Rebirth 1996 starts from unforgettable

Chapter 229 The World of Truman

After returning to the courtyard, Zhang Xiao lay on a deck chair in the gazebo, eating fruit salad and enjoying Deng Jie's massage.

"Are you tired these two days?" Deng Jie asked.

"There are a lot of things to worry about in the past two days, and I'm a little tired, but today I finally dealt with them, and I can go to school with peace of mind." Zhang Xiao said with a smile.

"You can't earn enough money, you have to pay more attention to your health." Deng Jie couldn't help persuading her.

"My wife is right." Zhang Xiao said suddenly.

"Who is your wife? She hasn't agreed yet." Deng Jie was a little shy. Although the two had already lived together, their relationship had not yet been confirmed. At this time, Zhang Xiao called her his wife. Although Deng Jie was sweet in her heart, she had no face She was still a little shy.

"Don't you want to?" Zhang Xiao said with a smile.

"You haven't proposed yet, and I don't know if I'm willing or not." Deng Jie stopped what she was doing and said angrily.

Zhang Xiao chuckled, and didn't continue talking, because if he continued, it would really become a marriage proposal.

Seeing that Zhang Xiao changed the subject, Deng Jie couldn't help sighing slightly, thinking that Zhang Xiao was concerned about her identity and the huge family behind her.

But in fact, Zhang Xiao didn't think too much about it. She just thought of her former wife Tong Yao, so she didn't continue talking.

Due to the silence, both of them were a little embarrassed at this time, but Deng Jie quickly broke the silence and said, "Let's go to the movies."

"Okay, anyway, I have nothing to do now." Zhang Xiao immediately agreed.

Soon the two came to the movie theater, and Zhang Xiao saw the promotional poster of "The Truman Show" at the entrance of the movie theater at a glance.

Deng Jie pulled Zhang Xiao to buy a movie ticket, and said to Zhang Xiao with a smile: "My classmates have all watched this movie, and I heard it is very good."

"Then let's have a look." Zhang Xiao said indifferently.

Since Zhang Xiao was reborn in this life, she has never been very interested in movies, because most of them have been seen before, and she is unwilling to watch them repeatedly. However, since Deng Jie wanted to watch, Zhang Xiao did not refuse, and could only accompany Deng Jie looked on.

What's more, the movie The World of Truman is really good. Although Zhang Xiao had watched it in his previous life, he only saw Truman as a joke in life at that time.

And now watching this classic movie again, Zhang Xiao couldn't help but feel fear, because he felt that he might be another Truman. After all, it is impossible for people to be reborn, but he happened to be reborn, and he returned At the age of 15, he wanted to go back to that period in countless dreams.

In the movie, "The Truman Show" is a reality TV program, but its ideas are extremely avant-garde and bold, because the entire program has only one actor, or in other words, only one real person.And Truman is the only real person, this is a column specially built for him, and a world, a virtual world, is specially developed for him.

Truman has lived almost 30 years in this world. He has memories from childhood to adulthood, familiar childhood and first love, lovers and relatives, neighbors and passers-by he meets every day, but all of these are tailor-made for him. Yes, everyone else knew it was a show, everyone felt like they were actors, they were trying to be who they were, and only Truman was being himself.

Originally, Truman had been living a stable life according to the vision and arrangement of the column director, but as Truman grew older, his thinking gradually matured, and he began to discover some abnormalities in life.

From the inexplicable disappearance of the first love in school back then and the words I warned myself before leaving, to the chandelier that fell from the sky unintentionally, and the strange conversation received on the radio was exactly the same as my trajectory, and my father who died unexpectedly 22 years ago revisited Go back to your side, hidden secrets in the elevator of the building, etc.

In this column, Truman is just an ordinary young man. He has lived on this Taoyuan Island all his life, from birth to going to school, to graduation, employment and even marriage.

Truman lived in a well-arranged life, and if there were no accidents, he would live like this until he died.

In the outside world, every fragment of Truman's life trajectory has been made into a 24-hour non-stop live show, which is broadcast to various places around the world.

Every day of Truman has become the most concerned thing for everyone in the world. Everyone seems to be participating in Truman's world. They witness their children growing up, graduating, falling in love, and getting married.

Truman has become everyone's spiritual sustenance.

Except Truman himself.

If Truman has been living such an ordinary life according to the setting of the column group, it probably confirms the director's conjecture that Truman is a person without ambition, and he is only suitable to live in such a real and controllable world.

But the reality is, Truman is not.

When he discovered a series of abnormal phenomena in his life and began to wonder if he was being monitored or followed, he began to re-examine his life and even the people or things around him.

Including the neighbors and passers-by who appear from time to time, including the wife who always speaks advertising slogans inexplicably, including the gesture of folding fingers that represents confession and lies when the wife takes the oath of marriage.

Even, Truman began to recall his childhood experience, the sudden wave that took his father's life completely dispelled Truman's idea of ​​going out for an adventure.

There are also various indoctrinations about the concept of homeland and the ubiquitous warnings about dangers that are always broadcast on TV.

Even though the column team arranged a touching scene of the reunion of father and son many years later, Truman did not show any disgust.

However, in the dead of night, Truman really escaped.

He used a clever method to deceive the cameras and surveillance personnel around him, disguised the appearance and sound of sleeping, and secretly escaped through the hole dug in advance between the basement and the lawn.

After that, the situation became very magical. Because of Truman's departure, "The Truman Show" was suspended for the first time. All the actors came out to look for Truman, and the moon, which should have been shining quietly, became A big searchlight is constantly sweeping in this virtual world, looking for traces of Truman everywhere.

In the end, the helpless director, in order to find Truman more conveniently, broke the natural laws of this world and arranged the sunrise in advance, instantly turning night into day.

Everyone thought that Truman would be in a place that looked safe, but unexpectedly, Truman chose the ocean that he was most afraid of.

Truman went to sea by boat.

In fact, no one knows about Truman.In order to prevent Truman from leaving this place, the program team arranged a marine disaster, which directly caused Truman's father to withdraw from the show.

This also directly led to Truman's lifelong fear of the ocean.

However, Truman's original wish was to be an adventurer.Everyone seems to have forgotten this point. In their eyes, Truman should be a person who stays here with peace of mind, and his character should be resigned to fate.

Therefore, when the camera searched for the picture of Truman sailing out to sea, everyone was shocked.

This is also the climax of the whole film. Truman, who is afraid of the sea, began to overcome his fear after many times of reorganization of the world view, and went forward bravely without fear.

In order to prevent Truman from leaving again, the director arranged the biggest wave.

A person with a strong body can be beaten, but a person with a strong heart cannot be defeated.

Truman said to this god who played with himself, unless you kill me, you can't stop me.

The director finally compromised and gave Truman a way out when he was about to die in the sea.

Then Truman's sailboat crashed into the boundary of this world.

It was a wall painted with sky and clouds. From the beginning, Truman suspected that he was being watched and controlled by some people, and then he suspected that the people around him belonged to the group that monitored him. Until he came to the border of this world, Only then did I really discover that I had been living in a virtual world.

Truman couldn't believe it, but he was determined to leave this world.

It was also at this time that the creator of Truman and the column director Christopher turned on the cosmic broadcast mode and had the only dialogue with Truman.

The director said that the outside world is just as unreal as here, with lies and deceit, but in this world, you don't have to be afraid of anything.

At this time, the director is still immersed in his identity as a creator, and he has always believed that Truman will continue to live in this program and in this world according to his own settings.

But the Truman at this time is no longer that simple Truman. Like all human beings, once they discover the gate of the new world, they will no longer follow the old rules. This is human nature and the pursuit of human beings.

Zhang Xiao pretended to be nonchalant and watched the whole movie, but deep down in his heart there was a doubt, that is, whether the world he lives in now is true or not, and if it is true, then why can he be reborn back to the past, if It is false, so how big is this false world, and how can we break this false world and return to the past.

For the first time since Zhang Xiao was reborn, he had doubts about this world, but he knew very well that he could only slowly investigate the truth of everything, and the key to all of this may still be in the Yuan Chain, and perhaps only the Yuan Chain can uncover it. The truth of the matter.

Zhang Xiao silently stroked the place where the Yuan Chain disappeared on his forehead, but he made up his mind to fill up the energy as soon as possible, and then improve himself as much as possible, maybe when he reached the limit, the truth might appear before his eyes.

At this time, although the movie was over, Deng Jie was still excited, and dragged Zhang Xiao to the bustling street, and began to buy her favorite clothes.

Zhang Xiao put all his thoughts in his heart and went shopping with her silently, because he knew very well that the time he spent with her would be less and less.

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