"Boss, please rest assured, I will do a good job." Li Mingxuan assured with a serious expression.

Zhang Xiao nodded, and said in a serious tone: "Old Li, I believe in you, otherwise I would not let you stay in the position of general manager. But you have to be clear, many times you need to have your own management team , it is impossible for you to manage the entire Minmin Supermarket by yourself, just like it is impossible for me to manage so many companies by myself, I hope you can understand this."

Li Mingxuan nodded. He knew that the problem Zhang Xiao mentioned was indeed his biggest dilemma at the moment. He only saw that many people in the Minmin Supermarket were thinking about his position, but he forgot that Zhang Xiao was the one who decided whether he could take the position of general manager. key factor of stability.

What Zhang Xiao values ​​most is obviously the continuous profitability of the People's Supermarket, not the constant internal fighting in the People's Supermarket, which consumes energy on internal affairs.

If he can't complete Zhang Xiao's task, he will definitely not be able to hold the position of general manager!

"Boss, I understand, I will correct it." Li Mingxuan's clothes were soaked in cold sweat, which made him shiver uncontrollably.

"I hope you will do what you say, otherwise I don't mind letting you abdicate." Zhang Xiao warned.

After Li Mingxuan left Zhang Xiao's office, he began to return to his office to write a new plan, but this time he learned his lesson, he was not writing alone, but called several vice presidents and senior management of Minmin Supermarket over. , to complete the task assigned to him by Zhang Xiao.

At this moment, Zhang Xiao was talking to Yuan Min.

"Mice, how is Gu Tianxin doing now?" Zhang Xiao asked.

"His spirit is on the verge of collapse. I believe he won't last long." Yuan Min shook his head and said.

"What about the rest of the Gu family?"

"Since Gu Tianxin was imprisoned and Gu Feng died in prison, the Gu family has fallen apart, but Gu Feng's younger sister Gu Li has disappeared, and I haven't found her yet!" Yuan Min said solemnly.

"Is that the 15-year-old girl?" Zhang Xiao asked, pointing to the photo on the table.

"That's right, it's her. She disappeared after Gu Feng's accident." Yuan Min nodded.

"The centipede is dead but not stiff, it seems that we are still a little careless." Zhang Xiao couldn't help but sighed.

"Yes, but boss, don't worry, we will definitely find her." Yuan Min promised.

Zhang Xiao nodded and said, "I'll leave this matter to you. In addition, Hongyuan Security Company's business is developing very fast now, and the armed escort is doing well. I hope everyone will continue to work hard."

"Boss, don't worry, we will continue to work hard." Yuan Mei said with a smile.

Zhang Xiao nodded, and said, "Currently Hongyuan's security matters are handled by you. Lao Guo handled my security issues very well. Do you want to change your position?"

"Don't, boss. Old Guo is not only our big brother, but also our benefactor, so everyone will be convinced when he is the general manager, and I have to rely on his prestige to act. Once the position changes, it is inevitable Being used by others." Yuan Min shook his head, rejecting Zhang Xiao's kindness.

"Okay, anyway, your salaries are the same, and your bonuses are similar, as long as you don't mind me, it's fine." Zhang Xiao couldn't help but said with a smile.

Yuan Min also chuckled, showing two big front teeth, which looked extraordinarily ridiculous.

Zhang Xiao shook her head, and said to Yuan Min: "Take time to have orthodontic treatment, your appearance like this affects your image too much."

"I'm used to it, and it's also my hallmark." Yuan Min said indifferently, as if not ashamed but proud of it.

Zhang Xiao was a little helpless, and he had no good way to deal with Yuan Min.

Suihu, Zhang Xiao and Yuan Min made a new distribution of the profits of Hongyuan Security Company. Every year, Hongyuan Security Company will take out 15.00% of the net profit as a reward for employees. This moved Yuan Min very much, although Yuan Min Knowing Zhang Xiao's plan, she still readily accepted it.

The reason why Zhang Xiao did this was also to make these people's lives better, because these people were the shield of all his industries, so he was naturally willing to distribute part of the profits to increase the loyalty of these security personnel to the company.

After Yuan Min left, Zhang Xiao called his uncle Yang Lei to his office.

"Boss, what do you want from me?" Yang Lei asked a little puzzled.

"Uncle, you can just call me by my name when there is no one else." Zhang Xiao said helplessly.

"How can I do that? Courtesy is irresistible. Once I get used to it, it will always affect our relationship if I say something wrong." Yang Lei said solemnly.

"That's up to you, but you need to worry more about Xingsheng Glass Factory, and how are you thinking about the branch factory you mentioned earlier?" Zhang Xiao asked.

"The location of the branch factory has already been selected. I am working on the construction plan. I will discuss it with you after I finish the plan." Yang Lei said with a smile.

"Okay, but you need to solve the funds for the establishment of the branch factory yourself, and Hongyuan Investment Company will not invest any more." Zhang Xiao said.

"No problem, I will take care of it." Yang Lei agreed without hesitation.

"Then I'll wait for your good news." Zhang Xiao smiled slightly, he was happy for Yang Lei's growth.

Over the past year, Yang Lei has not only managed the Xingsheng Glass Factory very well, not only gained a reputation in the building materials market, but also entered the automotive glass industry, which has made the sales of the Xingsheng Glass Factory rise steadily and the profit margin has also increased significantly. , This made Zhang Xiao very emotional, everyone has their own strengths, as long as a suitable platform is provided, they will soar into the sky.

After sending Yang Lei away, Zhang Xiao couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

In Zhang Xiao's vision, the company's development would not have been so fast, but when he actually started to operate, he found that, in many cases, the development of the company did not depend on his will at all. Involuntarily, being coerced forward.

Zhang Xiao knows very well that this is the power of capital and the desire deep in the human heart.

Desire is a very strange thing. The reason why human beings exist today is not only the desire for life and the exploration of the unknown, but also because of the infinite expansion of desire.

Zhang Xiao's desire is extremely strong at this moment. He wants to become an existence that everyone admires, and he wants to have more capital. Although he knows that such thoughts are dangerous, he just can't control himself.

People's desires are endless, and they will grow with your growth. When a person's ability and hard work can't keep up with his desires, desires become a burden. The greater the desire, the heavier the burden, until it completely crushes the person .

Zhang Xiao knew that if he couldn't control his desire well, he would eventually become a puppet of desire.

Zhang Xiao took a deep breath, trying her best to temporarily calm her heart and suppress her inner impulse.

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