Another month later, after Zhang Xiao paid the second payment for the acquisition of the fab, the equipment of the fab finally set sail.

Zhang Xiao couldn't help but look forward to it. At the same time, good news finally came from Myanmar. Gu Feng was injured and died in a prison fight. Zhang Xiao couldn't help but sigh.

Gu Feng died, and Zhang Xiao didn't tell Deng Jie about it. After all, it was enough for him to be aware of such dirty things.

It was already the beginning of June, and it was only one month before the end of this semester.

As the final exam approached, the students in the school worked overtime to review.

Huaqing University students pay more attention to the examination. After all, it not only involves the ownership of the scholarship for this academic year, but the initial results directly affect the future research and retention, and also determine everyone's degree certificate and graduation certificate.

And students who want to graduate early pay more attention to this, after all, test scores determine the number of credits.

Libraries and teaching buildings are full of students studying.

Because Zhang Xiao usually needs to deal with the company's affairs, and this semester has been on leave for more than a month, she still has a lot of pressure to complete the task of being the first in her major in the exam.

In addition, the renovation of the chip factory is coming to an end, and Zhang Xiao has to deal with a lot of things, which makes Zhang Xiao have to review the courses of this semester at night.

And Deng Jie is no exception, she has been absent from class longer than Zhang Xiao, and has to study with review materials every day.

As a result, Zhang Xiao and Deng Jie had to study separately after dinner every night, which made Guo Feng and the others feel uncomfortable.

One of the most important reasons why Zhang Xiao attaches so much importance to academic performance is because of the various awards and awards in the university. The most important thing is to look at academic performance. More importantly, if Zhang Xiao wants to keep his research, his grades must be excellent.

All his life, Zhang Xiao didn't value money too much, nor did he value enjoyment too much. On the contrary, he wanted to read more books to increase his knowledge reserve.

Zhang Xiao once thought about it countless times, what would he do if he couldn't spend all the money?

Live in a luxury house, drive a luxury car, play with beautiful women.

Or travel around the world, all over the world.

These are the things that Zhang Xiao once thought about doing before, but Zhang Xiao has only realized what he wants most in life since he was reborn.

That is to devote a limited life to unlimited learning. Only by learning more knowledge and having more insights can we see a world different from ordinary people and know the direction of future world development.

While Zhang Xiao was immersed in his studies, the rough jadeite auctioned on the Jadeite Public Market had already arrived in Hong Kong Island. The reason why Zhang Xiao transported it to Hong Kong Island for stone analysis was very simple. Auctions are then held on Hong Kong Island to earn dollars.

The reason why U.S. dollars are needed is not only to pay the bills of the fab, but more importantly, to reserve a part of foreign exchange for the future purchase of chip factory equipment.

But Zhang Xiao doesn't have time to deal with all of this right now, and he has to wait until all the final exams are over before he can free up time.

In the intense study and exam, a month passed quietly.

On June 6, the final exam was finally over, and Zhang Xiao couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

That night, Zhang Xiao talked with his father on the phone. After all, tomorrow will be the day of the senior high school entrance examination for his younger siblings.

"Xiao Kai and Xiaoping shouldn't have any problems with this exam. After all, their scores have improved a lot in the past two years." Zhang Hongjun said on the phone.

"That's good, I hope the two of them can pass the exam." Zhang Xiao said with a smile.

After hanging up the phone, Zhang Xiao started to pack up her things and prepare to go to Hong Kong Island. After all, the matter of the rough jadeite could not be delayed any longer. Yuan Min had already stayed in Hong Kong Island for more than a month.

"Are you going to Hong Kong Island with me tomorrow?" Zhang Xiao asked Deng Jie.

"No, go back early." Deng Jie shook her head and rejected Zhang Xiao's proposal without hesitation.

Since the incident in Myanmar in March, Deng Jie has been unwilling to go too far, even Hong Kong Island.

Zhang Xiao couldn't help being a little depressed. She originally planned to take Deng Jie out for a trip during the summer vacation, but she didn't want Deng Jie to have no interest in it.

"Okay then." Zhang Xiao had no choice but to agree.

That night, Zhang Xiao arrived on Hong Kong Island by plane. This time, he did not notify others in advance, but asked Yuan Min who was on Hong Kong Island to pick him up.

"Mice, is nothing wrong?" Zhang Xiao asked Yuan Min after getting on the bus outside the airport.

"It's okay, I've been too free recently, I ate and slept every day." Yuan Min couldn't help but said with a smile.

"It's fine, take a good night's rest today, and we'll start diagnosing stones tomorrow." Zhang Xiao ordered with a smile.

In the evening, everyone checked into a five-star hotel that Yuan Min had ordered, and had a good night's rest.

In the morning of the next day, Zhang Xiao, who had had breakfast, came to the warehouse where the rough jadeite was placed. Inside, there were stone-cutting tools that Yuan Min had already prepared.

When they arrived, Zhang Xiao was in charge of drawing the line, while Yuan Min and Guo Feng were in charge of cutting the stones, while the newly added security personnel were left outside to guard.

The equipment is well equipped, and Zhang Xiao is also adept at unraveling stones at present, so he has done a lot. As the jadeite rough stones were unraveled, Zhang Xiao couldn't help being a little happy.

Zhang Xiao spent a total of 700 million U.S. dollars on this year's jadeite fair, and bought 36 pieces of rough jadeite. The results are extremely good. After all, only the rough stones that Zhang Xiao likes are extremely rich in energy.

The reason why so many can be obtained is that the external quality of the rough jadeite has a lot to do with it. Zhang Xiao missed more than a dozen rough jadeites in the dark auction this year that are not in good condition but contain extremely rich energy.

And the most important reason for such a harvest is that these dozens of rough jadeites all come from the new mine, and the new mine did not appear in the too expensive fine jadeite, and the reputation is not obvious.

However, Zhang Xiao knew very well that with the end of the jadeite auction, the price of rough jadeite in the new mine would increase significantly, and it would be basically impossible to buy such cheap jadeite rough next year.

It took Zhang Xiao and others three days to unravel all of the 36 rough jadeite stones.

There are a wide variety of high-quality jadeites that have been extracted, including not only valuable glass jadeite and other high-quality jadeites, but also two pieces of yellow jadeite and red jadeite that have been highly praised in the past two years, and even the top-quality imperial green jadeite. One piece came out, although it was only seven or eight kilograms, it was already extremely rare.

"Boss, are all these fine jadeites going to be auctioned off?" Yuan Min asked.

"Keep the top-quality imperial green and the piece of red jadeite, and auction off all the rest, which can just make a lot of money." Zhang Xiao said without hesitation.

"Will this cause the price of fine jadeite to drop?" Yuan Min said with a serious expression.

"Don't worry, these jadeites are extremely rare and have little impact on the jadeite market, and large-scale auctions will only increase the price, so there is no need to worry about depreciation." Zhang Xiao said confidently.

Zhang Xiao knows very well that with the mining of emerald veins, the raw jadeite produced by old mines is getting less and less, while the jadeite produced by new emerald mines is inferior in terms of water quality and quality. The price will only get higher and higher, and there is no need to worry about depreciation.

Yuan Min nodded, and began to help Zhang Xiao pack the extracted high-quality jade into boxes one by one, and then put them into the box truck that had already been prepared. They will transport them to the bank's insurance company tonight. Curry.

It wasn't until ten o'clock in the evening that all the high-quality jadeite was deposited in the bank's vault, and Zhang Xiao was completely relieved. As for the subsequent auction, Zhang Xiao had already contacted Sotheby's auction house, and the high-quality jadeite would be held in a month. Special auction.

After dealing with all this, Zhang Xiao's trip to Hong Kong Island is considered a great success, and he just needs to hand over the fine jadeite to Sotheby's auction house before the auction.

The next morning, Zhang Xiao, who originally wanted to return to the capital directly, received a call from Lin Hemin.

"Mr. Zhang, I heard that you came to Hong Kong Island, why didn't you contact me." Lin Hemin's mouth was full of resentment, obviously complaining that Zhang Xiao didn't contact him when he came to Hong Kong Island.

"Mr. Lin, I came to Hong Kong Island in a hurry this time, so I didn't contact you. It was my fault, but I will return to the capital soon, so I won't see you this time. Next time you come to the capital, I will apologize to you .” Zhang Xiao was also a little embarrassed, so she could only say with a smile.

"Mr. Zhang, the reason why I'm looking for you this time is to ask for something, so I ask you to stay one more day, and we will meet and discuss in detail." Lin Hemin said with a wry smile.

"Okay, I'm in the hotel now, come here." Zhang Xiao finally decided to stay for a day to see what Lin Hemin needed to discuss in detail.

"Okay, I'll come right away." Lin Hemin immediately agreed with a happy smile.

Zhang Xiao didn't wait long in the hotel before seeing Lin Hemin who came in a hurry, accompanied by a beautiful young woman.

"Brother Zhang, you miss me so much." Lin Hemin gave Zhang Xiao a hug as soon as he entered the door, and said happily.

"Long time no see, I miss you very much." Zhang Xiao patted Lin Hemin on the back and said with a smile.

After the two sat down, Lin Hemin introduced the identity of the woman who came with him to Zhang Xiao.

"Brother Zhang, this is Miss He Xiaoxian." Lin Hemin said to Zhang Xiao with a smile, and then said to He Xiaoxian, "This is our Jade King, Mr. Zhang Xiao Zhang."

"Hello, Miss He." Zhang Xiao saw Lin Hemin's posture and knew that Lin Hemin was not looking for her for herself, but for this He Xiaoxian.

"Hello Mr. Zhang, I've heard of you for a long time." He Xiaoxian sat on the sofa beside her very quietly, smiling and nodding.

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