The next afternoon, Zhang Xiao, who was processing documents in the company, received a call from his master, Mo Wenxin.

"Xiaoxiao, the exchange meeting has been advanced, and it's scheduled for tonight. Do you have time?" Mo Wenxin said on the phone.

"I have time." Zhang Xiao said with a smile.

"Then come over later, we'll go there after we have dinner together."

"Okay, master."

After hanging up the phone, Zhang Xiao finished processing the company's documents and drove to the home of his master Mo Wenxin.

After arriving at Master Mo Wenxin's house, Zhang Xiao saw that his wife Xing Yulan had already prepared the food, so she was not polite and sat down to eat directly.

"Is it delicious?" Xing Yulan asked with a smile.

"Delicious." Zhang Xiao swallowed the food in her mouth and said with a smile.

"You come here often if it's delicious. Your senior brother and others don't come home all the year round. It's just me and your master at home." Xing Yulan said with a smile.

"Understood, Master." Zhang Xiao nodded in agreement.

After dinner, Zhang Xiao and his master Mo Wenxin took the car driven by Guo Feng to the meeting place.

"Is the girl who came with you last time your girlfriend?" Mo Wenxin asked.

"Yes, master, what do you think of her?" Zhang Xiao nodded and said with a smile.

"Yes, she is very measured in her work, she should have a good tutor."

"Well, her father is Deng Zhimin."

"Hey, she is really a daughter of a rich family." Mo Wenxin said in surprise, "But this kind of rich family has many rules, so be careful."

"Well, I'm measured."

The venue of the exchange meeting was in a private clubhouse in the suburbs of the capital city. It wasn't obvious from the outside, but Zhang Xiao found out that there was something really hidden inside when he entered the yard.

After the car entered the yard and drove along the road, a sentry box appeared, and two young men in black suits stepped out of it, and stopped the car.

After Mo Wenxin rolled down the car window, he handed an invitation to the leading young man.

"Master Xin, please come in." After the young man opened it, he handed the invitation back to Mo Wenxin respectfully.

Mo Wenxin nodded, the window was raised, and Guo Feng continued to drive inside.

"Go to Building No. [-]." Mo Wenxin said to Guo Feng.

After Guo Feng agreed, he continued to drive forward.

"Master, what kind of place is this? The investigation is so strict." Zhang Xiao had never encountered such a battle before, so she couldn't help asking curiously.

"It's just a private club. The most important thing here is safety and privacy. Exchange meetings in the capital are usually held here." Mo Wenxin said expressionlessly.

Zhang Xiao nodded, seeing that Mo Wenxin didn't want to say more, so he didn't ask any more questions.

Soon, Guo Feng parked the car in front of a small three-story building, but what surprised Zhang Xiao was that the lights were always dim from the door to the front of the building, and Guo Feng also parked the parking space with the help of the car lights .

When getting out of the car, Zhang Xiao looked around, only to find some differences, only a few cars he could see, there was not a bad car, and even two very ugly cars He couldn't even call out the name of Feng's car.

"Let's go." Mo Wenxin got out of the car naturally, and led Zhang Xiao towards the gate of the small building, while Guo Feng naturally followed Zhang Xiao.

Mo Wenxin was obviously familiar with this place, and walked inside with ease.

There were also two young men in black suits standing in front of the gate, and there was an instrument similar to an airport security check at the entrance. Zhang Xiao became more and more curious about this place. Is there such a big ostentation in an exchange meeting?

After going through the security check, two young men in suits opened the door that looked like it was made of mahogany, and the light immediately illuminated the door. Although it was still not bright, it was enough for Zhang Xiao to see clearly what was going on inside.

There is a hall of three to four hundred square meters in sight. Around the hall, a circle of leather sofas are placed against the wall. There is a large glass coffee table in front of each sofa. At this moment, many people are sitting on the sofa. Among them were a few people that Zhang Xiao knew, all of whom he had met at the teacher apprenticeship banquet before.

In the middle of the hall was a stage with a size of [-] to [-] square meters. A girl in white was playing the piano on it. Soft music echoed throughout the hall.

Mo Wenxin didn't stop walking, and led Zhang Xiao towards a sofa.

After Mo Wenxin sat down on a sofa, he said to Zhang Xiao and Guo Feng, "Sit down, it's safe here, but don't communicate too much with people you know."

Zhang Xiao nodded and sat down beside Mo Wenxin, and Guo Feng naturally sat beside Zhang Xiao.

"What do you three have to drink?"

A soft female voice sounded in Zhang Xiao's ears. Looking at the reputation, a delicate girl in a low-cut cheongsam stood by the coffee table in front of the three of them. A large white patch was exposed on her chest, which made Zhang Xiao dazzle a little. Zhang Xiao felt a little familiar with the girl's appearance.

"Bring a pot of Dahongpao." Mo Wenxin seemed to be used to these things, and said indifferently.

"Okay, please wait a moment." The girl bowed and saluted.

Then the girl turned and left. Zhang Xiao looked at the girl's fair and slender thighs, which appeared and disappeared under the high-slit cheongsam, full of silent temptation.

"Master, isn't this girl acting in TV? Why is she working as a waiter here?" Zhang Xiao asked in a low voice.

"Isn't he just an actor? In the past, people like this were just actors, so there's nothing surprising." Mo Wenxin shook his head, and said with a slight smile, "Although they look very good in front of people now, look at them The people here are either rich or noble, and it is their honor to be here as waiters."

Zhang Xiao was taken aback for a moment, and then understood that in the eyes of these people who are either rich or expensive, those actors are just a tool for them to make money. Thinking of this, Zhang Xiao couldn't help sighing, it seems that he still has too little knowledge.

"Don't make a fuss, look at the other people around, who put them in their eyes." Mo Wenxin said to Zhang Xiao helplessly.

Zhang Xiao looked around on the sofa, there were quite a few waiters in cool clothes serving the people who came here for the exchange meeting, and these waiters were pretty good looking, and some of them were already relatively famous stars. hard working.

"It's really a rich man's gathering." Zhang Xiao smiled slightly, because he saw several famous people even in later generations.

"You boy, aren't you a rich man now? Why are you so sour?" Mo Wenxin said angrily.

Zhang Xiao suddenly chuckled and didn't speak. He is indeed a rich man at this time, but this is only in relative terms.

"Is there anything you like again? If there is, I will call you for service." Mo Wenxin squeezed his eyes and said with a smile, "Don't worry, I won't tell your little girlfriend."

"Master, you don't order one. I must tell Master." Zhang Xiao said angrily.

"Haha." Mo Wenxin laughed, not paying attention to Zhang Xiao's joke at all.

Not long after, the girl from before came back pushing a small cart, showing endless temptation as she walked.

The girl put the teapots and teacups from the trolley on the coffee table one by one, and took out fruit platters and other snacks from the second floor of the trolley and put them on the tea table.

After finishing all this, the girl smiled and asked, "Do you need any other services?"

Mo Wenxin smiled slightly and said, "If you have nothing to do, you can stay here, lest you have to serve other people."

"Thank you boss, thank you very much." The girl bowed again and again to thank Zhang Xiao, feasting her eyes on her white breasts.

Then the girl put the car beside the coffee table and sat beside Mo Wenxin.

"Xiaoxiao, don't talk nonsense with your mistress after you go back, it's just a play on the occasion, you don't want to go up there to get things by yourself after the exchange meeting." Mo Wenxin whispered to Zhang Xiao.

"Don't worry, master, I know the severity." Zhang Xiao said a little speechlessly.

However, Zhang Xiao also knew that when he came here, he had to abide by the rules here. Naturally, these girls came here to serve as waiters for a purpose, and the private club just gave everyone a chance to get what they needed.

While eating melon seeds, Zhang Xiao listened to the discussions of the people around him. Thanks to his keen sense of hearing, Zhang Xiao heard some news.

"It is said that there will be a Chenghua Doucai chicken cup in this exchange, is it true?"

"Of course it is true. It is said that Mr. He from Ao Island brought it here."

"Then there should be no fakes, but I don't know how much it will sell for?"

"Who knows, maybe it's a barter for something."

"I heard that Jun Ci will appear at this exchange meeting."

"Impossible, Jun porcelain is worth a lot even in pieces."


At this moment, Zhang Xiao couldn't help feeling agitated in his heart, and turned to Mo Wenxin and asked, "Master, will Junci appear in this exchange?"

"I haven't heard of it. It seems that the most valuable thing in this exchange meeting should be the Chenghua Doucai chicken cup that He Hong asked you to appreciate last time." Mo Wenxin asked in surprise, "Who did you listen to?" of."

"The person at the third table on the left just talked about it." Zhang Xiao said.

"You're talking about Fatty Lu, how could he have such news." Mo Wenxin frowned suddenly, and said a little puzzled.

"Master, does the exchange meeting support the auction?" Zhang Xiao asked.

"Of course, not only can you exchange things, but you can also buy them with money. Otherwise, why do you think so many people are here?" Mo Wenxin nodded and said.

"Will there be fakes here?" Zhang Xiao asked.

"Tch, fakes are everywhere in antiques, and it's the same here. This is also a place where eyesight is refined." Mo Wenxin sneered, "Don't think that there are no fakes because of the high-end here, so you must keep in mind that the antique market Fakes can be seen everywhere, even in famous museums, there are fakes."

Zhang Xiao was shocked immediately, but he also knew that since the master said so, it couldn't be false.

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