Rebirth 1996 starts from unforgettable

Chapter 230 The Tree of Life

After shopping, Zhang Xiao couldn't help shaking his head when he looked at the security guards carrying big and small bags. For a shopaholic like Deng Jie, he had no choice but to let her buy and buy.

As soon as she got in the car, Deng Jie took off her high-heeled shoes, put her petite feet in front of Zhang Xiao indecently, and said coquettishly, "Oh, I'm exhausted, give me a pinch."

Zhang Xiao glanced at Deng Jie speechlessly, shook her head, grabbed Deng Jie's feet and kneaded them. Fortunately, Deng Jie didn't have athlete's foot, so she didn't have to hold her breath.

Not long after, Deng Jie fell asleep, which made Zhang Xiao feel a little comforted.

That night, after Deng Jie fell asleep, Zhang Xiao reopened the chain of life that she hadn't paid attention to for a long time.

Although Zhang Xiao has been allowing the chain of life to continue to absorb the discovered energy, but since his physical fitness has been raised to 100, he has never used the energy to improve, because Zhang Xiao used to have scruples, afraid that he would become the only one in the eyes of others. Superman or monster.

After seeing Truman's world today, Zhang Xiao understood that the previous self was just avoiding, because he was afraid of facing an uncontrollable future, so he kept living cautiously, not even improving his physical fitness. dare.

But now Zhang Xiao has decided to face all the unknowns, even if he stepped into the abyss, Zhang Xiao would not hesitate, so he opened the chain of life again.

Life chain energy: 5336431/1000000 (evolvable).

Physical strength: 100/1000 (can be strengthened).

Soul strength: 100/1000 (can be strengthened).

Physical strength: 100/1000 (can be strengthened).

Physical speed: 100/1000 (can be strengthened).

The panel of the life chain is still the same as before, only the energy contained in it has changed.

After more than a year of accumulation, the energy contained in the life chain has reached 5336431, which Zhang Xiao did not expect, but Zhang Xiao also knows that the source of these energy is mainly the energy contained in the original jadeite, and some The yuan energy in antique jade has increased by more than 400 million in one year, which is actually quite a lot.

Zhang Xiao shook his head, and didn't think too much about it. After making a decision, Zhang Xiao didn't hesitate anymore, and started to improve directly.

With the consumption of 90 yuan energy, the physical strength reached 1000 first, which is the upper limit that the current life chain can increase. Zhang Xiao suddenly felt that his physical strength increased greatly. It is difficult for the body to be harmed by ordinary knives, guns and sticks.

Later, Zhang Xiao spent a lot of energy to increase the strength of soul, physical strength and physical speed to the upper limit of 1000. At this time, Zhang Xiao could feel the huge changes in his body, and his physical strength became stronger. Powerful, although the speed is not clear how much faster, but Zhang Xiao felt a huge change in his body, and had the illusion that he could fly at any time.

However, compared with this item, what surprised him even more was that after the strength of his soul increased, his thinking became more active than before. What surprised him even more was his perception of the outside world. Can clearly feel the changes around the body, although the range of feeling is not large, only two meters around the body, but this also shocked Zhang Xiao.

At this time, the data displayed on the life chain panel has changed a lot. After 360 million energy is consumed, there are only about 170 million left, and the state of the life chain is still in an evolutionable state.

Life chain energy: 1736431/1000000 (evolvable).

Physical Strength: 1000/1000.

Soul Strength: 1000/1000.

Physical Strength: 1000/1000.

Physical Speed: 1000/1000.

At this time, Zhang Xiao didn't intend to stop, but said "evolution" silently in his heart!

With Zhang Xiao's thoughts, the chain of life disappeared immediately, and then reappeared in his mind, but the state of the chain of life changed drastically, which surprised Zhang Xiao very much. If the chain is lifeless and has no vitality, it has now become a living thing, a young tree that has just sprouted.

Due to the increase in the strength of his soul before, a small transparent tree with only two leaves loomed in his mind, and the transparent roots seemed to be rooted in his body and seemed to coexist with his body.

At this time, Zhang Xiao looked at the introduction on the panel and at the same time accepted the joy from Xiaoshu, and couldn't help being a little silent.

Tree of Life energy: 736431/10000000 (growing).

Symbiotic: Zhang Xiao.

Zhang Xiao heaved a sigh of relief, because he knew that he was wrong from the very beginning, and the mistake was outrageous.

Since I was reborn, I only wanted to make money, but I forgot to investigate the cause of my headache, thinking that it was just a sequela of rebirth, but I forgot that there are reasons for the abnormal reactions of the body.

Up to now, after receiving the message from the tree of life, Zhang Xiao finally understood the ultimate reason for all this. The reason why she has a headache is because the tree of life that lives with her needs energy. The previous chain of life was just In the seed state of the tree of life, he needs energy upgrades to activate before he can grow up.

The previous two headaches were nothing more than the urging of the tree of life to him. If he hadn't activated the tree of life now, he might perish together with the tree of life in a few years.

Thinking of this, Zhang Xiao couldn't help feeling a little bit afraid. Fortunately, it's not too late now. As long as he continues to collect energy, he can support the growth of the tree of life. As for how far it will grow in the future, Zhang Xiao has no idea now. Clear, because the tree of life did not give him more information.

But at this time, Zhang Xiao discovered another terrible thing. The tree of life is continuously consuming Yuan energy, and it consumes a lot of Yuan energy. A little bit is consumed every minute. Consuming 720 points, one day is [-] points, which made Zhang Xiao's expression suddenly change.

From this point of view, if we cannot find a way to continuously increase the energy, then the future situation is really worrying.

However, Zhang Xiao has found two ways to obtain Yuan Energy so far. The first is from the Yuan Energy in the jadeite rough, and the other is from the Yuan Energy in the antiques.

In addition, Zhang Xiao also has an uncertain way to obtain energy, that is, where did the free energy found in the Confucian Temple come from, and Zhang Xiao will need to discover all of this in the future.

Fortunately, there are still more than 70 Yuan Energy stored, which is enough to maintain the consumption of the Tree of Life for three years, which gives Zhang Xiao more time to acquire Yuan Energy.

At this moment, Zhang Xiao suddenly found that black filth began to ooze from his body, and immediately understood that this was another physical evolution, so he got up quickly and went to the bathroom.

Half an hour later, when Zhang Xiao came out of the bathroom, he immediately felt relaxed all over his body. At this moment, he clearly felt the strength of his body. Both physical strength and physical strength were much stronger than before. Zhang Xiao decided to Then take time to test the strength and speed of the body.

Lying on the bed, looking at Deng Jie who was still sleeping soundly, Zhang Xiao couldn't help smiling, and began to close her eyes and fall asleep slowly.

The next morning, after Zhang Xiao woke up, she also woke up Deng Jie.

"What time is it?" Deng Jie asked muttering.

"It's six o'clock. Today is the official start of class. Let's go to school early." Zhang Xiao said with a smile.

"I'll sleep less, call me in 10 minutes." Deng Jie muttered after lying on the bed again.

Zhang Xiao shook his head and started to wash up.

After breakfast, Zhang Xiao sent Deng Jie to the school before walking towards the school.

The sophomore class is a little less than the freshman class, but it is still full of classes every morning, and there are basically no classes in the afternoon. As a result, Zhang Xiao needs to attend class every morning.

After entering the sophomore year, the learning status of the students has been completely different. They are divided into two extremes. There are students who continue to study hard to prepare for the postgraduate entrance examination or the postgraduate entrance examination. They spend most of the time in the library every day in order to learn more knowledge. And make unremitting efforts.

There are also people who spend more time on clubs and entrepreneurship with the aim of not repeating grades and not dropping out of school.

Although Zhang Xiao also wants to take the postgraduate entrance examination or graduate school, he does not spend much time on study, but Zhang Xiao finds that since the strength of the soul is increased, the learning efficiency has improved sharply, and he basically knows many logical relationships and calculations. Zhang Xiao was extremely excited because he saw everything at a glance.

After all, although he could memorize the contents of the books before, it took more time to study to understand, but now it is different. The improvement of learning efficiency gave Zhang Xiao more ideas.

The credit system of Huaqing University has already started, and Zhang Xiao now has plans to graduate early. After all, he is now completely self-study, and he can naturally find someone to help him solve problems in the process of study.

After having this plan, Zhang Xiao began to collect all the books of the undergraduate course, and began to study by herself one by one. Although she still went to class on time, Zhang Xiao put more energy on self-study.

Time passed quickly, and it was October in a blink of an eye. Zhang Xiao had read all the books at this time, and basically mastered all the content. Even if there were some problems, Zhang Xiao asked Microelectronics for advice. After the company's R & D personnel, have been resolved.

After mastering all the contents of the undergraduate course, Zhang Xiao began to study computer-related books by himself. Not only that, besides handling the company's affairs, Zhang Xiao spent more time with the R&D personnel of the microelectronics technology company.

Due to Zhang Xiao's special status as the boss, and Zhang Xiao's ability is not bad, he quickly integrated into the research and development personnel, and Zhang Xiao looked at the current technology with the perspective of future generations, so he naturally had an advanced vision, but It pointed out the direction for some research and development projects of the company.

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