Rebirth 1996 starts from unforgettable

Chapter 221 Investment Part 1

"Come and see, I heard that many people have left recently." Zhang Xiao came to Long Zhiyun's office and said with a smile.

"It's a few walks, but there's nothing we can do about it. For a whole year, the stock market has been falling, and even some rebounds are short-lived. Many people are already disappointed." Long Zhiyun shook his head helplessly. Said.

"How much did the company account lose?" Zhang Xiao asked.

After the first investment department was established, Zhang Xiao gave them 3000 million trading funds, just to make them familiar with the operation of the stock market. Unfortunately, the stock market has been falling continuously for a year, and even these traders are unwilling to do it. One can imagine the tragedy of the stock market.

"300 million!" Long Zhiyun said helplessly.

"It's not much, I thought it would cost more than half of it." Zhang Xiao smiled slightly, without any intention of complaining.

"Boss, are you not angry?" Long Zhiyun said in surprise.

"Is it useful to be angry?" Zhang Xiao also said with some helplessness, the market situation is like this, no one can do anything about it, but in Zhang Xiao's view, this is not a big deal, just treat it as military training.

Long Zhiyun nodded helplessly, yes, with the market conditions like this, there is no way around it.

"Don't be discouraged. The domestic situation is like this. Bulls are short and bears are long. However, in my opinion, investors who have not experienced a bear market will never grow. Only after experiencing the transition from a bear market to a bull market can they truly grow. I hope The same is true for you." Zhang Xiao said in a deep tone.

"Thank you boss." Long Zhiyun said gratefully. In his opinion, the reason why Zhang Xiao said this was just to comfort him.

"How many people have invested in one recently?" Zhang Xiao asked with a smile.

"Including me, there are a total of eight!" Long Zhiyun said bitterly. You must know that there were more than 30 people who invested in the second part before, and more than half of them have left now.

Zhang Xiao was also taken aback. He originally thought that even if someone left the investment, the number of people would not be too small. Now it seems that there are quite a few people who left, so he couldn't help asking: "The reason why they left? Salary?" Or something else?"

"Well, the salary is not low. The main reason is that they are not optimistic about the market prospects." Long Zhiyun shook his head and said.

Zhang Xiao immediately understood that the people recruited by the company were all high-achieving students majoring in finance. When they lost confidence in the domestic stock market, they would naturally not stay in the company to waste time, and leaving became inevitable.

However, Zhang Xiao is very clear that it will take a long time for the domestic market to get on the right track, and it will be a long way to go to connect with foreign countries. Zhang Xiao originally had great expectations for it when he established the investment department, but until the establishment It has been a year since Zhang Xiao realized clearly that if he wants to make money in the stock market, it is safest to wait until the bull market starts.

However, Zhang Xiao also knew that it would be too late to build a position when the bull market started, and it would be easy to be thrown off by the main force who had already reduced their positions, or even cut leeks.

And now it has been less than a year since the start of the latest round of bull market, and it is time to build a position.

"Director Long, make an analysis report on the future prospects of the stock market, and select some blue-chip stocks from the market to analyze the future development prospects of these companies." Zhang Xiao said.

"Okay, boss, we will hand it in as soon as possible." Long Zhiyun nodded and said.

"Don't worry, I'll give you half a year. During this half year, I want detailed information on those blue-chip stocks. You should not only study the financial reports they released, but also conduct on-site inspections if possible to check the actual operating conditions of the companies." Zhang Xiao shook his head and said, what he wants is not speed, but quality. Of course, this is also a test for investing in a movie.

"I understand, I will arrange it." Long Zhiyun immediately understood Zhang Xiao's meaning, nodded and said.

Afterwards, Zhang Xiao left Investment One and returned to his office.

At five o'clock in the afternoon, Zhang Xiao left the company and returned to the courtyard because he was going to Deng Jie's house for dinner tonight.

"We're back, let's go." Seeing Zhang Xiao coming back, Deng Jie said happily.

"Okay." Although Zhang Xiao didn't want to face Deng Zhimin so soon, she still agreed.

It was summer at this time, and it was still very early before dark, Zhang Xiao couldn't help but feel a little headache when he thought of seeing Deng Zhimin soon.

But this is something that can't be helped, after all, he is Deng Jie's father, so he can only muster up the courage to face it.

When she arrived at Deng Jie's house, Zhang Xiao couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief seeing that Deng Zhimin hadn't come back yet.

At this moment, Xue Mei was watching TV in the living room, when she saw Zhang Xiao and Deng Jie coming in, she said with a smile, "Here you are, sit down wherever you want."

"Auntie, my uncle hasn't come back yet." Zhang Xiao asked Xue Mei after sitting down on the sofa.

"Not yet. I said there was an impromptu meeting. I should be back soon." Xue Mei said with a smile, "Is there something you need to do with your uncle?"

"It's okay, I'm just asking. Auntie, I brought you a bracelet, see if you like it or not." Zhang Xiao took out a jewelry box from her handbag, pushed it to Xue Mei and said with a smile.

Xue Mei didn't go to pick it up, she shook her head and smiled slightly: "I'll forget it, what kind of bracelet do you wear at such an old age, you can give it to Xiaojie."

"Xiaojie also has them, but she didn't wear them because she thought it was inconvenient to wear them." Zhang Xiao said with a smile. In fact, the bracelets have been prepared a long time ago, but it's just that she hasn't had the opportunity to do so.

And this evening when I came to Deng Jie's house for dinner, Zhang Xiao brought the bracelet.

Xue Mei nodded, and opened the gift box, only to see a glass-type Zhengyang Green Jadeite Bracelet inside, which was transparent and green, and she knew that this bracelet was extremely valuable at the first sight.

"Xiaoxiao, this bracelet is very expensive, how much does it cost?" Xue Mei couldn't help asking.

"Don't ask for any price for the things in your own home." Zhang Xiao said with a slight smile.

"You'd better talk about the price, I don't dare to accept it if it's too high." Xue Mei shook her head and pushed the gift box back.

"Auntie, you are too out of touch. This bracelet really belongs to my family." Zhang Xiao didn't dare to tell the price, for fear that Xue Mei would not accept it.

The Zhengyang Green Jadeite Bracelet made of glass is very expensive. The current market price is more than [-] million, and it is extremely rare. It is regarded as the treasure of Xinyu Jewelry Company. Zhang Xiao said it was for Xue Mei, and Mo Boqi finally agreed.

At this moment, Deng Zhimin came back by car.

"Uncle." Zhang Xiao stood up and shouted with a smile.

"Here you are, I thought you were afraid to come." Deng Zhimin sneered when he saw Zhang Xiao, he was furious.

Zhang Xiao suddenly didn't know how to speak, but fortunately, Deng Jie said at this time: "Dad, what are you talking about, we can't go home for dinner."

Deng Zhimin snorted coldly, seeing that his little padded jacket no longer belonged to him at all, he felt even more depressed, and sat down on the sofa, too lazy to talk.

"Did you use this to bribe me?" Deng Zhimin asked when he saw the bracelet on the table.

"Uncle, what did you say? This is for my aunt, and it's all my own." Zhang Xiao said quickly.

"You are really generous. You gave away tens of millions of things. I think you are here to show off your wealth." Deng Zhimin became more angry today, and he didn't know who provoked him.

"Actually, this thing is not worth that much money, it was all speculated by people." Zhang Xiao shook his head and said.

"Really? If you have the ability, give me a hundred and eighty!" Deng Zhimin said with a word.

Zhang Xiao was a little dumbfounded for a moment. You thought that the Zhengyang Green Jadeite Bracelet grown in glass was Chinese cabbage in the field. You can have as many as you want. The reason why the price can be raised is not because the rare thing is the most expensive thing.

But facing Deng Zhimin's questioning, Zhang Xiao could only keep silent and looked at Deng Jie who was on the side.

But Deng Jie laughed at this time, ignored Zhang Xiao's embarrassment, picked up the bracelet and put it on for Xue Mei.

Zhang Xiao could only shake her head secretly, feeling depressed for a while, the world passed by too slowly.

Deng Zhimin was also a little speechless at the moment, Deng Jie and Xue Mei were chatting quietly about the characteristics of the jade bracelet, while he could only stare at Zhang Xiao.

"Can you play chess?" Deng Zhimin said to Zhang Xiao.

"A little bit." Zhang Xiao didn't know whether Deng Zhimin was talking about chess or go, so he could only say modestly.

"Then let's play a game." Deng Zhimin dragged out the wooden chess board from under the coffee table, put it on the coffee table, and took out the wooden chess jar at the same time.

Zhang Xiao couldn't help feeling helpless, he could only move a small bench across to him, and sat down slowly.

Then Deng Zhimin looked more serious, the two guessed first, Zhang Xiao took the white.

The layout stage is a smooth routine, but Zhang Xiao occasionally makes a move that Deng Zhimin can't understand, which makes him have to stop and think.

At this time, Deng Jie and Xue Mei stopped whispering and looked at the chessboard intently.

As time goes by, Deng Zhimin thinks for more and more time, because those few incomprehensible chess moves make him feel scruples, and he has to take a defensive position. In this way, Deng Zhimin fell into the trap set by Zhang Xiao .

At the middle of the game, the big dragon on the left of the black chess was already in danger. Deng Zhimin's face turned dark. He originally wanted to give Zhang Xiao a bad blow and teach him a lesson, but he was about to lose, and he was still in front of him. The face of his wife and daughter made him feel so embarrassed.

Deng Zhimin played a few more chess moves, but found that the situation was getting worse, but Zhang Xiao was in a position of invincibility at the moment, and Deng Zhimin was not given a chance to struggle.

After thinking hard for a long time, Deng Zhimin had no choice but to admit defeat. After all, he couldn't let Zhang Xiao kill the dragon for him.

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