Rebirth 1996 starts from unforgettable

Chapter 220 Equipment Installation

The reason why Zhang Xiao returned to the capital in such a hurry was because the equipment of the chip factory had been transported back to the factory building of the chip factory, and the installation was about to begin. Zhang Xiao wanted to see the condition of the equipment.

And Li Fu was also hired as the vice president of production of the chip factory. He also came with a group of technicians hired with high salaries. Some of these technicians came from Hong Kong Island, and some were technicians from the original wafer factory. .

On the second day after returning to the capital, Zhang Xiao came to the workshop of the chip factory. At this time, Academician Ni, Tang Zhenhao and Li Fu had already arrived.

"President Li, welcome." Zhang Xiao said to Li Fu.

"Mr. Zhang, you have said the wrong thing. I should be the one who welcomes you. After all, I am the vice president of production of the chip factory." Li Fu looked at the young and shameless Zhang Xiao, and couldn't help but said with a smile.

"Okay, I guess I said something wrong." Zhang Xiao suddenly laughed, Li Fu had already regarded himself as a member of the chip factory.

Academician Ni also couldn't help laughing. After all, Li Fu's presence made him feel a lot easier. After all, Li Fu is an expert in chip production, and he is not good at it.

"Mr. Li, the factory building has been redesigned and remodeled according to the fab's factory building. You can see if it meets the requirements." Tang Zhenhao said to Li Fu at this moment.

"That's right, it's exactly the same. The installation of the equipment shouldn't be a problem." Li Fu has already looked at all the factories and is very satisfied with it.

Originally, Li Fu was afraid that the factory building did not meet the requirements, and that a lot of time would be wasted if rectification was needed, but now it seems that he was worrying too much.

"Then let everyone start. In addition, we also found an equipment installation company to be responsible for the company's equipment installation." Zhang Xiao pointed to a group of people in gray work clothes outside the factory building, and said.

"Start installing the equipment." Li Fu immediately said to the technicians.

Following Li Fu's order, under the guidance of the technicians, the employees of the equipment installation company were also grouped into place and started to install the equipment.

Zhang Xiao stood on the second-floor office building of the factory building, and smiled as he watched the workers get busy.

"It's really fast. I believe that within three months, our factory will be able to install the equipment and start debugging." Li Fu looked at the busy crowd and said excitedly.

"Mr. Li, according to your request, we have recruited 120 college students who graduated this year. When do you think the training will start?" Tang Zhenhao said.

"Let's start tomorrow. After the training, they can participate in the installation work." Li Fu said without hesitation.

"Okay, then I will ask them to gather in the conference room of the office building tomorrow." Tang Zhenhao said with a smile.

Zhang Xiao was very satisfied with Tang Zhenhao. After all, Li Fu's arrival had divided his power, but Tang Zhenhao was not dissatisfied at all. On the contrary, he cooperated very well.

Zhang Xiao stayed for a while longer, and after seeing that everything was on track, he took Academician Ni and left the chip factory.

"Academician Ni, Intel has agreed to continue supplying at the original price, but our chip research and development must continue. They have the first time, and it is inevitable that there will be no second time." On the way back, Zhang Xiao told Ni The academician said.

"Don't worry, boss, I haven't been idle during this time. After researching the chips produced by the previous fab, we have already had a design idea for our first chip, and I believe it will be out soon." Academician Ni is very excited. said excitedly.

Zhang Xiao also nodded. Although he had heard the news before, he was still not sure. Only now did he realize that all of this was true. Although the first chip was imitation, it also meant that Have something of your own.

But Zhang Xiao also knows that all this is just the beginning, and they still have a long way to go to catch up with Intel Corporation, but since they have taken the first step, the future research and development may be smoother.

"Boss, I heard that there is a man named Lin Jian on Taiwan Island. It seems that he has a new plan for manufacturing lithography machines. Shall we contact him?" Academician Ni suddenly said.

"Academician Ni, you don't want to start the lithography machine project now, do you?" Zhang Xiao was taken aback for a moment, but he didn't expect Academician Ni to have the idea of ​​making a lithography machine.

"That's not true. The manufacture of lithography machines is too complicated, involving [-] kinds of parts. Our company does not have the strength to develop them now, but let's get in touch. Maybe we will transform our existing lithography machines in the future. It can be used." Academician Ni said with a smile.

"Then you can get in touch, but you also need to be clear that our company's funds are still relatively tight now, and we don't know when the chip factory will be able to produce products. We will definitely need to continue to invest a lot of money, so when contacting, we still need to Be more cautious." Zhang Xiao couldn't help exhorting, after all, he was afraid that Academician Ni would get excited and agreed to manufacture the lithography machine, which would be really stressful.

"Don't worry, I'm sensible." Academician Ni agreed excitedly.

Zhang Xiao immediately rolled his eyes. What Academician Ni said is measured means that he wants to participate in and research and develop all the technologies that are not currently available in China. Although the original intention is good, he must do what he can.

But at this time, it is also clear that Academician Ni will not be able to stay in Lianxiang Group, because he wants to carry out too much research and development, and these research and development must require a lot of funds. How could the Xiang Group give him so much money? Perhaps this was the main reason why Academician Ni couldn't stay.

However, Zhang Xiao does not think that Academician Ni did anything wrong. After all, science is the primary productive force, and there is no advantage without technology.

If a technology company does not have its own core technology, how can it gain a foothold in the increasingly competitive future, which is why Zhang Xiao supports Academician Ni in research and development.

After sending Academician Ni to the Microelectronics Technology Company, Zhang Xiao drove towards Hongyuan Investment Company. When he arrived at the gate, Zhang Xiao suddenly felt that the three-story building was so dilapidated at the moment.

After getting off the car, Zhang Xiao looked at the three-story building and couldn't help but shook his head. Hongyuan Investment Company was obviously not suitable here. After all, there were already many high-rise buildings around, and the three-story building Looking more and more downcast.

But then Zhang Xiao shook his head and killed his idea of ​​building the headquarters building. On the one hand, it was a question of funds, and on the other hand, it was a question of time period.

After all, it takes at least two years to build a building, and a lot of funds are needed, and the higher the floor, the more money is needed.

After returning to the office, Zhang Xiao began to check the recent company's operating status and the financial status of several other companies.

At this moment, Zhang Xiao's cell phone rang, and it was an unfamiliar number.

"Hi, I'm Zhang Xiao." Zhang Xiao said.

"Mr. Zhang, hello. I'm Qiujun. The shareholders' meeting of Jinshan Software will be held the day after tomorrow. Do you have time?" Qiujun said on the phone.

"Please sir, I have time the day after tomorrow, when will I start?" Zhang Xiao smiled slightly.

"Nine o'clock in the morning, in the company's conference room." Qiu Jun said with a smile.

"Okay, I see, I will attend on time." Zhang Xiao agreed, after all, this is the first meeting after he became a shareholder of Jinshan Software, and he still needs to attend.

After hanging up the phone, Zhang Xiao called Tian Xiaodan to come in.

"Boss, what's the matter?" Tian Xiaodan walked in and asked.

"Have you been in the company for almost a year?" Zhang Xiao said after waving his hand to let Tian Xiaodan sit down.

"It will be a year in less than a month." Tian Xiaodan didn't know why Zhang Xiao said that, and couldn't help feeling a little uneasy.

"I see your work well. I have already discussed with Director Li and promoted you to be the office director. However, you will also be a secretary during this period until the new secretary is in place." Zhang Xiao smiled. said.

"Thank you, boss." Tian Xiaodan immediately beamed with joy. After all, a promotion in the company means a salary increase. Although the office director does not have a soldier under her, she knows that this is the beginning of the expansion of the office staff.

"You don't need to thank me, it's all in exchange for your hard work. In addition, the company's future office staff will need you to check with Director Li, so you should also pay attention to the recruitment of office staff." Zhang Xiao continued.

After all, as the company grows larger, more and more office workers are needed, which is why Zhang Xiao promoted Tian Xiaodan to be the office director.

"Don't worry, boss, I know what to do." Tian Xiaodan nodded heavily in agreement.

"At nine o'clock in the morning the day after tomorrow, Jinshan Software will hold a general meeting of shareholders. Remember to remind me that we will go there together to attend." Zhang Xiao said to Tian Xiaodan again.

"I wrote it down." Tian Xiaodan immediately wrote it down in his notebook.

"Go and do your work." Zhang Xiao then waved to Tian Xiaodan to signal him to leave.

After Tian Xiaodan left, Zhang Xiao couldn't help but smile slightly. The reason why Tian Xiaodan was promoted was because Tian Xiaodan did a good job this year. well done.

After Tian Xiaodan left Zhang Xiao's office, she was very happy. This meant that she was recognized by Zhang Xiao, and it also meant that her work from early morning to late morning was not in vain this year.

After returning to the office, Tian Xiaodan thought about the recruitment of office staff, and hurried to the personnel department to discuss with Li Xuejiao.

At this time, Zhang Xiao came to the first part of the investment department. There was no one there before, but now it is very lively. The people who were originally in the securities company have already returned.

The reason for coming back is very simple, even if you don't go to a securities company, you can trade stocks now, so everyone withdrew.

"Boss, why are you here?" Long Zhiyun, the director of the first investment department, saw Zhang Xiao outside the office and greeted him immediately.

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