Outside the operating room, Zhang Xiao squatted on the ground, waiting for the operation to end.

At this moment, Minister Wei Xing strode over, heaved a sigh of relief seeing that Zhang Xiao was fine, and said, "Mr. Zhang, it's really great that you're fine."

"Minister Weixing, I'm sorry to trouble you." Zhang Xiaoqiang forced a smile and said.

"No trouble, it's just that I didn't expect such a big incident to happen. I'll let the police station thoroughly investigate this matter and give you an explanation." Minister Weixing said very seriously.

After all, Zhang Xiao was personally invited by Minister Weixing, but he was attacked and killed when he came to Myanmar. This made Minister Weixing very angry, and ordered the police to solve the case as soon as possible.

"I am here to thank you very much." Zhang Xiao said gratefully. After all, with Minister Weixing's endorsement, a lot of troubles will be reduced, at least there is no need to accept inquiries from the police station.

Afterwards, Minister Wei Xing got up and left after learning more about the situation.

Not long after Zhang Xiao sent Minister Weixing away, a doctor in a white coat came out of the operating room and asked, "Who is Deng Jie's family?"

Zhang Xiao hurriedly stepped forward and said, "Doctor, I'm her boyfriend. How is her condition?"

"The bullet hit her back and caused damage to her spine. At present, further examination is needed to decide whether to remove the bullet." The doctor said.

"Is it dangerous, and what consequences will it cause?" Zhang Xiao tried to calm herself down and asked.

"Looking at the damage to the spine, if the spinal nerves are not injured, it should have little impact on the body, but if the spinal nerves are injured, it may cause paralysis." The doctor said with a heavy expression.

Zhang Xiao was startled and understood the seriousness of Deng Jie's injury, but she still signed the surgery notice. After all, Deng Jie was still on the operating table at this time, but Deng Jie had such a big incident, Zhang Xiao knew I still need to contact Deng Zhimin and the others so that I can decide on the next treatment plan.

After Zhang Xiao cleaned the blood on his body, he put on another t-shirt, and then used the hospital phone to call Deng Zhimin's home.

"Uncle, I'm Zhang Xiao." Zhang Xiao said in a hoarse voice.

"Xiaoxiao, how are you doing in Myanmar?" Deng Zhimin asked with a smile.

"Uncle, I'm sorry, I failed to protect Xiaojie well, she was injured." Zhang Xiao said bitterly.

"What's wrong with Xiaojie? What happened to you?" Deng Zhimin stood up immediately and said impatiently.

"The thing is like this." Zhang Xiao briefly talked about what happened at that time and Deng Jie's current situation.

"Zhang Xiao, you are really capable, you don't need to worry about this matter, I will handle it." Deng Zhimin angrily hung up the phone.

Zhang Xiao was silent for a while, because he also felt deeply guilty towards Deng Jie, so he had to go back to the operating room and wait.

"Boss, Wang Liyong's broken leg has been healed, and although Zhao Yu was shot twice, he didn't hurt his vitals, so he's fine." Guo Feng said to Zhang Xiao.

"Let Lu Huaping and Li Haibing take care of them." Zhang Xiao said.

Guo Feng nodded, and went to the side to tell Lu Huaping and Li Haibing.

At this time, only Deng Jie was left in the operating room, and Zhang Xiao could only wait patiently. At this time, he could do nothing but trust the doctors in the hospital.

Another hour later, the door of the operating room opened. Zhang Xiao hurriedly stepped forward and asked, "Doctor, how is the patient's condition?"

"The bullet has been taken out, and the operation is considered a success, but due to the damage to the spine, we still need to see the recovery after the operation." The doctor said to Zhang Xiao.

Zhang Xiao immediately felt a little relieved. After all, the bullet was taken out, indicating that the damage to the spinal nerves was not very serious. This is undoubtedly good news.

After returning to the ward, Zhang Xiao asked Guo Feng to invite two nurses to accompany him, and he himself watched in the ward. After all, Deng Jie hadn't woken up yet, so he couldn't feel at ease.

However, Guo Feng needs to go through the formalities and pay the fees. Whether it is Deng Jie's, Wang Liyong's or Zhao Yu's, he needs to go through them one by one.

Until the next morning, Deng Jie still didn't wake up, which made Zhang Xiao very anxious. After all, Deng Jie would wake up soon after the operation.

"Doctor, how is the patient's condition? Why hasn't he woken up yet?" Zhang Xiao asked the doctor into the ward. This was the fourth time Zhang Xiao asked. .

"Wait a minute, I'll see the situation." The doctor was also a little anxious at this time, after all, such a situation is still rare.

After the doctor's examination, he found that Deng Jie's vital signs were all normal, and he couldn't help but shook his head and said, "Mr. Zhang, this is the first time I have encountered this situation. How about it? Can I have a consultation."

"Then I'll trouble you. Please consult as soon as possible. The cost is not a problem." Although Zhang Xiao was anxious, she still thanked her.

The doctor nodded immediately, and hurried to contact the doctor, leaving Zhang Xiao waiting in the ward.

While Zhang Xiao was waiting anxiously, the door of the ward was opened, Xue Mei walked in with several people, and Zhang Xiao hurriedly got up to greet her.

"Zhang Xiao, what's the situation with Xiaojie now?" Xue Mei said with a cold expression, she was very dissatisfied with Zhang Xiao in her words.

"Auntie, Xiaojie hasn't woken up since the operation last night, but the doctor has checked and the vital signs are normal. I ask them for a consultation, and I believe the results will come out soon." Zhang Xiao said Said.

"I brought the doctors over and asked them to check Xiaojie first before making any plans." Xue Mei nodded and then said to Zhang Xiao.

Zhang Xiao hurried to the door and told Guo Feng to prevent others from breaking in.

After returning to the ward, seeing the doctor brought by Xue Mei to examine Deng Jie, Zhang Xiao was full of apprehension, but also had some hope.

It wasn't until after their inspection that Zhang Xiao walked forward and asked, "How's the situation?"

"The vital signs are all normal, which means that there is nothing wrong with the body after surgery, so there are many reasons why you haven't woken up until now, and we can only observe for a period of time before we can make a judgment." A middle-aged doctor in his 40s He pondered for a while and said.

"Auntie, what should we do now?" Zhang Xiao asked anxiously.

"We can only wait. After all, Xiaojie just finished the operation, so she should not move." Xue Mei said with a serious expression.

Zhang Xiao nodded and said, "Well then, Auntie, take them to the hotel to rest first, and we will contact you after the consultation with the doctor in the hospital."

"No need, let someone take them to the hotel to rest, I'll watch over here." Xue Mei shook her head and rejected Zhang Xiao's proposal.

Zhang Xiao also knew that Xue Mei was worried about Deng Jie, so she asked Guo Feng to take the doctors who came with Xue Mei to the hotel to rest.

After everyone else left, Xue Mei asked with a stern expression: "Who did this attack, did you find out?"

"I've found out that this incident happened because of me. The person who bought the crime is Gu Tianxin's grandson, Gu Feng! The police have already caught him, but he is underage." Zhang Xiao said through gritted teeth. Gu Feng really hated it to the bone.

"It's fine if the murderer is caught, you don't have to worry about other things, your uncle will take care of it." Xue Mei sighed, shook her head and said.

"I'm sorry, Auntie, I didn't protect Xiaojie well." Zhang Xiao's expression was full of guilt. After all, if it wasn't for him, Deng Jie would never have gone abroad and would not have suffered such a disaster.

"I don't blame you, but your uncle is very angry with you this time. I hope Xiaojie can recover." Xue Mei looked a little haggard, with tears in her eyes.

"Auntie, take a break, after all, Xiaojie doesn't know when she will wake up." Zhang Xiao said helplessly.

"You're here to participate in the Jade Fair, so it's okay." Xue Mei said in a leisurely tone.

"Auntie, I don't have the mind to do other things now, let's forget about the jadeite public offering this time." Zhang Xiao shook his head, and no longer thought about the jadeite public offering this time.

"Oh." Xue Mei sighed, and didn't say anything more.

In the afternoon, Deng Jie finally woke up, but at this moment she was seriously injured, unable to move all over her body, and had no strength to speak. Seeing Zhang Xiao and Xue Mei by her side, she couldn't help but burst into tears.

Maybe it was because of lack of energy, Deng Jie just woke up for a while and fell back into a deep sleep.

However, Deng Jie's waking up made Zhang Xiao and Xue Mei feel a little relieved. After all, as long as a person wakes up, it's not too difficult to recover.

It wasn't until this time that Guo Feng brought some food over and said to Zhang Xiao, "Boss, have something to eat, you haven't eaten all day."

Zhang Xiao nodded, motioned him to put the food on the table, and asked, "How are Wang Liyong and Zhao Yu doing?"

"Wang Liyong is fine. Since Zhao Yu didn't hurt his internal organs, there is nothing serious." Guo Feng said.

"Contact Yuan Min and ask him to send a few people over to replace them in turn, so that nothing will happen again." Zhang Xiao ordered.

"It's been arranged, and it's almost time for people to arrive." Guo Feng nodded and said.

Zhang Xiao nodded. Zhang Xiao didn't want to investigate the serious damage caused by this attack. In the final analysis, he had to relax his vigilance, otherwise this incident would not have caused such consequences at all.

However, Guo Feng blamed himself for the damage caused by this attack, especially Deng Jie's injury, which was even more difficult for him to accept, and his words were full of self-blame.

Both Zhang Xiao and Xue Mei ate something, after all, they hadn't eaten all day.

In the evening, Yuan Min personally brought people to the hospital, which made Zhang Xiao feel a little more at ease. After all, this is Myanmar, so maybe someone would make trouble.

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