Rebirth 1996 starts from unforgettable

Chapter 216 Post Traumatic Disorders

Another week later, the wound on Deng Jie's body has basically healed, but what worries Zhang Xiao is that Deng Jie's spirit is still a little weak now, falling into a deep sleep from time to time, but will be awakened again.

"Auntie, what's going on? Everything is normal after inspection, why is it still like this?" Zhang Xiao couldn't help asking.

"This may be a post-traumatic disorder, and further examinations are needed to confirm it." Xue Mei couldn't help but shook her head and said sadly.

"Is it difficult to treat?" Zhang Xiao was stunned, because it was the first time he had heard of such a disease.

"It depends on the situation, but I think there should be no problem, but we'd better go back to China for treatment. The medical conditions in China are much better than here. In addition, Deng Jie's health is fine now, so she can go back by plane." Xue Mei said.

Before Deng Jie was injured, Xue Mei had the idea of ​​letting Deng Jie return to China for treatment, but it was delayed because of Deng Jie's health. Now that Deng Jie's body has almost recovered, Xue Mei once again had the idea of ​​letting Deng Jie return to China for treatment.

"Okay, then I'll let someone book a plane ticket." Zhang Xiao said without hesitation, and Zhang Xiao also knew that not only was the safety guaranteed when returning to China, but the medical conditions in China also surpassed those in Myanmar.

Although the jadeite public offering is not over yet, Zhang Xiao has no intention of staying here any longer. After arranging everything in less than half a day, he entrusted Mo Boqi to handle the final payment procedures on his behalf.

Zhao Yu and Wang Liyong will also return to China this time. Their injuries are no longer serious, and only maintenance and recovery are left.

The next day, after going through the discharge procedures, Zhang Xiao took everyone back to the capital directly by plane.

After returning to the capital, Xue Mei immediately arranged for Deng Jie to be hospitalized for follow-up treatment, while Zhao Yu and Wang Liyong were fine and returned to the courtyard for recuperation.

After returning to China, Zhang Xiao was completely relieved.

But before Zhang Xiao could recover, he met Deng Zhimin who came to the hospital to check on Deng Jie's condition.

"Zhang Xiao, you bastard, I'll settle the score with you later." Deng Zhimin angrily pushed away Zhang Xiao who came forward to greet him.

"Dad, what are you doing?" Deng Jie, who was leaning on the bed, suddenly became unwilling and shouted.

"What are you doing, this kid can't even protect you, and you still speak for him." Deng Zhimin said angrily.

"I don't blame Xiaoxiao for this matter, who would have thought that such a thing would happen?" Xue Mei grabbed the angry Deng Zhimin at this moment, and tried to persuade her.

"Don't blame him for blaming anyone. It's not his fault. Otherwise, how could Xiaojie get hurt?" Deng Zhimin said angrily as before.

Zhang Xiao quickly said, "Uncle, this is my fault. I didn't protect Xiaojie well. Don't worry, I promise that such things will never happen again."

Deng Zhimin wanted to say something more, but was taken aback by Deng Jie's action of getting out of bed. Deng Zhimin could only temporarily hold back his anger and asked about Deng Jie's physical condition.

"How do you feel now?" Deng Zhimin asked with concern.

"It's almost recovered, and it will be fully recovered in a while." Deng Jie hugged Deng Zhimin's arm and said with a smile on her face.

"That's good, but usually you still have to pay more attention, don't rush out of the hospital, wait until the injury is fully healed." Deng Zhimin had tears in his eyes, trying not to let them fall.

Not long after, Deng Yi also rushed over. Regarding Deng Jie's injury, Deng Yi was also full of dissatisfaction with Zhang Xiao, but he didn't say much except complaining.

But Zhang Xiao also knew very well that the reason why Deng Zhimin became so angry after so long was because he wanted something from his heart.

Zhang Xiao also knew very well that the matter this time would not just pass like this, and Deng Zhimin would definitely take the opportunity to play and fight for more protection of interests for Deng Jie, Zhang Xiao couldn't help but sigh.

The hustle and bustle is all for profit, and the hustle and bustle is for profit, and everyone is not exempt.

But for Deng Jie, Zhang Xiao really felt guilty. After all, if it was Deng Jie who Zhao Yu pushed away that day, then Deng Jie would not be injured, and maybe he would be the one who was injured.

Seeing that Deng Jie was fine, Deng Zhimin gave instructions for a while, and then called Zhang Xiao out.

When the two came to the gazebo in the square in front of the hospital, Deng Zhimin stopped.

"Zhang Xiao, Xiaojie is my only daughter. She has never suffered a little since she was a child. Even in the most difficult time, I never let her suffer. But she was so seriously injured after only going out with you for a day. How can you make her suffer?" What do I say to you!" Deng Zhimin did not get angry at this time, but said calmly.

"Uncle, what happened before was beyond my expectation, but I can assure you that such a thing will never happen in the future." Zhang Xiao said with a solemn expression.

Deng Zhimin waved his hand and said, "Xiaojie has a deep affection for you, I can see it, so I won't ask for anything, I just hope that you will not let her down in the future. Although my Deng family is not What a big family, but it will never be bullied, so I hope you will take care of yourself."

Zhang Xiao naturally understands what Deng Zhimin means, but Deng Zhimin is self-effacing when he says that the Deng family is not a big family. But in his early forties, he is the backbone of the family, enough to protect Deng Jie's freedom of marriage.

But if Zhang Xiao dared to betray Deng Jie, he would naturally usher in the thunderous wrath of the Deng family. What Deng Zhimin said was also a warning to Zhang Xiao.

"Uncle, don't worry, my feelings for Xiaojie will never change." Zhang Xiao solemnly made a promise. As for the past life, he can only let it go with the wind.

"Okay, I'll trust you for now, I hope you don't make mistakes." Deng Zhimin nodded, and then left the pavilion directly.

Zhang Xiao looked at the spring around the gazebo, but felt inexplicably sad. The big family may care about family affection, but they pay more attention to interests. Although Deng Zhimin seems to be thinking about Deng Jie, Zhang Xiao knows very well that Deng Zhimin is more Consideration of Deng Jie's future value.

Zhang Xiao sighed and returned to Deng Jie's ward upstairs.

"Xiaoxiao, your uncle has such a temper, it will be better in a while." Xue Mei comforted Zhang Xiao.

"Auntie, I'm fine, but I don't know when Xiaojie will fully recover." Zhang Xiao looked at Deng Jie who had fallen asleep, and said worriedly.

"I've already checked with an expert. Xiaojie is only reacting to stress at the moment, and she should be able to recover soon, so you don't have to worry about it." Xue Mei said relaxedly, "The reason why she is sleepy now is because she lost too much blood before. If it is caused, it will be enough to replenish Qi and blood later.”

Zhang Xiao nodded and said, "Does this still need to be treated in the hospital? It might be better to go home and rest. I think it would be better for Xiaojie and me to go back to the courtyard for recuperation."

After pondering for a while, Xue Mei said, "I will discuss with the doctor to see if the hospital recovers or go home to recuperate, but I will go to work soon, and I have no time to take care of her, so I will trouble you to take care of her when the time comes." gone."

"Don't worry, I can take good care of her, not to mention it's more convenient to eat and live at home." Zhang Xiao said with a smile.

Xue Mei also nodded. Although she is the chief physician of the hospital, she also knows that no matter what kind of privileges she has in the hospital, it is not convenient at home.

Deng Jie stayed in the hospital for another two days. After a comprehensive examination, Xue Mei agreed to discharge Deng Jie, but she still found a special nursing staff for Deng Jie, after all, Zhang Xiao is not a professional.

After Zhang Xiao placed Deng Jie in the courtyard, he summoned Guo Feng to discuss future security matters. After this attack and killing, Zhang Xiao understood that it is imperative to strengthen security and protection without delay.

"Wang Liyong and Zhao Yu are no longer suitable for security work in a short period of time. I want them to transfer to the company's back office after recovery, and arrange work according to their situation." Guo Feng suggested to Zhao Xiao.

"You can make arrangements for this matter. In addition, you must do a good job of comforting the two of them when they are injured, and give them more compensation." Zhang Xiao nodded and said.

"Don't worry, boss, I know what to do. What requirements do you have for the follow-up security team?" Guo Feng asked Zhang Xiao's opinion.

"There is no limit to the number of people, but there must be a complete plan to prevent this incident from happening again." Zhang Xiao said to Guo Feng.

"I understand, don't worry boss, I will make arrangements." Guo Feng said seriously.

Zhang Xiao nodded, but didn't say anything more. This attack exposed many problems, but Zhang Xiao still believed that Guo Feng could handle it well. After all, Guo Feng had handled everything well all along.

After handing over the matter of the security team to Guo Feng, Zhang Xiao visited Wang Liyong and Zhao Yu, who were recovering from their injuries, and found that they were fine, but they needed to be supplemented due to insufficient energy and blood, and their physical functions also needed to be recuperated slowly.

Zhang Xiao naturally wanted to express his life-saving grace to the two of them. In addition to the company's compensation, each of them gave them an additional 20 yuan as a reward.

Wang Liyong and Zhao Yu wanted to refuse, but they were stopped by Zhang Xiao. After all, it was a life-saving grace. If it wasn't for better behavior in the future, Zhang Xiao would only give more.

In the following days, Zhang Xiao's life slowly returned to calm. Apart from going to class and going to the company to handle affairs every day, she would spend more time taking care of Deng Jie.

Under Zhang Xiao's meticulous care, Deng Jie's body recovered quickly, and she fully recovered in less than a month, and she began to return to school, which made Zhang Xiao feel relieved.

It's just that every time I see the scar on Deng Jie's back, I can't help but hate Gu Feng even more. But with Minister Wei Xing's guarantee, Zhang Xiao is waiting for news from Minister Wei Xing. Zhang Xiao will also look for opportunities to process slowly, but these things cannot be done in a short while.

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