And when Zhang Xiao was thinking about the source of funds, many companies had already known what Microelectronics Technology Company had encountered in purchasing CPUs, and Lianxiang Group was no exception.

"It's really gratifying to congratulate, I didn't expect such an unexpected joy." General Manager Yang Yuan said excitedly.

"It seems to be a happy event at the moment, but in the long run, Intel can target microelectronics technology companies this time, so it may attack us next time, and we have to guard against it!" Director Liu saw it even more In the long run, it is very clear where Lianxiang Group’s short board lies, that is, the lack of its own core technology, and many accessories are imported. Once the other party gets stuck in the parts supplier, it is not clear whether Lianxiang Group will have room to resist. .

However, it is even more difficult to manufacture CPUs by ourselves. It not only requires technology and process research and development, but also needs to establish a production plant. This is not something that Lianxiang Group can do at present.

"What the chairman said is true." Yang Yuan's face changed suddenly, and he also thought of this possibility.

"But don't worry too much. If Intel doesn't want its market share in our country to be taken over by other companies, then you don't have to worry about purchasing, and this is where our confidence lies." Liu Dong shook his head and said , throwing his unrealistic thoughts to the back of his head.

They are both computer production companies. Zhang Xiao's microelectronics technology company and Liu Dong's Lianxiang Group have chosen different paths again.

Zhang Xiao chose a technology-based research and development path, while Lianxiang Group has gone further and further on the road of trade, and has not given priority to research and development.

In the following time, Zhang Xiao unlocked all the rough jadeites he had obtained before. Although there was no top-quality jadeite like imperial green, he gained a lot of high-quality jadeites, and the value was even more astonishing, reaching more than one billion national coins. , which made Zhang Xiao slightly relieved.

After all, neither the factory building nor the equipment can be built overnight, but now only relying on the jadeite rough collected before, about one-seventh of the funds have been obtained, which also makes Zhang Xiao more confident about collecting all the funds. Confidence.

That afternoon, Zhang Xiao contacted Xu Zhiyuan and senior brother Mo Boqi, and told them about the exquisite jadeite. After all, he still needed to sell these jadeites. Partners, the first thing he thinks about at this moment is the two of them.

When Xu Zhiyuan heard about the high-quality jadeite, he immediately agreed to come to the capital, but Mo Boqi had other views on it.

"Little brother, if you are in a hurry to sell your fine jadeite, it's better to auction it off. This way you can not only get more funds, but also maximize your reputation." Mo Boqi was completely thinking about Zhang Xiao, Because he knew very well that although Xinyu Jewelry Company had made a lot of income in the past year, it was still not enough to accept many high-quality jadeites.

"Thank you senior brother, I understand, I will make a decision as soon as possible, and I will need more help from senior brother!" Zhang Xiao said with a smile.

"Little brother, we are our own people, so there is no need to be polite to me." Moboqi said with a smile.

After hanging up the phone, Zhang Xiao thought for a while and decided to auction off the fine jadeite.

After making the decision, Zhang Xiao no longer hesitated, but contacted his master Mo Wenxin immediately.

"Master, I have a batch of high-quality jade that I want to auction. Do you have any good suggestions?" Zhang Xiao asked on the phone.

"What's the matter, do you need funds now?" Mo Wenxin asked. After all, although the price of high-quality jadeite is not low now, it is far from reaching its peak. Zhang Xiao's current jade auction obviously needs a lot of money.

"Yes, I need a lot of money." Zhang Xiao did not hesitate, and said that he wanted to build a chip production plant.

After hearing Zhang Xiao's plan, Mo Wenxin was silent for a long time before he opened his mouth and said, "The plan you mentioned is too grand, you have to think clearly, even if you invest a lot of money, it may not be able to be completed!"

"Master, I've considered everything you said. I know it's difficult, but I want to try it. If I don't try it now, I won't be reconciled." Zhang Xiao said firmly.

"Since you have already made up your mind, I won't say anything more. I can help with the auction. There are only a few well-known domestic auction houses. Where are you going to auction?" Mo Wenxin asked .

"It should be in the capital, otherwise it would be very troublesome to transport it back and forth." Zhang Xiao said.

"Okay, then you don't need to worry about this matter. I will go to the capital the day after tomorrow, and I will handle it for you when I arrive." Mo Wenxin said with a smile, taking care of this matter.

"Thank you, master." Zhang Xiao said gratefully.

"Don't be polite with me." Mo Wenxin laughed.

After hanging up the phone, Zhang Xiao immediately felt a burst of relief. With the one billion fine jadeite as a base, Zhang Xiao finally gained some confidence.

After all, the chip project has been established and many things are underway. The funds may not be used for a long time. At this time, with these funds for early use, I think I can buy a lot of time.

But Zhang Xiao also knows that even if everything goes well, it will take a long time to manufacture the chip, let alone a chip that leads the world's advanced level, it will take even longer.

However, Zhang Xiao is clear that once the leading chip can be produced, its profits will be extremely considerable, and it will not take long to earn back all the capital and profits.

Zhang Xiao was sitting in the living room of the courtyard, facing Guo Feng who had already returned from home.

"Boss, when Yuan Min called me two days ago, he mentioned a person named Huang Lao. It is said that you did not let him continue to inquire." Guo Feng said.

"Yes, do you know Mr. Huang?" Zhang Xiao asked in surprise.

"I know a little bit, but Yuan Min found out some things recently, I think it's better to tell the boss." Guo Feng said solemnly.

"Then tell me." Zhang Xiao was really interested in Huang Lao at this moment, and he didn't expect Guo Feng to know someone he had never heard of.

"This is his information, you can read it yourself." Guo Feng said solemnly after handing a piece of printing paper to Zhang Xiao.

Zhang Xiao opened it and looked at it, and was taken aback for a moment, because some of Huang Lao's origins were roughly written on it, even so Zhang Xiao had to marvel at its great energy.

Mr. Huang, named Huang Feiqi, is 65 years old, the patriarch of the Huang clan. He has many industries under his name, worth at least [-] billion yuan. For specific operations, he does not act as a corporate legal person, so naturally he will not attract people's attention.

Zhang Xiao couldn't help but be amazed at the end. After all, there are very few people who are pure investors like this and can make a fortune, let alone in this era, it is incredible to be able to own hundreds of billions of assets.

But Zhang Xiao didn't doubt anything about it, after all, it was impossible for Yuan Min to report some unconfirmed things to him.

"Old Guo, how do you know this Huang Lao?" Zhang Xiao asked with some doubts.

"It's a coincidence. When I was in the army, I went out to perform a mission once, and the object of protection was this old Huang." Guo Feng said with some emotion.

"You didn't know his identity at the time?" Zhang Xiao couldn't help asking.

"I don't know. Although I was the person in charge at that time, I was on a mission after all. I only knew that his name was Huang Feiqi, and he was honored as Huang Lao. I didn't ask about other things." Guo Feng shook his head and said.

Zhang Xiao nodded, and was aware of Guo Feng's scruples at the time, but Guo Feng's ability to tell him such a thing at this time was obviously a sign of trust in him.

However, although Zhang Xiao was aware of Huang Lao's identity, he didn't care about it. After all, Huang Lao had nothing to do with him.

The school will officially start in two days, and Zhang Xiao will have less time then, so he has been busy in the company for the past two days, not only for the microelectronics technology company, but also for the further expansion of the People's Supermarket .

This time, Zhang Xiao plans to build common people's supermarkets in all first- and second-tier cities across the country, which will involve dozens of new supermarkets.

The things involved in this way are extremely complicated. Not only does it need to determine the person in charge of each supermarket, but also includes the site selection and decoration of each supermarket, as well as the training of personnel from each place, which costs a lot of money.

Even with the daily profits of Minmin Supermarket to make up for it, Zhang Xiao still felt a lot of pressure. After all, there was a steady stream of capital investment, and there was no profit in the first two months.

But Zhang Xiao is very clear that this year will be a crucial year for Minmin Supermarket. If it cannot expand this year, it will face more and more opponents later on. If it wants to expand on such a large scale by then, it will have to pay even more. the price.

"Boss, the expansion of Minmin Supermarket is too fast. Not only is there a lot of financial pressure, but also personnel training can't keep up." Tian Xiaodan said to Zhang Xiao.

"I know the pressure is high, but now is the last chance for Minmin Supermarket to expand. Once the local supermarkets in various provinces rise, we will pay a higher price to enter, so we have to stick to it no matter what. Win the first opportunity in the layout that comes down." Zhang Xiao said with a serious expression, "You can ask Li Xuejiao and Sun Ting to come to my place later."

"Understood, boss." Tian Xiaodan nodded.

The reason why Tian Xiaodan persuaded her was because she knew about the latest project of the microelectronics technology company. Massive amounts of money.

But Zhang Xiao didn't say too much to Tian Xiaodan, because he had too many things to deal with, and he felt a little headache just looking at the documents every day. Even with Tian Xiaodan's help to sort them into categories, he still felt the pressure.

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