At three o'clock in the afternoon that day, Zhang Xiao returned home.

"Mom, this is Deng Jie, my girlfriend, just call him Xiaojie." Zhang Xiao said with a smile to his mother, Yang Lan.

"Xiaojie, go inside quickly, it's too hot outside." Yang Lan smiled and pulled Deng Jie into the room.

Seeing that Yang Lan was not angry, Zhang Xiao couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

After Zhang Xiao turned around and handed the key to Guo Feng, he said to Guo Feng: "The building next door also belongs to my house, you let the security personnel live there first, and you live at home."

"Okay, I see." After Guo Feng replied, he began to arrange the residence of the security personnel.

Zhang Xiao went back to the house and saw that Yang Lan and Deng Jie were chatting passionately, so she couldn't help smiling.

Later, Zhang Xiao took Deng Jie to visit his grandparents. Seeing that his grandparents were in good health, Zhang Xiao felt relieved, but he still felt that he should take them for a comprehensive checkup.

While Deng Jie was talking with grandma, Zhang Xiao and grandpa were sitting on the sofa drinking tea.

"Grandpa, it will be your [-]th birthday in two days, what are you going to do?" Zhang Xiao asked with a smile.

"What about the [-]th birthday? I don't hold a birthday banquet." Zhang Weilin said firmly.

"Why?" Zhang Xiao asked with some doubts.

"Xiaoxiao, the [-]th birthday is generally not held. After all, it is rare for people to come to the [-]th birthday. This birthday party looks beautiful, but it is actually meaningless to us old people, and it is easy to be missed by the king of hell. At that time, it will be enough for our family to have a light meal." Zhang Weilin shook his head and smiled.

Zhang Xiao couldn't help laughing wryly, it seemed that he designed it for nothing, but since grandpa didn't want to live it, he didn't force it, so he said with a smile: "Okay, grandpa, I'll follow your orders, we won't hold this birthday banquet. But in a few days, we hope that you and my grandma will go to the hospital for a comprehensive examination to see if there is anything wrong with your body, you have to listen to me about this."

"Isn't it just a physical examination? Your dad just took us to the county hospital for a medical examination, do you want to do it again?" Zhang Weilin asked with some doubts.

"I've already done it, so there's no need for it." Zhang Xiao didn't expect that his father had already done it with his grandparents, so he nodded depressedly and said.

"Xiaoxiao, I think Xiaojie is also a good girl. You can't do things that are sorry for others. Don't think that you are rich, just like wanting three wives and four concubines. This kind of thinking is not acceptable." Zhang Weilin whispered to Zhang Xiao exhorted.

"Grandpa, don't worry, I know what to do. This time I will bring Xiaojie back, that is, to let her come and identify the door, and let you take a look. Are you satisfied with her?" Zhang Xiao said with a smile .

"Satisfied, of course I am. Being able to chat with your grandma for such a long time must be a good person, at least I don't have the temper of those girls in the city." Zhang Weilin said with a smile.

Zhang Xiao laughed, Deng Jie really didn't have this point, since dating to now, she has never disliked her bad habit of smoking and drinking.

And ever since the two got together, Deng Jie washed Zhang Xiao's clothes. Although there was a washing machine, some places that were not clean still needed to be washed by hand. Thinking about it, Zhang Xiao really felt that Deng Jie was quite suitable for him.

The living room is the kitchen, ah, Deng Jie can't cook, so I can't talk about the kitchen.

But it is no problem to go to the hall, after all, he grew up in a family of officials and officials, and the education he received is not to mention.

After leaving her grandparents' house, Deng Jie took out a gold bracelet wrapped in red cloth and said to Zhang Xiao, "Grandma gave it to me, she said it was a gift for me."

"You can take it here, but you have to remember, don't let my mother see it, and don't tell her." Zhang Xiao couldn't help but ordered.

Because Zhang Xiao knows that the relationship between mother and grandma can only be said to be average, neither good nor bad, and this gold bracelet is usually given to the daughter-in-law of the long-term wife, and in the previous life, the mother did not have it until after grandma passed away. After getting it, Zhang Xiao didn't know who it belonged to.

Because of this, her mother cried because of it, Zhang Xiao naturally didn't want her mother to be sad because of these trivial things.

After returning home, Deng Jie did not mention this matter, Zhang Xiao was a little relieved, because he knew that sooner or later his mother would know about this matter, it was not just a matter of time, but Zhang Xiao still wanted to delay the time.

And at this moment, younger sister Zhang Ping walked up to Deng Jie and said with a smile, "Sister-in-law, you look so good-looking."

"You look good too, but you're too thin." Deng Jie said with a smile, and at the same time took out the gift she bought for Zhang Ping from the suitcase and handed it to her, "This is the clothes I bought for you, try it on." , see if it fits or not."

Zhang Xiao ignored them, but walked into the living room, looked at Li Chunlai who was eating watermelon in the living room, and shouted with a smile, "Uncle Li, why are you here?"

"I heard that you're back. Didn't I come to visit you? We haven't seen each other for two years." Li Chunlai swallowed the watermelon in his mouth and said with a smile.

"Well, almost two years." Zhang Xiao said with a smile.

"Awesome, in two years you have not only been admitted to Huaqing University, but also become a billionaire, and even a national champion." Li Chunlai said a little excitedly.

"Uncle Li, you have praised me to the sky." Zhang Xiao said with a smile.

"I'm not boasting, it's all the truth!" Li Chunlai said with a smile after throwing the watermelon rind into the trash can, wiping his hands with a wet towel.

"Uncle Li is not bad either. I heard that you have been promoted now, deputy director-level cadre." Zhang Xiao said with a smile.

"This is also the reason why I came to you. As the deputy county magistrate in charge of investment promotion, I hope you can contribute to the construction of my hometown." Li Chunlai nodded and said seriously.

"It stands to reason that I should add bricks and tiles to the construction of my hometown, but I don't know what I can do?" Zhang Xiao has no resistance to investing in his hometown, but what kind of industry is a problem.

In his memory, the main development direction of the county in his previous life was mainly auto parts, and there were two small steel factories, and there were no large factories and mines in the rest.

However, Xinglin County is most famous for nothing but the construction industry, and working outside is the main source of income for Xinglin County.

"Xiaoxiao, I know your current company is Shenhua Computer, which is a high-tech product. I don't expect you to move the company back. I just hope that you can build a production plant in your hometown. After all, the production plant The cost in the capital is also high." Li Chunlai shook his head and said with a wry smile.

Zhang Xiao couldn't help but shook his head. Li Chunlai took this idea for granted. The cost is only relatively speaking. The most important thing is the issue of productivity. Even if Zhang Xiao builds an electronics factory in Xinglin County, recruiting workers alone is the A big problem.

What's more, Xinglin County is surrounded by mountains on all sides, and the traffic problem is also a big problem. This is not just a problem of increasing costs, but a problem of whether it is suitable for building a factory. Even in later generations, the traffic problem has not been solved well.

Zhang Xiao smiled slightly and said, "Uncle Li, we are our own people, and I won't hide it from you. It's not very realistic to build an electronics factory in the county, but you can see what projects can be invested in our county. I can invest as appropriate." .”

Li Chunlai was immediately overjoyed. The reason why he came to Zhang Xiao was not a test. As for whether to invest or not, he didn't have too many expectations, but he didn't expect Zhang Xiao to agree. This was a surprise.

"Okay, when I get back to the county, I will have someone conduct an investigation, hoping to find a good project." Li Chunlai said with a smile.

Li Chunlai left after dinner, but Zhang Xiao knew that Li Chunlai would come again tomorrow, and he would definitely find a suitable investment project.

In fact, Zhang Xiao knows very well that at this moment, many projects can be done, but the projects in the county are not very big, and it will involve his energy. I don't consider returning to my hometown to invest now.

But now that Li Chunlai has found him, investment has almost become inevitable, it's not just a matter of investment size.

Attracting investment is now the top priority of governments at all levels. As the deputy county magistrate in charge of attracting investment, Li Chunlai is under great pressure. For this reason, he did not hesitate to visit Zhang Xiao as soon as he heard that he was coming home. Fortunately, Zhang Xiao Xiao agreed to invest, and no matter how much he invested, it was his political achievements, which made him feel a little relieved.

However, Li Chunlai, who regards Zhang Xiao as his nephew, is naturally unwilling to see Zhang Xiao's investment in vain, so finding suitable investment projects for Zhang Xiao has become his most urgent task now.

At this time, Zhang Xiao was talking to his father, Zhang Hongjun, about his experiences in the past six months. Although his father couldn't help him, Zhang Xiao naturally wouldn't hide it when asked.

"You have to pay attention to your safety in the future. The attack and killing last time shocked me a lot." Zhang Hongjun said with a sigh.

"Don't worry, I have strengthened security now, and it is relatively safe in China." Zhang Xiao nodded seriously.

"You are too independent in doing things now. You must know that you can't make all the money. Only by cooperating with others and sharing benefits can you go further. Otherwise, it is difficult to achieve much by yourself." Zhang Hongjun endured He couldn't help admonishing Zhang Xiao.

"I'll think about it, and now that the company is getting bigger and bigger, it's really hard for me to continue alone." Zhang Xiao nodded, knowing that what his father said was true, but he also knew that working with others It is inevitable, after all, it is impossible for him to hold all the property in his own hands.

"Just understand it yourself." Zhang Hongjun said with a slight smile.

Zhang Xiao nodded, but didn't say anything more.

That night, Zhang Xiao inquired about Zhang Kai and Zhang Ping's exam situation, and couldn't help shaking her head. According to their estimates, it might be difficult to get into the county's No. [-] Middle School, but Zhang Xiao had her own plan for this matter.

But don't worry. After all, the results haven't come out yet. Even if the scores are a little bit worse, just pay some fees. It shouldn't be a big problem.

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