After chatting with Guo Tong for a while, Zhang Xiao began to greet the guests at home, and Guo Tong also followed to help.

They didn't go out until the evening, but Zhang Xiao left Guo Tong to eat.

With enough ingredients at home, coupled with Lu Huaping's craftsmanship, it didn't take long to prepare a table of sumptuous meals.

After dinner, people came to the house again, this time it was the village chief Ding Changsheng and the branch secretary Li Qiyun.

As soon as Zhang Xiao saw them coming, she knew what was going on. Every year during the Spring Festival, the village sang big plays, but in terms of expenses, the village always found some former contractors or people who had made a lot of money to sponsor them.

The news that Zhang Xiao started a company to make money had already spread, and it was no surprise that people in the village found Zhang Xiao.

"Xiaoxiao, the company's business was good last year." Ding Changsheng said with a smile.

"It's okay." Zhang Xiao said with a smile, while adding tea for the two of them.

"After the eighth day of the new year, the village will have a big show, but the expenses for this year haven't been settled yet. You can see how much you can pay." Ding Changsheng didn't care how much money Zhang Xiao made, but he knew that Zhang Xiao made a lot of money.

"Uncle Ding, how much does it cost to sing big plays in our village?" Zhang Xiao knew that he would definitely have to pay, but it was a question of paying more and less, and there are actually benefits to paying for big plays in the village, not just a matter of fame , and the question of care.

"It's more than 2 yuan. If you count the money for the whole village to eat big pots, it's about [-] yuan." Ding Changsheng saw what Zhang Xiao said, and he immediately knew that the matter was settled.

"Uncle Ding, have you asked other people this year?" Zhang Xiao asked after thinking about it.

Zhang Xiao still felt that it would be better for him to ask about this matter. After all, the people who contributed money in the past were all dignified people in the village. trouble.

"They haven't gotten much project funding this year, so it's unlikely they'll pay for it this year, but don't worry, I won't let you pay for it and cause trouble." Ding Changsheng immediately promised.

"Uncle Ding, how about this, I will pay [-] yuan, except for the money for the big show, the rest can be regarded as a little tribute to the old people in the village. After all, the Chinese New Year is coming soon, and some elderly people in the village will also come to condolences." Zhang Xiao said with a smile.

"Okay, thank you very much. I have gone to several places in the past few days, but I can't believe it. I can finally sleep peacefully today." Ding Changsheng said with a happy smile.

Zhang Xiao smiled and said nothing, letting his father talk with them while he went upstairs to get the money.

Going home during the Chinese New Year this time, Zhang Xiao specially sent 50 in cash, mainly to deal with people from the village who came to the house to raise money for alms.

After giving the money to Ding Changsheng, Ding Changsheng and Li Qiyun left soon after.

"Xiaoxiao, you gave them fifty thousand this time, isn't that too much?" Zhang Hongjun asked.

"Dad, they are dissatisfied with the lack of giving, and they must have something to eat and drink for themselves. Besides, if you spend money to buy a reputation, the people in the village will help you if you have something to do." Zhang Xiao didn't care much about it. After all, parents and family members still have to live here, so it doesn't matter if they spend more money, as long as the parents stay at home comfortably.

Zhang Hongjun also nodded. Although he was a little distressed, he also knew that these things could not be avoided. Instead of being pointed behind his back, he spent money to buy comfort.

"Dad, how are the preparations for this year's New Year's goods going?" Zhang Xiao asked.

"It's almost there. Two refrigerators and one freezer are full. It should be enough. Besides, it's still early before the Chinese New Year. Just buy whatever is short." Zhang Hongjun said with a smile.

After moving to a new home, the house is much more spacious. In addition, there is no shortage of money at home, and people come to the house frequently, so many fruits and vegetables are prepared all year round, and there is no shortage of meat products.

The next day is Xiaonian in the north, and it is also regarded as the beginning of the festival. Every household starts to clean up, sacrifices to the Kitchen God, and it is also a day for the whole family to reunite.

Zhang Xiao took his younger brothers and sisters to start a big cleaning, cleaning all the inside and outside of the house, also to get rid of the old and welcome the new.

As the custom is like this, Zhang Xiao can't avoid it, and follows his parents to worship the Kitchen God.

As the joss sticks are lit, the sound of firecrackers starts to sound, which means that the New Year's Eve is approaching, and every household starts to be on duty for the items needed for the Spring Festival, which is extraordinarily festive.

As time went by, the taste of the year became stronger and stronger, and Zhang Xiao also started to visit relatives and friends, sending gifts to relatives in advance.

On this day, Zhang Xiao went to his master Mo Wenxin's hometown in Xinglin County, which had already been agreed upon.

Although most of Mo Wenxin's business is in the capital, during the Chinese New Year, he will still return to his hometown to celebrate the New Year.

When Zhang Xiao arrived at Mo Wenxin's house, only the master and his mother were at home, and the eldest brother Mo Boqi and the others hadn't returned home yet.

"Xiaoxiao, thanks to your funds, otherwise the real estate company would have had a hard time getting through this year." Mo Wenxin said with a sigh.

"Master, it's too outlandish for you to say that. You must know that I can make money because of your skills." Zhang Xiao said with a smile.

"Anyway, you have helped me a lot." Mo Wenxin also said very gratified, and accepting Zhang Xiao as his disciple has become the most proud thing for him now.

At noon, after Zhang Xiao had lunch with Mo Wenxin, he sat in the courtyard and chatted with Mo Wenxin.

"There is one thing you may not know. Gu Tianxin was imprisoned some time ago. He was charged with fraud and was sentenced to 12 years because of the huge amount involved!" Mo Wenxin said with a sigh.

Zhang Xiao was taken aback for a moment, and asked curiously: "What happened to Gu Tianxin? How could he be in jail?"

"As far as I know, Gu Tianxin was imprisoned because his company's capital chain was broken, and he engaged in illegal fundraising in order to raise funds. Originally, it would be fine if he could make money by betting on stones on the jade market in Huacheng, but there is no problem. Thinking of the time when I lost all my money in the public market, I was reported for not paying the money." Mo Wenxin shook his head, and said with some regret, "So although betting on stones can make people get rich, But it can also break the bank.”

"Master, I understand what you mean, and I will be careful." Zhang Xiao said solemnly.

"You are now riding a tiger. Since you have the title of King of Emeralds, I believe that in the coming year, whether it is Myanmar's emerald market or some large-scale domestic companies, you will be invited. You must grasp yourself." Mo Wenxin's tone Profound exhortation said.

"I understand, I will be careful." Zhang Xiao nodded seriously. Even if he has the yuan chain, it is not foolproof. In many cases, a single eye shot may destroy him forever. This is not only a loss of money, but also The important thing is that his title of King of Emeralds is still not stable, and once he falls by the wayside, he may be targeted by many people.

The reason why Gu Tianxin broke the capital chain was actually related to Zhang Xiao. After all, Zhang Xiao not only took away Gu Tianxin's title of Emerald King, but also won Gu Tianxin's [-] million cash. The reputation is not as good as before, and it is reasonable to be targeted.

"After you understand it, after the real estate company's house is sold in the next year, I will ask the company to repay you as soon as possible. After all, you will need a lot of money for the emerald public offering in the coming year." Mo Wenxin pondered for a while. , said.

"Master, don't worry, I have kept the funds needed for the Jadeite public offering." Zhang Xiao shook his head and refused, because he knew that once the real estate company did not have enough funds, it would cause a series of problems.

"No need to refuse, the more funds the better, be prepared!" Mo Wenxin is well aware of the rules of the jadeite public offering, and funds are the only courage of a person.

Zhang Xiao didn't say anything more. After all, the money is in his own hands. If Mo Wenxin needs help, he can help at any time, and with the cash cow of Minmin Supermarket, he will not be short of funds in a short time.

But Zhang Xiao also knows that he still needs to participate in the Burmese Jadeite Fair. After all, he has become a golden sign in the jadeite world. If there was Gu Tianxin before, he could be compared with Zhang Xiao. After being imprisoned, everything has become different. Zhang Xiao's status in the jadeite world is unmatched by anyone, unless there is another master stone gambler who keeps cutting and rising.

Afterwards, Zhang Xiao and Mo Wenxin discussed some countermeasures for the Burmese jadeite public offering in the coming year, and then left the master's house by car and returned home.

After returning home, Zhang Xiao was dragged by Guo Tong to attend the class reunion. Now that all the classmates are back, Guo Tong naturally organized this class reunion.

At this time, the classmate association is relatively pure, no one is going to show off how much money they have earned in the past year, and no one is going to show off how good their grades in school are.

On the contrary, everyone is recalling all kinds of life in junior high school, telling interesting stories encountered in life, and students who have entered the society will also talk about the importance of education in society, the hardships and difficulties of life.

Zhang Xiao couldn't help feeling a little emotional, her classmates were all growing up and working hard for a better life.

After drinking, the students began to dance wildly. Some hugged and told their hearts, some gathered to play around, and some even gathered around Zhang Xiao to ask about college life.

Zhang Xiao enjoyed it and felt relaxed and happy. After the party, Zhang Xiao watched the students leave one by one, and couldn't help but feel emotional.

Now the students can still get together, and in a few years, how many people are willing to come to the junior high school reunion. By then, everyone will have their own circle, and many people will even meet each other without knowing each other.

Some are pretending not to know each other, while others have really changed so much that no one can recognize each other anymore.

"Where are we going to play next?" Guo Tong burped and muttered.

"Go home!" Looking at Guo Tong who was already drunk, Zhang Xiao said angrily, then pulled him into the car and sent him home.

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