In the following time, Zhang Xiao resumed a normal life.

Every morning I go to school for class, in the afternoon I go to the company to handle affairs, and in the evening I go back to the courtyard to study the mysterious substance contained in jadeite—yuan energy.

For the mysterious substance of Yuan Neng, Zhang Xiao regards it as the top priority during this time. He wants to find a way to absorb Yuan Energy without going through the tree of life. Tree, he couldn't even find the shadow of Yuan Neng, let alone absorb it.

A week later, Zhang Xiao temporarily gave up his research on Yuan Neng, because he found that his clueless research was completely wasted.

This afternoon, Zhang Xiao came to the company and just sat down in the office when Tian Xiaodan walked in.

"Director Tian, ​​what's the matter?" Zhang Xiao asked.

"Boss, Mr. Qiu from Jinshan Software called you this morning, but you didn't answer, so you called me, saying that you have time to call him back." Tian Xiaodan said.

"Okay, I see." Zhang Xiao said.

After Tian Xiaodan left, Zhang Xiao called Qiujun.

"Please, I'm Zhang Xiao." Zhang Xiao said with a smile.

"Mr. Zhang, it's like this. How did you think about the proposal at the company's shareholders meeting a while ago?" Qiu Jun said on the phone.

Zhang Xiao was taken aback for a moment, and then understood the reason for Qiujun's call. At the shareholders meeting of Jinshan Software some time ago, Qiujun proposed to Zhang Xiao that the office software be built into the Shenhua computer operating system, which would be convenient for Jinshan Software. promotion.

Zhang Xiao once discussed this with Academician Ni, but later, Zhang Xiao forgot to reply to Qiu Jun.

Zhang Xiao said: "I agree, and I have also discussed with Academician Ni. There is no problem with adding the office software. You can contact Academician Ni to add the office software to the Shenhua computer system."

"Okay, I'll contact Academician Ni immediately." Qiu Jun said with a smile.

After hanging up the phone, Zhang Xiao couldn't help but feel a little helpless. This matter should have started a month earlier, but he didn't expect it to be delayed due to his own reasons.

Then Zhang Xiao contacted Academician Ni again, and told Academician Ni about the requirements of Jinshan Software. Academician Ni was very happy about this. The applicable version of office software will reduce a lot of resistance to promotion.

After Zhang Xiao finished handling the company's affairs, he drove to the chip factory.

At this time, the equipment of the chip factory has basically been installed and is in the state of debugging, but the yield rate of the trial-produced chips is extremely low, which is completely beyond Zhang Xiao's expectations. Although there is Li Fu's guarantee, Zhang Xiao feels that he still It's more reassuring to take a look.

After arriving at the chip factory, Zhang Xiao saw Li Fu waiting at the door of the workshop.

After several months of busy work, Li Fu lost a lot of weight, but his spirit became better, which made Zhang Xiao couldn't help calling Academician Ni.

"Mr. Li, how is the debugging going?" Zhang Xiao asked while changing the dust-free clothes.

"It is still in the process of debugging, but the current good product rate has reached 80.00%, but I am confident that in another month, the good product rate can reach 90.00%, or even [-]%!" Li Fu said excitedly.

"Mr. Li, pay attention to rest. I heard from Old Tang that you basically haven't had much rest these days." Zhang Xiao looked at Li Fu who had lost a lot of weight, and couldn't help but persuade him.

"Old Tang is really talkative, but I really can't leave the factory at the moment." Li Fu shook his head and said helplessly, "Many people say that I have a cheat for building a fab. Do you know any cheats?"

"What secret book?" Zhang Xiao couldn't help raising her brows, and asked with some joy.

"There are no secrets, but it's just to keep an eye on it all the time and make fewer mistakes." Li Fu said with a serious expression, "In the processing industry, especially in the precision processing industry such as wafer factories, whoever makes fewer mistakes will be faster. The manufacturing process Also, although I am not mainly researching the manufacturing process, the principle is the same, whoever is lucky and hits the right method will be faster."

Zhang Xiao was taken aback for a moment, then nodded and said: "That's right, there are no shortcuts in the world, they are all taken step by step, but Mr. Li, the previous process of the fab was 0.8 micron, and now the process can be improved." to 0.5 microns?"

Li Fu stopped, thought for a while, shook his head and said: "It's difficult, you know, the fab was 0.8 micron before, and it's not hopeless if you want to improve the process technology to 0.5 micron. It’s basically impossible for us to improve ourselves.”

Zhang Xiao couldn't help sighing, he also knew it was difficult, but he didn't expect it to be so difficult, and said with a smile: "Don't worry, take your time, after all, our 0.8 micron process technology is enough to meet Most of the chips were made."

Li Fu was silent for a few seconds and then shook his head: "Boss, there is one thing I want to make clear to you. Now that a new type of lithography machine has come out, the next node should be 0.35 microns, or even more radically 0.25 microns."

Zhang Xiao nodded slowly, and understood that what Li Fu said was true. The completion of this chip factory would be two generations behind the most advanced process technology in the world. Even if the process technology was improved to 0.5 microns, it would still be one generation behind. .

Thinking of this, Zhang Xiao couldn't help but feel a little helpless. Whether it is chip design or chip manufacturing abroad, Hongyuan is not at all comparable to it now, but Zhang Xiao knows better that the future of chip factories in China is bright. After all, 0.8 micron Even after ten years, the craftsmanship can still make money. Although it is facing the low-end market, it can still make money.

"Mr. Li, if you want to improve the manufacturing process of the chip factory to 0.5 microns, what is the best way?" Zhang Xiao looked at Li Fu and asked with a smile.

"Of course it is the imported process technology. If we have to rely on our own research and development, not to mention the time, the cost alone is enough to buy a 0.5-micron process technology." Li Fu couldn't help but said with a smile.

Zhang Xiao nodded immediately, seeing that the introduction of manufacturing technology is imperative, but how difficult it is to introduce a 0.5-micron process, not to mention the technology blockade, the amount of money alone is not something Zhang Xiao can afford at present of.

"Boss, I have to remind you that as far as I know, the 0.5-micron manufacturing process cost almost [-] million U.S. dollars with the least investment." Li Fu looked at Zhang Xiao and said with a serious expression.

"Well, I understand." Zhang Xiao bit her lip and said softly after a long silence: "Mr. Li, if I want to introduce a 0.5-micron process technology, what kind of price will it cost?"

"I don't know, but I can represent the company to discuss this matter if the boss needs it. Whether it is the island or the beautiful country, there are friends I know well. Although it may not be possible to negotiate, I am willing to work hard. Li Fu said with a serious expression, "After all, I am also one of the bosses of this chip factory."

Zhang Xiao nodded, and immediately understood why Li Fu worked so hard. After all, what Li Fu currently owns is options, and the amount of options is linked to the chip factory's benefits.

"Okay, I entrust you with carte blanche, as long as you can negotiate the 0.5-micron process technology, your stock option will be [-]% of the chip factory!" Zhang Xiao nodded seriously, staring into Li Fu's eyes, very He said frankly: "Mr. Li, you know better than I do. Except for you, there are not many people in China who have such abilities."

"Boss, you have thought about it clearly. This chip factory is currently the largest chip factory in China. The [-]% equity is already worth hundreds of millions." Li Fu's breathing was a little short, as the builder of this chip factory Of course, Li Fu knows the scale and specifications of this chip factory. Although it is not comparable to large foreign companies and giants, it is indeed the largest in China. .

Once the chip factory is successfully put into production, the production capacity increases, and the yield rate increases, it will immediately become one of the world's top chip foundries in terms of scale!

Even if its manufacturing process is one or two generations behind, this is not a problem at all, because the demand for low-end chips is greater!

"Mr. Li, I have thought it over clearly. Don't worry, as long as the manufacturing process is in hand, I will naturally give you [-]% stock options! And the time limit is the same as in the past, five years." Zhang Xiao said very seriously, at this moment he Can't hesitate, can only put Bao on Li Fu.

Li Fu took a deep breath and said, "Boss, don't worry, I will do my best."

Zhang Xiao nodded, and after walking around the workshop, he encouraged some staff who had just been poached here before leaving in a car.

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