Rebirth 1996 starts from unforgettable

Chapter 222 Useless Chess Pieces

Zhang Xiao smiled slightly, and was about to collect the chess pieces, but was stopped by Deng Zhimin.

"What do these chess pieces on your right mean?" Deng Zhimin asked angrily.

"Those are all useless chess pieces." Zhang Xiao said with a chuckle.

"What do you do with a useless chess piece?" Deng Zhimin couldn't understand it, and couldn't help asking.

"Isn't this to attract your attention? Otherwise, how would I win you?" Zhang Xiao said with a sly smile.

"Stinky boy, what's the matter? It turns out that you used slapstick!" Deng Zhimin was even more upset at this time, because Zhang Xiao won and made him feel a little bit aggrieved.

"One more!" Deng Zhimin started to pick up chess pieces after finishing speaking.

"What are you going to do? Don't look at the time, it's time to eat." Xue Mei said angrily.

Deng Zhimin glanced at Zhang Xiao, had no choice but to get up and go to the restaurant.

Zhang Xiao, who was eating a meal, was worried, because Deng Zhimin looked at him more and more unkindly, Zhang Xiao couldn't help but feel a little regretful at this moment, if he knew this way, he shouldn't win, and maybe the situation would be better if he lost.

Fortunately, it was just a light meal, no alcohol, and it was over quickly.

After eating, Zhang Xiao who was just about to leave with Deng Jie was called to the study by Deng Zhimin.

Deng Zhimin sat on the boss chair in the study room, staring at Zhang Xiao without saying a word.

Standing by the side of the desk, Zhang Xiao couldn't help but feel a little nervous, so he could only call out cautiously, "Uncle, what's the matter with you?"

Only then did Deng Zhimin realize that he had lost his mind, coughed lightly and said, "I heard you are building a chip factory now?"

"Yes, the equipment is being installed." Zhang Xiao was not surprised that Deng Zhimin knew about it. After all, he didn't intend to hide it from anyone, but he didn't think about publicizing it either.

"How much did you invest, and do you need funds?" Deng Zhimin asked straight to the point.

"We have invested about [-] million U.S. dollars, but we don't need funds at present." Zhang Xiao said with a smile.

"So much?" Deng Zhimin was taken aback for a moment, and then he couldn't help exclaiming: "It seems that you have made a lot of money in the jadeite company. But is it too risky for you to do this by yourself, and you will need a lot of investment in the future." funds."

Zhang Xiao knew that what Deng Zhimin said was the truth, but he didn't know what Deng Zhimin meant. Could it be that someone wanted to buy shares?

"Yes, the financial pressure is a bit high, uncle, please tell me if you have anything to say." Zhang Xiao didn't bother to guess, and said directly.

Deng Zhimin pondered for a while, organized his words, and then said: "Deng Jie's third uncle currently has a fund and is currently looking for a suitable project. He is very optimistic about the future development prospects of the chip industry. Do you want to get in touch with her? "

After thinking for a while, Zhang Xiao asked, "Uncle, how much is his fund, is it his own fund or financing?"

"It should be self-owned funds, about [-] to [-] million U.S. dollars, I didn't ask for details." Deng Zhimin shook his head and said.

Zhang Xiao is actually not willing to let others invest in the chip factory. The main reason is that Zhang Xiao knows that it may take a long time for the chip factory to make a profit. During this process, shareholders may object or even withdraw their shares. However, since Deng Zhimin When she opened her mouth, Zhang Xiao did not refuse, and said with a smile: "I agree to contact, but it is still difficult for a chip factory to make money in three to five years. If you want to buy a share, you still have to be mentally prepared."

"I'll tell you. When the time comes, you can talk about it yourself, and I won't get involved." Deng Zhimin said with a smile at the moment.

Zhang Xiao nodded, and also understood Deng Zhimin's scruples. There is no absolutely profitable transaction in the business field. Loss and profit are just the front and back of a coin, and the result can only be known after landing.

Afterwards, Zhang Xiao left with Deng Jie, leaving Deng Zhimin and Xue Mei at home.

Deng Zhimin looked at the bracelet on Xue Mei's wrist, shook his head and said: "This thing is really too expensive. A small bracelet costs 2000 million, which is even more expensive than a tank. Pick it up. How bad it is to be seen."

"My son-in-law gave it to me, so I'm going to wear it!" Xue Mei ignored Deng Zhimin's words, and returned to sit on the sofa with a smile.

"You really treat him as your son-in-law!" Deng Zhimin said impatiently.

"It's not that I regard him as a son-in-law, it's that Xiaojie doesn't want to marry him now, and the two of them are living together now, can they break up?" Xue Mei said angrily.

"Amei, to be honest, I'm afraid that Xiaojie won't be able to grasp him. Zhang Xiao is really rich. There are almost no young people in China who can compare with him. He has billions of assets, so young and rich. It will definitely attract many beautiful women to jump on him." Deng Zhimin said worriedly.

Xue Mei is also a little silent at the moment. As a woman, she is very clear about women's thoughts. In this increasingly materialized era, the charm of money will only become more and more powerful. Zhang Xiao really will inevitably be attacked by beautiful women.

"Then what do you say?" Xue Mei asked with some distress.

"How do I know." Deng Zhimin also said in distress, "A year ago, my son tested Zhang Xiao and wanted Zhang Xiao to transfer the shares of Minmin Supermarket to Xiaojie, but Zhang Xiao refused without hesitation. Xiaojie doesn't hold as much weight in his heart as his career."

"Old Deng, don't mention money to Xiaojie in the future. When a woman calculates money, she loses her attractiveness, and it will only make the two of them go further and further apart!" Xue Mei was very serious. Said.

"How do you say that?" Deng Zhimin asked with some surprise.

"Zhang Xiao, as a rich man, in his eyes, money is just a tool to conquer the world. He can spend the money freely, but he doesn't want to be counted on the money in his hands, because that's in his It seems that you are taking the power from him!" Xue Mei said in a deep tone, "Just like yourself, are you willing to be replaced by your deputy?"

Deng Zhimin was startled immediately, he understood what Xue Mei meant, and he also knew that he almost did something wrong. He only saw Zhang Xiao's wealth, but he forgot that wealth is Zhang Xiao's tool to conquer the world, and it is the sword in his hand. Anyone who dares to seek the wealth in his hands will be his enemy.

While Deng Zhimin and Xue Mei were discussing Zhang Xiao, Zhang Xiao was also asking Deng Jie about her third uncle.

"My third uncle is named Deng Zhihao. He didn't like reading when he was young. He liked to dance with guns and sticks. Later, he joined the army and spent eight years. It's all business, I don't know how much money he made, but I only know that he is very rich." Deng Jie introduced Deng Zhihao and said proudly.

Zhang Xiao nodded, but he also knows that many of the bosses of these trading companies are engaged in import and export trade, and earn a lot of profits by relying on approval documents and information gaps. The past has passed, and transformation is clearly imminent.

But now, it is clear that Deng Zhihao has his eye on the chip factory in Zhang Xiao's hands. For this, Zhang Xiao has to admire the vision of these second and third generations, because they can always see the future trend, and they have the money to do it. It is difficult for people who want to be rich. As for losses, that is the bank's business.

The reason why Zhang Xiao asked Deng Zhimin about the source of funds was that he was afraid that after the cooperation, he would find out that it was financing or loan funds, or even problematic funds. This would directly plunge the chip factory into the abyss and make it difficult to survive.

The chip factory is currently Zhang Xiao's most direct investment in the enterprise, Zhang Xiao has high hopes for it, he is not willing to let it have a slight mistake, no one can.

After returning to the courtyard, Zhang Xiao shouted to Lu Huaping: "Old Lu, are you ready to roast the whole lamb?"

"Boss, it's ready. Three of them are roasting. Would you like some beer to appetize first?" Lu Huaping ran over and said with a smile.

"Okay, Lao Guo, you go and call them, and they all come out to drink. It's been a long time since I had a drink with everyone." Zhang Xiao said loudly with a smile.

Following Guo Feng's call, there were eight more people in the yard, including Zhang Xiao and the others, exactly twelve people. Among them, the security personnel Zhang Xiao is most familiar with are Guo Feng, Lu Huaping and Li Haibing. Zhao Yu and Zhao Yu have now returned to the company to watch the gate, which is considered a benefit, because they are still members of the security team, and they are doing the most leisurely work with high wages.

As the roasted whole lamb was served, Zhang Xiao couldn't help moving his index finger, and Deng Jie was also full of anticipation.

"Let's do it!" Zhang Xiao couldn't wait to move his hands as soon as he shouted.

I have to say that Lu Huaping's Roasted Whole Lamb is really good. It's crispy on the outside and tender on the inside. It's really delicious when paired with cold beer.

Deng Jie was a little reserved at first, but after eating for a while, she immediately put down her knife and fork and flew together, enjoying herself.

It wasn't until twelve o'clock in the evening that Zhang Xiao dragged Deng Jie back to the house with a full belch.

As for cleaning up, of course someone will do it.

"I'm going back to my hometown tomorrow, will you come back with me?" Zhang Xiao lay on the bed and asked Deng Jie who was blushing in her arms.

"Is it suitable?" Deng Jie asked shyly.

"It's suitable, what's not suitable." Zhang Xiao suddenly said with a smile.

"Okay, I'll go back with you, I haven't met my uncle or aunt yet." Deng Jie's face was full of expectation.

Seeing that Deng Jie agreed, Zhang Xiao couldn't help laughing.

When she woke up the next morning, Deng Jie began to dress up.

Zhang Xiao looked at the glamorously dressed Deng Jie, and couldn't help laughing in satisfaction.

After breakfast, the two cars set off directly towards Xinglin County, Zhang Xiao's hometown.

The reason why Zhang Xiao went back this time was mainly due to two reasons. The first reason was grandpa's [-]th birthday, and the other reason was that his younger siblings took the high school entrance examination this year, and Zhang Xiao wanted to pick them up to live in the capital for a while.

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