Rebirth 1996 starts from unforgettable

Chapter 239 The Frog at the Bottom of the Well

Zhang Xiao couldn't help frowning, and said helplessly: "Miss Feng, in fact, whether it is Zhengyang green glass jadeite or emperor green jadeite, they are hard to come by. Sometimes it may not appear after a few years, especially This is especially true for imperial green jadeite, all of which will take time."

Why doesn't Feng Ziyan know that what Zhang Xiao said is the truth, but she knows that Zhang Xiao is the king of the new generation of jadeites, more and more jadeites will be handled, and maybe she will find the jadeites she needs in a short time. The reason for staying.

"Mr. Zhang, if even you, the king of jadeite, can't find Zhengyang green glass jadeite, then I will admit it. And I know that you provided the jadeite special auction held by Sotheby's on Hong Kong Island some time ago." Emerald, there is a Zhengyang green glass jadeite in it, if I didn't get the news late, I would have already auctioned it off!" Feng Ziyan looked at Zhang Xiao with a half-smile and said.

Zhang Xiao couldn't help shaking her head helplessly, and understood the real reason why Feng Ziyan found Xinyu Jewelry Company to sign the contract.

"I want to know the real reason why you bought Zhengyang Green Glass Jade?" Zhang Xiao asked.

Feng Ziyan glanced at Mo Boqi, and Mo Boqi immediately stood up and said, "I'm going outside to see the situation of the company, you guys talk first."

After finishing speaking, Moboqi left the small conference room and closed the door of the conference room.

Feng Ziyan waited for Mo Boqi to leave before slowly opening her mouth and said: "According to research, there is a peculiar substance in jadeite that can make people healthy, and the higher the quality of jadeite, the more this substance is contained. It is also the reason why high-quality jadeite is so valuable but still sought after by people.”

As soon as Feng Ziyan's words came out, Zhang Xiao was shocked immediately, because he knew that the strange substance Feng Ziyan mentioned was Yuan Neng, and Yuan Neng did have the ability to make people healthy.

But Zhang Xiao didn't know how far they had researched, whether they relied on absorbing the escaping energy to enhance the body's function or if there was any special absorption method, Zhang Xiao could only pretend not to know, shook his head and said: "You It’s the first time I’ve heard of this saying, and it’s new.”

"Actually, this is not a secret, but no one will deliberately publicize it. In ancient times, there was a saying that people raised jade to nourish people, but modern people have a deeper understanding of it. It is said that wearing jade all year round, the mysterious substance in the jade is It will be absorbed by people, thereby improving people's physique." Feng Ziyan smiled slightly, and told Zhang Xiao what she knew.

At this moment, Zhang Xiao understands why the price of those imperial green bracelets and accessories is so high, but there is no market for it. Rich, the energy contained in it can better improve people's physique in the process of dissipation.

"Miss Feng, since it has such a function, why is there still imperial green jadeite on the market? Shouldn't this kind of material be monopolized by others?" Zhang Xiao asked a little puzzled.

Feng Ziyan smiled slightly, then shook her head and said: "How do you know that the imperial green jadeite is not monopolized by others, the occasional imperial green jadeite will be bought at a high price soon, it is not without reason."

Zhang Xiao was taken aback for a moment, and suddenly understood. It seems that he really has little knowledge. In fact, not only jadeite, but also antiques, the more energy they contain, the higher the price. He hadn't thought about this before, but now that he thinks about it, This is because the mysterious substance Yuanneng has been discovered a long time ago, but he didn't know it.

Zhang Xiao couldn't help laughing at herself and said, "It seems that I'm really a frog at the bottom of a well! Sitting in a well and watching the sky without knowing it."

"Mr. Zhang, don't underestimate yourself. After all, you are the new King of Emeralds and an expert in stone gambling. Now I think many people hope to have a good relationship with you." Feng Ziyan said with a smile.

Zhang Xiao shook his head helplessly, he knew very well that he was not a stone gambling master, but just borrowed the attributes of the tree of life, and now the title of King of Emeralds has become a burden to him.

After pondering for a while, Zhang Xiao asked, "Miss Feng, do you know if there is any way to absorb the mysterious substance?"

"As far as I know, there is no such thing now. Maybe with the development of science and technology, there will be ways to absorb mysterious substances." Feng Ziyan shook her head and said.

Zhang Xiao nodded, agreeing with Feng Ziyan's statement. After all, he has the tree of life that absorbs energy. Maybe with the development of science and technology, the mysterious substance of energy will eventually be discovered and used by people. .

At that time, items containing Yuan energy will become strategic materials. After all, Yuan energy can improve people's physique and make people live longer.

"Mr. Zhang, this is my phone number. If you find Zhengyang Green Glass Jade or Emperor Green Jade, I hope you can contact me. I will buy it at a high price." Feng Ziyan handed a note to Zhang Xiao at this time. Then he spoke.

Zhang Xiao took a look at the note, nodded, smiled and said, "I will."

At this moment, a young man in a suit named Ajie pushed open the door of the meeting room and walked in, and Mo Boqi came in with him.

"Miss, everything is done, we should go back!" Ajie said respectfully to Feng Ziyan.

"Mr. Zhang, we will meet later!" After Feng Ziyan shook hands with Zhang Xiao, she said goodbye and left.

After Zhang Xiao and Mo Boqi sent them downstairs, they watched them leave.

Afterwards, Zhang Xiao and Mo Boqi returned to Mo Boqi's office, and Mo Boqi smiled and said, "Little brother, thank you this time, if it weren't for you, this matter would be really difficult."

Zhang Xiao shook his head, and said with a serious expression: "Senior brother, after all, they are here for me. Maybe they just wanted to lure me to appear in the first place. Ordering the jade bracelet is just an excuse for them."

Moboqi's expression became a little serious at this time, and he whispered: "I also have the same feeling, but I don't know what they intend to do."

"It's still related to the high-quality jadeite. This Miss Feng told me that there is a mysterious substance in the high-quality jadeite, which can improve people's physical fitness. The better the quality of the jadeite, the more mysterious substance it contains. Not true." Zhang Xiao said in a low voice.

Moboqi was stunned for a moment, obviously he didn't know about this matter, and he said after a long time: "I really don't know about this matter, it seems that the water here is very deep, how about this, let's go back and ask Ask my dad, I think he'll know something."

"Okay, hurry up and deal with the company's affairs, and I'll contact the master." Zhang Xiao said to Mo Boqi.

Moboqi nodded, and hurriedly left the office to deal with the company's affairs.

But Zhang Xiao picked up his mobile phone and dialed the number of his master Mo Wenxin.

"Xiaoxiao, what's the matter?" Mo Wenxin said with a smile on the phone.

"Master, I'm with senior brother. We will go home for dinner together at night. Are you at home?" Zhang Xiao asked.

"I'm at home. Come here. I'll ask your wife to cook two more dishes. Let's have a good drink tonight. You haven't come to eat for a while." Mo Wenxin said with a smile.

"Okay, we'll be there in a while." Zhang Xiao said with a smile.

After hanging up the phone, Zhang Xiao called Deng Jie again and told her to go back later at night and let her rest first.

Zhang Xiao had just finished smoking a cigarette when Mo Boqi finished handling the company's affairs and returned to the office.

"Junior brother, have you contacted me? Is my father at home?" Mo Boqi asked.

"We're at home, let's go there." Zhang Xiao picked up her handbag and said to Mo Boqi.

But when Zhang Xiao and Mo Boqi rushed to Mo Wenxin's courtyard, Feng Ziyan had already arrived at an old house in the suburbs of the capital.

In the main hall of the old house at the moment, there is only an old man with a red face. He looks only in his 60s, but his real age is nearly a hundred years old. When he saw Feng Ziyan coming in, he smiled and said, "Little Ziyan, I'm back, I have to deal with things." How is it?"

"Grandpa, fortunately, I have already contacted Zhang Xiao, but this time I only received such a pair of bracelets, which is still somewhat different from your request." Feng Ziyan pushed the box containing the jade bracelets in front of the old man, and said .

After the old man gently opened the box, he smiled slightly and said, "It's not bad. Although it's not Zhengyang green glass, it's still rare. How much did it cost?"

"6000 million." Feng Ziyan said softly.

"It's not expensive, and it looks like it's just been made, very good." The old man held the jadeite bracelet in his hand and said while playing with it.

"Grandpa, according to your instructions, I told him about the mysterious substance contained in the emerald, but judging by his expression, he probably didn't know it in advance." Feng Ziyan continued.

"That's not important. The most important thing is that we were the first to tell him about it. We have taken the lead this time. I hope we can gain something in the future." The old man nodded and smiled slightly.

"Then what about Gu Tianxin? He is doing very badly in prison now, should we help him?" Feng Ziyan said.

"We can't interfere with Gu Tianxin's affairs. Whether he lives or dies has nothing to do with us. Who told his grandson to risk the world's disgrace to assassinate him, and seriously injured the girl from the Deng family." The old man shook his head. , said with a serious expression.

"That's a pity, Gu Tianxin is still very good at betting on stones." Feng Ziyan said with some regret.

"Xiao Ziyan, you have to know that many families and organizations are researching the mysterious substance, but no one dares to make it public. It is because this matter is too unbelievable, so we can only secretly Act." The old man shook his head and said, "I will leave it to you to contact Zhang Xiao in the future, and I hope to gain something."

"Don't worry, Grandpa, I know what to do." Feng Ziyan said solemnly.

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