make profits for a long time, then what's the point of him investing in the chip factory? , this is unacceptable to him.

"Why isn't the chip factory profitable?" Deng Zhihao asked a little puzzled.

"Uncle Deng, if a chip factory wants to develop, it must not rely solely on the current production line. After all, this production line is already a generation or two behind, and purchasing new lithography machines has become the current priority. The price of the most advanced lithography machine is about 1.5 million U.S. dollars, which means that even if the chip factory is producing at full capacity, it is difficult to make a profit in a short period of time." Zhang Xiao said very firmly.

"Have you found a way to buy a lithography machine?" Deng Zhihao asked slightly startled.

"I found it. It is still under negotiation, but I think there is still a possibility of success." Zhang Xiao said after pondering for a while.

Deng Zhihao nodded and fell silent.

But he didn't ask any further, because Deng Zhihao knew that if he asked any further, it would involve the company's secrets, and he was not interested in knowing, after all, his belief in investing in a chip factory had been shaken.

"Then let's stop here today, I'll think about it when I go back." Deng Zhihao stood up and said goodbye.

Zhang Xiao wanted to keep him for lunch, but Deng Zhihao was obviously not in the mood at this time.

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