Rebirth 1996 starts from unforgettable

Chapter 226 Hongyuan Real Estate

Zhang Xiao chuckled and said, "Master, wait for Boss Guo to come and persuade me later, let's have a good show."

"Are you determined to pay attention to where to buy the property?" Xing Yulan asked.

Zhang Xiao shook his head and said, "I don't plan to buy his building, I plan to buy all his real estate company at once."

Mo Wenxin raised his eyebrows when he heard Zhang Xiao's words. He didn't expect Zhang Xiao's appetite to be so big, but he didn't object. Mo Wenxin was very optimistic about the future development of the real estate market. At the beginning, the real estate industry will usher in rapid development in the future.

Xing Yulan suddenly smiled slightly and said, "You little clever ghost, what's your plan?"

Zhang Xiao shook his head and said: "I don't have any other ideas. After all, after the company's headquarters is placed there, the accommodation of so many employees will be a big problem, and as employee benefits, it is also reasonable to allocate housing to some technicians. .”

Mo Wenxin was stunned for a moment. He didn't expect Zhang Xiao to buy a real estate company just to develop buildings for employees. This made him a little uneasy, and he couldn't help persuading him: "All state-owned enterprises with welfare housing have been cancelled, you alone Why should private companies allocate housing to their employees?"

"Master, if I want those scientific researchers to work hard for me, how many people can persist without giving them the corresponding living conditions. Poverty is not what they should be treated. I want all the scientific researchers to envy my company , are willing to come to our company to do research!" Zhang Xiao said with a smile.

"You're right, I'm short-sighted." Mo Wenxin shook his head and said with a wry smile.

Mo Wenxin then handed another folder to Zhang Xiao, and said, "This is the information of Sihai Real Estate Company, please read it first, so that you can understand it in your heart."

Zhang Xiao opened the folder, looked at the introduction to Sihai Real Estate Company, and couldn't help but shook his head.

Sihai Real Estate Co., Ltd. was established in 1996 with a registered capital of 5000 million yuan. The Fengyuan project was his first project and the only project. Unexpectedly, the car overturned. Not to mention that the house could not be sold, the bank loan owed [-] million [-] yuan Wan, and the money owed to the construction company, is at the end of its rope so far.

"Master, how much do you think this real estate company owes?" Zhang Xiao asked.

"I don't know, it should be quite a lot. How about this, I'll let Lao Guo come over, let's talk face to face, and you can just listen and judge the price." Mo Wenxin said.

"Okay, master, you can call him." Zhang Xiao said with a smile.

After Mo Wenxin called, Guo Sihai arrived within half an hour.

"Master Xin, you are looking for me." Guo Sihai respected Mo Wenxin very much, and said as soon as he entered the door.

"Sit down, I came to ask you about your real estate company." Mo Wenxin waved his hand at Guo Sihai and said.

"Master Xin, tell me a price. This crappy company is killing me. It's really dying." Guo Sihai begged Mo Wenxin as if he had grasped at straws.

"How much do you plan to sell it for? Don't give me random quotations, I want to be honest." Mo Wenxin said calmly after drinking a cup of tea.

"2000 million!" Guo Sihai said immediately.

"Hmph." Mo Wenxin snorted coldly, "Back five steps."

Guo Sihai took five steps back unconsciously.

"To the left."

"Go forward, yes, keep going."

Under the guidance of Mo Wenxin, Guo Sihai actually walked out of the living room.

Zhang Xiao almost laughed out loud, Mo Wenxin's hand is too disgusting, let him leave as soon as he is told, and let him follow his beat.

It wasn't until he left the living room and came under the sun that Guo Sihai realized that Mo Wenxin was dissatisfied with his asking price and asked him to leave.

However, Guo Sihai is not willing to leave now, as long as he leaves, then the door of Mo Wenxin's place will be closed to him forever. He doesn't know if he can find a strong buyer like Mo Wenxin, he dare not bet .

Guo Sihai hurried back to the living room, said with a wry smile, "Master Xin, what are you doing, if you are not satisfied with the price, just tell me."

Mo Wenxin snorted coldly and said, "I'm too lazy to bargain with you. If you really want to sell, you can quote a real price. If you don't want to sell, you can keep it for yourself."

"Sell, of course, I only want 8000 million." Guo Sihai immediately expressed his bottom line.

"8000 million is not bad, but how much the real estate company owes outside, you have to tell me the truth." Mo Wenxin nodded and said.

"The bank's 3000 million, the construction company's 600 million, and another 200 million owed to the municipal government. These are the big ones." Guo Sihai explained the situation in detail at this time.

"You owe too much, don't you? Tell me the truth, how much money did you invest in?" Mo Wenxin frowned and asked.

"I invested 8000 million yuan, even if I sold it for [-] million yuan, I wouldn't be able to make enough money." Guo Sihai said with a mournful face.

"Fart, get out if you don't tell the truth." Mo Wenxin scolded angrily.

"6000 million, really 6000 million!" Guo Sihai said in surprise.

"Okay, let's pretend you invested 6000 million, but we can't give you 8000 million, 7000 million, how about it, earning 1000 million in two years is fine!" Mo Wenxin put down the teacup in his hand and said with a smile .

"Master Xin, add more." Guo Sihai said with a wry smile.

Mo Wenxin looked at Zhang Xiao, and after seeing Zhang Xiao nodded, Mo Wenxin asked, "How many people are there in your company?"

"Besides me, there is only one accountant left." Guo Sihai shook his head and said.

"It's really miserable." Mo Wenxin couldn't help but shook his head.

Guo Sihai couldn't help but smiled wryly, and he also knew where his current disadvantages were, which was why he was looking for Mo Wenxin.

Except for companies with a real estate company structure, other people are not interested in his empty real estate company at all. As for the four completed buildings, no one is willing to buy them.

"Well, I'll give you 500 million and accept your company, but you have to settle all the creditors. They must give the company a grace period of half a year, otherwise there is no need to continue this business." Mo Wen Xin said.

"Yes, yes, but the interest still needs to be paid." Guo Sihai said.

"Interest is not a problem." Mo Wenxin nodded and agreed.

In the next few days, Zhang Xiao led the staff of the investment company to follow Mo Wenxin to start the handover of the Four Seas Real Estate Company. In addition, Mo Wenxin also dispatched a team from Xinyu Real Estate Company to help Zhang Xiao start to take over. The business of Sihai Real Estate Company restarted the construction of real estate.

A week later, Jingcheng Sihai Real Estate Development Co., Ltd. officially changed its name to Jingcheng Hongyuan Real Estate Development Co., Ltd., and Zhang Xiao, who was already full, became the legal representative of Hongyuan Real Estate.

And already built mansions and residential buildings have also started renovation work.

At this time, Microelectronics Technology Company had more than 3000 R&D personnel, which greatly promoted the progress of the computer operating system. Not only that, but also a new round of development of software based on the computer operating system.

On August 8, Zhang Xiao came to the microelectronics technology company to watch the final version of the computer operating system.

"Boss, take a look, this is our final version of the operating system." Academician Ni said to Zhang Xiao.

Zhang Xiao nodded, operating the computer with the computer operating system already installed, and compared it with the computer on the side that also installed the win98 system, and found nothing abnormal, which made Zhang Xiao very excited.

"Very good, not bad." Zhang Xiao stood up and praised with satisfaction, then turned to face the staff in the conference room and announced loudly, "Everyone has worked hard, and all those involved in the research and development will receive a bonus of 1000 yuan this month. !"

"Long live the boss!" The staff of the system research and development department immediately cheered loudly.

Zhang Xiao watched them celebrate with a smile on her face, and listened to the discussions of people in the laboratory outside, but she was very excited in her heart. Finally, she had her own computer operating system. Even if it was based on the Linux system, this was something to be happy about. .

"Boss, you haven't named the system yet." Chen Guangke, the person in charge of operating system research and development, said to Zhang Xiao.

"Our computer is Shenhua Computer, so our operating system is naturally called Shenhua System." Zhang Xiao said excitedly.

"The price of the Shenhua system needs to be determined by you, the boss." Academician Ni said.

"Our system does not require money, it will be free forever!" Zhang Xiao said with a smile.

"What? Free? Free forever?" Academician Ni looked at Zhang Xiao incredulously, as if looking at an idiot.

"Yes, it's free. Only in this way can we have a place in the domestic market. Otherwise, how can we compete with Microsoft's win system? Am I handsome?" Zhang Xiao said to Academician Ni angrily.

"Do you know how much it cost for research and development?" Academician Ni said helplessly.

"No matter how much money is spent on research and development, our operating system cannot be charged, because only by not charging can we let the Shenhua system go out and enter thousands of households, let more people use it, and let them get used to using our Shenhua Only when there are many users of the system, can companies participate in the research and development of software based on the Shenhua system, so that our Shenhua system can truly gain a foothold." Zhang Xiao explained in a deep tone.

"I understand, but the research and development of the computer operating system has cost more than 3000 million yuan, which is too much!" Academician Ni said with some distress.

"Academician Ni, you need to hold a press conference about the computer system, and promise that all Shenhua computers in the future will be equipped with the Shenhua system, and the Shenhua system will be permanently free! If you want to replace the computer system of the Shenhua computer you bought before, you can go directly to the dealer for free. Replace!" Zhang Xiao ordered.

"I know, but when is the best time for the conference?" Academician Ni asked.

"On the 13th, it can be published in the newspaper on Thursday and Friday, and it's just a matter of brewing on the weekend." Zhang Xiao thought for a while.

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