The next morning, Xu Zhiyuan and Mo Boqi, who came to participate in the Jade Fair, came to the hospital to visit together, which surprised Zhang Xiao.

"President Xu, senior brother, why are you here?" Zhang Xiao said with a smile.

"Brother Zhang, you are too alienated, you don't say anything about such a serious injury to your siblings." Xu Zhiyuan put the flower basket and fruit on the table beside him, complaining.

"Yes, Junior Brother, if I hadn't met Minister Weixing, I wouldn't have known about it." Mo Boqi also said.

"Everyone is very busy, besides, this is not something glorious." Zhang Xiao shook his head and said.

"What are you going to do with that brat from the Gu family?" Mo Boqi said with a fierce look in his eyes.

Zhang Xiao shook his head, unwilling to say anything more, after all, since the Deng family took over this matter, he didn't intend to make a move.

Seeing that Zhang Xiao didn't want to say more, Mo Boqi changed the subject, and said, "Aren't you going to take a look at the jadeite fair this time?"

"Where do I still have that thought now? How can I rest assured that Xiaojie is still like this?" Zhang Xiao shook her head and refused, after all, Deng Jie's recovery is the most important thing.

Mo Boqi and Xu Zhiyuan looked at each other and didn't mention it again. What's more, the jadeite public auction has just started, and this year's jadeite public auction will take a full 21 days. The official start, the time for dark filming will be later, and there is still time.

With Mo Boqi and Xu Zhiyuan taking the lead, many jewelry and jade merchants who participated in the jade fair this time couldn't hold back anymore, and they came to the hospital to visit one after another. After all, where is Zhang Xiao's title of Jade King? It is also an opportunity for Xiao to be familiar.

As Deng Jie's health improved day by day, Zhang Xiao and Xue Mei's mood also improved, and there was no reason to be annoyed by the jewelry and jade merchants who kept coming to visit.

Besides, I don't want to hit the smiling face, not to mention that Zhang Xiao will still rely heavily on these jewelry and jade merchants in the future. After all, no matter how many high-quality jadeites are sold, they still have to be sold.

However, with the visit of jewelry and jade merchants, Zhang Xiao got to know most of the powerful jewelry and jade merchants in the country, which will be of great benefit to his future status in the jadeite world.

"Xiaoxiao, you go to participate in the Jade Fair, I'm much better now." Deng Jie's face was no longer as pale as before, a little bloody, and her body has recovered a lot, so she persuaded Zhang Xiao at this time.

"Don't worry, in two days, when you feel better, let's go together." Zhang Xiao smiled and shook her head.

"That's fine." Deng Jie said happily immediately.

Xue Mei was also very happy to see that Zhang Xiao was so considerate to Deng Jie. After all, Deng Jie had a deep affection for Zhang Xiao, and Zhang Xiao was worth millions at present. As long as Zhang Xiao could always treat Deng Jie like this, Xue Mei would be satisfied.

After another two days, Deng Jie was finally able to get up. Although she could not walk on the ground for a long time, she did not delay going out.

However, Zhang Xiao did not discharge Deng Jie from the hospital. Instead, after discussing with the doctor, she pushed Deng Jie to the Jade Market in a wheelchair, and Xue Mei naturally followed her all the way.

At this time, the jade fair has been held for a week. When Zhang Xiao came to the jade trading center, he took the invitation letter to go through the admission procedures.

Zhang Xiao pushed Deng Jie and wandered around the Ming auction area, and didn't bother to write down with a pen. Instead, he kept some raw jadeite stones with a value of more than [-] in his heart.

At the same time, Zhang Xiao told Deng Jie and Xue Mei all kinds of knowledge about the rough jadeite, as well as anecdotes about the history of jadeite, as well as the secret history of dissolving stones that he knew.

I have to say that as long as they are women, they have a desire for these jewelry and jade ornaments, and Deng Jie and Xue Mei are no exception. Zhang Xiao sees this in his eyes and decides to find a good jade bracelet from Xinyu Jewelry Company after returning home Send it to two people.

However, Deng Jie was a little tired after just strolling around for a while, so Zhang Xiao had to take them to the VIP room to rest.

"Xiaoxiao, go and see yours. I'll just stay here with Xiaojie. Since you're here, don't miss this opportunity." Xue Mei persuaded Zhang Xiao.

Deng Jie also persuaded: "You go, remember to take a piece of rough jadeite for me, when I recover from my injury, I will dissect the stone with my own hands."

"Okay, then I'll go around and you guys rest here." Zhang Xiao didn't show any pretense at this time, and left the VIP room directly after speaking.

After Zhang Xiao left, Xue Mei said to Deng Jie: "Xiao Jie, what do you think of Zhang Xiao?"

"Mom, I think Zhang Xiao is very kind, and he treats me very well." Deng Jie put her hands on the sofa to prevent her back from straining, and said with a smile.

"Then you mean to marry him in the future?" Xue Mei asked with a smile.

"That's my plan." At this moment, Deng Jie already knew that she couldn't do without Zhang Xiao, so she didn't hesitate.

"Then do you want to get engaged first? After all, there are many women around a rich man like Zhang Xiao. Since you have decided, we must first determine the status!" Xue Mei said.

"Mom, I've actually thought about getting engaged, but I don't think it's too urgent. Let's talk about it after I graduate." Deng Jie pondered for a while, then shook her head and said.

"That's fine. Anyway, this is a matter for the two of you. You have to handle it yourself. Sometimes a woman's life depends on how she marries." Xue Mei didn't object, after all, the more you think about many things, the more you think about it. It is easier to lose than to get.

But Zhang Xiao was walking around the venue quickly at this time. He wanted to look at all the rough jadeite in the shortest possible time. get ready.

Before noon, Zhang Xiao went through it. What surprised him was that the quality of this year's rough jadeite was very high. There were as many as a dozen pieces with more than [-] energy, and even more with more than [-] energy.

Zhang Xiao couldn't help but sighed, it seemed that he would miss a lot of good things this year, thinking of this, Zhang Xiao's hatred for Gu Feng became more and more serious.

Zhang Xiao knows that she doesn't have much time, so she plans to take a look at this year's market when the auction is open tomorrow, so as to decide how to bid and get more benefits.

When Zhang Xiao returned to the VIP room, he found that Minister Wei Xing was talking to Xue Mei.

"Minister Weixing, why are you here?" Zhang Xiao said hastily.

"Mr. Zhang, I need to inform you about the case." Minister Weixing said with a serious expression.

"You said, what happened?" Zhang Xiao said with a serious expression.

"Last night, the two assailants committed suicide in fear of crime." Minister Wei Xing said helplessly.

"Then Gu Feng, the messenger, won't be exonerated because of this." Zhang Xiao said very seriously.

"That's not true, but the absence of the assailant's testimony will have a certain impact on his sentencing." Minister Wei Xing shook his head, apparently also very helpless about this matter.

"Minister Wei Xing, the assailant committed suicide in fear of crime. Do you think the instigator will also commit suicide in fear of crime?" Zhang Xiao said in a leisurely tone after being silent for a while.

"It's not impossible. Presumably he doesn't want to face his own crimes." Minister Wei Xing immediately understood Zhang Xiao's meaning, but he didn't care about Gu Feng's life or death. All he cared about was his relationship with Zhang Xiao. .

Afterwards, Zhang Xiao wrote a rough jadeite number on a note, handed it to Minister Weixing, and said with a smile: "The quality of this rough stone is very good, Minister Weixing can pay attention to it."

Minister Wei Xing immediately smiled and said, "I will pay close attention to it."

After Minister Wei Xing left, Zhang Xiao returned to the room, looked at Deng Jie who was already asleep, and whispered to Xue Mei, "Auntie, the assailant committed suicide in fear of crime. I think Gu Feng is coming soon."

Xue Mei took a deep look at Zhang Xiao, then nodded, and said, "I know, don't let Xiaojie know about this beforehand."

"I won't let her know." Zhang Xiao nodded and said.

"The rest of the Gu family, don't mess around anymore, they are all in the country, if something happens, it will be very troublesome." Xue Mei whispered.

"I won't mess around, but people are born, old, sick and die, it's inevitable." Zhang Xiao said in a leisurely tone.

Xue Mei couldn't help but take a deep look at Zhang Xiao, this was the first time she saw Zhang Xiao's other side, such Zhang Xiao made her a little strange.

But Xue Mei didn't say much, but couldn't help but sighed.

It didn't take long for Deng Jie to wake up, and Zhang Xiao didn't stay any longer. He carried her to the wheelchair, pushed her away from the jade trading center, and returned to the hospital by car.

After returning to the hospital, Lu Huaping had already prepared the meals. While Deng Jie was awake, Zhang Xiao hurriedly served Deng Jie's meal.

Not long after eating, Deng Jie fell into a deep sleep again, and Zhang Xiao couldn't help feeling a little worried.

Seeing Zhang Xiao's worries, Xue Mei couldn't help comforting her and said, "Don't worry too much, during the recovery period, lethargy is inevitable."

Zhang Xiao nodded, he could only keep his worries in his heart, but he still asked Yuan Min to contact the ginseng collectors in the Northeast last year, hoping to get another wild ginseng to help Deng Jie replenish his blood.

In the following time, Zhang Xiao stayed by Deng Jie's side, and occasionally went to the auction house to hurry back. Even so, Zhang Xiao still pocketed a few rough jadeites that were auctioned. Not only that, Zhang Xiao also According to this year's situation, he bid for more than a dozen pieces of rough jadeite that he was optimistic about. As for whether he could win the bid, Zhang Xiao was not sure.

However, Zhang Xiao didn't have time to pay attention to this. He just sent Yuan Min to the auction site to watch the auction market and help him bid for the open bid. However, Zhang Xiao also gave him the auction price as a reference.

As for how many pieces Yuan Min can get, Zhang Xiao doesn't care. After all, he has already pocketed a few pieces of rough jadeite, and the rest can only be done according to the destiny.

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