Rebirth 1996 starts from unforgettable

Chapter 206 Return to Beijing

After Zhang Xiao finished visiting relatives and friends, it was already the 28th of the twelfth lunar month.

Zhang Xiao wrote Spring Festival couplets on the desk, while his younger siblings started posting them in the yard after they dried.

After a busy morning, all the houses were pasted with couplets and blessing characters. During the period, some neighbors came to ask Zhang Hongjun to write couplets, but they all pushed it to Zhang Xiao.

While rubbing his sore wrist, Zhang Xiao said, "Dad, I'd better buy next year's couplet. I'm almost exhausted after writing this for a long time."

"What to buy? You saw several companies bought couplets. It's Chinese New Year, and the couplets written by myself are festive." Zhang Hongjun said angrily.

Zhang Xiao can only shut up about this, at home, father is the biggest!

No matter how much Zhang Xiao has achieved, his father is his father after all, so he can only listen to his father's words.

By the 28th, the sound of firecrackers has begun to sound sparsely, and some children hold firecrackers and light them with joss sticks from time to time, which is a joy.

In the past two days, as the cold air moved southward, heavy snow began to fly, and the ground soon became white.

Zhang Xiao sat on the balcony on the second floor, watching the snowflakes falling outside, covered in white, but her heart was very peaceful.

In the past year, Zhang Xiao has never been so relaxed when he is either running outside or learning knowledge, but now he is completely relaxed.

Zhang Xiao didn't bother to think about anything at the moment, leaning on the back of the chair, her thoughts were infinitely empty, enjoying the peace at this moment.

"Xiaoxiao, it's time to eat." Yang Lan's voice sounded.

Zhang Xiao was awakened suddenly, and only now did he realize that it was already nightfall. Zhang Xiao didn't expect that he would sleep here all afternoon.

Zhang Xiao stood up from the chair and stretched his waist. The whole body was hot from the stove, and he felt very comfortable at this moment.

After dinner, Zhang Xiao's cell phone rang suddenly.

"Boss, happy new year." Tang Zhenhao said on the phone with a smile.

"Old Tang, happy new year." Zhang Xiao also said with a smile.

"Boss, I think it's better to report some things, although there is no conclusion yet on this matter." Tang Zhenhao said with a sigh.

"Just tell me what's going on, mother-in-law and mother!" Zhang Xiao said angrily, but he also knew that what Tang Zhenhao said must not be a trivial matter, and something must have happened.

"According to news from abroad, Intel has raised the price of the currently supplied CPUs by 15.00%!" Tang Zhenhao said.

"How long will the supply contract expire?" Zhang Xiao's expression changed suddenly. He didn't expect this to actually happen.

"Five months!" Tang Zhenhao said in a low tone.

"Okay, I know about this matter. Don't publicize this matter for the time being. We will talk about it later in the year, so as not to cause panic." Zhang Xiao said.

After hanging up the phone, Zhang Xiao felt a little heavy. After all, for Shenhua Computer, once the price of cpu rises, the cost increase will be inevitable. So for Shenhua Computer, which is currently in a price war, absolutely was a huge hit.

And if it is replaced with another manufacturer's cpu, this will require a new round of research and development on the computer. Whether there is enough time is a problem, and more importantly, the performance of the computer will have a certain impact.

"I really didn't expect that I would encounter such a thing so soon!" Zhang Xiao muttered to himself a little depressed.

But Zhang Xiao knew that it was only a matter of time. This time it was a price increase, and the supply might be cut off next time. If Shenhua Computer could not develop its own CPU by then, it would be a devastating blow.

However, Zhang Xiao did not express these worries. After all, the Spring Festival is coming soon, and he does not want his parents and family members to worry about his changes.

Zhang Xiao still behaved as usual, entertaining relatives and friends who came to visit at home, and he tried his best to help with anything he could.

Time passed, and a week passed in a blink of an eye. At this time, the Spring Festival passed, and all the festivals after the year were over.

And Zhang Xiao also knew that it was time for him to return to Beijing. After all, what happened to the microelectronics technology company could not be hidden. Not only the workers were panicked, but even the R&D personnel who were resting at home during the holidays also got the news. .

And Tang Zhenhao also made more phone calls in the past two days, which also made Zhang Xiao understand that the matter might be more urgent than he imagined, otherwise Tang Zhenhao didn't need to call.

On the sixth day of the first lunar month, after breakfast, Zhang Xiao bid farewell to her parents and embarked on the road back to Beijing.

It was already four o'clock in the afternoon when we returned to the capital, but Zhang Xiao didn't go back to the courtyard to rest, but went directly to the Microelectronics Technology Company.

In the small conference room, academician Ni and Tang Zhenhao were relatively silent, and the other directors of the R&D department were also silently smoking.

"Boss." Tang Zhenhao shouted when he saw Zhang Xiao coming in.

Zhang Xiao was so choked by the smoke that filled the room that he couldn't help coughing. After taking two quick steps, he opened the window, and the smoke drifted out immediately.

"Academician Ni, Old Tang, how many cigarettes have you smoked? If you don't know, you might think it's on fire." Zhang Xiao said angrily.

Tang Zhenhao extinguished the cigarette in his hand with some embarrassment, and the others quickly followed suit.

"It's no big deal. If the sky doesn't fall, it's just a price increase. Just talk about it. If it doesn't work, let's change the manufacturer. I believe that there must be a way for the car to reach the mountain, and the living can be suffocated to death by urine!" Zhang Xiao said with a smile.

"Boss, the other manufacturers all have the same intention, that is to increase the price. This time they should deliberately target our company." Tang Zhenhao said helplessly.

"Why didn't I know when the news came?" Zhang Xiao asked with some doubts.

"I just got the news this morning. Although the staff has not given back any information, I think there is nothing wrong with it." Tang Zhenhao said helplessly.

"It doesn't matter. After all, the contract expires in five months. We still have time. Whether it is R&D or procurement, there is still room for buffering. Don't be downcast, just in case we develop it." Zhang Xiao can only cheer up the company's personnel in this way at the moment. Although he knows that the hope is slim, he always gives them hope.

"Yes, speed up the research and development process, maybe it will be developed at any time." Academician Ni stood up at this time and said firmly.

"What Mr. Ni said is that we can't place our hopes on others now. Only by developing it ourselves will we not be stuck by others." Many R&D executives couldn't help but say.

With Zhang Xiao's encouragement and Academician Ni's attitude, the directors of the research and development department suddenly became more motivated, and all the worries during the Chinese New Year were left behind, and they only wanted to develop the central processing unit faster.

With the departure of the heads of the R&D department, only Zhang Xiao, Academician Ni, and Tang Zhenhao were left in the meeting room.

"Academician Ni, I will leave the research and development to you. I hope to develop the manufacturing process of the central processing unit!" Zhang Xiaozheng said.

"Boss, I can only say that I am doing my best. Not only that, even with the production technology, our company currently does not have the production capacity. The main reason is that we do not have production equipment!" Academician Ni sighed.

Zhang Xiao was silent for a while, because he knew very well that manufacturing cpu is not a simple matter, not only the production process is required, but also the corresponding equipment is required. Not to mention anything else, the investment of a complete and most advanced cpu production line is at least tens of dollars One billion national currency, equivalent to one billion U.S. dollars, and the lithography machine, mask plate, film forming machine, and diffusion equipment in the previous project accounted for 70.00% of the total investment. These are the most sophisticated equipment in the world. Every instrument is expensive, and even if you want to buy it, you may not be able to buy it.

Don't say that Zhang Xiao doesn't have that much money at all now, even if he has, he may not be able to buy all the equipment, after all, many equipments are not something you can buy just because you want.

"Come on slowly, we can't just do nothing, set up the project first, and see how much money is needed. I'll figure out how to deal with the money!" Zhang Xiao said firmly, since he has embarked on this path, he will He has no intention of backing down, no matter how difficult it is, he will keep going, even if he fails in the end, he will not regret it!

"Okay, I will take out the project proposal as soon as possible." Seeing that Zhang Xiao is still insisting, Academician Ni couldn't help but nodded excitedly, because he also knew that this was his only chance, and he missed this time , his "chip" dream will no longer be possible.

At this time, Tang Zhenhao couldn't help being shocked by Zhang Xiao's courage. He didn't know where Zhang Xiao raised the one billion dollar fund, but since Zhang Xiao had already made up his mind, he could only support it.

"Boss, I will find a new site to build a factory as soon as possible." Tang Zhenhao said.

Zhang Xiao nodded and said, "In this case, we must speed up and approve the new factory site as much as possible."

Zhang Xiao knows very well that with the start of the project, he will need a lot of money. Where will the money come from will be a big problem. He doesn't have that much money to invest now.

Then Zhang Xiao left the company directly and returned to the courtyard, thinking about how to obtain funds!

Zhang Xiao thought of the batch of rough jadeite he purchased last time. This is the most practical source of funds, and it is also the only thing he can directly cash in at present.

The second is the upcoming jadeite public offering. Zhang Xiao is going to make another move to earn more wealth, but Zhang Xiao is very clear about the risks involved, and the situation of losing everything in one careless still exists.

The other thing is financing and loans, but although Zhang Xiao has dealt with banks, it is not realistic at all to get a huge amount of money.

As for financing, Zhang Xiao never considered it from the beginning to the end, because capital is profit-seeking, and if the return cannot be paid for a long time, then the price will not be affordable for him.

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