Rebirth 1996 starts from unforgettable

Chapter 225 Computer Operating System

It is not without reason that Zhang Xiao thinks this way, because the microelectronics technology company has developed a computer system based on the Linux system, which is currently being tested and optimized.

The most fundamental reason for using the linux system as the basis is that the linux system has the characteristics of open source code, no copyright, and many users in the technical community, which is just suitable for research and secondary development.

The computer system currently developed by Microelectronics Technology Company inherits the stability of the linux system, and adds a graphics operation module, which makes the computer system run better and is more suitable for personal computers.

Of course, it is still in the process of testing and optimization, and the specific performance parameters are not yet known, but when Zhang Xiao saw the English version of the win98 system, Zhang Xiao knew very well that with the appearance of the English version, the Chinese version will also appear , If you can't launch your own operating system now, so as to form your own ecological environment, it will become more and more difficult to catch up again in the future.

After a hasty lunch, Zhang Xiao drove directly to the Microelectronics Technology Company, where Zhang Xiao found Academician Ni in the laboratory.

"Academician Ni, read this news." Zhang Xiao handed the newspaper to Academician Ni and said with a solemn expression.

Academician Ni picked up the newspaper and looked at it, then nodded and said, "Isn't this the upgraded version of win95, win98? Is there any problem?"

"Academician Ni, the installed capacity of personal computers has increased in the past two years, and most of these users are pioneers engaged in network and computer-related industries. With the rapid development of the national economy, personal computers will become the mainstream. Once they get used to In addition to using Microsoft's operating system, then even if we launch the operating system, who can use it?" Zhang Xiao said to Academician Ni in a solemn tone.

Academician Ni immediately understood Zhang Xiao's meaning, that is to launch his own operating system, but the operating system is still in the testing stage. If there is a problem with the hastily launched operating system, it will be a major setback for Shenhua Computer. Academician Ni couldn't help but fell into deep thought. .

Zhang Xiao did not interrupt Academician Ni's thoughts, but began to think about how to make the company's computer operating system more adaptable to the current situation.

The function of the computer operating system is mainly reflected in the management of five computer resources - microprocessor, memory, external equipment, files and operations. The operating system sets these management functions into corresponding program management modules. Each management Modules are in charge of certain functions.

If you want to promote your own computer operating system, the most important thing is to let the computer operating system fully utilize the performance of the computer hardware and make it compatible with all the software in the current market. This was still in 1998, and the amount of software was just a drop in the bucket compared to later generations. , but if it cannot be launched now, with more and more application software, it will be even more difficult to launch in the future!

"Boss, you are right. I was negligent before. I will urge the R&D department to complete the testing and optimization of the computer system as soon as possible, and launch it on our computer as soon as possible." Academician Ni said.

"This time should not be too long, preferably before August, because I think the Chinese version of win98 will be launched at the end of August and early September. We must launch it before they are launched. Only in this way can we have room for development." Zhang Xiao said with a serious expression.

"I'll do it as soon as possible, but there's not enough manpower right now." Academician Ni shook his head in distress and said.

"Academician Ni, if we don't have enough manpower, let's recruit and go to other companies to dig. As long as our company pays a high salary, I believe many people will be tempted. Time doesn't wait for me. Don't be afraid to spend money. If 100 people are not enough, we will recruit 1000. People, if 1000 people are not enough, we will recruit 1 people! Don’t be afraid of too many people, I have already started looking for the headquarters building, and I believe we will be able to move in soon.” Zhang Xiao said firmly.

"I understand, I will do my best." Academician Ni immediately agreed.

"How many R&D personnel does the company have now?" Zhang Xiao also breathed a sigh of relief at this time, as long as Academician Ni agrees, everything will be fine.

"There are more than 300 people in the hardware group, and more than 150 people in the software group." Academician Ni said after a little thought.

"The number of people is too small, we have to recruit people quickly." Zhang Xiao couldn't help shaking his head, but he also knew that it was not Academician Ni who was conservative, but the domestic environment. There is no company with thousands of R&D personnel.

At present, even some large-scale research institutes have a few hundred people, but Zhang Xiao knows that in later generations, there are no thousands of people, so they are ashamed to say that they are engaged in research and development.

With Zhang Xiao's guarantee and Academician Ni's gold-lettered signboard, Microelectronics Technology Co., Ltd. began to wield money, an omnipotent weapon, to make waves in the computer hardware and software R&D industry. The effect is obvious. A large number of R&D personnel and technology People have joined the microelectronics technology company.

On this day, Zhang Xiao came to the home of her master Mo Wenxin, and sat on the sofa and said her request to Mo Wenxin: "Master, I need a building as the company's headquarters. The location can be a bit off, but the area must be large!"

"Why are you in such a hurry, wouldn't it be more suitable to build it yourself?" Mo Wenxin put the teacup on the table and asked with a smile.

"Don't be in a hurry, there are too many people in the company, and I can't hold it." Zhang Xiao couldn't help but shook his head helplessly.

The thing is very simple. With the aggressive recruitment by microelectronics technology companies, talents in software and hardware were immediately attracted by Zhang Xiao's high salary and future development plan. The company's R&D staff has increased dramatically, from more than 450 people before to more than 2000 people, and this is just the beginning. The company's seats are already full, and some offices have even been vacated. Far from enough.

For this reason, Zhang Xiao had to temporarily rent two floors in an office building on one side to accommodate these R&D personnel and teams, and arranged the best accommodation conditions for them—a single-person apartment, so that they could stay. But Zhang Xiao knows that this is only temporary. If the R&D environment cannot be resolved for a long time, it will be a blow to the reputation of the microelectronics technology company.

"It's really a coincidence that you came. I just contacted a real estate company yesterday. They have a building and three residential buildings for sale. Since their capital chain has been broken, the asking price is not very high. Do you want to go and have a look?" Mo Wen Xin smiled and said.

Thanks to the support of Zhang Xiao's 70.00 million funds, Mo Wenxin's several projects have been successfully completed, and even the sales are extremely gratifying. At present, [-]% of them have been sold, and he suddenly became rich.

However, there are no secrets in the capital market. After Xinyu Real Estate Company's abundant cash flow was known to some company bosses, many real estate companies with broken capital chains came to their door one after another.

"Then go and have a look." Zhang Xiao suddenly became excited, it's better to come early than coincidentally.

Afterwards, the two arrived at the location of the building by car.

This is already outside the Fourth Ring Road. Although the North Fourth Ring Road has been completed and opened to traffic, there are still not many vehicles on the road, and this place is still a suburb. It is no wonder that the real estate company's house cannot be sold and the capital chain is broken.

You have to know that the house price in Beijing at this time is only [-], how many people are willing to buy a house in the wilderness outside the North Fourth Ring Road, and the house price in the suburbs is not much cheaper. It can only be said that this real estate company was born at a bad time .

"Lao Guo originally wanted to build two mansions and [-] residential buildings, but he spent all the funds after building one mansion and three residential buildings. Not to mention the house was not sold, and the bank owed a lot of money. Debt." Mo Wenxin said with some regret.

The old Guo that Mo Wenxin said was Guo Sihai, the owner of Sihai Real Estate Company and the developer of the real estate here.

"Master, this place is too out of the way. It's all in the suburbs. If the house can be sold, it will be damned. And what is he planning to do here to build a building?" Zhang Xiao couldn't help complaining when he saw the desolate surroundings.

"Old Guo is planning to build a five-star hotel, which is said to be for international friends who will travel to Beijing in the future." Mo Wenxin couldn't help but shook his head and said with a wry smile.

"It's really thinking far enough." Zhang Xiao couldn't help laughing, the idea was good, but it was too far ahead.

One step ahead is a pioneer, but two steps ahead can only be a martyr!

Guo Sihai is undoubtedly a martyr, but Zhang Xiao is very satisfied with this place, because it is not far from the microelectronics technology company and the chip factory, so it is undoubtedly the most suitable headquarters building.

"Master, call Boss Guo to talk, if the price is not too outrageous, I will buy it." Zhang Xiao said with a smile.

"You're really impatient, but let's go home first, let's discuss it later, the weather is so hot!" Mo Wenxin said angrily, wiping the sweat off his face.

"Okay, go back and discuss how to take all of this place down." Zhang Xiao said with a smile.

Back in Mo Wenxin's courtyard, Xing Yulan looked at the two men sweating profusely, and couldn't help laughing and scolding: "You two don't even look at the temperature outside today, you run outside when it's so hot, don't be afraid Heatstroke."

"Master, it was my fault. I called Master out." Zhang Xiao said quickly.

"Xiaoxiao, I know it must be your master who told you to go to the suburbs to look at real estate, right? Let me tell you, don't listen to your master's fooling around now, the real estate built by that idiot Guo Sihai is not good at all, it's a five-star hotel, put the coffin It's too far away." Xing Yulan said angrily.

Zhang Xiao couldn't help but exchanged glances with his master, Mo Wenxin, and immediately burst out laughing.

After returning to the house, Zhang Xiao took the wet towel from the teacher's wife, wiped her face, and said with a smile: "Master, I know it well, and the houses there are cheap, aren't they?"

"Cheap is cheap, but it's not worth buying now." Xing Yulan still doesn't want Zhang Xiao to buy a house.

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