Rebirth 1996 starts from unforgettable

Chapter 245 Competition Mechanisms

Zhang Xiao knows where his advantage lies, that is, he clearly understands the general development trend of various industries in the future, but this does not mean that he will be successful if he does it by himself, after all, he only knew a general idea in his previous life.

Zhang Xiao leaned on the sofa, silently thinking about the future development trend of the company.

First of all, logistics and warehousing must be done. After all, this can form an industrial chain with Minmin Supermarket, thereby completing industrial upgrading.

Secondly, Microelectronics Technology Co., Ltd. is currently mainly engaged in the complete computer and operating system, and what he has to do is to guide the R&D personnel to design software that fits the Shenhua computer operating system and complete the ecological layout of the operating system. As long as this is done, the Shenhua computer operating system In order to truly take root in people's lives.

As for the real estate company, Zhang Xiao also has his own plan, that is to take advantage of the current status of real estate and integrate some small real estate companies that have land resources and are unable to develop, so as to form a large-scale real estate company. Of course, it also requires a lot of capital investment .

With the payment from the Hong Kong Island Sotheby's auction, the current funds are still sufficient.

Just when Zhang Xiao was planning the company's development in his mind, the R&D personnel of the microelectronics technology company had already received the news that all R&D personnel involved in the development of the music player would receive a reward of 10 yuan, which made many people feel anxious. jealous.

We must know that at this stage, the housing prices in the capital are only an average of three to four thousand one square meters, and 10 yuan is enough to buy a house of thirty square meters, which is almost two years' salary for these people.

But envy is envy, but it also gave them hope. After all, as long as there are results, the boss is not stingy with rewards.

Immediately, they were full of energy, and they achieved Zhang Xiao's goal, which was worth 1000 million flowers!

Two days later, the people in charge of supermarkets from all over the country came to the capital one after another. Zhang Xiao talked with them one by one. After all, he now wants to find out the real situation of the people's supermarket. Make targeted adjustments.

Although there were many people, Zhang Xiao patiently communicated with them. Although everyone didn't have much time, with the business report they provided, Zhang Xiao got a general idea.

At nine o'clock in the morning this morning, in the big meeting room, Zhang Xiao held an enlarged meeting of the Mining Supermarket. Not only the people in charge of the Mining Supermarket, but also the leaders of the Mining Supermarket's headquarters, and the financial department of Hongyuan Investment Company participated in the meeting. Minister Zhang Ting and audit team leader Huang Yutao.

Secretary Hou Shuyan nodded to Zhang Xiao after roll call and said, "Boss, everyone is here."

"Okay, the meeting is now!" Zhang Xiao opened the notebook, patted the microphone in front of him, and said after the meeting room was quiet.

"Today's meeting has three contents. The first one is to deal with and rectify the problems found by the previous audit team. Next, the team leader Huang of the audit team will report the situation." Zhang Xiao looked at the people in charge of the audience with a serious expression. Said slowly.

Huang Yutao brought out the previous investigation results at this moment and pointed out various problems that occurred during the audit process, so that everyone underneath couldn't help but bow their heads.

After Huang Yutao finished speaking, Zhang Xiao said to Li Mingxuan, "Mr. Li, it's up to you to announce the punishment decision."

Li Mingxuan nodded, picked up the handling documents that had already been drawn up, and said: "In view of the serious problems of the Shanghai and Huacheng branches, the local responsible person will be given a serious warning and the year-end reward for this year will be deducted. The rest of the responsible person will be given a warning." Punishment. I hope everyone will take it as a warning.”

Li Mingxuan's decision was obviously taken lightly, and everyone in the audience couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

Zhang Xiao didn't have any opinion on the punishment, after all, he knew about it long ago, but at the meeting, Zhang Xiao said seriously: "Everyone knows the seriousness of the financial problem, and in addition, shoddy, fake and shoddy The appearance of the product made me very sad. If Mr. Li hadn’t interceded for you, you would not have passed the test so easily. But I hope everyone will learn from the lesson and reduce the occurrence of such low-level mistakes.”

"The following is the second item of today's meeting, which is the three-level management system. Everyone has the implementation plan of the three-level management system in their hands, and everyone can speak freely according to the situation." Zhang Xiao continued to speak after a slight pause.

The meeting room was quiet, only the voices of the people below flipping through the implementation plan of the three-level management system, which seemed extraordinarily quiet.

"Does everyone have any opinions?" Seeing that no one spoke, Zhang Xiao couldn't help frowning, and said, "Since this is the case, there is no need to discuss it. Everyone can make preparations according to the content of the plan."

Everyone raised their heads abruptly. The reason why they didn't speak just now was because they didn't want to be the first bird. Who knew that Zhang Xiao didn't play cards according to common sense and decided directly, which made them feel a little depressed.

After all, if they don't speak, it doesn't mean there is no problem with the plan. It is really uncomfortable to keep the problem in my heart at this moment.

Zhang Xiao didn't care about them, given the opportunity to them, if he couldn't grasp it, he could blame someone, he didn't have so much time to waste here.

"The third item of the meeting below is to select the person in charge of each region. At present, there are 240 five stores in the People's Supermarket. I have divided them into seven regions, Northeast China, North China, Central China, East China, South China, Northwest China, Southwest China."

"Each region will elect a person in charge to be responsible for the development planning of the people's supermarket in the region and the preparation of the regional branch. Those who are willing can speak on stage, and the speaking time should not exceed 10 minutes!" Zhang Xiao smiled Said.

This time everyone has learned the previous lesson. As soon as Zhang Xiao’s voice fell, several people stood up. Zhang Xiao couldn’t help smiling. This was the effect he wanted, and let them know that competition is everywhere, and opportunities rare.

With everyone's enthusiastic speeches, Zhang Xiao still heard some new ideas, which Zhang Xiao did not expect. After all, the people in charge of these supermarkets are not very educated, and did not expect many fresh ideas to emerge continuously out.

After everyone's speeches ended, Zhang Xiao basically appointed the responsible persons of each region. He didn't engage in any discussion, but decided with one word, after all, he was the boss.

"The person in charge of the northeast region is Li Xiangming from Ice City."

"The person in charge of North China is Liu Dong from Shicheng."


Following Zhang Xiao's announcement, some of the people below were happy and some were worried. Those who were selected were naturally happy, but those who lost were somewhat helpless.

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