On the afternoon of October 400rd, Zhang Xiao, who was checking the production status of Xingsheng Glass Factory, received a call from Sotheby's Hong Kong Island auction. [-] million U.S. dollars, which made Zhang Xiao feel refreshed.

After the money arrived, Zhang Xiao couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

After all, after paying the second payment of 8000 million US dollars for the fab, he is now somewhat insufficient in funds, and now that the money has arrived, it is enough for him to have enough funds for a new round of expansion.

After hanging up the phone, Zhang Xiao looked at his uncle Yang Lei and said, "Since the production capacity of Xingsheng Glass Factory is already insufficient, it is imperative to establish a new branch factory. Have you made a project proposal here?"

"Not yet, after all, this is just my idea." Yang Lei said with a smile.

"Then make the project proposal as soon as possible." Zhang Xiao nodded.

Yang Lei said with a smile: "I will let them come up with the plan as soon as possible, and I will contact you when the time comes."

After coming out of the Xingsheng Glass Factory, Zhang Xiao said to the secretary Hou Shuyan who was sitting in the co-pilot: "Is there any new report from the audit team during this time?"

"The report from Xingsheng Glass Factory has come out, but the report from Minmin Supermarket hasn't come out yet," Hou Shuyan said.

"Is there a problem with Xingsheng Glass Factory?" Zhang Xiao asked solemnly.

"No problem, this is the report on Xingsheng Glass Factory, please take a look." Hou Shuyan took out a file from the briefcase, handed it to Zhang Xiao and said.

After Zhang Xiao took the file bag, he opened the audit report inside and looked at it.

Soon, Zhang Xiao finished watching, and couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief. After all, Xingsheng Glass Factory was in charge of his uncle Yang Lei, and if something went wrong, he was really difficult to deal with.

After Zhang Xiao handed the document to Hou Shuyan, he said, "Go back to the company and contact the audit team, and ask them how long it will take for the audit report of Minmin Supermarket to come out."

"I see, boss." Hou Shuyan nodded.

It was not until evening that Zhang Xiao returned to the courtyard.

After getting off the car, Zhang Xiao couldn't help but sighed, "Now this road is getting more and more congested."

"Yeah, before it was just a traffic jam at an intersection, but now it's halfway through." Guo Feng also said helplessly.

"Why did you come back today?" Deng Jie couldn't help asking when she saw Zhang Xiao enter the door.

"There was a traffic jam, and it lasted for half an hour." Zhang Xiao said helplessly, "Now the road is getting more and more repaired, and the road is getting wider and wider, but the result is still a traffic jam."

"The main reason is that there are more and more cars." Deng Jie said with a smile.

Zhang Xiao nodded. This is also the reason why he asked Yang Lei to establish a glass branch factory. After all, with the rapid development of the construction industry and the automobile industry, the use of glass will increase significantly, and this time will last for nearly 20 years.

After dinner, Zhang Xiao is going to Xinglinzhai head office to appraise antiques today. This is also the method that Zhang Xiao thought of to increase Yuan Energy steadily.

As for Zhang Xiao's willingness to take the time to appraise the antiques, Mo Wenxin was naturally very happy, and Zhang Xiao would go to the Xinglinzhai head office every Friday night to appraise the newly collected antiques.

Moreover, in the process of continuously appraising antiques, Zhang Xiao not only can absorb Yuanneng, but also has more and more profound knowledge of antiques. Every appraisal has benefited Zhang Xiao a lot.

"I'll go with you today." Deng Jie said.

"Okay." Zhang Xiao immediately agreed.

When Zhang Xiao brought Deng Jie to the main store of Xinglinzhai, he found that not only the master Mo Wenxin hadn't returned yet, but also the senior brother Mo Boqi was there, and even the senior brother Hao Lianbo who had been in Quancheng was there, and the atmosphere was a bit strange. dignified.

"Master, what happened?" Zhang Xiao asked with some doubts.

"Ask your senior brother!" Mo Wenxin said sullenly with a gloomy face.

"Brother, what's the matter?" Zhang Xiao walked to Mo Boqi and asked.

After Mo Boqi pulled Zhang Xiao aside, he said in a low voice, "Your Senior Brother Hao had an accident at the antique shop in Quancheng. The porcelain consigned by a client was broken in the antique shop. The client now claims 500 million yuan."

Zhang Xiao couldn't help frowning. At this time, whether it is big or small, the key is whether the value of this porcelain is worth 500 million!

"How much is that porcelain worth?" Zhang Xiao couldn't help asking.

"The market price is only about 20 yuan, but this piece of porcelain is genuine after all, so it's hard to tell now." Moboqi said helplessly.

"Has anything like this happened before?" Zhang Xiao asked.

"It must have been paid out, but in the past, the compensation was based on the price, at most a slight premium, but this time the price the customer asked for was too high." Moboqi shook his head and said.

Zhang Xiao nodded, but this matter is really difficult to deal with. After all, people trust you to send things to you for consignment, but at this moment, the porcelain is broken. It is natural for the customer to claim compensation, but it is too expensive to claim 500 million. It's tougher.

"Where's the broken porcelain?" Zhang Xiao asked.

"It's in the box over there." Moboqi pointed to the wooden box on the ground and said.

Zhang Xiao took the wooden box to the table beside him, and after opening it, he saw a small pile of porcelain fragments inside, varying in size and size.

Zhang Xiao started to assemble from the bottom up, and Mo Boqi also started to help, and soon a vase-shaped porcelain stood on the table.

Zhang Xiao looked at this cracked piece of porcelain, about [-] centimeters high, plain white and slightly yellowed, but there were no decorations on it, Zhang Xiao couldn't help shaking his head and said, "This should be a jade pot spring vase from the Song Dynasty. , the specific age is difficult to verify, but it is inscribed as Baoyuan, which should be the reign name of Song Renzong Zhao Zhen, but this porcelain does not look like it is from the Song Dynasty in terms of age, which is puzzling."

Mo Boqi also looked up and down for a long time at this moment, then shook his head and said: "I can't tell its age, little brother, how do you see the age?"

Zhang Xiao said with a smile: "The age can be determined based on the feel, luster, smoothness, etc., plus the texture of the tire glaze, etc. It is better to consider it comprehensively."

Zhang Xiao also looked over at Mo Wenxin, paused for a moment, and continued to speak: "This piece of porcelain should belong to the late Ming Dynasty from the perspective of the glaze, but it is consistent with the porcelain from the early Qing Dynasty in terms of luster and feel. , so I think this should be an imitation of the early Qing Dynasty, not Song Dynasty porcelain, of course, this is just my personal feeling."

Mo Wenxin couldn't help laughing at this moment, then nodded and said: "Well said, you all should study hard from your junior brother, after all, we are just eating this bowl of rice, we are not afraid of making mistakes , even if you lose money, you are not afraid, I am afraid that you will not grow up."

"From the moment I brought this piece of porcelain, I could see that it was a piece of porcelain from the early Qing Dynasty, but I wanted you to tell it yourself, but Xiaobo told me that it was a folk kiln in the Song Dynasty, so I was angry. Don't think The porcelain is already broken, its authenticity is no longer important, let me tell you, it is because of your own poor eyesight that you will be blackmailed!"

"I'm sorry, master." Hao Lianbo said with some shame.

"Don't tell me I'm sorry, master leads the door, practice is up to the individual, everyone has everyone's good luck, but since you came out from me, I will naturally give you the bottom line, but master, I will grow old one day, What if I can't protect you at that time, what should I do?" Mo Wenxin said in a leisurely tone.

"Master, what did you say, you can live another 100 years." Zhang Xiao said with a smile.

"That's right, Dad, don't say such frustrating words." Mo Boqi was also startled, and said quickly.

"Okay, don't worry about me. Xiaobo, let that client come over tomorrow, and I'll help you deal with this matter." Mo Wenxin waved his hand and said helplessly.

"Thank you, Master." Hao Lianbo said hastily.

"You don't need to thank me. In the future, if you learn more knowledge and don't cause me any trouble, you will be thanking me." Mo Wenxin stood up and said angrily.

Hao Lianbo and Mo Boqi immediately nodded in agreement, but Zhang Xiao didn't speak, but started looking at the antiques just collected this week.

Zhang Xiao looks at it quickly. After an antique is in his hands, he can basically tell its authenticity. right.

If you can't see the history, Zhang Xiao will write down its characteristics for comparison after searching for information later.

"You've been watching it for two weeks, how do you feel? Did you gain anything?" Mo Wenxin asked Zhang Xiao.

"Master, of course I have gained something. After all, I can see dozens of new products every week, and the gain is still great." Zhang Xiao said with a smile.

"It's good to have something to gain, but there have been more fake antiques collected recently. It seems that the workshops that make counterfeit goods are on the rise again." Mo Wenxin said helplessly.

Zhang Xiao nodded and said, "There's nothing you can do about it. Prosperous Antiques is now in its prime, and there will definitely be more and more counterfeiting workshops. From now on, it will mainly depend on everyone's vision."

"Okay, there will be an exchange meeting in a few days, you can go and see it with me, and take the opportunity to increase your knowledge." Mo Wenxin said to Zhang Xiao with some satisfaction.

"Okay, you can just call me when the time comes." Zhang Xiao couldn't help being slightly happy, every communication meeting was a good opportunity for him to absorb energy.

"Well, remember to lock the door after you finish reading. Although there are security guards, it's better to be careful." After Mo Wenxin instructed, he left with Mo Wenxin and Hao Lianbo.

Zhang Xiao looked at the antiques collected this week for more than an hour. About [-]% of the originals were genuine, but only one-third of them contained Yuan Energy. After Zhang Xiao absorbed all the Yuan Energy Only then did he and Deng Jie lock the door and leave.

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