The next morning, just after breakfast, Zhang Xiao, who was exercising in the yard, saw Li Chunlai coming again, and couldn't help smiling. This was expected by Zhang Xiao, but he didn't expect him to come so early.

"Uncle Li, you are here. Have you eaten yet?" Zhang Xiao stood up and said with a smile.

"I've eaten." Li Chunlai couldn't help laughing as he looked at the burly Zhang Xiao in front of him.

"County Li is here, come inside." Zhang Hongjun walked out of the room and said with a smile.

Li Chunlai was a little helpless, but he didn't refuse, and entered the living room.

When Deng Jie saw guests coming to the house, she made tea very skillfully.

"Here are some projects sorted out last night. Take a look first to see if there are any that meet your investment wishes." After Li Chunlai handed a folder to Zhang Xiao, he said with a smile.

Zhang Xiao took the folder and opened it to read.

The first is the shareholding reform project of Linyang Iron and Steel Works.

Linyang Iron and Steel Works was established in 1969. It currently has 3800 employees, including 530 professional and technical personnel, with total assets of 3.3 million yuan.It mainly focuses on ironmaking, and also has mechanical repair, railway transportation, automobile transportation, cement, power generation, construction, installation, etc., forming a pattern of one industry as the main industry and diversified operations.At present, the annual production of pig iron is 40 tons, cement is 8 tons, power generation is 4500 million kwh, self-mining is 20 tons, magnetic separation raw ore is 65 tons, and sintered ore is 65 tons.

Looking at the information of Linyang Iron and Steel Factory, Zhang Xiao couldn't help frowning, because he knew that Linyang Iron and Steel Factory was a state-owned enterprise, and it was basically impossible to carry out shareholding reform.

The second project is Xinglin Textile Co., Ltd. Zhang Xiao skipped it directly. Last year he wanted to build his own sportswear brand, but he gave up in the end. The main reason is that Zhang Xiao is very interested in textiles and clothing. Complete layman.

As he looked at the projects one by one, Zhang Xiao couldn't help shaking his head, because he found that these projects were all labor-intensive enterprises, and basically they were all asset-heavy projects. Not only that, most of these projects were collective enterprises or state-owned Corporate restructuring project.

Zhang Xiao is unwilling to take over such projects as corporate restructuring, not only because they find it troublesome, but more importantly, it involves state-owned assets, which are easy to be investigated later.

After watching all the projects, Zhang Xiao said with a smile to Li Chunlai: "Uncle Li, these projects are all enterprise restructuring projects, which not only involve the change of the nature of the enterprise, but more importantly, the resettlement of workers. unwilling to intervene."

Li Chunlai was slightly taken aback, he didn't expect Zhang Xiao to be so pessimistic about the enterprise restructuring project, so he couldn't help asking, "Can you tell me the reason?"

"Uncle Li, let me tell you the truth, even if these state-owned enterprises are successfully restructured, there will be a lot of troubles, and once it comes to issues such as the sale of state-owned assets at a low price, I can't speak clearly, so I don't I am willing to get involved in this muddy water." Zhang Xiao shook his head and said.

Li Chunlai immediately understood Zhang Xiao's meaning, shook his head and said with a wry smile, "If you don't like these projects, I really have no choice. These can be said to be the restructuring plans of all enterprises in the county."

Zhang Xiao nodded, then said after a little pondering: "Xinglin County is my hometown, I naturally hope that my hometown will become better and better, and people's lives will become more and more prosperous. Besides, Uncle Li, you are in charge of this area, I naturally I also hope to support your work, since there are no suitable projects now, when I return to the capital, I will let people see what projects we have that are suitable for investment."

"That's fine, but as soon as possible, the task of attracting investment this year is very heavy." Li Chunlai said with a smile.

"Don't worry, the delay won't last long." Zhang Xiao said with a smile, not perfunctory, but really want to invest and set up a factory in his hometown, as long as he doesn't lose money.

Not long after Li Chun arrived at Zhang Xiao's house, both the leaders of the town and the village got the news, and rushed over by car, which made Zhang Xiao's house overcrowded all of a sudden.

Looking at these people's praise of Li Chunlai, Zhang Xiao couldn't help shaking her head and smiling bitterly. This is where the charm of power lies.

Li Chunlai left after not staying for long, and the leaders of the town also left with him. After all, Li Chunlai left, and they naturally wouldn't stay for dinner.

Zhang Xiao stayed at home for another two days. Not only did he help his father Zhang Hongjun buy an Audi car, but he also accompanied his grandfather to celebrate his birthday before returning to the capital by car. He was accompanied by his parents, younger brothers and sisters.

Since the two cars couldn't fit in, father Zhang Hongjun's Audi came in handy, but Zhang Xiao didn't let his father drive it himself.

It was already five o'clock in the afternoon when they arrived in the capital, Zhang Xiao took them directly to the courtyard.

"Wow, it's so beautiful." Looking at the decoration in the courtyard, Zhang Ping couldn't help but marvel, and then said to Zhang Xiao, "Brother, the decoration of this courtyard must have cost a lot of money."

"That's right, it did cost a lot of money for the decoration." Zhang Xiao said with a smile.

"It would be great if I have such a house in the future." Zhang Ping said with some longing.

Zhang Xiao smiled and said, "I'll give you a set when you come to Beijing to go to college."

"Brother, that's what you said." Zhang Ping said excitedly.

"Of course, as long as you are admitted to Peking University or Huaqing University, a courtyard house is yours."

"keep your word?"

"a man of his words!"

"Brother, I want it too." Zhang Kai also said with a smile.

"Okay, the conditions are the same. I will send whoever passes the exam. If they all pass the exam, they will have it." Zhang Xiao said without hesitation.

In the next week, Zhang Xiao took his parents, younger siblings, and visited all the scenic spots in the capital, and Deng Jie naturally accompanied him throughout the journey.

"Sister-in-law, who are you and my brother chasing whom?" Zhang Ping asked in a low voice.

"I chased your brother." Deng Jie said with a smile.

"I think so too." Zhang Ping immediately raised his head and said.

"I..." Deng Jie was suddenly speechless.

Soon, Zhang Kai and Zhang Ping's high school entrance examination results came out.

Zhang Kai scored 497 points in the senior high school entrance examination, while Zhang Ping scored 509 points.

"Should be able to go to County No. [-] High School." Zhang Kai said a little uneasy.

"Almost." Zhang Xiao nodded. In his memory, the score line for County No. 492 Middle School this year was 424 points, but that was in his previous life. Zhang Kai only scored 475 points in the test, and Zhang Ping only scored [-] points in the test. None of them were admitted to the county No. [-] middle school.

But in this life, both of them had good test scores, so there shouldn't be any problem going to the county No. [-] middle school.

"I'll know when the admission scores come out. What's the point of guessing now." Zhang Hongjun shook his head and said.

"Just wait, the score line will be out soon." Zhang Xiao also said with a smile.

Two days later, Zhang Hongjun got the news that the score line of County No. 492 Middle School was [-] points, which was no different from the score line in Zhang Xiao's memory.

But when it was time to part, Zhang Kai and Zhang Ping needed to go back, because the time to report to County No. [-] Middle School was approaching.

The next morning, after breakfast, Zhang Xiao arranged for two members of the security team to send his parents and younger siblings home.

And Zhang Xiao also needs to go back to the company to deal with affairs. After all, Zhang Xiao has not been to the company for more than ten days, but this is not the first time, and the company is running well.

When Zhang Xiao came to the company, a lot of documents that needed his signature were placed on his desk by Tian Xiaodan with a beautiful young woman.

"Boss, that's Secretary Hou Shuyan, let her try it first, and then change if it doesn't work." Tian Xiaodan said to Zhang Xiao after Hou Shuyan left.

"Okay, isn't there anything going on in the company recently?" Zhang Xiao asked while flipping through the documents.

"No, everything is normal." Tian Xiaodan said with a smile.

"That's good." Zhang Xiao responded casually, and continued to process the documents, while Tian Xiaodan quietly left Zhang Xiao's office.

It was not until lunch at noon that Zhang Xiao dealt with these documents in a hurry. The documents with problems would naturally be returned and rewritten, and Zhang Xiao signed and stamped the other files without problems.

"Boss, here is your lunch." Hou Shuyan walked in, put the lunch box on the coffee table, and said to Zhang Xiao.

"Thank you." Zhang Xiao nodded with a smile and looked at Hou Shuyan at the same time.

Hou Shuyan is wearing a professional suit. Her tall figure and black stockings have a special flavor. The light makeup makes her look extremely elegant and her temperament is also very good.

"Graduated from Beijing Normal University?" Zhang Xiao asked.

"Yes, boss. I just graduated this year." Hou Shuyan looked a little stiff and said nervously.

"Being my secretary will do a lot of work. If there is anything you don't understand, please ask Director Tian." Zhang Xiao nodded.

"I know, I will work hard." Hou Shuyan nodded and said seriously.

"Don't be nervous. In fact, you are a few years older than me." Zhang Xiao smiled slightly.

"Director Tian told me, and I have also read the evaluation of you on the Internet." Hou Shuyan said with a relaxed expression at this time, smiling.

"Oh, what do you think of me online." Zhang Xiao couldn't help being a little surprised, she didn't expect that she was already online.

"There are a lot of comments, saying that you are the conscience of the computer industry." Hou Shuyan had to say some good comments on the Internet.

Zhang Xiao nodded, walked to the sofa, said with a smile, "Let's have something together?"

"No, I'll go to the cafeteria to eat." Hou Shuyan waved her hands repeatedly and refused, and went out.

Zhang Xiao watched Hou Shuyan leave, and couldn't help but smile, this is a woman who has high demands on herself.

However, Zhang Xiao's attention is not on Hou Shuyan at this time, but on the fact that Microsoft released the latest computer operating system on June 6, the English version of win25, I believe the Chinese version will be launched soon, so where will the operating system of Shenhua Computer go?

Should we continue to use win95, which is the same as win98, or try to launch our own computer system?

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