It was already five o'clock in the afternoon when Zhang Xiao and Mo Boqi came to Mo Wenxin's courtyard, and they saw Mo Wenxin in the study.

Mo Wenxin was framing a calligraphy and painting in the study at the moment. Seeing the two of them coming in, Mo Wenxin smiled and said, "Why did you two get together today?"

Mo Boqi didn't hide anything either, and told Mo Wenxin about Feng Ziyan's begging for Zhengyang green glass jadeite, and told him about the mysterious substance.

"Feng Ziyan, she should be from the Feng family. It seems that these old guys can't sit still anymore and are starting to prepare for the birth." Mo Wenxin stopped his hands and said with a serious expression.

"Dad, I once asked someone to check Feng Ziyan's background, and the information shows that she is a native of the capital, nothing special." Mo Boqi shook his head and said, "I don't remember which Feng family you are referring to. "

"The Feng family has a long tradition, and it's normal for you not to know about it. Their family hasn't shown up in public for a long time, and I didn't expect that the inheritance is still alive now." Mo Wenxin said in a leisurely tone, "It seems that it has really come to a prosperous age. "

Zhang Xiao and Mo Boqi couldn't help but looked at each other, wondering why Mo Wenxin said that.

After Mo Wenxin hung the calligraphy and painting in his hand on the wall, he smiled and said, "Both of you sit down, today I will tell you some secrets that will not be left in history."

After the three of them sat down on the chairs in the study room, Mo Boqi made tea, and Mo Wenxin took a sip before he said: "Since ancient times, family inheritance has always been the top priority of every family. For the sake of family inheritance, Each family has its own way of inheritance."

"The so-called family is a group connected by kinship such as surname, blood relationship, marriage, etc. Our nation is a big family that has been passed down for a long time, because we are all descendants of Yan and Huang."

"However, in the thousands of years of inheritance, countless families were born. Most of the families were scattered and lost their family inheritance. However, some families were passed down from generation to generation. They formed a large and influential family. , and the Feng family is just one of them."

"There are still many big families like the Feng family. Normally, they don't show themselves to others, and they just keep multiplying. Only when there is something that affects their family inheritance, their power will be revealed, shocking the world. "

"And the reason why I say that the prosperous age is coming is because every time these big families appear, it is a prosperous age. In every troubled age, they will be broken up into pieces to ensure the family inheritance as their duty."

Following Mo Wenxin's introduction, Zhang Xiao immediately had a shallow understanding of these big families, even so Zhang Xiao couldn't help being shocked, because he understood the power of these long-standing big families.

"Master, why do you think these big families are born now?" Zhang Xiao asked a little puzzled.

"Of course the big families were born for the purpose of development. You must know that in troubled times, even if these big families have the means to survive, they will suffer heavy losses. In the prosperous times, they will have the opportunity to develop rapidly so that they will have enough strength to meet the next troubled times. Arrival. But don’t pay too much attention to it, after all, their purpose is very clear, so when they grow stronger, they generally won’t offend people, unless it involves their fundamental interests.” Mo Wenxin smiled slightly.

Zhang Xiao nodded and understood the meaning of the master, but what he wants to know most now is what the mysterious substance called Yuan Neng is, so he asked again: "Master, what is the mysterious substance contained in the emerald?"

After listening to Zhang Xiao's question, Mo Wenxin shook his head and said: "What is this mysterious substance, I guess no one knows yet, but I just know that it is a strange energy that can improve people's physique and make people feel better." body becomes stronger."

"But so far, no one has been able to actively absorb this mysterious substance to strengthen themselves, so this has led to items containing this mysterious substance such as jadeite and antique jade being sought after. But I think in the near future , this method of actively absorbing mysterious substances should be discovered. By then, all items containing this mysterious substance, whether it is jade, jade or antiques, will become strategic things. After all, a strong physique can make people live longer This is the truth."

Zhang Xiao couldn't help being a little heavy. Living longer means having a longer life. In theory, as long as the mysterious substance, that is, the amount of energy, is enough, then longevity is not a dream, and the tree of life he has now , maybe it is an item that can make people live forever.

"Xiaoxiao, don't think so much. After all, mysterious substances have been around for a long time, and so far there has been no active absorption of them, so don't worry too much, but you still have to pay attention to safety, after all, your emerald Being a king is bound to make you the focus." Mo Wenxin said pretending to be relaxed.

Zhang Xiao nodded, and knew that once the method of absorbing the mysterious substance appeared, he would become the target of public criticism. Thinking of this, Zhang Xiao couldn't help but feel a little heavy in his heart.

"Don't think about it so much. There must be a way for the car to reach the mountain. Maybe there is no way to absorb this mysterious substance." Moboqi comforted with a smile.

Zhang Xiao smiled helplessly, and had no choice but to hide her worries about the future in her heart, and accompanied her master and elder brother back to the restaurant for dinner.

After having dinner at the master's house, Zhang Xiao didn't stay long and went back to the courtyard by car.

After returning to the courtyard, Zhang Xiao saw that Deng Jie had fallen asleep on the sofa, while the TV was still on.

Zhang Xiao turned off the TV, and after carefully carrying Deng Jie back to the bed, she felt a little sleepy.

Thinking back on everything that happened today, Zhang Xiao couldn't help feeling puzzled about Feng Ziyan revealing the mysterious substance to herself today. After all, according to the logic, Feng Ziyan didn't need to tell herself these things, but Feng Ziyan told herself very easily .

So what is the purpose of Feng Ziyan telling herself about the mysterious substance?

Thinking of this, Zhang Xiao couldn't help but change his expression slightly, but fortunately, his behavior was normal at the time. Feng Ziyan would not suspect that he knew about the mysterious substance before, but even if he knew about the mysterious substance, it was nothing The big deal, after all, my master Mo Wenxin also knows about the mysterious substance.

The second is that Feng Ziyan told herself that these are just to show her favor, and the reason is very simple, that is, Feng Ziyan hopes to get more high-quality jade from her hands.

Thinking of this, Zhang Xiao not only shook her head, it seems that no one should be underestimated, and her secret may be exposed if she is not careful.

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